Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Definition of A Brotha

African versions of Marlo Stansfield


Anonymous said...

Although, this doesn't surprise me at all. What part of this is "brotha"?

The holding innocent tourists at gunpoint part?

The extorting money part?

I know you are using this merely for shock value (and attention...).

These men are taking "action", sure I get that. However, they are thinking too small. If they are interested in being global players, biting the ankles of the big and powerful will only eventually get them crushed, like annoying vermin.

No, they are using tactics, when they should be thinking strategically. There is a difference.

Denmark Vesey said...

"I know you are using this merely for shock value (and attention...)." DMG

I know you are saying that because you don't understand and want an explanation but are too insecure to simply ask.

pussyassanoymous said...

"What part of this is "brotha"?"

he did ask

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah he asked.

But he didn't simply ask.

Anonymous said...

Did you get your feelings hurt or something?

You going to answer the question or sulk?

Denmark Vesey said...

lol ... um um um.

DMG if you want to keep learning at the foot of the master, you going have to learn how to speak to me man.

Anonymous said...

Speak to you? You really do think you deserve some sort of unearned respect? Just when I think your narcissism has reached it's plateau, you surprise me with something like this.

The only thing you are a master of is admiring yourself. If you can't answer the question just say so, and I'll ask you something easier that's more on your level.

Like the guys in the picture, you are thinking tactically, but you don't have an overall strategy.

pussyassanoymous said...

yall niggas is to funny

Big Man said...

Nobody is about to squash Somali.

If they could, they would have already it.

Nah, these cats typically don't hurt anybody and usually just enforce the sovereignty of their own waters which were first mis-used by multi-nationals intent on accumulating profits. The homie Temple 3 had a bunch of nice posts on the history of Somali's pirates.