Sunday, December 20, 2009

Record Snowfall Hits East Coast - Them Malthusian Crackas Forgot To Tell Mother Nature About "Global Warming"

But yet again, the Plantation Occupants will not allow what they can observe to get in the way of what they are told.


CNu said...


Global climate change is projected to turn the now temperate U.S. into part of an enlarged arctic zone.

but don't let data or actual quantitative simulations slow your role as the would-be high epopt of Luddite ignorance...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Ohhh Levarrrrrr Burton Malthus!

White boys can take any bullshit conspiracy theory ... wrap it in a facade of "science" ... promise billions of people will die ... and you Star Trek convention Negros swallow it up like it's scripture.

"Global climate change is projected"


lol. projected by whom?


"quantitative simulations".


There are "quantitative simulations" that predict the guts of you pork eatin' Negros will explode far sooner than the "US goes arctic".

Let's tax that too.

Anonymous said...

"White boys can take any bullshit conspiracy theory ... wrap it in a facade of "science""

So does this mean that only "white boys" are scientists?

And I thought you enjoyed a good conspiracy theory? What happened?

CNu said...


Back to blogging under the influence of them 100 proof wheat grass shots again?

"Global climate change is projected"


lol. projected by whom?

why that'd be the ballers and shot callers lil'Nikki.

you know, the folks in the big house, folks whose pronouncements and actions you seem incapable of directly calling out, preferring instead - as you do - to obfuscate through the broken, busted, and not to be trusted organs of the Lyndon LaRouche organization with its delusions of luciferian masonic mischief.


If you tofu and arugula eating beehotches would borrow a clue, there'd be no need for all that hokum you spew,

particularly given the fact that these muhphuggaz tell you exactly what they gonna do, and then proceed to do it according to clearly articulated policies and plans.

but I digress;

Climate Collapse: The Pentagon's Weather Nightmare.
Monday, January 26, 2004
By David Stipp

Global warming may be bad news for future generations, but let's face it, most of us spend as little time worrying about it as we did about al Qaeda before 9/11. Like the terrorists, though, the seemingly remote climate risk may hit home sooner and harder than we ever imagined. In fact, the prospect has become so real that the Pentagon's strategic planners are grappling with it.

The threat that has riveted their attention is this: Global warming, rather than causing gradual, centuries-spanning change, may be pushing the climate to a tipping point. Growing evidence suggests the ocean-atmosphere system that controls the world's climate can lurch from one state to another in less than a decade--like a canoe that's gradually tilted until suddenly it flips over. Scientists don't know how close the system is to a critical threshold. But abrupt climate change may well occur in the not-too-distant future. If it does, the need to rapidly adapt may overwhelm many societies--thereby upsetting the geopolitical balance of power.

Though triggered by warming, such change would probably cause cooling in the Northern Hemisphere, leading to longer, harsher winters in much of the U.S. and Europe. Worse, it would cause massive droughts, turning farmland to dust bowls and forests to ashes. Picture last fall's California wildfires as a regular thing. Or imagine similar disasters destabilizing nuclear powers such as Pakistan or Russia--it's easy to see why the Pentagon has become interested in abrupt climate change.

Climate researchers began getting seriously concerned about it a decade ago, after studying temperature indicators embedded in ancient layers of Arctic ice. The data show that a number of dramatic shifts in average temperature took place in the past with shocking speed--in some cases, just a few years.

The case for angst was buttressed by a theory regarded as the most likely explanation for the abrupt changes. The eastern U.S. and northern Europe, it seems, are warmed by a huge Atlantic Ocean current that flows north from
the tropics--that's why Britain, at Labrador's latitude, is relatively temperate. Pumping out warm, moist air, this "great conveyor" current gets cooler and denser as it moves north. That causes the current to sink in the North Atlantic, where it heads south again in the ocean depths. The sinking process draws more water from the south, keeping the roughly circular current on the go.

But when the climate warms, according to the theory, fresh water from melting Arctic glaciers flows into the North Atlantic, lowering the current's salinity--and its density and tendency to sink. A warmer climate
also increases rainfall and runoff into the current, further lowering its saltiness. As a result, the conveyor loses its main motive force and can rapidly collapse, turning off the huge heat pump and altering the climate over much of the Northern Hemisphere.

CNu said...

White boys can take any bullshit conspiracy theory ...

peep the pasty ass-clown Scratch quotes like he was jesus in a jug....,

purest comedy gold....,

uglyblackjohn said...

Place a bunch of ice cubes in a glass of warm water - what happens?
With the heat melting the ice caps - what happens with the oceans?
What effect would this have on our weather?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

When I was in high school, they told us that we were in a period of global warming. Now it is called global climate change. I believe that many of these models are flawed. Weather is chaotic. It is hard to predict the weather a week out much less YEARS out. We ought to focus on the bullshit we are polluting our water and food supplies with and go from there. Taxing carbon emissions is stupid and will create more anger among people with some means because it will fleece the middle class.

Slowly but surely they are dismantling the middle class so that there will be only super rich and ultra poor. I strongly believe that this carbon tax crap along with the global warming Oh wait climate change memes are from the same folks.

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.