Wednesday, December 09, 2009

White. Black. So What? Emancipation Proclamation My Ass. Global System Of White Supremacy Yada Yada. If You Can't Say "No" - You Are A Slave

"Free people can say 'no'. Free people can refuse demands for their money, time, and children. Slaves cannot. There is no freedom without the freedom to say 'no'. If someone demands that you do something and you can say "no" and refuse to do it, then you are a free human being. If you can be forced to do something or surrender something that you do not wish to, then you are a slave. No other test need be applied" - Michael Rivero


KonWomyn said...

What is being free? If taxes constitute "demands on your money" are you free? Knowing that that money goes towards providing you with social benefits but the bulk of it funds worldwide miltary aggression. Seeing as one cannot say no, therefore one is a slave according to Rivero. Are we at Denmark tax-paying slaves funding the military aggression of our respective countries where we are resident or citizen?

CNu said...

try not paying them taxes and find out...,

dx said...

sounds like somebody dont wanna pay their taxes?


dx said...

and y cant you say NO....lots do!!!

Anonymous said...

They sure do...

KonWomyn said...

Lol, nah not like Wesley Snipes but as a conscientous objector to the military industrial complex. If one can opt out of going to war, then the portion of taxes spent on such military action is something I'd want to be exempt from.

That I don't have a choice in the matter because my taxes are deducted from my earnings beforehand, is the permanent one-up Big Guvm'nt has over me.

But does it not also illustrate the minimal influence the pubic has in determining public spending. If residents and citizens cannot decide for/against demands on their money - do they pass or fail Rivero's slave test?

Anonymous said...


I feel you on that. Our taxes go to build weapon systems that were built for two conflicts ago...submarines, aircraft carriers, air superiority fighters...etc, will never be used, and will cost us billions more to maintain until they are scrapped. Big waste. I share your sentiment, but the impact would not be worth your incarceration.

Then what about folks would want to opt out for paying taxes for any program benefiting xyz.

I suppose one could always move elsewhere..

Denmark Vesey said...

"Why do you shuck jive and scrape? Why do you bow your heads when in the presence of these white men?" Denmark Vesey


"Yes. And you deserve to be."

200 years later it's the same thing.

Plantation Negro MD has been a slave for so long he can't even conceive of being free any more than could his great great great granddaddy slave DMG.

He thinks spending billions of tax dollars on drones to bomb children in Afghanistan and Somalia is less of a 'waste' than spending billions on nuclear submarines.

The concept that government is to serve at the pleasure of the people is foreign to peasants more comfortable serving.

"I suppose one could always move elsewhere.." Plantation MD

It doesn't even occur to "we sick boss" Negros that this nation was founded by men resisting taxation without representation.

Why not make the NeoCons who lied us into this war move elsewhere?

All those in favor of spending another $100 Billion per year in Afghanistan raise your hands


The Plantation gave these punk ass slave niggas college degrees ... and they don't even want to be free.

"People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people."
— Alan Moore

KonWomyn said...

You're quite right. War equipment is expensive to build and to maintain. The expense of troops being inadequately prepared for combat means funding for the neccessary gear comes out of the tax payers pockets. e.g the UK. Instead of 'let's stop fighting a war we can't afford' the guv'mnt tugs at the patriotic heartstrings of the public to support the troops; thus indirectly supporting the war.

Well on the bright side if one was incarcerated for refusing to pay military taxes, Big Guv'mnt would pay you. A tuppence, but still you get paid.

But life on the outside is better than life inside.

KonWomyn said...

What forms of political protest do you advocate? Peaceful demonstrations, Panther style militancy or Greek-style anarchy?

Denmark Vesey said...

Kaaaaay Duuuub.

Glad you here.

Not one for protest.

That's another form of masturbation.

Things could change tomorrow if people weren't afraid to be free.

That's what I'm doing here. Working on memes that unlock mental slavery.

KonWomyn said...

Hahaha I def know you ain't down for protesting in the streets. Music, art or literature are forms of protest too. So is creating memes.

Although you object to the mass slaughter of civilians by Uncle Sam and his Zionist BFF; *without choice and regardless of your obejections*, you are made to fund this through your taxes - do you pass or fail Rivero's slave test?

Anonymous said...


The ONLY slave on this site is YOUR ignorant, assuming ass. You are a slave to your own ignorance, and blinded by your adoration of your own reflection. You talk so loud, and so often you can only hear your own voice. You perseverate SO much on the small picture, that you cannot see what's really coming to squash your sad ass.

I give an example, and you not wanting attention shifted your way assumed I was only talking about big ticket items.


