Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tiger Woods Hires Denmark Vesey As An Advisor - Releases Statement

"You know what? Fuck these bitches. I'm tired of this shit. I aint paying nothing. Not a dollar. Not a dime. I aint done nothin' to nobody. What happened is between me and my wife. We'll work it out amongst ourselves. If she can't understand that it is inevitable that a man in my position would go through this occasionally ... later for her too. Shit. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. got some pussy during his day. He grew past it. Coretta got over it. Life moves on. When I met my wife she didn't even have a Green card. If I screwed 100 cocktail waitresses she should still be grateful I married her peasant ass. What? She's supposed to get points because she's Swedish? GTFOH. Walking around feeling sorry for herself. 5 years ago she was a nanny. Now she has 4 nannies. 2 Billion women would trade places with her today. And if she puts her hands on me again she won't need to worry about no 'pre-nup'. Nah. I'm not going to be held up as the poster boy for shame because of something like this. All you reporters in front of my house and all of you TV Networks flying helicopters over the crib need to camp outside the homes of the men who led this nation into war and the bankers who bankrupt this nation with mortgage and derivative scams insured by the taxpayers. That's it. That's all I've got to say about this matter. I'm playing golf next week. I'll set my money on fire before I allow myself to get raped by a bunch of ho's, media vultures and a nation of peasants eager to cast the first stone. Thank you very much."


medium white said...

"I'm not going to be held up as the poster boy for shame because of something like this."

You sure didn't mind being compensated $100 million+ for being the poster boy for respectability, Mr. Woods.

What was the deal with getting married at 28, having kids ... a career move? Smart. But your advisors forgot to tell you something or maybe you weren't listening.

Denmark Vesey said...

What did my advisor forget Mike?

I mean Medium?

medium white 2.0 said...

Sorry, Mr. Woods, thought that was obvious.

Keep it in your pants.

You had a 25-year-old wife at home and tens of millions of dollars riding on your image ... and you couldn't control Little Tiger? Not even you, Mr. Discipline? Mr. Cool?

A little bit of public shaming is nothing compared to the worship you've received, not to mention the piles and piles of money. What a moron.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Keep it in your pants." MF

Kept what in his pants?

medium white said...


uh, his wallet.

IWonderAsIWander said...

Some of you dudes are killing me with your judgment. A lot of dudes are sounding like feminists to me. Tiger is a Type A male. A warrior. Women like warriors and warriors like women. Get off his dick.

the good nurse said...

Women who love being women love men who are warriors. Those who don't want a girlfriend with a penis....

Intellectual Insurgent said...

The only reason this episode is getting play is because it is consistent with the man-hating theme that permeates all pop culture. In TV shows and movies, heterosexual males are

(a) adulterers
(b) wife beaters
(c) hopelessly stupid, ala The Simpsons, War At Home, Everybody Loves Raymond, etc.
(d) unable to bond with a woman or
(e) all of the above.

These are the only characters that get media play, so it should be no wonder that the news pays an inordinate amount of attention to this non-story that should be a private matter between husband and wife.

If the media spent as much time interviewing Will and Jada on the secrets of a happy marriage, and Barack and Michelle on the joys of parenthood, instead of flying helicopters over Tiger's house, you wouldn't have the packs of hyenas whining about keeping it in his pants.

People would appreciate and understand that marriage is a team effort. And that there are times when one member of the team gets weak. That's not the time for lawyers and press conferences. That's the time when the other teammate steps up and and the other has to step up and rebuilds the team.

Casper said...

"If the media spent as much time interviewing Will and Jada on the secrets of a happy marriage"

Your assuming they are happy or have a true marriage!.. It's Hollyweird! Letterman was happy too!

Anonymous said...

i know i'd still be playing in the golf tournement this weekend....and just might add even more scratch to my astronomical amount....then say..."how you like me now?"
ps....fuck jesper parnevik...he wants to talk shit now! that's what you get for thinking you know me so well!!


Intellectual Insurgent said...

See Casper's note above for Exhibit A of hyena. Or, as Rachel Stewart described it in the post below - the serious disease of CORNBALLISM.

Casper said...

"the serious disease of CORNBALLISM"

Same thing Elin said.. You better watch your husband ;)

Thordaddy said...

These cats trying to make tiger out to be the victim are hilarious. First, real warriors don't fight for birdies. Secondly, Earl should have told Eldrick that building wealth is no incentive to build a family, but building a family is great incentive to build wealth and have a family that won't destroy because they have experienced the struggle. Third, if you live by the media then you can die by the media. Lastly, never do hotties right after your wife was just laid up for several years giving you your legacy.

Anonymous said...

II-"yhe only reason this episode is getting play is because it is consistent with the man-hating theme that permeates all pop culture. In TV shows and movies, heterosexual males are... blah blah blah"

No the only reason this episode is getting play is because the media loves scandals. Nothing else. Like Thordaddy said "if you live by the media then you will die by the media."

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaay Dub ... Kay Duuuub... Kay Duuuub is just ... too much.

You a bad Sista.

Anonymous said...

Thordaddy, i could not agree with you more. He is a fool about to taught a very,very costly lesson.

Thordaddy said...

Look, in an increasingly liberal society, tiger can do what he wants. Although, for him to think he could escape the consequences of capitalism is a further sign of his radical autonomy. He has already lost untold intangible capital with the tangible type to follow.

