Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Whores For Christmas ... This Is What The Plantation Promotes ... Then They Want To Crucify Tiger ... The Hypocrisy

DMG & CNu said...
Now let me get this straight:

1. The women in this post wearing underwear with their asses hanging out provocatively are "whores".
This is what you wrote, correct?
2. The woman two posts down wearing underwear with her ass hanging out provocatively is a "sista"

Did I get that right? Explain.
CNu said... lol..., Now, now Professor DMG. You know it's not right to go pulling on Lucifer's tail this early in the morning.

Denmark Vesey said ...
LOL ... Ahhh come on you lames
it's a damn shame
sittin' around waitin' to chip at DV's game
Come on magne ...
look at the ass on this dame
look at the frame
Them bony ass pink toe mannequins aint the same
You Plantation Negros too tame
corny and plain
Even if she's sliding down a pole

Jonathan said ...
If one extrapolates the extra-subjectivist agenda from the social quagmire that is the plantation, then its advocates clearly are gaming the system in order to forward a proto-homosexual theme. Reflectively speaking, the pure Kantian impulse to regenerate the philosophies of the ancient Frankish mentality in the manner of Valerie Giscard and Charles Mitterand inevitably leads to were we find ourselves now.

Michael Fisher said ...

"Jonathan is saying cats like you assert your 'absolute truth..."

It's Johnathan, Farts, not Jonathan. ROLMLAO

Dang. All one has to do is begin a sentence with "DV is right" it doesn't matter what flatulent drivel one adds: One ends up on the front page. ROFLMAO
DV's mind is a terrible waste. ROFLMAO


Anonymous said...

Now let me get this straight:

1. The women in this post wearing underwear with their asses hanging out provocatively are "whores".

This is what you wrote, correct?

2. The woman two posts down wearing underwear with her ass hanging out provocatively is a "sista"

Did I get that right?


CNu said...


Now, now Professor DMG.

You know it's not right to go pulling on Lucifer's tail this early in the morning.

leslie said...

Tiger brought his own self down. He chose to hang with Babylon.

Anonymous said...

betcha Mike is crackin' at least a third of these chicks... someone needs to expose HIS ass

Anonymous said...


Just asking you to explain. How do you know from a picture what any of these women are about?

Or are you suggesting a nice round ass is the seat of this soul?

Just asking...

Anonymous said...

"Come on magne ...
look at the ass on this dame
look at the frame
Them bony ass pink toe mannequins aint the same
You Plantation Negros too tame
corny and plain
Even if she's sliding down a pole

So, let's have a look. Yes, she has a great ass. I do not disagree. I'm not a fan of bony butts...but that's not what we are discussing...are we?

You are claiming that one set of women (strangely the white ones) are whores (you said it, not me), but another woman (curiously the black one) dressed similar is NOT a whore, but a "sista", by virtue that her ass is larger, and per you shaped better (again, to the measurements of her ass, we are in agreement).
Let me reiterate:

Even if she's sliding down a pole

Even if she's sliding down a pole

Even if she's sliding down a pole

Even if she's sliding down a pole

And remember...these are YOUR words.

And the title of the piece...?

"Whores For Christmas...This is What The Plantation
(and if the ass is large enough MOTI)...

Then They Want To Crucify Tiger (models selling underwear has nothing to do with Woods supposedly cheating--unless you are suggesting he couldn't help himself, the "devil" MADE him do it)...

The Hypocrisy (yes, MOTI hypocrisy indeed)...

How do you account for this?

CNu said...

Prof. DMG got a {{{{tizzight}}}} grip on ole Beelzebub's tailgame now!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Negro MD,

For months now I've been educating thee for free.
You've been sitting at the foot of the Great DV.
Yet, I've NOT ONCE charged your black ass a fee.

But here you are questioning me
about why I don't consider these
little knock-knee
Jennys, and Beckys sisterly ...

You want to believe the difference is only skin deep.

I tell you nah man: "actually it's spiritually".

But the Plantation fucked up your psyche.

They got you on some Nietzche. You no longer really believe in a deity. You are desperate to believe there's no difference between a full blown sista and your little Heidi.

So here you are talkin' about: "DV EXPLAIN IT TO ME!"

Plantation Negro Please ...

I don't explain what your eyes can't see.

Anonymous said...

You don't explain what you cannot explain. Even when it's plain for all eyes to see.

Translation as always you are full of shit.

Please one of you ladies co-sign to what MOTI is saying.

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Negro MD ... if you wanted explanations from a sista you should have married one.

