I walked the grounds of the "Lower 9th Ward" with GPS in hand a few years ago.
On that particular day Brad and Angelina had some type of press event. At that time there were "tent-fabric" type mockups of the "green houses" that they were driving to have the rebuilt houses in the area constructed with. My wife and I though that we were on a movie set. Camera, large crowd and a staging of props.
Little did anyone notice the main antagonist in the movie was lurking in the backdrop - that LONG STRIP OF CEMENT from the commercial shipping canal that was a few hundred feet away. Like Freddy Krugger - it had came alive and KILLED just a few short years prior. These two must have figured that the way to slay the monster was to use green materials that could FLOAT the house in the event of flooding.
The gross irony is that the same people who are pushing GREEN are also saying that the Gulf Coast will encroach upon the mainland by several hundred yards in due time. YET they seek to resettle Negroes into the land that is below sea-level - selling their green-wares but failing to see the contradiction.
the NeoMarxist Environmentalists are like the "Anarcho Capitalistic" version of the Na'vi people of "Avatar" fame except they have a profit motive that drives them. They have little desire to protect the eco-system of the little green lizards that glow in the dark and spin their wings like a helicopter to escape from a threat.
But don't pretend these little green schemes are the products of some noble scientific method.
This determination to reverse industrial development to the levels of the middle ages is the Malthusian equivalent of Freaknic.
This link will take you to an image and a tiny but powerful piece of data quoted from Forbes this morning. Read the data and click on the image to watch Jay Hanson's succinct treatment of the topic of Limits to Growth and what happens next.
"If the government stays on the course it's been on for the past forty years without a radical change, the federal government will soon have a $10 trillion budget."
"It assures a period of economic devastation. In a last, desperate attempt, politicians at the federal and local levels will raise taxes to astronomical heights to raise revenues. And that only assures destruction of the economy. Forget the fable of economic recovery. Unless there is a change in Washington by next year's election, there will be no way to turn back." Forbes
nah you don't, and neither does the LaRooshian high command.
if they did, they would've articulated it a loooooong time ago.
LaRoosh is and has always been a pimp, not a profit. He has no solutions to proffer, and his "organization" seeks merely to further parasitize the weak and suggestible even as these are already disproportionately impacted by the ongoing collapse.
In comparative terms, their was infinitely more value to be obtained from Skip Sievert's Technocracy, and the Technate has never been a cultish harbinger of scandal and corruption like LaRoosh's infinite metamorphic shells, fronts, and shills.
Like I said on an adjacent thread, worse than STD's, international, worldwide...,
"LaRoosh is and has always been a pimp, not a profit." CNu
Attack Messenger #1
lol. Ahhhh come now CNu. You sure ya'll Sci Fi nerds are just a teeny weeny bit jealous of a cat who was right when you technocrats were so wrong?
"He has no solutions to proffer, and his "organization" seeks merely to further parasitize the weak and suggestible even as these are already disproportionately impacted by the ongoing collapse."
Attack the Messenger #2
Yes. Yes. Of course Not. LaRoosh don't care for the poor and downtrodden third world masses as does the environmental left wing New Age secular type muhfuggas who think "Avatar" was deep.
"In comparative terms, their was infinitely more value to be obtained from Skip Sievert's Technocracy, and the Technate has never been a cultish harbinger of scandal and corruption like LaRoosh's infinite metamorphic shells, fronts, and shills." CNu
Lol? I knew it! A lil Negro Technocracy was the real culprit behind all the this LaRooshian obsession.
All of that ideological jealousy is sooooooo Skip Sievert.
I'm not a Technocrat agitating on behalf of the the Technate.
Those cats are optimists.
Naive optimists.
I'm an esoterist.
Difference between me and them is real simple. I believe in the inevitability of a minimal regret human population shorn of its ecological overshoot.
I believe that cull will happen one way or another, no matter what I do.
The technate is all off on a capt-save-a-ho mission. They'd like to see the billions reconfigure to survive and go forward en masse, i.e., save the Titanic.
