Smith & Wesson, the famed American gunmaker once owned by Tomkins, the British conglomerate, expects to nearly double its annual sales in the next three to five years as demand for its firearms soars in the recession. It is not alone.All over America demand for firearms and ammunition is rising amid concerns that rising unemployment, which passed 10 per cent this month, will lead inexorably to higher rates of crime. Fears of terrorism have also helped to lift demand, as have concerns among gun owners that the Obama Administration may introduce restrictions on gun ownership and impose additional taxes.
Smith & Wesson is expecting sales to rise by 30 per cent to $102 million (£61 million) in the first quarter of the next financial year, after growing by more than 13 per cent this year to $335 million.
CNN's Jim Acosta goes out with the Michigan Militia to get a behind-the-scenes look at their growing movement.
How would the USGOV/Obama/Holder/Napolitano react if Black militia's started popping up like mushrooms after a spring rain?
Watched that piece Mak.
Despite the tone of the CNN piece (and all Plantation media regarding militias) these cats don't seem all that off-the-wall to me.
The Constitution is being pissed on as we speak.
I consider the corruption of the constitution a much more grave threat to black people than white men running around the woods with guns.
Reaction to Black militias?
We got them.
The reaction? For Profit prisons.
Reaction to Black militias? We got them. Gangs. -- DV
Nah brah! If these gangs were part of a militia movement they would have been attacked they way Fred Hampton and the BPP were attacked in the 1960s.
These gangs you exalt pose no real threat to TPTB. That's why they are allowed to beat other brothers to death with 2 x 4s, and kill randomly in drive-bys, emulating the KKK as they rode through the Ruleville community shooting into homes hoping to kill Fannie Lou Hamer. They are the living embodiment of what Dr. Amos Wilson called the “psychodynamics of Black self-annihilation in service of white domination.”
The last group that I know of which could truly be called a Black militia was the Deacons for Defense. The BPP was attacked as if it was a militia. I would place Assata Shakur, Sundiata Acoli and the Black Liberation Army in a different category b/c they were primarily an “underground” organization.
"would have been attacked they way Fred Hampton and the BPP were attacked in the 1960s." MB
Au Contrare Mon Frere
The way Fred Hampton was attacked in the 60's compared to the way armed young black men are attacked by TPTB today is child's play.
The incarceration rate has gone up 700% since FH was doing his thing.
These young black cats are being aborted at 5 times the rate they were during FH's day.
The numbers of brothers today who are Chemically Castrated is 1,000% greater than during FH's day.
The war hasn't gone away, the tactics have just changed and the assault is more like a genocide than an attack.
These I "exalt" pose a threat to TPTB the same way Shiite militias pose a threat.
A threat that allows TPTB to seize more and more power, take more money, incarcerate and kill the larger population - all while posing as the general population's savior.
For every brother hit in the head with a 2 x 4 ... 2,000 will die when their heart explodes from high blood pressure or their organs are poisoned by cancer. Both the results of chemical warfare disguised as food.
The type of militia / defense group you are talking about is a romantic notion of revolution whose time has long passed.
No more ideological struggles with black leather jackets and handsome articulate college dropouts TALKING about revolution.
The next revolution will look more like the armed groups in Liberia, Congo and Sierra Leone.
They will be 14 year old boys armed with AK-47's high on weed and rocking 50 Cent as they shoot up malls and loot stores.
Everybody else is just talking.
The next revolution will look more like the armed groups in Liberia, Congo and Sierra Leone. -- DV
What kind of revolution is it when you kill 5-6 million of your own people, fighting for the control of blood diamonds and blood minerals, and the masses of people wind up in a deeper level of oppression/exploitation?
"What kind of revolution is it when you kill 5-6 million of your own people, fighting for the control of blood diamonds and blood minerals, and the masses of people wind up in a deeper level of oppression/exploitation?"
It is a Hegelian Head Fake kind of revolution.
Divide and Conquer. Pit groups against each other.
Thesis. Anti-thesis. Synthesis.
Not until the "masses" appreciate the Hegelian Head Fake will they ever escape from the cycle of self-destruction.
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