Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lickity Split - Teachers Dismissed For Lewd Conduct - The Impending Irrelevance of School

A NYC school janitor caught two Language Arts teachers, Alini Brito and Cindy Mauro, in a compromising situation on school grounds on November 20th. Students at the James Madison High School in the Midwood section of Brooklyn were watching a talent show in the auditorium when the two women snuck off to an empty classroom to engage in some extra-curricular activities. Janitor Robert Colantuoni discovered the women “undressed” and engaged in a sex act on school grounds ... and actually reported the women to school officials. (A Brother would have just dropped the mop, unzipped his overalls and broke out the baby oil).

Mauro, 33, and Brito, 29, are both tenured and have been “reassigned” pending an investigation.


Intellectual Insurgent said...

This is the caliber of people who become "teachers" these days. The mediocrity of those who play glorified daycare provider to children across the nation is amazing.

No one with brains and dignity would tolerate a job where you are not allowed to teach children to think - only to regurgitate spoonfed platitudes so they can hopefully test high enough to keep the school from getting taken over by the feds.

So you get people with no brains and no dignity, happy to teach to test, enforce vaccine policies, cut Christmas out while getting excited about every stupid diversity fad that comes through.

My next door neighbors and all their friends and family members are public school teachers and, needless to say, they are Exhibit A in why my children will NEVER step foot in a public school. Their own kids can barely read and write.

One neighbor who lives up the street is apparently such a good teacher that she teaches other teachers, but has a kid who had to repeat 1st grade.

Another family around the corner - both parents teachers - have two kids that are two grades behind where they should be and need tutoring to continue faking their way through.

And this is White So-called Middle Class America.

Anonymous said...

"So you get people with no brains and no dignity, happy to teach to test, enforce vaccine policies, cut Christmas out while getting excited about every stupid diversity fad that comes through"

Not that all of this isn't fascinating II, (even snuck a vaccine swipe in there...that's talent), but what's that got to do with two teachers getting freaky in a closet, while MOTI trades his mop for baby oil?

What would your response be if these two women taught their students to YOUR satisfaction and standards, but got caught doing adult things on school property?

Intellectual Insurgent said...

What's that got to do with it? If you think that most day-care raised, school-propagandized automatons we call children aren't taking their cues from their teachers - with whom they probably spend far more time than their own parents - you aren't paying attention.

Irrelevant whether their students get Straight A's. They should be thrown out, unclothed, onto the streets outside of the school.

Anonymous said...


Yeah, yeah, yeah I get it: home-school good, public school bad, etc., etc. Not arguing that with you right now. Again, you have a problem with today's school system, and that's fair. I'm asking a hypothetical question. You still would toss out two excellent teachers (for the sake of argument--these teachers lived up to YOUR ultimate ideal of what a teacher should be--other than the girl on girl action in a closet) out if they were getting down outside the view and knowledge of their students?

And while you are at you agree with our host about what a "real brotha" would or would not do in that situation?

Anonymous said...

DMG is making a very valid point what if??? I do understand II what you feel about public education though, I just feel that teaching begins in the home first. It is the parents job to talk with there children and to see what is going on at school and know what they are being taught. Ask questions look at their school work. Teachers are not neccessary enemies, but tools to help your child to succeed. I will say that I support homeschooling as one of the best alternatives to public and private education.

makheru bradley said...

Very base of the path. Virtual animals in heat with no control over their base desires. They couldn't even wait until they got out of the school building. Hedonism on steroids.

"Those whose hearts obey base desires become the possession of the enemy." – Ptahhotep

(A Brother would have just dropped the mop, unzipped his overalls and broke out the baby oil). – DV

Thus a real brother is a whoremonger driven purely by base desires.

OBTW, these lesbians would have cried rape. The Negro fool would have been arrested, and the lesbians would have continued teaching.

Robert Colantuoni stayed above “indiscriminate lust” and did the right thing.

Denmark Vesey said...

(A Brother would have just dropped the mop, unzipped his overalls and broke out the baby oil). – DV

Thus a real brother is a whoremonger driven purely by base desires.


damn man ...

Ya'll nerds need lighten up.

KonWomyn said...

Nah magne you just need to remember YOUR Get A Chick Campaign: Strong Families build Strong People. Weaker People are easier to control. Get A Chick.

Janitor breaking out baby oil = weak brotha.

Janitor rising above indiscriminate lust = sensible brotha.

Strong brotha? One who imagines those schoolkids, as his own, walking in on those teachers.

makheru bradley said...

KonWomyn preaches the truth and shames the devil.

Denmark Vesey said...


Damn Kay Duuuub.

The Haters got you twisted too?

There's a concept called "tongue n cheek" ... "facetious" ... "fuckin' around" ... "elbow to rib" ... irony.

The cornballs so eager to get a hit they see any chance to score a point on ol' DV as an opportunity of a life time.

Surprised Kay Dub gettin' all literal on me.



But let's not be fooled. A whooooooole bunch of GOOD brothas would have done something other than turn them chicks over to the authorities.

Anonymous said...

DV- The truth is coming out. This is number three, that I can count (this month) about what a true "Brotha" would do in sexual predictaments.
So, this is what you would do?
You are on here blogging about saving your people yet the two top killers of your race is abortion & AIDS, both a result of reckless sexual behavior.
Men who can't afford their condoms producing babies they can't afford or never wanted in the first place, YET they have no problem going rampantly from one female to the next gratifying themselves.
Uncontrollable,mindless and self-seeking like animals.
A man's legacy is not a numbers game: how many fatherless children are wandering lost, confused and angry, , BUT how many stable, morally guided/grounded children are going to ensure their very own existence and that of their children's future...and their children's future.

makheru bradley said...

Anon speaks the truth and shames the devil.

