Sunday, January 03, 2010

Ex Men. Brother Mak. Your Thoughts?


Anonymous said...

How can he say that there will be no climate crisis? There's no "science" that can state that we absolutely could not face a climate problem. Monkton's major problem appears to be biofuel production. Perhaps he did not get in on the ground floor, when he had the chance. People have been dying with distended bellies in "third world" countries far longer than the idea of a climate issue or biofuels has been extant. Now Lord Monkton cares? Cracker please. He was (is) a ranking member of the country that is directly responsible for the colonization of most of the third world, and now he wants to hold the condition of the countries his people raped and pillaged for hundreds of years up to the rest of us as an example of all that is wrong with the idea of climate change? Lord Cracker please.

I don't believe the current set of solutions is workable, because they depend on capitalists making profits, and profits have always ans will always trump what's best for the environment, or the general population. But that doesn't make the good Lord Monkton a hero in my eyes. He's just another smug elitist, with an agenda, yet to be disclosed. Anytime rich folks say "we're speaking out for the poor starving Negroes", my balls jump up into my stomach for protection. This time is no different.

Anonymous said...

Nice post & nice blog. I love both.

CNu said...

Lord Cracker please.

rotflmbao..., whew!!!

so much for the baaaaadest muhfuggah and blackest man on the planet!

ExMen detonating megatons of truth up in LaRouche Noir...,

Denmark Vesey said...


Interesting Ex.

I'd thought you would focus less on "who" Monckton was or from "which" country Monckton is a member ... and actually address the content of the cat's message.

Don't let CNu gas you up.

Little off-topic sarcastic quips for the sake of off-topic sarcastic quips come off a little bitchy after awhile.

This is 2010. "Attack the messenger" routines are played out.

You completely fumbled the ball regarding my man's example of biofuels. You didn't get it.

You completely missed the point regarding the industrial and economic consequences of the so-called "Climate Change Treaty".

Apparently you still fail to appreciate the debate is not a simple matter of "Climate Change vs. No Climate Change".

Let's get back to just some of the content you seemed to have missed like 1)the crooked science that insists "MAN-MADE CO2" is causing the earth to warm ... AND ... that reducing "MAN-MADE CO2" would cause the earth to cool 2) the profoundly flawed scientific racket that produces "science" to fit the political agenda of the highest bidders and 3) The proposed ramping down of the global economy to achieve "lower CO2" output, which would
4) cause such global strife and hardship around the world that those 'hundreds of years of raping and pillaging' you want to blame on Monckton would seem like a picnic.

Anonymous said...

1. That the science may be flawed is something that I've already acknowledged. That there is absolutely no reason for concern is something only a fool would embrace considering there are at least some indicators that would lead a reasonable person to hypothesize a less than optimal outcome if we continue on the present course. Example. If we cut down the majority of the trees on the planet (and don't pretend like we aren't capable of it) could it possibly lead to an adverse climate condition? Absolute science to say yes; probably doesn't exist. Good enough reason to deforest the world; I think not.

2. That an economic racket has developed in the wake of global warming alarms is something that I've already acknowledged. An economic racket already existed that completely discounted the concept of global warming, so am I to assume that you have no problem with that economic racket, but you are completely opposed to the new one. I assume Lord Monkton has one, but do YOU have a vested interest in the old order?

3&4. It is not the "ramping down" of any global economy that causes global strife and hardship, as evidenced by the fact that we are only proposing a ramping down of one thing (which would leave plenty of room for ramping up of others) and even though we are only in the proposal state, there is still all that global strife and hardship our there. I've neither seen nor heard any evidence that would lead me to believe that conditions will get worse if we make an attempt to reduce our potentially negative impact on the environment.

I'm not advocating for biofuels, as I think that may not be the best answer to the hypothesized issue. But I am saying that Monkton's position strikes me as extremism as much as he accuses global warming advocates of the same.

And now that I've clearly stated my position on the "issues", back to the attack on the messenger. So now show me all the video clips from when he was in the Prime Minister's ear, and was so very upset about the poor starving Afrikans.

Denmark Vesey said...

"1. That the science may be flawed is something that I've already acknowledged." EM

Yes. You have.

