

A radical autonomist is one who purposely attempts to maximize their autonomy by any means necessary. Autonomy being defined as the ability to change unimpeded.
Your notion of anarcho-capitalism is just a variant of radical autonomy. It references the relationship between man and state. Radical autonomy is about man versus God and all of his Creation.
Atheists are necessarily radical autonomists. Those who oppose capitalism may be radical autonomists depending on whether they consciously oppose the natural acquisition of credibility, i.e., the essence of capitalism? The jury is still out on you???
Dorcas Daddy said ...

Of course, the antithesis of radical autonomy is even worse--Borg-like fascism with complete allegiance to the organization, unfailing loyalty and selflessness.
What Thor really seems to be bemoaning is the weakening hold of Nationalism. As we break into smaller groups, be they gay, black, southern, or 'buy local', the collective power we wield is weakened.
It's been good for all of us Americans from an energy consumption standpoint to be part of a unified organized force taking what we want from the rest of the world. Thor is bemoaning that we're breaking up the band, so to speak, to all of our detriment (from an energy consumption standpoint).
Of course, that's because the collective interest was in all of our individual interests for a very long time, as the rising tide of unlocked energy made everyone, at least every American, materially better off. This enabled the collective to grow in size and strength, as all had a shared interest in our success.
But, in an environment of economic and energy decline, you are-short term and individually- better off forming a smaller, stronger group to harvest the remaining resources.
So, while radical autonomy is inherently selfish, it implies that it's a change of course from "the good old days."
Nothing could be further from the truth. When individuals prospered by encouraging unified collective action, they took that option, "a rising tide raises all boats". Now that the ship is sinking, it's inherently logical to maximize your individual returns by rejecting the collective.
Radical Autonomy is no more flawed than human beings, it's who we are. Rejecting it is rejecting your humanity. Pretending it's a mental sickness ruining the nation is false.
Radical Autonomy BUILT the nation, it's just that with increasing wealth, the individual does better by helping the group. With DECREASING wealth, the individual does better helping herself.
A liberal's first principles, nondiscrimination and tolerance, are in essence the gateway drug to radical autonomy. And most liberals, if given the impetus to follow their principles in fundamental fashion, become radical autonomists. When one follows nondiscrimination and tolerance as highest principles, two primary things happen. They lose any coherent identity and they start on down a path of destruction. This affliction is the radical autonomy infection. It demands your further inspection and then quick rejection. Understand there are limitations. That's the lure of autonomy as it offers you infinite configuration. But you pay when you play in this playstation. Thinking things are just video games... Have you rewriting the history of the American nation.
must say, the man has a point!
The basic principles of Western liberalism are enshrined in the "sovereignty of the individual". This desire for freedom over oneself is not borne out of nothing; neither is the desire for nondiscrimination and tolerance. One must ask nondiscrimination from what or whom? Or sovereignty from whose domination?
When you understand what one is up against only then may you decide whether "radical autonomy" becomes the neccessary means to achieve one's freedom. It's all dependent upon historical and cultural context.
For Malcom X as I cited before; autonomy was a fundamental, by any means neccessary. For MLK Jnr or for Nelson Mandela, tolerance and nondiscrimination was a basic; non-negotiable right. If your radical autonomy is always a "drug" and an 'inherently evil' then Malcom X, MLK Jnr, and Nelson Mandela are all evil radical autonomists and the status quo of discrimination and intolerance of White Supremacy ought to have been maintained in both America and South Africa.
If you feel rewriting history is an aspect of radical autonomy then you'd have to cite where in America's historical discourse have all narratives of all people been told. And at what historical point has intolerance ever been a "neccessary good" for America? And all Americans? At what historical point has your idea of "supremacy"; spiritual, economic or political, ever not meant the discrimination of another in America, be it individual/collective supremacy.