Dood, you’re being taken to task for promoting mindless sex.

There's a concept called "tongue n cheek" ... DV

There's a concept called wishing for Teflon after your ass has been stuck to the frying pan.

Anonymous said...

I thought is was the food(fried chicken, sweet potato pie etc...) DV said was killing black people. Wait, I'm confuse.
Dv they may have got you on this one. KonWomym said it best!

Thordaddy said...

So what will the results of the investigation be??? These two chicks were being excessively liberal in their conduct? So they are simply guilty of doing today what will be normal tomorrow. What liberal principle was actually broken here? The administrators at this point must make an unprincipled exception (punish the teachers for boldly going where liberalism tells them to go) and give the parents of the children in this school just the right amount of sanction so as to not give the impression that it leads to the normalization of this type of behavior.

Denmark Vesey said...

"So they are simply guilty of doing today what will be normal tomorrow. " TD

Finally ... a cat with enough self esteem to make an intelligent observation.

The Haters so busy cock blockin' DV they miss the point.

Big Ups TD.

KonWomyn said...

And DV's so busy playing janitor with the baby oil, he misses the point too.

You're a funny cat.

F'real tho' this has already become normalized insofar as risque sexual fantasies go. Society already approves of it; two women getting it on is a part of erotic discourse; gay relationships have long been legal; civil unions recognized and homosexuality taught in the schl.

Denmark Vesey said...

You cute Kay Duub.


The CockBlocks miss the point. DV misses the point.

So .... what's the point?

KonWomyn said...

The point was made by Makheru; this is hedonism in its most primitive state. Risque sexual gratification overrides the conduct expected of a teacher and the welfare of minors entrusted in their care is forsaken. It's an abuse of their position, but how the School Board will handle this is telling. They won't be struck off, nor will there be a lengthy suspension - plenty of similar cases go the same way. It's almost to be expected in a society whose sexual imagination has legitimized classroom sex as fantasy. So instead of breaking out the baby oil Janitor DV, snitching was the rite thing to do. And on this one and ONLY occassion, I'd say your boy Henry was on point.

KonWomyn said...

"You cute Kay Duub"

Imitation is the art of life.

Denmark Vesey said...

That's not a bad point. KW.

Not particularly insightful. But true.

I thought Intellectual Insurgent was more intellectually courageous with this point:

"No one with brains and dignity would tolerate a job where you are not allowed to teach children to think - only to regurgitate spoonfed platitudes so they can hopefully test high enough to keep the school from getting taken over by the feds."

The tryst of the teachers is just another example of the product of the Plantation School System.

They were behaving exactly as they were programmed to behave.

Thinking the janitor's reporting of these women ... to the "authorities" (The Very System That Produced These Women) is somehow virtuous is Plantation Negrodom at it's finest.

That's like reporting 2 obese women ... caught eating cake ... to Betty Crocker.

That's like catching women eating GMO ... to ADM.

Yes. Henry is right.

And being right about this ... (For 10 years now) ... makes Henry right about quite a few things.

CNu said...


DeVil lip poked out...,

There's a concept called "tongue n cheek" ... "facetious" ... "fuckin' around" ... "elbow to rib" ... irony.

Anon, Bro. Makheru and KW spanked ole Scratch for advocating nasty, irresponsible, immoral, malicious mischief. {like he always do as long as it's a hetero-dood perpetrating}

{lucky for Malek Taus that he had his little monotheism-professing, true-believing imps running around pretending at silly and superfluous political misdirection..,}

Denmark Vesey said...

Why Tyrone Demitrius Malthus!

I told you 'bout smokin' that cheap Prairie Grass.

Got your dopamine hegemony preoccupied with DV's testes.

CNu said...

preoccupied with DV's testes


pause scratch...,

mr. and mrs. sniff got that job on lock.

Tyrone "mastermind" Malthus III still jes pullin your lil pointy tail.

mr. sniff said...

There is no mrs. sniff. Only my dear husband mr. sniff. And yes, we got DV's testes job on lock.

Denmark Vaseline said...

And it hurts so good.

chosen said...

Intellectual Insurgent,

your analysis of teachers' failure in the public school system is saddening, but not entirely surprising.

unfortunately, teachers these days can come out of where ever they went to school with a degree in 'education' - a code word for not much at all - and begin to shape young minds.

i have a friend who was recruited for a program called teach for america. tho TFA touts itself to be more inclusive of people of color and seeks to uplift the educational system blah blah blah...

what they actually end up with are young - real young - primarily white girls like these in question, who toss themselves into an inner city or rural school system, thinking that they will revolutionize american education and save the coloreds.

all the while without appreciating that they are perpetuating the same cycles of destruction.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Indeed Chosen. Public school teaching and TFA are for people raised on a steady diet of Stand By Me and all the silly Michelle Pfeifer Great White Idealistic Teacher saving poor ghetto Black kids by showing them there is a better way stories.

I haven't seen the movie, but isn't this year's White Hero some character played by Sandra Bullock who adopts a homeless Black kid who is talented at football?

The people who fall for this Great White Hope Saving Poor Black People Theme are stupid liberals who want to be heroes. And one thing I've found quite consistent about stupid liberals who want to save everyone else - they are the ones most in need of being saved. They are usually trainwrecks in their personal lives, such as these two women, and truly have no dignity or morality.

It will take no time before these two women are going to claim they are the victims of discrimination and bully the school district into re-hiring them. They will ultimately come out ahead for all this.

chosen said...

Yea that movie is called "The Blind Side". And the blind side it is indeed cuz that shit is blantantly racist, and she (Bullock) might get nominated for an oscar for it...

your prediction of these young women claiming discrimination makes good sense in today's social climate. i wonder, will it be for reverse-racism or homophobia??

Big Man said...

Smells like uprising in here.