Instead of pretending they don't exist.

Anonymous said...


You are the second person in two days to be caught with his dirty, shit stained draws around his ankles in two days.

The first had enough grace and courage to concede that she'd been caught.

You should do the same.

KRG, my woman, my lady, my queen, my son's mother, my partner during combat, med school, and training needs no defense. Especially from a bitch like you.

Having said that, maybe you'll have some grace and keep my wife's name out of your mouth. I don't know your queen, and you don't know mine. This is between us. Got it?

Denmark Vesey said...

Actually no faggot.

I'm going to talk about your queen.

If you want to marry a white woman. That's your business. Aint a damn thing wrong with that.

But as long as you feel compelled to come to this blog to argue "Sistas don't exist" ... I'm going to point at the source of your insecurity.

Your lack of a sista.

Now other than that. You can kiss my motherfucking ass.

CNu said...

Prof. DMG,

Let that ole devil be..,

Can't you see?

He's the unselfconscious agent



Anonymous said...

There we go MOTI. Guess I touched a nerve.

Come out and say the rest of what you are itching to say....

I have more grace than to speak about someones wife. You don't.

One of the ladies come on out and defend your man's actions.

II? KW? SMF? Please defend MOTI's assertions on this thread.

Sasha said...

Wow, DV...Kinda harsh. (Even though I agree with you that black women are the baddest bitches on the planet, no matter what we do.) :-)

Anonymous said...

No Sasha,

A person who attempts to talk poorly about another person's family isn't harsh. Lies and falsehoods don't make a dent on the character of the one assaulted...but it says volumes about the assailant.

Keep talking MOTI, show us your true character.

Denmark Vesey said...

I feel you Sasha. It is a little harsh. My apologies for subjecting you to this nonsense.

But I see through this cat's problem.

I've been dealing with these self-hating Negros all my life.

Nothing bothers them more than black people who love themselves.

Nothing attracts them more than black people who love themselves.

If it's not Mike Fisher, it's this Plantation Negro MD. After the Plantation Negro MD it will be somebody else.


And you right. Ya'll some baaaad muhfuggas.

the good nurse said...

ok, ok...
let's not resort to name calling and carrying on.

there is enough room here for us all to play respectfully.

u my dude, but i don't like it when u are so cutthroat and mean(a little gangsta is cool)..to be honest i do not see where u have disrespected dmg's wife at all. u simply called her a "white woman".
now that would offend me as i am as far from white as any sista can be..

stop it. we have welcomed u here and will continue to do so. please be respectful. no one has disrespected your wife. calling her a "white woman" is just as offensive as someone calling me "short woman"...it's not! I am 5ft tall...i am short.
now, if she is not white so be it. if she is..who cares.


Denmark Vesey said...

I feel you Sista Nurse. And I'll take your word for it.

(But you know it's hard to be civil with haters.)

Thank you for pulling my coat.

Anonymous said...


I believe our host said this:

"Actually no faggot. I'm going to talk about your queen."

(As though that 3rd grade insult does little more than make me chuckle at his lack of creativity).

Now it's MY turn to say you've missed the point. The insult was not calling her white...although she considers it an insult as that's not how she describes herself. MOTI is allowed to throw as many tantrums and make as many attempts at veiled insult as he likes. Actually I encourage it.

Self hating. Hysterical. MOTI I'm blacker than you are....but you'll realize that soon enough.

Anonymous said...

Yes TGN,

Please hold him back...comedy gold, MOTI. You've made my day.

KonWomyn said...

Give it up for Sista Nurse always come thru wuth tha Tuth!

DMG errr, why are you calling your wife a "queen" when just last week you said ones calling themselves Kings and Queens was downright rubbish as they were not of a royal bloodline? Is your lady ruler of a kingdom somewhere? And oh please don't tell us she rules over your home. Is she a political monarch?


You know me, Bra calling those models "whores" is straight wrong. They're modelling wearing Victoria's Secret today and DK tomorrow - really it ain't no thang. The way sista is used in this context is in reference to her as a Black woman - the soul thing, well it's a Black thang true, but I don't feel that is the case at all with this bootylicious chic. BTW the big booty has become big bizness for those in the body enhancement industry - why ain't you jumping on that as corporeal capitali$$$m?

Denmark Vesey said...

Made your day?

Sissy I've made your life. You will never be the same.

Now instead of hanging around here picking little play fights for attention. Just go somewhere and start your own blog.

DMG. The Most Interracial Man On The Planet.

Or summin' ...

