Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Men Lie. Women Lie. Numbers Don't.

Number of mandated vaccines.

The majority of all 30 childhood vaccines are administered before the age of 18 months.


uglyblackjohn said...

@ DMG - Would a NATURAL cure for Cancer (proANP peptides) be a better option than our current methods?
Since the process doesn't use foreign bodies, there is less harm to the immune system.

( I know this is off topic for this post, but since you're currently in a "Battle of Blackness" with DV - I had nowhere else to ask)

DMG said...


Sorry, I missed this earlier. Anything that may inhibit the growth of a carcinoma would be welcomed. But as I've said before "natural" does not equal better, it's a matter of efficacy, side effect profile, and if the medication or device significantly improves survival, disease-free interval, or recurrence of the cancer.

The patent link I read doesn't seem to mention anything "natural". Maybe I missed it?