Thursday, December 10, 2009

Come On Bra ... Pornography Ho's? Aint No Sex That Safe

"Tiger was like .. the whitest black boy ever!"
Yet another reason to stick with sistas. I can't see a sista pulling no silly shit like this. ^^
DMG said...
"Tiger was like .. the whitest black boy ever!"

Nobody picked up on the lines bimbolina said after this sentence? (1:08)


Anonymous said...

That is an interesting show. Why does the lady in the middle have on clothes but the other gals don't? And that gal on the left ought to get her roots done. Safe sex is a misnomer. Now they don't even teach the concept in schools...the term is now "PROBABLY safe sex". Either way, the consequences of a serially promiscuous lifestyle will come to bit you in the ass. It's really sad that he cheated on his wife with so many ho's. He should not have gotten married if he couldn't respect the vows.

Big Man said...

Yo, at first I thought his wife went a little too crazy...

But now? Now I think she should have really whipped his ass. I ain't gonna lie, the Lord would have to intervene to prevent me from going crazy on my wife if I found out this type of nonsense had occurred. And I abhor domestic violence.

You sleeping with porn stars? You trying to give me that Monster? You risking my health to bang PORN STARS! WTH.


medium white.5 said...

Did you read the text messages in the post way down below?

If Elin murders him, no sane jury will convict her.

Denmark Vesey said...

"the Lord would have to intervene to prevent me from going crazy on my wife" Big Man


I feel you Big Man.

But come on.

The odds of your wife ever doing some shit with a male porn star are about as strong as the odds of you doing something with a male porn star.

It aint going to happen.

Women just aint built like that.

They've got other issues.

But every time a woman checks into a hotel while on the road ... 'gettin' some ass' aint the first thing on her mind.

Which is why 99% of the sex industry caters to men.

I know a cat in W. LA. A banker in his 30's. Dude married with kids. Has sex with 3 or 4 different women a week. Keeps an entire separate apartment just for afternoon trysts.

Dude had a bachelor party in Brazil. Word got back that he and 6 dudes hired 10 chicks. They said he hit EACH one of them ... and was half way around on his second lap ... when he put his clothes on and left with one of the girls ...TO GO HIRE SOME MORE broads.

Dude don't drink. Don't smoke. No drugs. Just sex.

I aint never heard of a woman like that.

Casper said...

"I aint never heard of a woman like that."

They exist ... U didn't attend U. of Arizona and play sports did ya .. Women aren't bravado about their sexual biz .. Watch that show Cheaters .. Or re-enroll & play ball @ a big state university .. Ron Artest said he was a pimp in college for a reason.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

There are a lot of nasty women DV; you may not have met them but quite a few women are sex junkies too.

I don't mind the fact that Tiger likes to screw; any normal human being enjoys that. But he is MARRIED and ought to be screwing his wife only. If he cheated once or twice...okay but with all these ho's? Hell naw!

Denmark Vesey said...

I hear you M.

Believe me ... I know summin' about ho's.

But do you know of a married woman who has screwed 12 different men in the past 12 months?

I know quite a few cats give Tiger a run for his money.

Pink said...

I guess he wasn't quite nasty enough to go down on her lol. And he did use a condom... So he's nasty, but I've seen nastier.

KonWomyn said...

Hello Mahndisa
Long time, girl!

Yea I can't picture imagine a female Tiger like the ones Casper's describing. I still maintain Tiger's got an emotional problem. A rebellious streak signalling 'sumthin from his childhood.' Child prodigies have social adjustment issues - yea I know that just doesn't even sound rite. But I'm playing shrink ; )

I'm not making excuses for him, but there's a deeper narrative to him; like Mike didn't just want to be White, Tiger didn't just want women. His wild side always had to be repressed; being a golfer one had to be uber-preppy and super-composed. Seems to me, women became his form of release from the pressure and they also satisfied an insatiable somewhat addictive urge within him. Getting with a porn star maybe fufilled some fantasy or affirm his sex King status as the highest paid sportsman in the world.

Denmark Vesey said...


Where you been?

How you going to not check on your boy?

... and uh ... what you seen nastier?

Denmark Vesey said...

Dr. Kaaaay Dub in the house!

You give 100 young handsome black athletes millions of dollars.

85 of them are going to have more sex with more women than it appears Tiger did.

Unless they are Muslims.

Or Christians who actually practice Christianity.

Untethered is one thing. Unrestricted is another.

Untethered, unrestricted and rich is a formula that would test a saint.

dx said...

we all have a "shadow" imagine of ourselves, a dual person if you will...when repressed there is energy being stored in that direction and beggin' to be acknowledged when full...the denial of our "shadow" is a sure fire way for a volcanic emotional eruption...

i concure KW...hommz got emotional issues

Pink said...

Trying to keep up with my job which is like working at a zoo. But you knew I was gonna be back, I always come back!

Nastier would be the guys that are having sex with their wives raw and doing the same with the groupies. None have popped up pregnant yet so he's doing something semi-right. I'm not sticking up for him but outside babies and STDs are the ultimate disrespect.

KonWomyn said...

LOL! Dr Kaay Dub, I can get with that!

But what's also interesting is how many of those 85 athletes will bang every willing chic they lay their eyes on and still get up erryday to make more millions as athletes. Is there something abt rampant sex and sporting ability - well soccer players are advised not to have sex a few days before big games esp the brothas (I'm an Arsenal fan so I know). But I guess for Tiger and guys like Wilt Chamberlain they stayed on top of their game. I saw a news report earlier and they were saying, despite being dropped, sales of his Gatorade drink have gone up. Judging by the comments of pple like IWAIW this has prob made him more of a man's man, for some.