Kaaaaaaay Duuuub.

I feel you. But I'm not calling those women whores. I'm calling the vacuous soulless interchangeable sex object avatars they depict in this commercial "whores".

It's an image of women the Plantation has been peddling for some time.

Are there sistas in videos with their asses out? Most certainly.

But even then their individuality, their dignity and their soul creeps through.


I love em. I celebrate them.

makheru bradley said...

“Even if she's sliding down a pole

Once again our host reduces everything to phenotype, which dominates. Phenotype dominates consciousness. Phenotype dominates spirituality.

The woman sliding down a pole has a soul and its energy. But if you’re trying to find it look towards her vagina.

Let me explain, using the thesis of Dr. Richard King—“The African Origin of Biological Psychiatry.” Dr. King is referring to the scientists of Ancient KMT.

“Of particular importance to these African scientists was the study of life energy within man, the study of the soul. They found that the image of a serpent best captured multiple operations of soul energy. This soul energy was found to travel along a path that also looked like a snake (the spine). If the energy were allowed to remain at the beginning of the path, at the base of the spinal column, then the organs located at that particular site were energized. The organs at the base of the spine are the sex organs, and when energized, produce a type of consciousness that is largely focused upon the physical plane leaving the individual obsessed with physical desires such as indiscriminate lust, overwhelming greed, and insatiable quests for power. However, when this same energy is developed and moves upwards to the top of the spinal column, the organ at the top of the brain, the pineal gland, becomes energized, and a process that produces a higher level of consciousness in which the third eye or mind’s eye becomes operative.”

The United States of America, a nation constructed on a foundation of theft and genocide is a base of the path society—its soul energy generally resides at the base of the path. It’s a society which literally exudes indiscriminate lust, mindless sex (hedonism), avarice, insatiable quests for power (imperialism) and violence from the pores of its social fabric.

Barack Obama and the woman sliding down the pole both demonstrate variations of this base of the path mentality. They got soul (energy) but it’s where its located that matters.

Anonymous said...


I called her MY queen...and yes as in the ruler of our houshold. Notice little "q"...it's a term of endearment, I don't believe in royalty. Remember?

And aren't YOU the one who so recently has a few days ago had something to say about plurality of words? What's that? You say something?

I'm not sure Mrs. MOTI would appreciate you salivating and looking so longingly at our host.
Would she MOTI?

KonWomyn said...


True. I feel that, Bra. Totally. But why doesn't your criticism of "the vacuous souls" extend to the big booty and video chic industrial complex that has mass appeal in the Black commmunity. Right alongside Planned Parenthood, McDonalds and shoddy Health Kare system which you are so critical of; this is no different.

The "dignity, soul and freedom" of young sistas is aggressively marketed as being a cosmetic good getting a breast and rear enhancement or as the 'freedom of one's soul' in getting an abortion. There's no difference but rather these two memes work together: y'can't be no video chic and birthin' babies at the same time.

makheru bradley said...

BTW the big booty has become big bizness for those in the body enhancement industry-- KW

And it can kill you.

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Associated Press) — A 38-year-old former Miss Argentina has died from complications after undergoing cosmetic surgery on her buttocks.


KonWomyn said...

So things can shift in meaning for you? Funny how now you want to speak of plurality of meaning yet last week that was the very reason as to why words end up lacking meaning in your opinion. So is queen meaningless; given this random appropriation?

And why wasn't it legit for one to
call themselves a Queen in the sense of queen if in refernce to their ancestors having overcome the TransAtlantic journey and enslaved life? Just as you recognized you ancestors; this is an equally legititmate way.

And what's this s'posed to mean:

"I'm not sure Mrs. MOTI would appreciate you salivating and looking so longingly at our host.
Would she MOTI?"

CNu said...

But why doesn't your criticism of "the vacuous souls" extend to the big booty and video chic industrial complex that has mass appeal in the Black commmunity. Right alongside Planned Parenthood, McDonalds and shoddy Health Kare system which you are so critical of; this is no different.

awwww shit DeVil....,

global system of d.o.p.a.m.i.n.e.h.e.g.e.m.o.n.y startin to look a little frayed around the edges?

Anonymous said...


Never denied the plurality of meaning. However, the other conversation was about a word that SO many claim to have different (and sometimes antithetical) meanings that it was functionally meaningless...and the reason we are still having this conversation now...and the one you conceded yesterday.

"And why wasn't it legit for one to call themselves a Queen in the sense of queen if in refernce to their ancestors having overcome the TransAtlantic journey and enslaved life?"

