Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Tiger Woods Is The Blackest Man On The Planet

Lincolnperry said...
@Medium White

Tiger denied his blackness on Oprah, under the guise of not wanting to devalue his mother heritage as a asian women, remember that Calabrasian bullshit!

Denmark Vesey said ...

Nah LP.

Tiger Woods never "denied his blackness". True Blackness cannot be denied. Just as gravity cannot be denied by mere words, blackness is not something that one can "deny" on the Oprah show.

Tiger Woods affirms his blackness every Sunday when he kicks the asses of 128 white men like they stole something. Tiger affirms his blackness by simply walking up the fairway. Tiger affirms his blackness by overcoming the fear to shine.

Tiger affirms his blackness by defining himself.

But dude is Asian. His mom is as Asian as is Bruce Lee. (Bruce was a brother too.) Acknowledging his Asian parentage does not equal "denying his blackness".

Tiger's choice in chicks comes from just not knowing any better. If he had gone to Howard instead of Stanford he would at least have a wife with whom he could make eye contact.


lincolnperry said...

Barack affirms his blackness everyday, watch his swagger...Tiger doesn't, O got points from the sistas by celebrated them publicly with his selection and luv for Michelle!

Tiger Married The Nordic Nanny!

KonWomyn said...


How many Black kids aspire to be golfers now bec of Tiger? For me, there were several young Black golfers coming up in the ranks in my country at the same time as him, but Tiger jst took it to a whole new level and now golf got some Caublasian swag. Even Jordan turned from the court to the greens; how many six-figure wanna bes and real six-figure earners play golf to affirm their status? If that doesn't affirm his Blackness then I don't know what does. Give him props.


makheru bradley said...

… that Calabrasian bullshit! ---??????????

Tiger Woods defines himself as a “Cablinasian” (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, (American) Indian, and Asian).

OBTW, for some of our people miscegenation is the order of the day.


Gotta admit, looking at Don Cornelius and that expression on the face of Jimmie Walker had me ROTFLMBAO.

lincolnperry said...

@KonWym and makheru bradley
So let me understand this...whether or not Tiger Woods identifies with being Black American, values Black Woman, its the cultural impact he has made on Golf is all that matters!

Peter Westbrook (born April 16, 1952) is Olympic Medalist saber fencing champion. Born to an African-American father and a Japanese mother, identifies himself as Black Man, not nonexistent hybrid term!

KonWomyn said...

The terms Black and African American are also 'invented' terms - how much more hybridised does identity get than the Diasporic histories of a people?

KonWomyn said...

Thanks. These pics clustered all together kinda affirm once you go Black you never go back.

A bit surprised by Dave Chapelle tho' and Q Tip with Nicole Kidman??? She comes off as mega-boring!

medium white said...

Wow, DV, do you think all of these men "didn't know any better?"


That is one impressive assortment of rich and/or famous black men with non-black women. Is every single one of those men a "self-hater?"

If I were a black woman I would not like this photo collection at all.

Anonymous said...

Robin Thicke is Lebanese, North Africsn...not a White Man!

Anonymous said...

Black denotes: cultural affinity
African: ethnicity and heritage!

makheru bradley said...

So let me understand this...whether or not Tiger Woods identifies with being Black American, values Black Woman, its the cultural impact he has made on Golf is all that matters! – Perry

Mr. Perry, Tiger Woods chooses to define himself as multi-racial, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural, and he has a right to do so. He is still the first person (that I know of) with Afrikan ancestry to win the Masters, the United States Open, the British Open and the PGA championship—the top prizes in golf. Obviously that has a cultural impact. There is a First Tee program being develop on the Westside of Charlotte, in the Afrikan American community. Would that be happening without Tiger Woods—I doubt it?

Anonymous said...

Ummmmm......Anna Renee,

Most so-called "African-Americans" are of mixed heritage. But I honestly believe if I were to sign an application's "Race" line with "African-English-Jewish-Roma-Chinese," people would think I was nuts.

Black is awesome in all its diversity.

makheru bradley said...

When Tiger Woods wins the Masters is he making a conscious statement with his attire, or is it an unconscious coincidence that he’s wearing the symbolic colors of Black Liberation.

Every time Tiger wins the Masters he wearing a red shirt, black pants, and he’s presented with a green jacket. Red, black and green, the colors of Black Liberation, presented to the world by the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey in 1920.

by Amy Jacques Garvey

"Regardless of what is told of it,
Here's to this flag of mine
The Red, Black and Green
Hopes in its future bright
Africa has seen.
Here's to the Red of it,
Great nations shall know of it
In time to come.
Red blood shall flow of it,
Historians shall write of it,
Great flag of mine.
Here's to the Black of it
Four hundred millions back of it,
Whose destiny depends on it
The RED, BLACK and GREEN of it,
Oh, Flag of Mine.
Here's to the Green of it
Young men shall dream of it,
Face shot and shells of it
Waving so high.
Here's to the whole of it
Colors grought and pole of it
Pleased is my soul with it
Regardless of what is told of it,
Thanks God for giving it
Great Flag of Mine."

Could Tiger have been sending a subliminal message, liberating Augusta National and the Masters from the spirit of Clifford Roberts, who did everything possible to keep Charlie Sifford from playing in the Masters?

OBTW, Tiger’s son is named Charlie.

CNu said...

a veritable plague of putting on the peasants...,