By comparison, LaRoosh off on a bishop-don-juan-pimp-a-ho mission just tryin to stack theirs on a lifeboat on the deck of the Titanic.
In the U.S., even the good guys are sinning (missing the mark) DeVil.
Right now, folks are constrained to approach the problem with others in terms they can use. This work is limited to tiny incremental goals of measurably increasing efficiency. We focus on practical little things like helping folks better insulate their individual homes, precisely calculating their savings on brick stoves, incandescents to CFL's, chimney linings, sealing windows, doors, faceplates, foundations, etc.
There is no serious consideration given (nor is it even possible to seriously broach the magnitude of change required) to get at any of the vastly more ambitious goals of the Technate. Because of entrenched politics and culture, it's not possible to get at that paradigm-shifted living area and resource reduction objective - to better align with the rest of the world - which abides on less than a third of what is wasted in this nation.
Bad cornucopian deceivers like you only make this process worse and infinitely more difficult. It's not only the fact that you do no good what.so.ever Beelzebub, rather, you do as much damage as possible to those who genuinely want to - and work to - do better.
"Oh Shit! ... GMO Food Sterilizes People ... And It's Really A Form of Population Control?"
"There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system, the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. It was even conceivable that they watched everybody all the time. But at any rate they could plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and, except in darkness, every movement scrutinized."
Alexander King, Bertrand Schneider - founder Club of Rome - The First Global Revolution, pp.104-105
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill ... All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
Were We All Kunta Kinte? Or Are We Also Mansa Musa?
Plantation Negros & The New World Order
Illuminati Want My Mind Soul & My Body - A DV Joint
Barry Goldwater 1909-1998
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue. "
Robert Mugabe Speaks To Thunderous Approval At Harlem's Mount Olive Baptist Church
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad
"It Is Easier To Change A Man's Religion Than It Is To Change His Diet"
Private Prison Industry
2,000,000 human beings in American prisons and counting
The founders of the American state understood that the proper functioning of a democracy required an educated electorate. It is this understanding that justifies a system of public education and that led slaveholders to resist the spread of literacy among their chattels. But the meaning of "educated" has changed beyond recognition in two hundred years. Reading, writing, and arithmetic are no longer sufficient to decide on public policy. Now we need quantum mechanics and molecular biology. The knowledge required for political rationality, once available to the masses, is now in the possession of a specially educated elite, a situation that creates a series of tensions and contradictions in the operation of representative democracy.
Greater Display of Conspicuous Consumption?
"Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.”
Margaret Sanger. Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. P
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
Louis Pasteur
"The Microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything."
Ask Denmark Vesey
Chris Hedges Warns of The Dangers of The "New Atheists" and "Secular Fundamentalists"
Beverly Johnson. Beverly Hills. 1978
Do You Consider Yourself:
"Bra! Tell Me About It!"
"Most of the trouble I have had in advancing the cause of the race has come from Negroes."
Is President Barack Hussein Obama The Driving Force Behind US Policy?
Ted Turner - CNN founder and UN supporter - quoted in the The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor, June '
"A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."
Lord Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science On Society (Routledge Press: New York, 1951).
"At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.. War has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove effective. If a Black Death could spread throughout the world once in every generation, survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. The state of affairs might be unpleasant, but what of it?"
Denmark Vesey For President 08
1. Troops Out Of Iraq Immediately. Like By Monday. 2. Money Owed To Haliburton and War Contractors Be Given Directly To The Iraqi People 3. Complete Electoral Reform 4. No Corporate Conglomerate Will Be Allowed To Control More Than 5% Of News Market 5. Federal Reserve Abolished 6. For-Profit Prison Industry Abolished
*George Orwell (1903-1950) English novelist, critic
Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness... If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear... The great enemy of clear language is insincerity... The quickest way of ending a war is to lose it... To see what is in front of one's nose requires a constant struggle... For a creative writer possession of the truth is less important than emotional sincerity.