You weren't just calling yourself a queen...you were claiming something that was absurd. I have no dilusion that my wife is descended from some royal bloodline. And if she were, we'd still laugh about it, rather than puff out our chests.

That last line was me saying get off MOTI's jock. But I think you got that already.

KonWomyn said...


"That last line was me saying get off MOTI's jock. But I think you got that already."

I never was.

Well a word having "antithetical meanings" doesn't always render meaningless - maybe to you but not if one is talking about linguistics from an academic point of view. No, we're not having this conversation based on y'day, but on the apparent contradiction of here and now, regarding the word queen not the definition of sista. Its your using 'queen' to apply to you but refusing to recognize it's application in the context of one re-claiming their history from the margins and as a symbol of cultural power.

KonWomyn said...

BTW Words like bad, ill, sick, even queen in the homosexual sense (I am not in anyway being offensive to you) all have diametrically opposite meanings.

Big Man said...


I recognize the itch you're scratching.

I scratched it myself.

But, once you're finished scratching, then what's up?

Are you gonna ride off in the sunset knowing you've slayed the dragon? Honestly, you're tilting with windmills, homie.

I think it's cool you debate DV on stuff, and I get good info from both of y'all. But, since you a cool cat, I'm telling you you're only working yourself up for nothing.

At my blog, I do what I want. The only person to put limits on me is me. DV does the same thing over here. I don't always agree with him, but I think it's a losing battle to try to get him to start behaving the way I think he should behave. What's his incentive to do that?

I'm just curious about where you think this all is going. The folks who regularly co-sign DV are going to keep co-signing him. So doing it for them is pointless. If you're doing it for the other folks like myself who just like the conversation, then I can tell you that you don't have to point out the holes in DV's arguments in every post. Most of us are well aware.

I would suggest a course of action that include some sporadic jousting with our host, while also enjoying his non-mainstream point of view on all things big and small. For me, it's just interesting to read the divergent opinions represented here both from DV and from the other posters. I suggest you sit back and enjoy yourself a little more before you pop a vessel.

the good nurse said...

BIG MAN! thanks. i keep trying to tell our resident md that it is not as serious as he makes it...being right is subjective...being righteous is a whole other level....

Denmark Vesey said...

I hear you Big Man. But you still only seeing about 60% of the picture.

Nobody "regularly" co-signs DV. Not Sista Nurse. Not Kay Dub. Not TD. Not the DOC. Not nobody.

That's what cats say when they yearn for consensus. Don't get it. Get mad and manufacture little self-serving rationalizations.

Disagreeing ... and Not Understanding are two different things.

It can't POSSIBLY be that Kay Dub thinks DV's argument has more merit. Noooooo. She's gotta be "on his jock".

I see through little bitchy statements like that.

I find that disrespectful to say to a woman who deserves tremendous respect. (You know a more dynamic intellect on the internet than Kay Dub, drop a link).

All those little corny comments about 'pants around her ankles' were also lame.

Planting the seeds of discord is what cats do who want love but don't want to earn it. It's a bitch move.

As a matter of fact I aint too crazy about the way the dude speaks to any of the sistas on this blog. Look at the little nasty shit he's said to Stylistic MF.

But wants us to tip toe around Heidi.

This cat spent his whole life trying to get away from his warped perception of black people ... of black schools of black women. He got what he wanted ... only to discover black is the thing to be.

So instead of elevating his game and joining us ... he wants tear down with little circular semantic arguments.

Talk about some ... "Explain it to me!"

Nigga I'm showing you.

Johnathan said...

DV is right. If one extrapolates the extra-subjectivist agenda from the social quagmire that is the plantation, then its advocates clearly are gaming the system in order to forward a proto-homosexual theme. Reflectively speaking, the pure Kantian impulse to regenerate the philosophies of the ancient Frankish mentality in the manner of Valerie Giscard and Charles Mitterand inevitably leads to were we find ourselves now.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

That's what cats say when they yearn for consensus. Don't get it. Get mad and manufacture little self-serving rationalizations.

Indeed. Kinda like the "she didn't like me because I wasn't enough of a thug like the guys on BET." No dude, more like she didn't like you because she didn't like corny hall monitors who sit in the front row of class and raise their hands every time the teacher answers a question.

The fact you gloat at her circumstances now - "see ho, how you like me now" - only reinforces DV's point.

But back to the point of the original post, ain't none of these women got SOUL. NOT ONE BIT. They sold it to Lucifer long ago DV. They can't have what they sold at bargain basement prices so long ago.

