Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Global System of Black Supremacy or Why Plantation Negros Have A Problem With Sistas

fist tap crystal was chosen


chosen said...

A documentary about the Last Poets was screened at the Schomburg in NYC last spring ('Made In Amerikkka'). It was cool, they performed a few pieces including "Jibaro, My Pretty Nigger", and "Niggas are Scared of Revolution".

This cold cut though, is such a clear, forward thinking (and rhythmic) analysis of race, culture and religion in 21st century United States, it had to be shared!

CNu said...

felipe look like my older brother saying what I said here yesterday;

Blackness (jes grew) is our unique and open-ended overcoming of traditional, enslaving, trans-european predator/prey relationships (The Plantation).

That's why enslaved peasants find themselves endlessly fascinated with - and preoccupied by - everything we think, say, and do.

That's why enslaved peasants are drawn like moths to a (the) flame.

That's why enslaved peasants endlessly (yet eagerly) humiliate themselves with their feeble and failing attempts to emulate what they imagine they understand of Blackness. (the functional equivalent of watching some Bruce Lee movies and then jumping into the Octagon)

That's why, as goes Blackness, so goes America, and by extension - the world....,

RiPPa said...

This was indeed a very powerful presentation - thank you for sharing.

I needed this in my life today.


Denmark Vesey said...

What's happenin' Rippa? That was a great piece. Big ups to CWC for dropping it on us. Welcome to the spot.

NEA said...

Loved this! Good stuff!

the good nurse said...

Well......go head.