Tuesday, December 22, 2009

You Might Be A Plantation Negro ... If You Say "Happy Holidays" Because You've Been Intimidated Not To Say "Merry Christmas"


that dude said...

I like happy holidays. I have a lot of friends with a variety of beliefs. I ain't scared of none of them.

chosen said...

exactly. and i'd much rather embrace the range of holidays and beliefs than express loyalty to what has become a grand excuse for conspicuous consumption.

NEA said...

Either one. They both mean the same thing when you really think about it. Yeah there is new years later but on Dec. 25th, we're celebrating one holiday. I say Merry Christmas just like I would say Happy Eid to my muslim peeps.

I agree chosen, x-mas is about conspicuous consumption and driving most into more debt here. Sad.

that dude said...

Now what I HATE is the efforts of some "Christians" to turn my choice of salutations into a litmus test. Way to be a hypocrite with that shit.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

F all that. Range of beliefs, yada, yada. Ain't no one shopping frantically and decorating their homes because of the "holidays" or because it's winter.

It's Christmas. Remove Christmas from the December calendar and what is left? Cold weather.

I'm Muslim. And I say Merry Christmas!! And I send CHRISTMAS cards.

Anonymous said...

What's the Bible say about the birth place and time of Jesus of Nazareth?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Who cares?

Anonymous said...

Since you don't, maybe you can have some courtesy and allow someone else to answer?

For all the hype, argument, etc. about Christmas, I think the meaning has long ago been lost. Sure if you ask anyone, even here, you'll get some lame idea of "peace on earth" platitude. It's the time of year to be nice blah, blah, blah, soup kitch etc. (Like homeless people only eat twice a year....).

If you all are celebrating the birth of a great man (some may say god), then why not celebrate when the book you all claim to know so well, says he was born. Why fake the funk and celebrate the pagan holiday of winter solstice?

Why not celebrate it daily? Maybe because that would make you a true follower of the "Christ".

Or is this really just a hallmark holiday?

CNu said...


DMG is truth.

Accept no substitutes...,

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Tell me Doc, do you "celebrate" Thanksgiving? Or do you purposely schedule your work shifts to boycott the sham story of pilgrims who sat down at a table with some Indians and ate a feast together?

Does it matter if the story is true?

As Joseph Campbell and many others have explained quite well, at a certain point in the evolution of mythology, it ceases to matter what the "truth" of that story is. The question is the role that such mythology plays in society.

Despite the consumerist element of Christmas - which you choose to obsess over because that is what you want to see - it is a time of year that draws family together, makes people a lot nicer, and rekindles some people's relationship with the church.

Better than how most people behave the rest of the year.

Anonymous said...

The true meaning of Christmas has nothing to do with the date, because we really do not know that actual date. I enjoy this holiday because of what it truly means;celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ and of course the musice the decorations etc. Everyday is a celebration when you know why you are here.

Anonymous said...


"Despite the consumerist element of Christmas - which you choose to obsess over because that is what you want to see - it is a time of year that draws family together, makes people a lot nicer, and rekindles some people's relationship with the church."

Maybe you buy all of your stuff online, but in the mall, it is one of the NASTIEST times of year. Fighting over trinkets, being rude to sales clerks...and don't get me started on how psycotic people are in the parking lot.

And drawing family together...Christmas and Thanksgiving are the times of year where I've taken the most carving knives out of folks chests.

If you were a true practitioner of whatever flavor of god worship you've chosen, you wouldn't need cheap nostalgia to rekindle anything.

Christmas is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of a great philosopher/demi-god. It has however, become farce. Ain't nobody thinking about Jeebus when Zhu Zhu Pet's are 50% off "...down at the Walmart".

But since we both acknowledge that it's now completely devolved away from it's original meaning, why do you care if someone says Happy Holiday's or Season's Greetings rather than Merry Christmas? Because what we have surely isn't Christ's Mass.

It really is just an excuse to give presents to kids at the end of year. Which is fine as a tradition. Let's just stop pretending it has anything to do with Jesus of Nazareth.

You are Muslim, how would you like if McDonald's gave away Laylat al-Qadr action figures with each Sausage McBiscuit or Macy's had 1 day only shop til you drop specials on sajada "Just in Time for the Hajj!! (don't forget to use your Macy's credit card for extra savings!).

If you are going to be religious, at least have something approaching sincerity and reverence. Otherwise your just bullshitting.

CNu said...

how would you like if McDonald's gave away Laylat al-Qadr action figures with each Sausage McBiscuit?


you even managed to slide a pattie of steaming pork-o-mite into that jawn...,

NEA said...

Regarding your original question about the timing and place of birth... as II put it, who really cares? That date is as good as any. Whether the estimate makes sense based on history or the fact that a date is not given in the bible. Actually my people celebrate it twice, Dec. 25th and January 7th (date estimate based on the julian calendar).

