Saturday, December 05, 2009

My Definition Of A Sista


Anonymous said...

Yoko Ono is the blackest sista on the planet.

KonWomyn said...

This is one beautiful sista. Pictures can convey such a powerful messsage that words can't quite express.

To see this image and read Anon bigging up Yoko Ono just ain't rite, it's strange.

Can Yoko Ono be a sista when she left her own child to go be with John Lennon who at the time was a married man? She was one of the causes of the breakup of The Beatles bec JL was so infatuated with her and gave her creative authority over the band's music - behind their backs. And her marriage to John Lennon was not a marriage; it was a twisted Mother-Son love. If she was a sista John Lennon would have called her Yoko not Mom.

Is that sista behaviour?

Maaad props to her bec she's a remarkable political activist and has produced some really great art, but her past raises too many kwestins of doubt, IMO.

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaay Dub keeping it real.

The sista is so beautiful it's humbling.

Bob Arum said...

still loopy from that DMG KO...,

NEA said...

Who is this "Sista"? I don't know anything about her. True, from the picture she looks like a beautiful person.
KW, see that is the thing about conveniently defining words as you see fit. You always have to explain why and hope the person understands. I don't know why this anonymous brought up Yoko but I assume he/she has his/her own reasons. Why is that strange? He/she is merely bringing up a person who he/she defines as a "sista" I think.

And from what I understand of your definition of the word, it's possible that it can be taken away from a person. Meaning, a "sista" can at any point do something that is non-"sista" which will make her lose the title, right? Can we at the least agree on this?

KonWomyn said...


What I was saying is Anon can like whoever they want as a sista I just find it strange one doesn't comment on this sista but brings
up someone who's off the mark.

Yea everyone has their own definition; a word can been seen a million different ways in a million different contexts as I explained in the last thread. And just because it's someone's idea it doesn't mean their idea of a sista isn't open to questioning. It's no different to one expressing an opinion on politics or music.

Taken away, sure. But Yoko Ono never had it in the first place IMO.

Anonymous said...

"Is that sista behaviour?"

Who knows, nobody has ever said what "sista" behavior is.

While we are at it...

Erykah Badu yes or no?

Great music, what would generally be considered "conscious" music. However, unmarried, three kids, three different baby daddy's (as has been suggested here, this may qualify as "un-sista" behavior).

NEA said...

Damn didn't know about the three different baby daddys. I gotta look that up.

CNu said...

That's the deepest and most fabulous kwestin I've seen broached, here, there, or anywhere for a very long time Doc.

To which I would respond by channeling Ishmael Reed;

Jes Grew is the outbreak of jazz, ragtime, and blues onto the world scene. Jes Grew is a psychic epidemic; it is the spirit of Blackness overtaking America and the world in the 1920's. It is a plague, or rather an anti-plague, which enlivens its victims into dancing, swinging, singing and talking crazy. Jes Grew was a liturgy without a text.

"If it could not find its Text, then it would be mistaken for entertainment."

Erykah Badu hellafull of jes grew!

Badu'n'em - and a significant number of our counterparts here at school - are participants in and/or alumni of that entertainment industry.

That entertainment industry captures, packages, distributes and profits off of the supreme power of jes grew.

I believe that that pimping influence of the entertainment industry shows up in myriad simultaneously engaging and repulsive ways hereabouts, too.

Intense talent without discipline, sacrifice, or MEANING - is almost bound to self-destruct.

There's an interesting essay and 30 year subsequent retraction on the import of Mumbo Jumbo that I find apropos (though utterly mistaken because exoteric and naive)

If Dumain actually knew the esoteric core of Ishmael Reed's work, and if he was sincere rather than filled with fear, I believe he would think differently. Then again, he may just be a jealous peasant unsuccessfully trying to ascertain and enjoin the mystery of jes grew....,

CNu said...

I dropped this tidbit from the archives on my man UBJ yesterday, (who explores this issue with great persistence) and he took it and ran with it.

That goes all the way back to when Cobb shared the stage with other folk at Vision Circle. At that time, even Cobb got it, cause it's neet/reet/complete like that. But then because of the demands of the political plantation (so-called conservatism) from which old boy wished to profit as cultural "producer" - he had to go and pull a Dumain and pretend like he didn't get it anymore.

You can see the evolutionary blind alley into which that's led him...,

The Doc said...

Another dead prez quote for you, DV:

She got a mind like Assata/ body like Trina/ heart like my momma nigga tell me have you seen her?