Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Cornell West Grabs Barack Obama In His Digital Collar

fist tap Brother Makheru Bradley

fist tap Kay Duub
Glen Ford Black Agenda Report


Anonymous said...

He knew how it was going to play out from gitgo. Just like PBS that had some nerve to put out a documentary calling out Donald Rumsfeld after Bush's term. Donald Rumsfeld already somewhere hitt'n switches, snapp'n necks cash'n checks.

After the fact doesn't help.

If these "intellectuals" would stop playing that "sincere benefit of the doubt" game and take Malcolm's example they can go down in history being one of the "I told you so's."

My question to our intellectuals is, "If you moving at the same speed as the masses, why you up there at the podium?" They need to be paying the ticket price like everybody else. Cornell West can drop jewels, but his slowness to criticism on this is exactly why Sistah Souljah "Maximum Overdrived" all over him on Donehue back in the day.

IWonderAsIWander said...

Oh please, "Dr." West. West is a caricature who has written from the SCRIPT of the same people controlling Obama. The American public is idiotic: it's saying "create" jobs but don't spend a dime.

We broke. Period.

Denmark Vesey said...





We are spending $130 Million / Day with private contractors to wage the "war" in Afghanistan.

How many jobs could you create with a $130 million per day?

It's not that we are broke ... it's where "they" are spending "our" money.

With Each Other.

Goldman Sachs execs took $22 Billion in bonuses for 2009. That's AFTER A $10 Billion "bailout" in 2008.

How many jobs could you create with that kind of money?

"we broke"?


We are getting robbed!

The funny thing is "We Sick Boss" Negros are busy criticizing Haitian leaders for being "corrupt" while Americans are being robbed blind by men who make the worst Haitian leaders look like choir boys.

I aint going to say no names UnderCoverBlackMan.

KonWomyn said...

But I don't really think its 'after the fact' Gee-Chee, Cornel West has been singing this Socratic-Prophetic gospel on Obama for the longest time. I dig what he says at times but I think he could be a lot more fierce in his criticism of BO, but he, like two-faced Michael Eric Dyson, is a diplomat as compared to Glenn Ford who holds nothing back.

IWonderAsIWander said...


You are right. It goes with out saying that the American people are being/have been robbed. But I also don't agree that somehow Obama is supposed to wave a flag and "create" jobs. That's what businessmen do. I was driving through Latino L.A. last night and saw hundreds of small businesses. Black unemployment is high because we sit up waiting for some white boy or government agency to "give" us a job. Shiiiiit. We need to create small business that our community needs: laundries, quick healthy food shops, etc.

makheru bradley said...

Co-Sign KonWomyn. We have to remember that we need Malcolm's and Martin's. Harriet Tubman's, David Walker's and Nat Turner's. Louverture's and Dessalines'. Everyone has a purpose.

I've been calling Barack Obama "The Perfect Proxy" from day one. Dr. West says the same thing, more diplomatically.

However, Dr. West has been consistent with his constructive criticism of Obama.

Denmark Vesey said...

We don't need Martin and Malcolms.

We have already had Tubman and we have already had Turner.

We need new cats for a new time.

We need cats to stop pontificating about Obama's capitulation and acknowledge the bigger picture.

It's not Obama that has been co-opted. The Presidency of The United States has been co-opted. The government of the United States has been co-opted.

This nation has suffered a coup.

It just hasn't been announced.

Holding Obama responsible for the 'State of The Union' is like holding the pilot of a hijacked airline responsible for its crash.

Was he in on the Hi-jacking?

Who knows.

But he's not in control of the plane.

Cats ~shaking their heads~ at Obama are afraid to acknowledge who is standing next to Obama.

Anonymous said...

Very true IWaIW. In time of crisis new needs are created. We need people to innovate, to create, to be imaginative and provide new services. I just look around my neighborhood and I see there is so much to do to make it better. But as our masters have shaped us to believe that they are our only saviors and that we should allow them to do whatever they need to do to "fix" things instead of taking the responsibility for ourselves. People could take the economy wherever they want to and change things for real, not the government. They just play around with us for the big guy's benefits.

A fool sees a challenge as a defeat, a wise one sees the opportunity.

Many if not most poor african-americans live in welfare and sit around their asses. So, what can you expect from that?. Big papa has provide them with the food and shelter, they don't need to do more. But I don't blame the people, I blame the oppressor for creating such a "monster"

KonWomyn said...

DV said:
"This nation has suffered a coup...Cats ~shaking their heads~ at Obama are afraid to acknowledge who is standing next to Obama."

I don't understand what you mean Bra; American has suffered a coup by whom and when if the people standing next to Obama are Rahm Emmanuel, Brezinski and Hillary Clinton. The ones who were there before are still there today.

makheru bradley said...

KW, DV is obviously referring to the coup which forced the British to surrender at Yorktown.

Barack Obama is The Perfect Proxy, the ultimate buffer for America’s oligarchs and plutocrats. Sitting at the perceived pinnacle of American authority, Obama blurs the contradictions within American society. Exposing his hypocrisies is one of the most critical aspects of breaking the monopoly he has on the minds of people who would otherwise be outraged by such arrogance.

[Mr. Obama may be personally very appealing, but he has positioned himself all over the political map: the anti-Iraq war candidate who escalated the war in Afghanistan; the opponent of health insurance mandates who made a mandate to buy insurance the centerpiece of his plan; the president who stocked his administration with Wall Street insiders and went to the mat for the banks and big corporations, but who is now trying to present himself as a born-again populist.] – Bob Herbert

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]However, Dr. West has been consistent with his constructive criticism of Obama.



West and the Black Establishment want Obama to GO HARD TO THE LEFT!!!

We need "Management criticism" that will deliver upon the Black community's PERMANENT INTERESTS. To do so we need to put West and the Black Establishment ON TRIAL to make them PROVE that they are working for our interests and not just for their ideological interests.