Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lord Monckton Is The Baaaadest Muhfuggah On The Planet. Peep My Man Deconstruct The Pseudo Scientific Malthusian Plantation Nonsense


Anonymous said...

I can accept the logic that says we don't know enough about our world to determine the effects of our actions on a planetary scale. But it seems rather ridiculous to pretend that we are not having negative affects on ecosystems that are literally crashing in front of our eyes from the impact of human generated pollutions and industrialization of the natural world. Wouldn't it simply be more prudent to try to engineer the least invasive impact, than to just continue to rape the planet until we turn around one day and find that all the stuff we took for granted is now gone?

Denmark Vesey said...

"But it seems rather ridiculous to pretend that we are not having negative affects on ecosystems that are literally crashing in front of our eyes from the impact of human generated pollutions and industrialization of the natural world." EM

Who is pretending any such thing?

"Doing nothing" is not the necessary corollary to Man Caused Global Warming.

People who genuinely want to protect the environment don't wont to waste billions of dollars doing something on a hoax.

1) The Climate Has Never Not Changed.

2) The International Treaties that will emerge out of Copenhagen are 2% Environment and 98% Global Tax & Global Government.

The US Constitution will no longer be the law of the land.

The government we will answer to WILL NOT BE ONE THAT WE ELECT.

Hegelian Head Fake.

Remember where you heard it first.

CNu said...

Lyndon LaRouche???

Anonymous said...

LMAO @ Lyndon LaRouche. Dude is crazy, but even the criminally insane make a good point every now and then.

OK. so the people coming up with the so-called solutions are the very same ones in charge of creating the so-called problem and of course you can expect their solutions to be based on their own narrow self interest of profit and power. I think we can agree on that.

But you swing dangerously close to exhibiting a fealty and support of one leg of that currently controlling and culpable elite. The global warming crowd is not to blame for the actions of the "leaders" who set policy that allow us to decimate the natural world and now want to pretend to set policy to "save" it. You at least might want to consider who your friends and allies are in all this. (and no, by that I don't mean to suggest you get all chummy with Al Gore).

Denmark Vesey said...

OK. so the people coming up with the so-called solutions are the very same ones in charge of creating the so-called problem and of course you can expect their solutions to be based on their own narrow self interest of profit and power. I think we can agree on that." Ex Men

No. Not exactly.

Little deeper than that Ex.

The entire "Global Warming / Climate Change" meme is pure propaganda.

A PR Campaign.

Used to disguise a particular policy.

Do you understand the policy these pervasive memes / religion serve to camouflage?

CNu said...

Sit down Lucifer.

Special Ed has been adjourned for the holidays, ExMen conducting an advanced seminar this morning...,

Anonymous said...

I believe I clearly stated my understanding earlier, to wit, power is concerned with nothing more than maintaining power.

I gave that last Monkton video about 3:00, before I just couldn't take it no more. That fool actually said that the world is starving because Americans are growing bio-fuels. That would be the same Americans who have been receiving subsidies for decades to NOT grow food. Now all of a sudden, world hunger is on them? I am going to find it extremely hard to take anything else he says seriously.

Plus the idea that Global warming has been categorically and scientifically overturned as a viable hypothesis is also outlandish. I haven't seen any science that can absolutely prove Global warming is a threat, eminent or otherwise; neither has he seen any than can absolutely debunk it. Difference between us is that I am willing to admit that, and also that I would advocate for policies that would mitigate against a worst case scenario rather than simply and blithely continue doing what I've been doing because I don't think it's that big a problem.

The Monk man is the former policy advisor for Margaret Thatcher. Doesn't that make him automatically suspect as a tool of the very people who want and need to control the meme? And by control, I mean they don't care which side of the argument(meme) actually wins, as long as they are the ones still in charge at the end of the day. Plus, he's an advocate of the scientific method, doesn't that disqualify him as a being part of the Luciferian cabal you consistently vilify?

Denmark Vesey said...

"I gave that last Monkton video about 3:00, before I just couldn't take it no more. That fool actually said that the world is starving because Americans are growing bio-fuels" Ex Men

Exodus, don't allow yourself to be distracted by Levar. He's got a D average this term and is trying to bring you down with him.

You completely missed the significance of the biofuel issue with which Monckton is trying to bless you:

Aditya Chakrabortty, Thursday 3 July 2008 19.35 BST

"Biofuels have forced global food prices up by 75% - far more than previously estimated - according to a confidential World Bank report obtained by the Guardian.

The damning unpublished assessment is based on the most detailed analysis of the crisis so far, carried out by an internationally-respected economist at global financial body."

1) A mandated shift to Biofuels caused global food prices to increase.

2) An increase in global food prices results in a lower standard of living for the poor.

3) A decrease in the standard of living of the poor results in population growth.

Remember Exodus that so-called "Biofuels" are the political product of Environmental Jihadists ... not the products of science and a free market economy.

Left wing environmental fascism is as much a religion as is Catholicism. Al Gore is their Pope.

You wit me?

Go back to the 3 minute mark of Monckton and take up where you left off.

CNu said...

ExMen, peep "lord" monckton lyndon larouche - comedy muhphuggin gold indeed....,

Denmark Vesey said...

Well ... LeVar. Lyndon Larouche must be The Blackest Cat On The Planet.

Because Monckton blows that little "2,000 Watt Each" nerd shit you poppin' out the water.

I mean. Aside from little bitchy drive by insults ... you aint made a point in a minute LeVar.

Other than attack the messenger.

What EXACTLY is Monckton or .. LaRouche or whichever label you need to attach to EVERYTHING outside your little Negro Science Fiction fantasies... wrong about?

CNu said...

I mean. Aside from little bitchy drive by insults ... you aint made a point in a minute LeVar.

He's a dancin, dancin, dancin.., he's a dancing machine...,


If LaRouche Academy upheld "point making" as an academic standard Scratch, your Black ass would've been expelled months ago.

But that's neither here nor there...,

What's really real is why Y.O.U. pop a steady stream of Lyndon LaRouche propaganda to the exclusion of nearly every other information source available on these here Intertubes.


Why you struggle unsuccessfully to rebrand that wack horseshit as anything even remotely related to the "Blackness/Blackest"!!!!

What up with that headfake yo?

Anonymous said...

IF the price of food went up it's because the people selling the food wanted to make more money, not because they couldn't find nowhere else to grow food. Any other report is another one of your head fakes. We are still subsidizing farmers over here not to grow food. Address that in your food prices going up scenario,