Sunday, November 01, 2009

Talk About "Conspiracy Theories" - Look What The Plantation Wants You To Believe

According to reports in the Plantation media, this strain of influenza contains viral code fragments from:
  1. Human influenza
  2. Bird Flu from North America
  3. Swine flu from Europe
  4. Swine flu from Asia

"This is rather astonishing to realize, because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs -- in Mexico! -- and spread it to others."


Intellectual Insurgent said...

And Baxter would have had to know all of this was afoot and anticipate what the new virus would look like so it could patent it IN 2007!!

Anonymous said...

Um, people...I know you all think you are on to something, but that's not how it works.

But hey, don't listen to me. Please do carry on. I think the conspiracy you all are constructing should be really juicy.

Denmark Vesey said...

Uhh ... Plantation MD,

I know you've been conditioned to think any meme not spoon fed you by the Plantion is a "conspiracy".

But understand that even "official" ... theories ... like 911 and WMD's ... are also conspiracy theories.

They're just Plantation Conspiracy theories.

Or in your world - "truth".

Anonymous said...

Seriously, every once in awhile a good firm shut the fuck up is required.

This is one of those times. Your lame ass paranoia is getting boring. Can you try another approach or not? Your bag of tricks has gotten stale.

Denmark Vesey said...

Negro MD, do you really think you fooling anybody?

Boring? Obviously this is the most interesting edifying thing in your life.

LOL. Do you think all that FAKE scorn is throwing anybody off? Doc this is school for you.

You just a parrot with a stethoscope completely incapable of an independent thought.

Go on back to peddling "vaccines" for Baxter with little lies about Healthy Young People "developing swine flu symptoms and dropping dead 10 hours later of acute respiratory failure".


98% of the shit you clowns diagnose "Swine Flu" turns out not be swine flu at all. CBS News (They can't digest information if it is not spoon fed from a Plantation media source. Even then, they still cling on to Plantation memes like their lives depend on it.)

Anonymous said...


You do nothing but talk. I spend a few minutes here, then go back to my job. You repeat the same tired worn out mantra every 15 minutes, you aren't even creative enough to come up with something new...or even give me a challenge...motherfucker, you don't even give me a chuckle.

You don't know your head from your ass when it comes to science (or really...what is it that you actually know? or do?). It shows, and it's really goddamn boring sometimes, hitting your slow pitch softballs out of the park.

The fact that you are actually fooling anyone is evidence that the world is full of soft-headed fools who are more interested in swagger than substance.

You are truly a clown, who runs when questioned directly. Yes Negro, you really do just need to shut the fuck up. You don't know what you are talking about on this subject, and one of these innocent soft-headed fools may actually listen to your ignorant ass, mistaking talk of first class flights, expensive cars, and good hair for actual knowledge.

You talk shit to me because you cannot compete with me. You cannot go head to head with me on any subject probably other than hip hop...and I could give a fuck less if you like some light skinned light weight, with weak flow. Yeah, you Drake.

You call me a parrot with a stethoscope? Maybe you have stethoscope envy? But you don't have the dedication to obtain a stethoscope. Who knows if you have the intelligence, since you don't seem to display any on your own blog.

Yes, you are swagger. All swagger and nothing more. Please look up the describes you well. People with brains prefer substance. Dig deep to see if you have any left...that is if you ever had any at all. But I don't expect you to be able to understand something detailed like medicine, or appreciate clinical judgement. Your depth of knowledge and character isn't enough to wet the ankles on an ant.

Whatever, I wrote you off as a fucking clown months ago. I kept hoping you'd redeem yourself just once with ONE thing that was mentally challenging enough to give me pause. Keep preaching to the weak minded as you all will eventually fall over the cliff because your own stupidity, or perhaps it's just a internet mob induced shared psychosis.