“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society will be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.” – Zbigniew Brzezinski
God Don't Make No Mistakes
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Gordon Parks 1912-2006
"I suffered evils, but without allowing them to rob me of the freedom to expand."
I walked the grounds of the "Lower 9th Ward" with GPS in hand a few years ago.
On that particular day Brad and Angelina had some type of press event. At that time there were "tent-fabric" type mockups of the "green houses" that they were driving to have the rebuilt houses in the area constructed with. My wife and I though that we were on a movie set. Camera, large crowd and a staging of props.
Little did anyone notice the main antagonist in the movie was lurking in the backdrop - that LONG STRIP OF CEMENT from the commercial shipping canal that was a few hundred feet away. Like Freddy Krugger - it had came alive and KILLED just a few short years prior. These two must have figured that the way to slay the monster was to use green materials that could FLOAT the house in the event of flooding.
The gross irony is that the same people who are pushing GREEN are also saying that the Gulf Coast will encroach upon the mainland by several hundred yards in due time. YET they seek to resettle Negroes into the land that is below sea-level - selling their green-wares but failing to see the contradiction.
CF ...
The Environmental Movement was hijacked long ago.
The Green Movement is 10% about Climate Change and 90% Political, Social and ultimately Spiritual Change.
The "Green" Movement is the wolf of NeoMarxist apotheosis disguised in the sheep's clothing of "Save The World" New Age spirituality.
Lowering your environmental impact on the earth is one thing.
Giving unelected fanatics money and power to impose limits on growth and energy use is some plantation negro shit. Asking to be enslaved.
The Dutch live below sea level and seem to be doing just fine.
Hell, if people can live in the wasteland that is the Southwest, they can live in New Orleans.
The "Green" Movement is the wolf of NeoMarxist apotheosis disguised in the sheep's clothing of "Save The World" New Age spirituality.
"NeoMarxist apotheosis"
Cat hella full when he squeezes out a big one like that!!!
But please,
Don't let that just sit there.
Go head on and flush that thing quickly before it stinks up the jernt.
Oh, and strike a match..., thanks.
Come on LeVar.
I know you disappointed your little green hustle is unraveling ... but enough with that occult inspired scatological turrets.
Hey man. Everybody got a hustle.
But don't pretend these little green schemes are the products of some noble scientific method.
This determination to reverse industrial development to the levels of the middle ages is the Malthusian equivalent of Freaknic.
[quote]"NeoMarxist apotheosis"[/quote]
the NeoMarxist Environmentalists are like the "Anarcho Capitalistic" version of the Na'vi people of "Avatar" fame except they have a profit motive that drives them. They have little desire to protect the eco-system of the little green lizards that glow in the dark and spin their wings like a helicopter to escape from a threat.
But don't pretend these little green schemes are the products of some noble scientific method.
This determination to reverse industrial development to the levels of the middle ages is the Malthusian equivalent of Freaknic.
This link will take you to an image and a tiny but powerful piece of data quoted from Forbes this morning. Read the data and click on the image to watch Jay Hanson's succinct treatment of the topic of Limits to Growth and what happens next.
Forbes? What? Forbes is a Malthusian Shill!
lol. Nah man. Just playing.
Peepin' it.
"If the government stays on the course it's been on for the past forty years without a radical change, the federal government will soon have a $10 trillion budget."
Why CNu!
That's soooo ... LaRoushian of you.
"Add the unfunded portion of entitlement programs and we're at 840% of GDP." Forbes
Wowwwwwww ... Lyndon was a baaaaaad muhfuggah.
Wasn't he saying this in the 70's?
"It assures a period of economic devastation. In a last, desperate attempt, politicians at the federal and local levels will raise taxes to astronomical heights to raise revenues. And that only assures destruction of the economy. Forget the fable of economic recovery. Unless there is a change in Washington by next year's election, there will be no way to turn back." Forbes
Wow. Laroosh was a prophet.
And Ron Paul is a messenger.
"I do not believe the bullish theory that the U.S. situation is different than Japan's. Ours is so much worse.
