Monday, November 02, 2009

REUTERS POLL: Less Educated More Likely To Get H1N1 Vaccine (Plantation Negros & Plantation Crackas)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Low-income Americans with no more than a high school education appear more likely to get vaccinated against H1N1 swine flu than people with more money and better schooling, according to a poll released on Friday.
Sasha said...
I actually had someone DARE to question my parenting when I said there was no way in hell I was having my son injected with the H1N1 vaccine.

The person (who has no children) said to me that because my son is young, OF COURSE he should be vaccinated. They said, "how could you not? Don't you know that children are the highest risk? Don't you want to protect your child? Didn't you see the piece on 60 Minutes about the 15 year old who almost died? That was so scary. Do you want that to happen to your son?"

Mind you, this conversation was taking place in a courtroom. I said, "Yes, I saw the 60 Minutes piece. And? If you can give me a reason beyond scare tactics as to why I should allow my son to be the government's guinea pig, I might humor you by continuing to debate this."


Sasha said...

DV, please correct me if I"m wrong. Haven't you previously made statements suggesting that higher education, degrees, etc are "plantation" trappings? So what difference does it make that the less formally educated are more likely to be vaccinated when it's been posited that those who are higher educated are in fact the Plantation Negros?

Denmark Vesey said...

Good question Sasha -

Often those with higher degrees are much more poorly educated than those that have educated themselves outside of the Plantation system.

As far as I am concerned a PHD with monkey virus juice dripping out of his nose ... is much less educated than a healthy vaccine-free man with a GED.

A cancer free high school drop out who eats a diet of natural foods is better educated than an obese attorney with a mouth full of factory meat and diabetes.

My criticism of the "higher educated" Plantation Negros is directed at those who pursued a product sold to them as "education" ... as a means to a paycheck ... but haven't learned anything that truly improves their lives since.

Because their paycheck is contingent upon maintaining the value of their plantation created "degree / status" they become invested in maintaining the illusion of its value.

In reference to this post, I refer to the people in the Reuters poll as "Plantation Negros & Crackas) because they are relying upon the Plantation to manage their health choices for them. Like sheep they are guided by fear and ignorance.

Plantation MD's serve as sheep dogs corralling the sheep by nipping at their heels, pushing them towards a neurological slaughter.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Well done Sasha.

It always amazes me how opinionated the childless spinsters are on such issues.

Sasha said...

YOu may find it interesting that I was having this debate with a man. :-)

mircea said...

this might interest you...

alex jones - Fall of the Republic

Casper said...

Might there be a correlation between economics and flu shots. A flu shot may be cheaper than the intensive care unit bill after a two week stay.

Anonymous said...


Our host has once again contradicted himself. Watch how he wiggles and squirms. And of course there is one of his loyal minion attempting to extract him from the quicksand...only to be pulled in herself. all live by La Brea right?

Denmark Vesey said...

Doesn't surprise me Sasha.

Men seem to be easier to frighten than women these days.

Thordaddy said...

One of the dirty little secrets about kids and their increased risk of infection is the fact that children are increasingly put into more and more dangerous environments, i.e., liberal environments. This is a willing increase in their risk of potential infection and possible death. In addition, while liberals do everything they can to increase the risk to children of contracting a deadly virus, they bang away with idea that children are really at increased risk due to lower, weaker or less developed immunity. Ergo, they require a vaccine. Yet, the very notion of a new vaccine suggests that immunity doesn't exist whether it be in a child or adult for the NEW/NOVEL virus..

Anonymous said...


So this is the guy you are rolling with? Just wanted to check to see if he was on your team still. There's no shame in putting him up on waivers...

Thordaddy said...

Sucka MD!!!
Ole US Marine
Down with mandated vaccine...
Now we got'm fightin'
For uh tyrannical ruh-jeem!!!
Got him uh degree
Have him decree...
"I dare not say tha basis...
Fo' my radical AUTO-non-a-me???"
Couldn't even tell ya wife
"Ya can't kill my baby!"
"0h yeah, baaabeee...?
You trippin'...
Gotta lil' craaazee!"
Intellectual Lazy
I-L witha extra L
Ideology Left Liberal
Dood do monkey juice
B'fo he do DV's krill!!!
This nigel out fo' da kill...
Just like his basic training
+ all his will...
But whazzuh basic understandin'
Is DMG really human???
Or is he man-CHANIC...?
He follows rules 
Lika uh ped-ANT-ic
Perhaps, an unretrievable
Plantantion Negro Addict???
If change ain't tha basis 
For all yo' knowledge...
Then y uh nigel
Need tuh go tuh college???
Tuh make collages???
Odes tuh DMG
The human sausage...
Ground up and spit out
U pay allegiance
Tuh tha pro-SEED-ya!!!
Any fool step out them lines
Yuh say he ain't uh believer...
Lika u tryin' sell'm June Cleaver
Anda tha lil' Beaver
U uh deceiver!!!
Uh decreer
Of plantation allegiance...
If yah can't tell uh lady she can't kill'r baby
Howz anythang else ya said make sense???