I don't know what you mean by
"And drawing family together...Christmas and Thanksgiving are the times of year where I've taken the most carving knives out of folks chests."

elaborate plz....

I agree the mall is nasty but still people are being self-less and thinking about others when buying the gifts. That says a lot. And brothers and sisters who don't speak to each other reach out on that date. Or else they might never ever think of each other. I would rather they do even if it's just once a year.

It has devolved away from its original meaning but not for everyone. Don't make that mistake. We are not pretending it has anything to do with Jesus of Nazareth. It has everything to do with it.

Participating in the use of other greetings to replace Merry Christmas is not productive. We say Merry Christmas to remind people what is being celebrated on that day. Taking it away doesn't make sense unless your motivations are to not have people believe in Jesus.

CNu said...

Taking it away doesn't make sense unless your motivations are to not have people believe in Jesus.

I would much prefer these humans imitate the Christic example rather than believe in the catholic and protestant "just-so" stories.

But then, that would require a basic knowledge of what exactly it is that we're called upon to do, and, some knowledge concerning why we should make the effort to do it.

NEA said...

I can dig that CNu. Very true.

Thordaddy said...

So the same radical autonomists that have sought to make Christmas increasingly undefined and appropriated the celebration as a day of frenzied resource allocation are the same clowns not really saying what to do about this state of affairs?

CNu alludes to some deeper understanding and DMG just pretends as though HE ISN'T PART OF THE DEVOLVING TREND.

The debate once again is about the motivations of those that seek to disengrate the idea, tradition and meaning of Christmas through various methods of manipulation?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

I would much prefer these humans imitate the Christic example rather than believe in the catholic and protestant "just-so" stories.


Thordaddy said...

So the DAD who says his wife had the fundamental right to kill CNsumptin' in utero compels us to "imitate the Christic example?" The same dude that said hIs god is unapprehendable? An unapprehendable god leaves no examples. So this "Christic example" is not the apprehension of God, rather, it is the worhip of an anthropomorphized god that says radical autonomy is highest principle and manifests itself in the notion that YOUR wife can abort YOUR child.


Thordaddy said...

But then again, the game is resource allocation and in the frenzied celebration of Christmas the creation, exchange and distribution of capital is paramount. Christmas is a time to make moves in the allocation of resources. Those that have commercialized Christmas are in this frame of mind. They have seperated intangible capital from tangible capital and worked to disengrate the former.

Jesus Christ is the Man with All the Capital. The anti-capitalist forces have been working to redistribute His Intangible Capital for thousands of years. They continue to this day in attacking Christmas with their various machinations. One of which is to retire the articulate meaning of Christmas which represents the birth of the Man with the All the Capital.

CNu said...

The anti-abortion stance has NO biblical antecedent, instead it's a canard launched as Catholic dogma in the 1930's and relaunched in the late 70's by the dominionist Francis Schaeffer.

To the extent that abrahamic traditions address this issue, they each support abortion up to a certain point - with the Koran yielding greatest specificity concerning ensoulment occurring at 120 days after conception.

Not that peasants ever bother to acquaint themselves with the cultural or even scriptural norms giving rise to abrahamic belief and moral praxis, but abortion was commonplace among all abrahamic peoples and included forthright infanticide. The patent lack of biblical injunction against abortion should suffice to "moderate" the peasant stance, however, it doesn't and instead peasant extremists carry the flag of violent opposition to what should be necessarily be exclusively a woman's perogative.

Undercover Black Man said...

The anti-abortion stance has NO biblical antecedent, instead it's a canard launched as Catholic dogma in the 1930's...

Ummm... so St. Augustine was pro-abortion?

And St. Thomas Aquinas?

CNu said...

The simple and indisputable fact of the matter is that bible/talmud/koran offer no prohibition against abortion - which practice - has been commonplace among the peoples who authored these scriptures for millenia.

Put simply, this discussion concerns the authority of recently contrived and uncritically accepted "just so" stories.

Their presence of such stories in contemporary political discussion comprises yet another textbook example of fin d'siecle "because I said so" coercive American politics - and - the ignorant bullies who coercively push these political agendas under a fictitious masquerade of moral belief and practice.

Thordaddy said...


Dude acts as though the Truth against a mother killing her child in utero must be made explicit through articulation in the Bible or else...

This dude worships an anthropomorphized god that sanctions abortion because this god does not prohibit abortion.

Again, when one gets to the heart of the matter, a dude like CNothing argues against his own existence.

Thordaddy said...

Then again, thou shall not spill the blood of innocence should cover the explicit prohibition against abortion.

Of course, CNothing can argue that a human being comes into existence after conception without a shred of scientific evidence and hence rationalize his ability to discard of the only known parasite conceived by its host as his own personal "Christic example."

Undercover Black Man said...

Put simply, this discussion concerns the authority of recently contrived and uncritically accepted "just so" stories.

The fact is that the greatest minds of Christianity have wrestled with abortion as a moral problem for more than 1,500 years. Ain't nothing "recently contrived" about it.