"That there is absolutely no reason for concern is something only a fool would embrace..." EM


There's an example of the effectiveness of the Plantation meme.

Either "Control Climate Change" their way, based upon their criminally flawed science ... OR ... "Do Nothing".

Why the false dichotomy?

"Climate Change" whistle blowers like Monckton aptly point out that taxing the world $100's of billions to "REDUCE CO2 EMMISSIONS" (Insanity) actually DAMAGES the planet because it distracts resources from issues that really need it like deforestation and clean water.

"2. That an economic racket has developed in the wake of global warming alarms is something that I've already acknowledged." EM

Yes. You have.

"An economic racket already existed that completely discounted the concept of global warming," EM

OK ... Yes.

"so am I to assume that you have no problem with that economic racket, but you are completely opposed to the new one." EM

You can assume that if you like.

Won't particularly shed any light on the subject, but be my guest.

You would be better served by considering this particular "economic racket" is less about the control of money than it about the control of the world's population.

Whomever controls the throttle of global industry will also control the throttle of global population growth.

Regulating the quantity of "energy" third world countries are allowed to utilize by law is a POPULATION CONTROL POWER MOVE.

"It is not the "ramping down" of any global economy that causes global strife and hardship, as evidenced by the fact that we are only proposing a ramping down of one thing" EM

What's that one thing?

"there is still all that global strife and hardship our there." EM

There were food riots last year. Were there food riots two years ago? Do you expect more or less food riots 2 years from now?

Exodus, will the signing of this Copenhagen treaty by President Barack Obama, which binds the US to reduce carbon emissions (by curbing industrial output and slowing down the economy) probably increase or decrease the intensity and likelihood of food riots around the globe?

" But I am saying that Monkton's position strikes me as extremism as much as he accuses global warming advocates of the same."

He says growing fuel instead of growing food, reduced global food supplies and caused an increase in global food prices of 75%.

He says there is no scientific evidence that so-called "biofuels" have any positive impact on the environment than any other type of fuel.

He points it out as another example of the insane "science" that the Plantation has sold to the masses.

What's "extreme" about that?

"And now that I've clearly stated my position on the "issues", back to the attack on the messenger.

So now show me all the video clips from when he was in the Prime Minister's ear, and was so very upset about the poor starving Afrikans." EM


How would that serve us?

Proving Lord Monckton doesn't love Plantation Negros or 3rd World black people proves what?

Would you be more open to his message if you felt he liked you? That he thought of you as his equal? Do you need that?

Denmark Vesey said...

Personally, I don't give a fuug whether a cat loves me or not. I wouldn't care if Monckton was the Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan's Oxford chapter. Dude is shining light on the observable truth. That takes courage in a world full of cowards.

I know. I know. Some cats have a hard time "believing" people.

You don't need to "believe" what you can check:

Have global temperatures gone up or down over the past 15 years?

Is the "science of Anthropogenic Global Warming" really been "settled"?

Is the so-called scientific consensus regarding Anthropogenic Global Warming a product of science or the product of money and politics?

Who would want to mislead the world down the road to economic and environmental catastrophe?

What kind of punk ass Malthusian misanthropes are scheming to reduce the world's population by the billions ... as soon as they can?

Are people who realize they are under attack better equipped to defend themselves than those blind to the assault?

CNu said...

That takes courage in a world full of cowards.

No it doesn't.

He's a paid shill., eh Scratch?

Anonymous said...

OK boss. Just because you (and me for that matter) are paranoid, doesn't mean they are not out to get us. Your 15 year window of temperature check is a laughable standard of proof when discussing a global event. I'm far more concerned with you the numbers could (and I emphasize COULD) play out over the next 100-200 YEARS, and how the things we do today COULD affect that. It is our inability to look past our own limited circumstances and position in time and space that keep us from achieving the perfection that God endowed us with the potential to achieve.

How you can extrapolate my unwillingness to completely disregard valid visible evidence that we are having adverse effects on the environment, into a facile acceptance of "their" way or no way, is totally beyond me. I specifically said that I am not an advocate of "their" way.

