I read every reference you linked, DMG, and none of them were relevant. While the first reference says circumcision reduces the chance of infection with HIV it says nothing about the chances of getting HIV from a woman. The second is a study of EIGHT truck drivers in East Africa, and the third admits that HIV infection in Indonesia among high risk groups is low.
As to Peter Duisberg's studies. The man wrote a 720 page detailed book and numerous articles on the subject. I suggest you read them before you make the statements that imply that he is ignorant.
Well Mike, there you go. I guess our host coming down on your side of the argument should be proof enough that you are wrong on this topic.
Does it feel as slimy and dirty as I imangine?
Few people are right or wrong about everything.
Come on, that's silly man.
You point is what exactly?
That your default position is:
"Denmark Vesey said it, it's horribly wrong. It will take an amazing amount of proof for me to even consider the possibility that what he's saying is correct. In fact, the mere fact that he's on a particular side of an issue is reason enough for me to get on the opposite side."
It's damn near a reflex with you. It's just as pointless as the folks who take the default position that Denmark Vesey is probably right on most issues.
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