Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Enter Tiger The Sex Symbol

Inevitably that black Sex Thing hijacks the meme.


Pink said...


Denmark Vesey said...

LOL. I feel you Pink.

But, I'll bet you Vanity Fair sells more covers this month than they did this time last month.

makheru bradley said...

More importantly. Is LeBron Shaq's woman? (LOL)



Big Man said...

I had a different take on this photo over at my spot. Tiger may have thought he was looking sexy, but he really looks like he's out on his hour of rec time.

Amarie said...

Now white women all over the world will be masturbating to those photos of Tiger just so they can say they slept with him too.LOL

Pink said...

LOL @ hour of rec time! I was just thinking that the pic proves that golf is't a real sport and he may want to go ahead and put his shirt back on until he gets the pec muscles poppin.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

I like the picture. He looks human with belly flab and all. It looks like they darkened the pic though.

Anonymous said...

Yuk! This call for Photoshop STAT.

Denmark Vaseline said...


greygoose said...

Wool cap to hide his balding hairline - check
All flab no abs - check
Moobs - check
Impressive 10-lb dumbbells for a golfer/girl - check

Keep in mind, Annie Lesbovitz's shtick is always to try to sexualize all her subjects, including preteens like Miley Cyrus.


Anonymous said...

Nah... Nah... why did they have to prove my point. Tiger is not sexy, no way, no how, and get real!
You're right Dv, Vanity Fair is not stupid, sales will rack up for them.

Undercover Black Man said...

Tiger's thought balloon: "Any of you ladies want two tickets to the gun show?"

The Doc said...

Well, guys, I had a different take on this one. Now Tiger's proven what *they* always knew, he's just another sex-crazed black man. I doubt he posed for these with the idea that they'd be on the cover. That is a very unflattering cover, DV. Tiger with a skull cap on and no shirt and a semi-angry look on his face. C'mon, dawg.

This from Annie "Always Gets Image Dyslexia When It Comes to Photographing Black People" Liebovitz. The same heifer who was behind that Lebron Monkey shit Vogue cover.