Hell, the people who are planning to reduce the global population by billions, will be happy to accomplish that goal whether in service to the Global Warming meme or in opposition to it. So no matter which side of the argument you come down on, you will serve their interests, even as you attempt to esrve your own. That's my only response and reaction to Lord Monkton. Yes there were food riots in years past and yes there will be more in years to come, whether or not we grow biofuels. Yes there are Eugenicists who will continue to scheme by any means necessary to reduce the number of "undesirables" and increase their own twisted idea of the optimal human being.

Ever since the industrial revolution, some in positions of power have realized that an ever escalating population was inevitable and at the same time, fewer and fewer people would be needed to accomplish the elites goals of concentrating wealth and power into their grubby greedy hands. For these people, most of us are as obsolete as the dial-up modem. Sadly, too many of us are about as useless as a dial up modem in our thought processes, and thus virtually doomed to experience an ELE of our own design.

Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Uh Oh.

LeVar Burton Malthus is having another Sci-Fi Fantasy Flashback.

In this episode LeVar saves the world by revealing the LaRooshian shill immediately responsible for the death of his ex-roommate and classmate of his Malthusian mentor.. da da dummmmm.

LeVar used his Super-Hero Cognitive Negro of the The Future powers to discover that Denmark Vesey is really .... da da dummmmm ... Lyndon Larouche!!!!!

Warp Speed Commander!"

To Be Continued:

Denmark Vesey said...

"Your 15 year window of temperature check is a laughable standard of proof when discussing a global event."

Nah Ex.

I think you missed it again Bra.

Ask 10 people whether the earth has "Warmed over the past 15 years" or "Cooled over the past 15 years".

The reason all 10 of them will tell you something completely wrong and contrary to observation is evidence of MIND CONTROL.

For example. Look at what we have here:

Even these A Student Negros on the blog who 'KNOW EVERYTHING' ... are loathe to acknowledge the absurdity of this particular plantation meme.


Because they are Plantation Negros. Plantation Negros never stand against Massa (unless it's race). They just get sarcastic.

Even the smart ones. Even the "militants". Even the Sci-Fi Negros because they can't quite reject a Plantation Meme presented to them on the scale that "Climate Change" or "Vaccines" or "Islam Is Our Enemy", is presented to them.

Even when they KNOW the meme is false, they go along with it.

That is why they continue to allow themselves and their families to be injected with dangerous vaccines.

That is why they continue to eat Genetically Modified food that they know will give them cancer.

Deep down inside they are scared to stop suckling from the memetic titty of the Plantation.

"If Iza don't beleeeve Massa ... who I gwan beeeleeeve?! Lydon Laroosh?! ROFLMAO!!!"

CNu said...

So no matter which side of the argument you come down on, you will serve their interests, even as you attempt to serve your own.

Teach ExMen teach....,

Ever since the industrial revolution, some in positions of power have realized that an ever escalating population was inevitable and at the same time, fewer and fewer people would be needed to accomplish the elites goals of concentrating wealth and power into their grubby greedy hands. For these people, most of us are as obsolete as the dial-up modem. Sadly, too many of us are about as useless as a dial up modem in our thought processes, and thus virtually doomed to experience an ELE of our own design.

There are now almost more plausibly deniable vectors by which the ELE can be precipitated, and combinatorial vectors by which these can be made to interoperate and achieve a domino or cascade type effect with potentially unintended consequences - that it's laughable to pretend to know which triggers will be tripped and by whom.

Hell, any number of small and relatively impoverished nationstates could attempt inexpensive geoengineering and set off a catastrophic chain reaction in response to climate change negatively effecting their populace or the stability of their governance regime.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So no matter which side of the argument you come down on, you will serve their interests, even as you attempt to serve your own."

Uh ... not exactly.

There is a point you and CNu continue to miss.

"Climate Change" vs. "No Climate Change" is simply another Hegelian Head Fake.

You fall for either one and they win.

The Question is "If Climate Change Is A Giant Malthusian Eugenics Scientific Hoax ..." WHAT OTHER Giant Malthusian Eugenics Scientific Hoaxes are we subject?


Can we cut off the 'tap of Zyklon gas' in our own version of the Nazi Holocaust?