Michael Fisher said...

DV, first of, "medium white" ain't me. Why don't you publish this supposed IP address you've got? Second, just wondering. Do you apply the same standards to you and your wife? I mean, I guess she's ok with your and Farts' ongoing tryst. But what if you succeeded in bedding those light skinned boyish-looking girls you keep advertising as the finest women on the planet? Would she be required to shut up and get over it?

Just wondering.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Funny, I was waiting for ThorDaddy to step in and tie this back to radical autonomy because it really is living proof of his points.

In a society where there is secular marriage and uber-liberalism, it defies explanation that people could pretend to be surprised by such behavior, let alone expect apologies/explanations. You would think the liberal crowd would be cheering on Tiger, saying "do your thing".

Thordaddy said...


But liberal society says "do your thing" so they can "capitalize." The Swedish wife is now in position to "capitalize" from here on out. The liberal media is now ready to "capitalize" on their own generated memes (should tiger get privacy or all this media attention)? Even society is ready to "capitalize" through instances of moral equivalence and "I told so."

Even in the most tyrannically liberal societies, capitalism is still the name of the game no matter how tainted it is by the players.

Denmark Vesey said...

"In a society where there is secular marriage and uber-liberalism, it defies explanation that people could pretend to be surprised by such behavior, let alone expect apologies/explanations. "

(I don't believe you heard her)

"it defies explanation that people could pretend to be surprised by such behavior, let alone expect apologies/explanations. "

(I don't believe you heard her)

it defies explanation that people could pretend to be surprised by such behavior, let alone expect apologies/explanations.

You would think the liberal crowd would be cheering on Tiger, saying "do your thing".

Big Man said...

Can't get with the idea that adultery is inevitable...

That's some real victim ish right there.

I couldn't help myself. The pussy was just calling to me man, it was calling to me.

Sound like Pookie in New Jack.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Nah Big Man, it's not inevitable.

Some men are weak. Women know their men and they know their weaknesses. A Sista doesn't divorce her husband for his weaknesses, she helps him get stronger and transcend them.

So TD, is that the theory - that "do your thing" is the means to the capitalizing end? Not an end in itself?

Thordaddy said...


The battles we are largely witnessing are between radical autonomists of various persuasions. Their ability to skillfully use God's Truth (capitalism) in a false manner is the essence of radical autonomy. The inherent restraints of capitalism are discarded by the radical autonomist in their
quest for intangible capital (personal credibility) and so the quest for tangible capital becomes less impeded. Therefore, you can "capitalize" by being anti-capitalist.

dx said...

"A Sista doesn't divorce her husband for his weaknesses, she helps him get stronger and transcend them."

good point...and contrawise...but it takes two to must clearly see their own weaknesses and know/confident/trust our partner to help...
and desire it...

if not that's an exercise in futility

Thordaddy said...

Fact is tiger thought money bought him radical autonomy (an oath and infidelity) and Elin thought she should never be betrayed even though she is almost certainly liberal.

Nine iron tuh tha glass
Sound like uh gun blast
Head tuh tha dash
Foot on the gas
Tree and then "Crash!"

This is the reaction of a betrayed liberal.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Fair question DX,

Women know their husbands. Unless we're talking about an old school arranged marriage, women in America have usually "dated" (i.e. lived with, had sex with, etc.) their husbands long before marriage. They know them. They know who those men are and when they say I Do, they take those men, weaknesses and all.

A friend of a friend is married to a guy she dated for three years and, she knew, he was a pathological liar. She just thought he lied to everyone else but her. Yeah right. So, predictably, dude's been living a separate life, with another woman and another household, etc. And she acts surprised and wants to leave???? Dude is the same dude she married. Nothing changed.

I once got berated on another blog for saying that it is cheating if a husband goes to a strip club. Lots of women told me I was uptight, no fun, blah, blah, blah. But those dumb broads are going to find their husbands in their bed with some whore in clear heels and act surprised!!! No ho. You knew he was doing this. You knew that's what he finds entertaining. You chose that. VOLUNTARILY.

That ceremony doesn't magically change his character. That happens over years of a wife putting her foot in her husband's ass. :-)

It's not whether the man trusts the woman to help him get stronger. She is the backbone on the home - that is her duty, whether he likes it or not.

Denmark Vesey said...

"But those dumb broads are going to find their husbands in their bed with some whore in clear heels and act surprised!!! "


Anonymous said...

DV, does this standard apply to your wife?

DV, how can you condone this behavior? Do you not believe in the sanctity of marriage?

You condemn the "govt" for shooting monkey juice up noses and in veins, but at a smaller level when men are sleeping around they risk contracting STD's/AIDS... Is this not killing off your race?

If one wants to remain single, unmarried and without being accountable for anyone else but himself then so be it, but Tiger made his choice years ago. He is expected to be faithful, loyal and to protect his family.
His "indiscretions/transgressions"...LOL
could have killed his babies in utero, during birth or even presently. Is that protecting your family?

Iwonderadiwander.... I don't want a "warrior" bringing home a disease that I will have to pop pills for the rest of my life or have my body slowly deteriorate from.

BigMan, men are weak. But weakness is smoking a cigarette or stuffing yourself with 20 twinkies. Not, having sex with 11 women when you are married.