Is it any wonder that our biggest creditors, China, Russia and the Middle East, are diversifying out of the dollar and into gold?" Forbes
Damn near NeoAlexJonesian
Aight man.
Read that.
The nation is financially bankrupt.
The war did it.
Our government has been hijacked.
Surprise. Surprise. Surprise.
Where have we heard that before?
Oh? What's that you say?
This massive debt is going to necessitate near zero production and a powering down to 2,000 watts per day?
Whether we like it or not.
Whether we want it or not.
So we mat as well adapt to it and manage it .
If it takes an unelected secular "Global Government" to enforce that ... so be it.
Not I.
See a better way.
nah you don't, and neither does the LaRooshian high command.
if they did, they would've articulated it a loooooong time ago.
LaRoosh is and has always been a pimp, not a profit. He has no solutions to proffer, and his "organization" seeks merely to further parasitize the weak and suggestible even as these are already disproportionately impacted by the ongoing collapse.
In comparative terms, their was infinitely more value to be obtained from Skip Sievert's Technocracy, and the Technate has never been a cultish harbinger of scandal and corruption like LaRoosh's infinite metamorphic shells, fronts, and shills.
Like I said on an adjacent thread, worse than STD's, international, worldwide...,
"LaRoosh is and has always been a pimp, not a profit." CNu
Attack Messenger #1
lol. Ahhhh come now CNu. You sure ya'll Sci Fi nerds are just a teeny weeny bit jealous of a cat who was right when you technocrats were so wrong?
"He has no solutions to proffer, and his "organization" seeks merely to further parasitize the weak and suggestible even as these are already disproportionately impacted by the ongoing collapse."
Attack the Messenger #2
Yes. Yes. Of course Not. LaRoosh don't care for the poor and downtrodden third world masses as does the environmental left wing New Age secular type muhfuggas who think "Avatar" was deep.
"In comparative terms, their was infinitely more value to be obtained from Skip Sievert's Technocracy, and the Technate has never been a cultish harbinger of scandal and corruption like LaRoosh's infinite metamorphic shells, fronts, and shills." CNu
Lol? I knew it! A lil Negro Technocracy was the real culprit behind all the this LaRooshian obsession.
All of that ideological jealousy is sooooooo Skip Sievert.
Fuggin' cult. lol.
I knew it! A lil Negro Technocracy was the real culprit behind all the this LaRooshian obsession.
stop dancing DeVil...,
I'm not a Technocrat agitating on behalf of the the Technate.
Those cats are optimists.
Naive optimists.
I'm an esoterist.
Difference between me and them is real simple. I believe in the inevitability of a minimal regret human population shorn of its ecological overshoot.
I believe that cull will happen one way or another, no matter what I do.
The technate is all off on a capt-save-a-ho mission. They'd like to see the billions reconfigure to survive and go forward en masse, i.e., save the Titanic.
By comparison, LaRoosh off on a bishop-don-juan-pimp-a-ho mission just tryin to stack theirs on a lifeboat on the deck of the Titanic.
In the U.S., even the good guys are sinning (missing the mark) DeVil.
Right now, folks are constrained to approach the problem with others in terms they can use. This work is limited to tiny incremental goals of measurably increasing efficiency. We focus on practical little things like helping folks better insulate their individual homes, precisely calculating their savings on brick stoves, incandescents to CFL's, chimney linings, sealing windows, doors, faceplates, foundations, etc.
There is no serious consideration given (nor is it even possible to seriously broach the magnitude of change required) to get at any of the vastly more ambitious goals of the Technate. Because of entrenched politics and culture, it's not possible to get at that paradigm-shifted living area and resource reduction objective - to better align with the rest of the world - which abides on less than a third of what is wasted in this nation.
Bad cornucopian deceivers like you only make this process worse and infinitely more difficult. It's not only the fact that you do no good what.so.ever Beelzebub, rather, you do as much damage as possible to those who genuinely want to - and work to - do better.
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