Tuesday, December 08, 2009

The Global System of Black Supremacy

Crystal Was Chosen said ...
Nah homie I'm not dancing to that song anymore.

Cat's got style. he's smooth. he has confidence, maybe even arrogance, but enough graciousness to balance it.

intelligent. enough wit to know the significance of being a black news anchor for corporate media, and enough balls to take a stance.

and let's be real. did you see that smile?? coulda lit up the eastern shore board back in summer 2004.

ladies, fellas, anyone in between holla if you hear me ...


Kimberly said...

If I wasn't already married that man would be in trouble.

NEA said...

This is one SEXY Man! Great pick girl!

chosen said...

I'm trying to tell you....did you see him blushing at the end? killing me softly...