Thursday, May 13, 2010

Negros Want To Argue ...

I mean. Aside from little bitchy drive by insults ... you aint made a point in a minute LeVar.

He's a dancin, dancin, dancin.., he's a dancing machine...,

lol, If LaRouche Academy upheld "point making" as an academic standard Scratch, your Black ass would've been expelled months ago. But that's neither here nor there..., What's really real is why Y.O.U. pop a steady stream of Lyndon LaRouche propaganda to the exclusion of nearly every other information source available on these here Intertubes. and, Why you struggle unsuccessfully to rebrand that wack horseshit as anything even remotely related to the "Blackness/Blackest"!!!! What up with that headfake yo?
Calm down LeVar. Calm down.

I'll make a deal with you.

You pop that Malthusian, Climate Change Jehovah's Witness, Negro Al Gore, 4 Legs Good 2 Legs Bad, Freemasonic, Misanthropic, Unnecessarily Polysyllabic, "2,000 Watt Each", Leonard Part VI, Geeky Negro Sci-Fi Fantasy...


I'll kick the Organic Food, Sunshine Nuk Au Neter, GetAChick, Global System of Black Supremacy, Secularism Is A Religion Too, Vaccinations Kill, Say No To GMO, Bigge Smalls Is The Greatest, Himalayan Pink Salt & Pretty Bitches.

We'll let whatever works speak for itself? Cool?

My man.


CNu said...
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CNu said...


as always brah, your comedy stylings are peerless.

Shit had me cracking up so loud this morning, I had to show it to and explain it to the Mrs.

So we got to talking about the LaRouchian just a little bit, that and the John Birch Society, yet another fringe technical point source - with which I happen to be unusually familiar.

I attended a Birch Society school founded and funded to this day by those two characters. You see, the Birch Society learned during the 60's that it didn't have a prayer in the American political mainstream, but that if it operated covertly in and through schools, and in and through behind-the-scenes not-for-profit organizations, it could exert a wildly disproportionate influence on the American electorate. It's proven to be a wildly successful strategy for them to this day.

When I was finally emancipated to the precincts of Cambridge MA., I happened to become fast friends with the son of Lyndon LaRouche's top negro operative in the U.S.. My boy, (now deceased) tried to bring me into the fold. Problem was, I had already been exposed to a complex system of indoctrination and overcome it as a teenager. There was little prospect for the LaRouchian to gain a foothold in a mind so well-prepared. {I gotta get the little boy ready for wu shu, I'll get back to this commentary in a little bit}

CNu said...

"Though often dismissed as a bizarre political cult, the LaRouche organization and its various front groups are a fascist movement whose pronouncements echo elements of Nazi ideology.

Beginning in the 1970s, the LaRouchites combined populist anti-elitism with attacks on leftists, environmentalists, feminists, gay men and lesbians, and organized labor. They advocated a dictatorship in which a 'humanist' elite would rule on behalf of industrial capitalists. They developed an idiosyncratic, coded variation on the Illuminati Freemason and Jewish banker conspiracy theories. Their views, though exotic, were internally consistent and rooted in right-wing populist traditions."

The LaRouchite Secret Elite Synthesis

CNu said...

Genesis, 18, 20-33; 19, 15-17 and 25-27

..."For the sake of fifty (then forty five; then forty, thirty, twenty and even 10), I will not destroy it." (Sodom and Gomorra) ...With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away when the city is punished." When he hesitated, the men grasped his hand and the hands of his wife and of his two daughters and led them safely out of the city, for the LORD was merciful to them. As soon as they had brought them out, one of them said, "Flee for your lives! Don't look back, and don't stop anywhere in the plain! Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!"... Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities and also the vegetation in the land. But Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Like today, it seems that some 3,000 years ago, paradigmatic change was difficult verging on impossible. It was then and it remains now next to impossible to find 10 righteous (capable of change) among the wicked who are condemned because their way of life in simultaneously non-negotiable and unsustainable. Leaving that way of life behind is an already difficult task made even more so by the devilish deceivers who tempt folks to go back to their berths on the Titanic so that the deceivers can monopolize what they imagine are lifeboats exclusively for their parasitic, pimpish use.

CNu said...

you so excited to have CNu hit the spot, you hittin the crates like it was it was the second coming of jesus!

I don't blame you brah, I'd be sick and tired of these little ignorant muhphuggahs creating an echo chamber too....,

Anonymous said...

He does call out, doesn't he...

CNu said...

Constantly, and then tries to flip it around like cats are actively seeking out all the negative attention he can muster.

Until DeeVee, I'd never come across a negro channeling Blanche Dubois before...,