Friday, December 11, 2009

The Impending Irrelevance of School

DMG said...
Moving herd animals is easy. Maybe YOU should try moving someone who knows to stand his ground.
Move me.

Denmark Vesey said ...
"Move me" says the Plantation Negro MD.
LOL ... ahhhhhhhhh me.
How much more moved ... could a peanut head Negro consumed with jealousy be?
"It's easy!" says he.


Show us.

Move Somebody:


CNu said...

Mr. DeVil, what that mean if DenmarkVesey school?

Denmark Vesey said...

Why Tyrone Malthus ... it means you are in class as we speak.

CNu said...


ole DeVil cain't-splain-shit to save his life, yet work that forked tongue like a don't know what!

Denmark Vesey said...


Tyrone Malthus can explain everything, yet move no one.

Anonymous said...

As you demonstrate daily, it's not difficult to move the herd...even if you are moving them over a cliff.

Denmark Vesey said...

Easy Plantation MD?

Show us.

Move someone.

Anonymous said...

Moving herd animals is easy. Maybe YOU should try moving someone who knows to stand his ground.

Move me.

CNu said...


That ole DeVil a master of ceremonies..., but CNu the Master Mind.

Denmark Vesey said...

"As you demonstrate daily, it's not difficult to move the herd...even if you are moving them over a cliff." PMD

Plantation Negro got some nerve.
Monkey Virus dripping out his nose,
yet he's calling other people "herd".
This nerd is absurd.
His whole worldview is backward.
His mind has been altered.
Pretending to be angered.
Comes to DV to get his questions answered.

From now on nerd if you want the Daily Word
You respond to DV with "Please & Yes sir!"

Move 'em off a cliff?
Sucka MD you wish.

You moving people to Tamiflu and Monkey Vaccines.
I'm moving them to Sunshine & Vitamin D.

Plantation Medicine is killing people Doc.

And you are a black slave catcher with a stethoscope rubber stamping Massa's poison.

Anonymous said...

...and you are stuck in the past, always thinking about "massa" being over your shoulder. The plantation occupies your dreams and all of your waking hours, because it's got you shaken. I get it now, you are worried about slave catchers dragging you back, thing is you want to be caught, because you miss home.

Kimberly said...

DMG why do you want DV to move you? This obsession is getting a bit strange.

Anonymous said...


Keep up. I don't do remedial explanations.

CNu said...

whoa Prof. DMG,

no need to go out like the rude dog!!

jes sayin...., ;)

dx said...



Anonymous said...

OK. How about this CNu:

My dearest Kimberly, please refer to the above exchange in it's entirety, for reference you may also check previous conversations and discussions I've had with the host.

dx/mini-DV/whomever. Thanks for chiming in. If providing truth and facts to counter the lies and distortions of MOTI is an obsession, then well you got me.

dx said...

well there you said it

confession is good for da soul

Anonymous said...

Indeed, you all should try it sometime.

CNu said...

see magne...,

I knew that fine upbringing and advanced international polish was just waiting in the wings to come shining through.

I realize how trying it can be to separate the peasants from the pleasants, but it's an essential discipline if you want to finesse ole Beelzebub on his home court.

Anonymous said...

It's more fun to just straight kick his ass, but my shoe leather is starting to have the aroma of colon...

Denmark Vesey said...

What's happenin' K?

Brother deeeeeee X!

I know what ya'll mean.

Dude on my jock so bad it's borderline homo.


Anonymous said...

...well you DO enjoy my foot in yoru ass

Denmark Vaseline said...

I do, DMG, I do.

Anonymous said...

dv for that was 2 gay...

Anonymous said...

dv for that was 2 gay...