The Star's Kent Babb wrote today that Johnson refused to talk to reporters, telling them he wasn't talking until Thursday. Johnson's agent, Peter Schaffer, says an apology is coming.
Hegelian Head Fake 001. Under the guise of "protecting" Plantation Negro "victims" from being called "nigger" ... The Plantation has ushered in a new era of Thought Policing that prosecutes citizens for exercising constitutionally guaranteed rights like free speech. It's only a matter of time before the Plantation seeks to punish citizens who dare speak out against the H1N1 Flu Vaccine Hoax and 911 Lies.
Be careful what you ask for - you may get it. "Ooohh Massa!! Ooohhh Massa! Make dem mean white fowks stop callin' uz niggas!! Pweeeeze Massa. Use yo powas to make it stop!!"
Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program.
"Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program.
Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program.
Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program.
Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program.
Homosexuality is the most primitive eugenics program."
Damn. I'm impressed. Can't argue with that TD.
But, of course you realize ... since you are white and don't play the Plantation Cracka / Time Wise / Liberal / Patronizing "I'm sooooo sorrry fo what my ancestus did to yo ancestas" routine ... the Plantation Negros won't allow themselves to give you a well deserved: Big Ups.
But fuck 'em. They scared.
Big Ups man.
That's an astute and courageous observation.
Thanks DV...
But these atheist brothers will divert and distract your audience from the understanding that they are tolerant of homosexuals because the practice of homosexuality is one of the most explicit examples of radical autonomy. In fact, the homosexual may be the original radical autonomist. For this, brothers owe allegiance for their embrace of radical autonomy.
Yeah man. But don't ever think these cats are really "atheists".
A Black man not "believing" in God is like a fish not "believing" in water. A flower not "believing" in the sun. Just about impossible.
The Plantation has been waging a war on God for some time. These cats have bee trying to get into the Big House for so long they've taken to parroting Plantation memes that they believe makes 'closer to massa'. Mouthing little atheistic slogans and God denying riddles is the spiritual equivalent of a conk.
But like all Prodigal sons ... they shall come home.
(That's why they are here now.)
Get a room, you two.
^David, which one of the two do you think is the bottom? Intellectually speaking, of course.
Notice it is always the fellas without a woman, pushing the homoerotic innuendo.
^What innuendo? Besides, that "homosexuality as eugenics" thesis is obviously flawed. Ain't you got kids, "DV"?
^Intellectually speaking, of course.
Kids? Yeah "Mike". Kids and a wife who has never stabbed me.
^^ physically or intellectually speaking, of course.
Tell us, when that cold steel blade punctured your chest ... did you question God's "omnipotence"?
Naw, I just got nicked.
Though homosexuality wasn't on my mind. But let's get to you: Is there a time when you think about other things rather than about how hairy sweaty men whither in homosexual passion? "Disapprovingly", of course.
I actually had someone DARE to question my parenting when I said there was no way in hell I was having my son injected with the H1N1 vaccine.
What was their point Sasha?
And what did you say to them?
The person (who has no children) said to me that because my son is young, OF COURSE he should be vaccinated. They said, "how could you not? Don't you know that children are the highest risk? Don't you want to protect your child? Didn't you see the piece on 60 Minutes about the 15 year old who almost died? That was so scary. Do you want that to happen to your son?"
Mind you, this conversation was taking place in a courtroom. I said, "Yes, I saw the 60 Minutes piece. And? If you can give me a reason beyond scare tactics as to why I should allow my son to be the government's guinea pig, I might humor you by continuing to debate this."
This is just another crude attempt by Larry Johnson to get out of Kansas City.
Johnson has apologized and the Chiefs have reduced his suspension to one game, costing LJ about $315K.
There was a story last week on homosexuals in the NFL. How did the Shrine Constructor miss that?
Remember Isaiah Washington saying that word? Look what happen to him. Last time I saw him he had "no on prop 8" stickers on his face. I was like, dang, the things you enslave yourself to just to stay cool with some folks.
What needs to be recognized is that in an increasingly radically liberal society, a hierarchy of radical autonomists will form. Homosexuals, representing Radical Autonomy as their nature, are naturally given allegiance. It is playing out at a rapid pace. We also see various black autonomists on this blog giving allegiance to homosexuality and hence homosexuals.
No one asks why this absurd reverence continues to grow everywhere. Even in the NFL, where a new pink uniform will no doubt be unveiled in the very near future.
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