Lucifer said...

Thordaddy, just came by to congratulate you for your firm stance against God's irrational and unjust demand to prostrate yourself before anyone.

CNu said...

The fact is that the greatest minds of Christianity have wrestled with abortion as a moral problem for more than 1,500 years. Ain't nothing "recently contrived" about it.

You say this as a deeply religious adherent of Roman Catholicism, a reformed moonie, or, is this just your typical bored, masturbatory coonery at DenmarkVesey?

CNu said...

Again, when one gets to the heart of the matter, a dude like CNothing argues against his own existence.


It goes without saying peasant, I'd enthusiastically advocate against yours....,

NEA said...

"Again, when one gets to the heart of the matter, a dude like CNothing argues against his own existence."TD

Yea I was kinda wondering what that meant.

Thordaddy said...

It means if your pro-abortion, then your wife killing your child or your mother killing you is right and good. Because you or your son are oblivious to their own killing is irrelevant. That fact that one sanctions their own theorectical demise speaks volumes.

NEA said...

I really don't want to go down this road (debating abortion) but...

You realize there is a difference between a wife killing a "child" that belongs to her and her husband vs a girl who is not "married" killing a "child" or a wife killing a "child" that does not belong to her husband. Right?

Thordaddy said...


Abortion will inevitably come up when talking radical autonomy and resource allocation. Abortion is one of the most clear cut manifestations of radical autonomy and ties directly into a newborn's all-consuming state of existence.

If one asserts that a mother killing her child in utero is exercising her "fundamental right" then this is equivalent to saying your mom aborting you or your wife aborting your child IS A GOOD THING.

When one starts from this logical absurdity then he either worships "nothing" or worships an anthropomorphic god.

Anonymous said...


Just pointing out how people of the "Book" can't even follow their own book if it is an inconvenience. The date has alot to do with it. Why pretend he was born on December 25th?

That thing about the carving knives is exactly as I've written it.

"...self-less and thinking about others when buying the gifts"

Self-less? Running over people and fighting over stupid trinkets is hardly self-less. It's tradition and consumerism.

"And brothers and sisters who don't speak to each other reach out on that date"

Maybe you should refer back to my knife quote. They've been known to reach out to each other to get a better shot at knife placement...

"We are not pretending it has anything to do with Jesus of Nazareth. It has everything to do with it."

Really? You can say that with a straight face? Outside of the Manger scenes tell me what all this "black Friday" consumerism has to do with the kid who would become the man who kicked out the money changers?

"Participating in the use of other greetings to replace Merry Christmas is not productive."

Happy holidays is more appropriate, because you aren't celebrating the man in reverence. Don't be a hypocrite just because it's late December. Christmas has turned into an excuse for wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony.

I dare you to celebrate Christmas in prostration and prayer to your god, rather than with a tree and presents. See how that goes over with the kidlets.

If you can't be giving, loving, and caring year round...then Christmas is all farce. The Christ didn't say do good unto others once a year.

CNu said...

It's tradition and consumerism.

too kind..,

suggestibility and habit

I dare you to celebrate Christmas in prostration and prayer to your god, rather than with a tree and presents. See how that goes over with the kidlets.


cruel but true;

without exception, the curious collection of amateur egotists hereabouts knows considerably more about how to do surgery than about how to do *prayer*.

NEA said...

You are too funny with this one

"Maybe you should refer back to my knife quote. They've been known to reach out to each other to get a better shot at knife placement..."

Are you by any chance suggesting that family members wait for a get together on Christmas so they can kill each other? What world are you living in? For some odd reason, I don't buy it.

I agree with this
"Just pointing out how people of the "Book" can't even follow their own book if it is an inconvenience."

But I don't particularly blame the people because that book is confusing as hell. And IMO not clear cut on a whole lot of stuff.

"I dare you to celebrate Christmas in prostration and prayer to your god, rather than with a tree and presents."

Again, there are those who are traditional and celebrate it in the way you speak of. Maybe you don't personally know anyone. Just because some people have lost the real meaning, does not mean it isn't so. That's why the date doesn't matter. Just the the reason for the holiday.

The point that I am struggling to get across is... taking away Merry Christmas ultimately takes away the "God" aspect of the holiday. And I ain't with that. To me it makes more sense to reconcile traditional beliefs with the modern day consumerism.

Your alternative is not going to help those people start celebrating Christmas in prostration and prayer to "God" (which is something that we both agree on). At least I don't think it will.

Enjoy your Sunday sir.

Anonymous said...

Look, NEA, I'm not talking about you personally, I don't know you. I just think it hypocritical for people to get their panties all twisted because some people like to say Happy Holiday's instead of Merry Christmas...when we ALL know the VAST majority of people aren't seriously celebrating the birth of the Christ in anything but a cursory manner. Why are we bullshitting? We all know this is really just the WINTER HOLIDAY with presents.