Thordaddy said...


Do mercenary microbiotic entities thrive in more liberal environments or less liberal environments???

Or, do you simply have no understanding of the question?

For example, is DMG at greater risk of contracting H1N1 while in line for the H1N1 vaccine than say thordaddy is if he were to crawl off to his cave?

Now do understand my original question and will you answer it?

Thordaddy said...

US Marine...

But what'it alllll mean???

He an ideological soldier
Fed healthy by tha plantation
This nigel grows bolder
He be smarter 
Than Scully an Molder
But DMG gettin' older
Truth shines thru his cracks
He dun runnin' tha tracks
This dood wanna break ranks
Oughta say thanks
Tuh TD
And all uh my pranks
Tuh lure uh unbeliever
That wanna have faith
Lemme tell ya 'bout focusin'
On one... 'stead of tha two-face
Without any faith
Without ever feelin' uh state uh grace...
These thangs missin'
U outta uh place!!!
In outerspace???
Beyond a realm that justify n-flu-ends...
Ya manipulate tha environment
Ta serve ya ends
This tha end of it...
Ya lost ya credibilty
Atheist doctor???
Definition of instability!!!

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

DV, The answer you gave to Sasha in your comment could be a post or part of a book chapter in itself. That was memorable.

Anonymous said...

The loss of ones mind is a terrible thing...

Thordaddy said...


If you're tolerant of homosexuality, open borders and mass education along with standing in line for vaccines, HOW ARE YOU NOT increasing individuals chances for viral infection?

Meaning, the more liberal you are and therefore more liberal environment you help to create, the more at risk the rest of us are of possible infection from a novel virus.

Thordaddy said...


As a US Marine, you weren't scared to come out of the Green Zone.  But as a doctor, you're afraid to discuss anything outside your technical knowledge of medicine.  Heck, you can't even articulate how being pro-abortion fits within the purview of the Hippocratic Oath.

You have yet to answer definitively as to whether you would advocate for mandated vaccination or socialized healthcare.  You have simply implied such beliefs through ambiguity.  Yet, this is perfectly understandable as the actions of a radical autonomist.  Like Fisher, you believe in White Supremacy but not white supremacy.  Or, is it the other way around? You're a functional atheist or one who believes in the autonomous god, but you will say nothing definitive on the point because your scientific credentials will then come into question.

You understand that your medical knowledge is anchored by Darwinian principles which now for the first time are able to be manipulated by higher intelligence.  The model on which your knowledge rests is based on the "truth" that unintelligent forces evolved to create intelligent forces that would then manipulate those unintelligent forces to their ends.  Meaning, your knowledge is a basis for your Radical Autonomy.  The very quaint notion that YOU may do what you want when you want and you are justified through your intensive research and gain of great knowledge is rationalized by the higher authority you unilaterally give science.

So the question before ALL subsequent viral outbreaks, first and foremost, is whether they are the effect of the Radical Autonomist's cause?  After all, it is becoming clear that you would usurp the rights of parents to not vaccinate their children while also calling for policies that put those very same children at greater risk of infection from novel microbiotic entities.  Ergo, you are acting in the manner of radical autonomist.  As such, you necessarily lose credibilty as a doctor seeking to save the children.

Sasha said...

A co-worker of mine got the H1N1 vaccine. She is now off work for 2 weeks with what? You guessed it...Swine flu. SMH.

Anonymous said...


When did your co-worker get vaccinated? How was it confirmed that she has novel H1N1? Is she hospitalized? Or is she at home? Some holes in your story need filling. Info please.

Sasha said...


I do not know when she was vaccinated, but she was told she has H1N1 by her physician. She is at home. They told her she could come back to work next Wednesday but she is opting to stay home until the following Monday.

Anonymous said...


Here is why I asked.

1. If she was vaccinated with say the live activated vaccine, it takes about two weeks to acquire immunity. The vaccine doesn't protect one immediately.

2. If she has H1N1, there's no reason that a mild case of flu not requiring hospitalization would keep one home for 2-weeks. None.

So. You friend got the flu in the interim. I don't see why this is notworthy, or some sort of damnation of the vaccine.