The war in Afghanistan realistically and logistically cannot be ended in a day. I disagree with Obama sending more troops.

"It doesn't even occur to "we sick boss" Negros that this nation was founded by men resisting taxation without representation"-MOTI

How does a man who accuses ME of being plantation, even think to write the above sentence?

"...this nation was founded by men resisting taxation without representation"-MOTI

"...founded by men resisting taxation..."-MOTI

"...founded by men"-MOTI


I know you know this here land wasn't lost, and didn't need to be found...or founded. Maybe you misspoke.

And those men...those "resisters" were more than happy to tax the FUCK out of our ancestors---bodies.

You want to try that again? Or are you going to continue with this patriotic speech about "great" men/slave owners?

You even TALK with a slaves mentality.

"Why not make the NeoCons who LIED US INTO this war..."

You let yourself be lied to. I wasn't fooled by them then, I'm not fooled by your sorry ass now.

"The PLANTATION GAVE these punk ass slave niggas college degrees ..."

Do you really assume all knowledge comes from up on high? Only Mr. Whitefolks (your plantation "owner") can bequeath college degrees? If so, I wish he'd have been around when I was earning mine in Molecular Biology...would have been easier if he could have just waved me on through, would have saved some time and I could have hung with more "down" cats from that time and had some 40's while I was waiting.

And finally, your mouth is too big and you think like a tactician. No strategy, no vision. Or...did you really think you were moving anyone but the easily moved? The herd? The preyed upon. It would be sad if you really thought that. You need me. I'm one of the only predator on this spot. Who else exposes your stanky stained draws on a daily basis?

CNu said...


What forms of political protest do you advocate?


What you see is what you get.

Think about it....,

Denmark Vesey said...

"I know you know this here land wasn't lost, and didn't need to be found...or founded. Maybe you misspoke." Plantation MD

Uhh ...

"Land" ... aint a nation.

duh ...

And those men...those "resisters" were more than happy to tax the FUCK out of our ancestors---bodies."

D. I know you are desperate to win ... something. But dude that has Nothing. To. Do. With. Spending $100 Billion On Private Contractors To Fund A War No One Wants TODAY.

Lawd ha' mercy ...

We ... really ... must do something about the public school system in this country.

Denmark Vesey said...

Tyrone Malthus stuck in cheerleader mode.


Told ya' 'bout that cheap weed magne.

KonWomyn said...

In case y'all wanna call for a mini-interval to this never-ending exchange y'got going on, read this. I did a li'l search on war tax resistance.

From Wiki:
Sun April 16 2006
An estimated 10,000 conscientious objectors chose to withhold some or all of their U.S. income taxes due Monday, April 17, in protest to the use of US military power in Iraq. Some plan to instead donate their required tax to charity.

The Internal Revenue Service does not distinguish tax resistors from any other person behind on their taxes, and will apply the same fines and interest used against the other Americans who do not pay their taxes on time. Legal action is possible for extreme cases, but more commonly the IRS uses wage or bank account garnishing.

The tax protestors are well aware of these risks, yet refuse to pay on principle. Jim Allen, who served in the Army for 20 years and now teaches at St. Louis University, acknowledges that he will likely end up paying more due to the fines than he is refusing to pay today. "I am not opposed to paying taxes, but I am when such a large percent is going to pay for war. Sooner or later, they're going to get their money, but until that happens, I'm going to continue protesting. This is too important not to." Allen and his wife withheld $1300 - or 42% of what the couple owes the IRS, estimating this to be the proportion of his taxes that would otherwise go to military spending.

Other protestors simply refuse to file at all. Becky Pierce of Boston fills out a 1040 to determine her tax, but then donates that amount to charity without filing. Pierce says she follows in the footsteps of American protesters like Henry David Thoreau, a protester of the Mexican-American War who went to jail rather than pay taxes. "You need to have control of your money," Pierce says. "I'm a self-employed carpenter. No one is reporting what I make. That's why I can go unnoticed."

For those in the US tax resistance is much easier than in other countries where tax is deducted before income its recieved or as VAT when goods are purchased, you'd have to be self-employed to avoid paying tax.

dx said...

"Things could change tomorrow if people weren't afraid to be free."

i think this is precisely the point for me...

we have fallen for the proverbial headfake...(well we gotta spread democracy) BS for far too long

supportin' the MIC, plantation education, hollywood social engineering etc...

and have givin' up our freedoms in the process and continue to do so...

"FEAR" is now the dialetic being used to control the minds of the people to keep us supportin this monster

when are we gonna say enough is enough!!!