Denmark Vesey said...

"DV is right. If one extrapolates the extra-subjectivist agenda from the social quagmire that is the plantation, then its advocates clearly are gaming the system in order to forward a proto-homosexual theme. Reflectively speaking, the pure Kantian impulse to regenerate the philosophies of the ancient Frankish mentality in the manner of Valerie Giscard and Charles Mitterand inevitably leads to were we find ourselves now." Jonathan


Way to elevate the discourse Bra. Good stuff.

Tell me something my man.

What's up with CNu? Why the disproportionate hatred? You cats got a history like him TD? You do something to him?

Johnathan said...

Thta's right. Clearly it reinforces DV's point. In absence of the extra-rational subjectivism any practice of "hoism" is super-objectivist. It is the essence of the plantation and the requisite Kantian behavior that goes with it. Etra-rational subjectivism enhances the conscious creativity of objctivized individuals which allows them to oppose the systemic efforts of a few to rationalize society outside of the spiritual. In one sentence: They are Godless.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But back to the point of the original post, ain't none of these women got SOUL. NOT ONE BIT." II

I hear you Insurgent. But the women in this video have been reduced to hypersexualized mannequins. Is it even fair to refer to them as women?

This is live action anime porn.

Johnathan said...

Thanks for the compliment. DV. I can't say anything about this CNu guy because I don't know him. I'm new here as you know.

Michael Fisher said...


"'If one extrapolates the extra-subjectivist agenda from the social quagmire that is the plantation, then its advocates clearly are gaming the system in order to forward a proto-homosexual theme. Reflectively speaking, the pure Kantian impulse to regenerate the philosophies of the ancient Frankish mentality in the manner of Valerie Giscard and Charles Mitterand inevitably leads to were we find ourselves now.'


Way to elevate the discourse Bra. Good stuff."

Do you have any idea what this dribble means, "DV"?

Michael Fisher said...


Michael Fisher said...

"Valerie Giscard"


"Charles Mitterand"

Oh lawd, help me...

This is just too funny.


Anonymous said...

for once I am going to have lower myself and agree with michael fisher....ROTFLMAO

Intellectual Insurgent said...

But the women in this video have been reduced to hypersexualized mannequins. Is it even fair to refer to them as women?

And the woman flashing her big behind in the picture? Or shaking her assets in a video? Can they be referred to as women, let alone as "Sistas"?

Thordaddy said...


Jonathan is saying cats like you assert your "absolute truth" out of one side of your mouth and then deny the existence of God out the other.

Meaning, black men WHO ain't black are radical autonomists seeking to manipulate the "diversity" in favor of your black man WHO ain't black manifestation.

Denmark Vesey said...

"And the woman flashing her big behind in the picture? Or shaking her assets in a video? Can they be referred to as women, let alone as "Sistas"?

Honestly Insurgent ...

I've seen a couple sistas shake their asses ... shake their assets ... and be the baddest sista in the room.

Being a "sista" doesn't mean a woman is any more perfect than being a brother means a man is perfect.

I know a couple brothas pimp so hard they drag their minks on the floor.

I know a couple of brothas ... stone cold murderers.

I'm sure there is a sista or two sliding down a pole as we speak.

Johnathan said...

Anon, as a student of the great mentor, teacher and the great philosopher Oswald Bates I am way beyond any of your mockery.

KonWomyn said...

Muuuuch love. Def made me smile, f'real tho' there's some intellecutal beasts, wise ones always dropping gems and baaad lyricists always pcmg with the dope rhymes on this blog; that if not anything else makes this the best joint on the net - even with all the disagreements.

Johnathan said...

DV. Thanks for putting my musings on the front page.

KonWomyn said...

Aside from the proto-homosexual theme, Jonathan has a point if one places that analysis in the terms the current state of European politics, the EU's motto is "moving towards an ever closer union" esp in the last two months first with the Lisbon Treaty having been ratified and second the EU President, selected not elected, over the last two months.

How this relates to this particular thread on video chics and underwear models is something I'd like him to break down.

Michael Fisher said...


Johnathan said...

KonWomyn, you too? Thank you.

Michael Fisher said...


KonWomyn said...

Cool Johnathan. In terms of the EU I hear ya, but how do you make the connection to this because I find it to be an anachronistic analysis of American cultural and sexual politics - the EU and the video chic/plantation are worlds apart.

Michael Fisher said...


"Jonathan is saying cats like you assert your 'absolute truth..."

It's Johnathan, Farts, not Jonathan.


