Cattle were designed to eat grass, not grains. Factory farms today feed animals corn and soybeans, which fatten up the animals faster for slaughter. The animal is more profitable because it is bigger and heavier (yet often sick with cancer, because it can't digest what it is fed.) A recent comprehensive study found that compared with corn-fed beef, grass-fed beef is higher in beta-carotene, vitamin E, omega-3s, conjugated linoleic acid, calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

God didn't intend for salmon to be crammed into pens and fed soy, poultry litter, and hydrolyzed chicken feathers. As a result, farmed salmon is lower in vitamin D and higher in contaminants, including carcinogens, PCBs, brominated flame retardants, and pesticides such as dioxin and DDT.

Chemicals, including perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), in the lining of the bag, are part of a class of compounds that may be linked to infertility in humans. In animal testing, the chemicals cause liver, testicular, and pancreatic cancer. Studies show that microwaving causes the chemicals to vaporize -- and migrate into your popcorn.

Root vegetables absorb herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides that wind up in soil. In the case of potatoes they're treated with fungicides during the growing season, then sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines before harvesting. After they're dug up, the potatoes are treated yet again to prevent them from sprouting.
may i suggest everyone find a great farmers' market in their city and do all shopping there. i go to the dekalb farmers' market here in decatur ga and i don't have the issues stated in your article..not a beef eater and my som and i drink almond milk...as for the salmon...i like it like i like my men on occassion...wild. lol..have a blessed day folk.
i like it like i like my men on occassion...wild.
LOL!! Best line of the day. :-)
What about:
* Rice Milk (ie Rice Dream)
* Almond Milk ( Almond Delight)
Both are these are EXCELLENT milk substitutes.
I was able to get my young son to start drinking "milk" by using rice drink. When he claimed that milk makes his stomach hurt I reminded him that the drink is made out of the same rice that he eats nearly every day. (That and the tactics of intimidation that every dad must employ upon his son while they are young worked to get him to drink up).
Sista Nurse!
As usual you are ahead of the game. Stick to the wild salmon and the occasionally wild brothas and you going to be aight forever. ;- )
Brotha CF!
Got little man on the Rice Milk huh? Good stuff. Keep the bovine growth hormone out of his little body ... despite what them Plantation MD's try to tell you.
Hey CF,
My only tip on that stuff is to make the almond milk yourself. The stuff goes bad usually within three to four days, so I can only imagine the amount of preservatives that are loaded into the store-sold versions to give them sufficient shelf life.
Whatever it is that is keeping that almond milk on that shelf for weeks shouldn't be in your kid.
It's not hard to make, and you can make a bunch and freeze it into small batches if making it every few days is too inconvenient.
There's probably a way to make your own rice milk too. And if you discover it, please share. :-)
DV... It's nice to see you offer healthier meats vs. just pushing a non-meat diet. Meat is the most efficient source of protein.... especially for athletes and growing children. Yup... unfortunatley the current system of its production brings upon a great health danger. Your suggestions could get expensive, but well worth it.
Highly useful post, DV.
Hope your Christmas was nice, and that you have a good new year.
Just surfing around and came across your site...great info. I started going to a Whole Foods market for those very items for those exact reasons. The kids today just look as if their bodies are maturing at a much faster rate than ours did at that age...my rationale...the growth hormones injected into the meats. We eat only farm-raised products now and, I purchased a popcorn popper like the one in the movies(they really like that.) It's a little more expensive but, it beats someone having to buy a casket.
i pop my corn on the stove top when i have to have it...back down memory lane.
Hello Ali. Welcome to the spot. You are right. Growth hormones are bad news.
Organic is expensive. But it's cheaper than cancer.
Sista Nurse! On the stove.
That's what I'm talking about.
You remember Jiffy Pop popcorn? Big puffy aluminum foil when it was finished?
Nah. You too young.
now dv u know i am older than u sugah...yes, i remember jiffy pop..used to BEG my parents to buy it! My mother used to say "hell no, u better get that pot out and pop that corn!" Ha!
"Let me say that one more time: Raw cold-pressed, organic extra-virgin coconut oil."
DV: What is the difference between "extra-virgin coconut oil" and "virgin coconut oil"?
DV: What is the difference between "extra-virgin coconut oil" and "virgin coconut oil"? UBM
It's a marketing term borrowed from the olive oil industry.
I don't imagine there exists any true difference in the processing of the oil.
The important thing is that both "extra-virgin" coconut oil and "virgin" coconut oil will keep the bumps off of your face, just the same.
This is my first time posting a comment. I love your blog. Keep up the fantastic work. Curious, I shop at Whole Foods because everything there is organic. Is my food safe from all the crap you mentioned? Also I'm a huge fan of farmers markets. There are tons of the in LA area.
Sista Muse!
Welcome to the spot. Glad you said something. I know it can look crazy in here from a distance. But everybody is harmless. It's all love.
Whole Foods is a step in the right direction. But unnecessarily expensive and often over-processed.
You are right on time with the Farmers Markets.
The Farmers Markets in LA are some of the best in the nation. Friday mornings in Marina Del Rey / Venice is our personal favorite.
Refined Food Is Poison.
It's that simple. I believe it is a "Slow Kill Weapon". Like a Neutron bomb that takes 25 years to kill the population.
Have you tried Leaf on Washington Blvd? Nice little raw spot with excellent smoothies.
If you haven't done it. Change your salt.
Himalayan Pink Salt is the best. It is a hand mined, hand-washed and sun dried salt full of trace elements that can dramatically improve your health when it replaces industrialized refined salt that is in 99% of processed foods.
Thanks for the info. Growing up my parents fed us healthy organic food but once I got to college, my eating habits went straight to hell and got worst when I moved back from Switzerland and started working in corporate america (making the transition out...talk about killing one's soul). But thanks for the info. I live in the valley. I usually go to the farmer markets in Santa Monica and in Glendale. The website is awesome though. I was a lurker for about six months before I decided to show my presence lol.
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