Denmark Vesey said...

Ummm ... sales went up?


It made Tiger Blacker.

That's why sales went up.


dx said...

"You give 100 young handsome black athletes millions of dollars.

85 of them are going to have more sex with more women than it appears Tiger did."

sad.......but probably true

Anonymous said...

"Tiger was like .. the whitest black boy ever!" Nobody picked up on the lines bimbolina said after this sentence? (1:08)

forealz said...

Unfortunately, Tiger didn't use condoms with all the girls he cheated with...

Elin = sucka

Anonymous said...

Hi KW, you have a point about why he might be a serial cheater, but he ought not to have married. Now I hope he learns a lesson from this. Seems like he came unraveled!

makheru bradley said...

I'm with you DMG. What did this sleaze-bag mean when she says "Tiger was like .. the whitest black boy ever!"

Denmark Vesey said...

"I'm with you DMG. What did this sleaze-bag mean when she says "Tiger was like .. the whitest black boy ever!" MB

She means exactly what she said.

She means what I've been telling you for weeks.

Some cats are "Blacker" than others.

Some cats just happen to be black.

Some cats are Brothers.

Anonymous said...


No. You don't get it. I'll let you know when you do get it.

CNu said...

Mr. DeVil,

Could you *break down* the specific *meaning* of what you wrote above - not illustrating by analogy - but instead by providing descriptive specifications?

What is the specific nature of Blackness such that it is uniquely worthy of emulation and a thing to be?

Why is this Blackness simultaneously celebrated and demonized?

Why did Blackness erupt with unique force and durability here in America?

Thanks in advance for any edifying Luciferian wisdom you choose to dispense?

CNu said...

One more kwestin Mr. DeVil,

Is Blackness essential or is it acquired?


Denmark Vesey said...

^^ Tell these nerds what time it is ... And they ask you how to build a clock.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Everyone is so focused on Tiger's behavior, but one must wonder if any of these whores have parents or family or anyone who they even remotely get embarrassed in front of.

Because you really have to marvel at the pride these women seem to have in being cheap whores and broadcasting it to the world to hear. How do you show up for Christmas dinner with gramma and the parents after bragging about going down on some guy?


This story isn't about Tiger. It's about a culture that rewards women for being whores.

When up is down and black is white, you know Lucifer has arrived.

CNu said...

Whassamatta Beelzebub?

Cat got your tongue?

makheru bradley said...

This story isn't about Tiger. It's about a culture that rewards women for being whores. -- II

This story is about a base of the path society, and whoremongering, rich or famous men, who reward women financially or psychologically for being whores.

makheru bradley said...

It made Tiger Blacker. -- DV

What made Tiger blacker? His whoremongering?

Not according to this professional whore. He was "the whitest black boy ever!" I'm assuming that this professional whore has had sex with numerous Black men.

Anonymous said...


Comment on what the whore believes are the qualities typical to black men (then we can see how MOTI and the whore agree).

Kimberly said...

Insurgent is the truth. Not enough money in the world for me to play myself like that. My father would die.

makheru bradley said...

DMG, I’ll try to respond but first this:

[Tiger's conquests are divided into two categories — The Pros and The Talent. Older gals in their mid-30s and facing their expiration dates are Pros (formerly madams) who help procure young things for their clients. The talent is the talent.

The grandma of Pros is Rachel Uchitel, 34, the 9/11 widow-turned-"VIP hostess," who provided Tiger with gals from here to Australia, after taking her turn. Rachel gave an insider's peek to The Post's Emily Smith, yammering about how she hired a girl to hang with a big shot on a trip to Europe, with disastrous results:

• Kalika Moquin, 27, set up Tiger in Vegas with females who looked as he likes them. This lucrative calling is legal in all 50 states.
• Jamie Jungers, 26, is a lingerie model who was hired to "rub elbows," and presumably other parts, with high-rollers in Vegas, where she says she carried on a torrid, and profitable, Tiger affair.
• Jaimee Grubbs, 24, a Los Angeles cocktail waitress and contestant on VH1's "Tool Academy" only looks dumb. She saved Tiger's text messages during a 31-month affair, which got him in trouble with the wife. Oh, and she loved him.
• Mindy Lawton, 33, a pancake-house waitress, made up for advancing years with her appetite for spankings and hair-pulling, a tale she was happy to sell to a British tabloid.
• Holly Sampson, 36, is a porn actress who starred in "OMG, Stop Tickling Me!" Never stop.
• Porn star Veronica Siwik-Daniels, aka Joslyn James, favored simultaneous sexual partners before the camera. Now that's talent.

There also is an unnamed 26-year-old Orlando cocktail waitress, a British TV broadcaster and a "sex-addicted cougar."] -- Gold-diggers like these set women back
by Andrea Peyser, New York Post

DMG, I’ve been inside the minds of a lot of prostitutes and strippers, but I’ve never talked to a “porno movie actress.” I have no doubt that their mental frameworks are similar. For example, the average prostitute who has turned numerous tricks across the complete spectrum of ethnic groups would say that on average Asian men have the smallest penis, and that makes their work with this group of men easier.
Most of these ladies have done things the average person can’t imagine doing. I have some ideas as to what Sampson is probably referring to, but I would prefer that our host answers the questions that you and Bro. Nulan posed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Makheru. If only our host would engage in debate instead of selbst lieben.

CNu said...

I’ve been inside the minds of a lot of prostitutes and strippers

Bro. Makheru said "minds"


I'ma hafta remember that one brah...,