Dang. All one has to do is begin a sentence with "DV is right" it doesn't matter what flatulent drivel one adds: One ends up on the front page.

DV's mind is a terrible waste.


Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOO Jonathan, I am laughing how this argument began, not at you. I was at that moment after reading the comments above his ROTFLMAO.. not at anyone in particular.

DV you know your blog is one of the best!

Johnathan said...

I would, KonWomyn. But my teacher Professor Bates already broke it down to a molecular level many years ago.

KonWomyn said...

LOL! So either:
a. you're a joker testing out DV.
b. you got that from somewhere but can't explain it you hide behind humour.
c. Michael Fisher getting his comedy on at DV.net.

If it's A or C yea funny, o'wise not worth the attention.

Denmark Vesey said...


Johnathan said...


Michael Fisher said...

Good night, Gracie.

Thordaddy said...


Maybe I'm mistaking Jonathan with this JoHnathan

Thordaddy said...

DV is right. If one extrapolates (manipulates the future by detaching) the extra-subjectivist agenda (the radical autonomist will) from the social quagmire (the main mechanism of action, the environment) that is the plantation (see <) then its advocates (radical autonomists) clearly are gaming the system in order to forward a proto-homosexual theme (the most primitive of radical autonomists manifested as self-annihilating eugenics). Reflectively speaking, the pure Kantian impulse to regenerate (Radical autonomous "procreation") the philosophies of the ancient Frankish mentality in the manner of Valerie Giscard (CNu) and Charles Mitterand (Mike Fisher) inevitably leads to were we find ourselves now.

Thordaddy said...


You're like Freudian blogging.

CNu said...

Fisher, I don't think anyone'll top that one for a very long time.

The DeVil and his dumbassed imp still don't realize what just happened to them.

Absolutely priceless comedy gold.....,

Thordaddy said...


What just happened is the black man WHO ain't black, his multiple impersonations and his Freudian blogging are all the symptoms of radical autonomy. A dude at war with God in order to prove how false, wrong and evil it ALL really is.

U2 CNu
self-annihilatin' fool!

Thordaddy said...

These cats put on false fronts...

I'm the black man WHO ain't black...

No, no...,

I'm the neighbor...

No wait...,

I'm thordaddy... Jonathan... I'm Johnathan...


And ALL this cat proves IS THAT HE CAN PUT ON FALSE FRONTS as a Radical Autonomist.

Mike Fisher, the anti-capitalist.

Thordaddy said...


If I predict what you will do and then you do it (act radically autonomous/be unknowable), one of two things are at work. Either I know what you will do because I know your "truth" (you're the black man WHO ain't black/radical autonomist) or you are simply conforming to my analysis (adapting to my meme). Now, you are in the business of manufactured realities. Do I know your truth (the weakness of radical autonomy/perceptions CAN create it) or am I creating the Mike Fisher meme to suit my purposes (you are giving my meme intangible capital via your radical autonomy/unknowability)?


Mike's boy... Lol!!! Stick up fo' yo' daddy...

Michael Fisher said...


"Fisher, I don't think anyone'll top that one for a very long time."

Well, Craig. Actually I thought these simpletons would get the joke right away. But they actually thought "Johnathan" with his "extra-rational subjectivism that is super objectivist" actually was saying sumtin'. My daughter hadn't laughed that hard in a long time, by the way.

Thordaddy said...


Who you foolin'? You're the only fool doing multiple personalities.

What part of jonathan speaking out both sides of his mouth didn't you get?

Thordaddy said...


You ever told your girl WHY you hate God and WHY she isn't really His creation?

Of course not...

That would be like Scrooge telling a 6 year old that Santa wasn't real. Only reason someone does that is because they're cold and empty.

Now, tell her Mike... WHY do you hate God?

KonWomyn said...


So the cot death thread was your trial run - I just saw your other response now abt the blogowner and realism-cubist social misfits; completely incomprehensible. Pretty cool trick, mad props to you.

Big Man said...

Y'all need to go ahead and admit that Fisher won.

Pretending otherwise is lame. Follow KW's lead.

That was funny.

Casper said...

Main Entry: gull·ible
Variant(s): also gull·able \ˈgÉ™-lÉ™-bÉ™l\
Function: adjective
Date: 1818
: easily duped or cheated

— gull·ibil·i·ty \ËŒgÉ™-lÉ™-ˈbi-lÉ™-tÄ“\ noun

— gull·ibly \ˈgÉ™-lÉ™-blÄ“\ adverb