When radical autonomy means non-discrimination of another; it is as a means to resist oppression. This is why Black Supremacy and White Supremacy mean entirely different things. And this is why Hawaii's claims to sovereignty and nationhood are legitimate claims.
Freeing oneself from the immoral oppression of another is not radical autonomy, but rather, an exercise in maximizing one's moral freedom. Secondly, we can rest assure that America did not come into being via nondiscrimination and tolerance. Because you enshrine those ideas as highest principle, the practical effect is that you work to erase the particular nation called America and the particular people known as Americans. The same way that a homosexual's radical autonomy works to destroy the institution of marriage, your radical autonomy per black liberationism works to destroy the historic nation of America and it historic people, the Americans.
You will undoubtedly question as to WHO are real Americans. You will no doubt claim homosexual "marriage" has no effect on marriage. You will claim we are a nation of immigrants and so on.
All these things work in accordance with your radical autonomy which denies the essence of home. Your autonomy is part alienation and a desire to alienate others from home especially the white man. Afterall, white man did it to you. Or did he???
Furthermore, it's almost certain that you subscribe to the notion that you may do whatever you want with your body. But in reality, this really means that you believe TRUE freedom is tied inseparably to the ability to fornicate, abort and divorce. True freedom isn't really about eating ice cream, getting fat and nagging your man. In short, your fundamental notion of freedom is rooted in disloyalty and betrayal. This is radical autonomy!!!
What State or nation is never under erasure? In every society, there is always a minority movement that opposes or is oppressed by the dominant hegemony. America is no exception, but as the “greatest purveyor of violence” (MLK Jr) it is the nation that faces the greatest threat of erasure – be it from internal or external forces.
It goes without saying that Black liberation works to destroy that which oppresses Black people i.e freeing oneself from the immoral oppression of another, which is what you say “is not radical autonomy but rather, an exercise in maximizing one's moral freedom.” So how does a quest to free oneself constitute that which is ‘inherently evil’? See the contradictions in your theory?
Whatever you conceive to be the ‘historic nation’ of America and ‘Americans’ cannot be without an acknowledgement of libertarian movements – in 2009 should Hawaii be sovereign state or is that radical autonomy 'destroying' the federation of states?
Is a Muslim woman in a burkha a 'threat' to the so-called 'home of democracy and freedom' or is the free movement of a Mexican migrant between the US and Mexico a threat to the ‘historic nation of America’? Like Christopher Columbus driven by economic pursuit and curiosity didn’t freely venture across the Atlantic and ‘discover’ America? Please.
If abortion, homosexuality and divorce are signs of radical autonomy then America is certainly working to erase itself without any help from me.
Liking ice cream and getting fat is no sign of freedom, but giving in to bodily desires – and when desire becomes excess and indulgence, you have the fattest nation galloping towards self-destruction – again with no help from me.
Excess and indulgence in the economy has led to 10% unemployment and rising – and I ain’t doing nothing; actually I’m concerned about the fate of those who have historically been the impoverished class – needless to say these are majority non-White.
To whom should I owe allegiance that I must be deemed disloyal and a betrayer? America?
The same America that sets up military bases around the world to protect its own interests and does so in the most illegal way that it colludes with the UK to displace another nation – the Chagos islanders of Diego Garcia have been homeless for over 30 years.
The concept of home, in American terms means the homelessness of another. The protection of home means exceptionalism via aggression in international diplomacy. Protection of home means building a fence or drafting laws to ensure ‘Others’ don’t come in, only whatever natural resources they possess.
Home is always a negotiated space; it’s never absolute. It’s governed by society, the State and global events so one’s concept of home has to be flexible enough to adjust to change and for a constant migrant like me, my understanding of home is ‘imaginary’ (B. Anderson). It is mobile, across geographic borders – moving without limitation; is no threat to you but the rigid and protective frame in which you think of home.
The more protective one is, the greater the perceived threat of destabilization.
I don't believe you've said anything to dissuade me from the understanding that you are a radical autonomist. In fact, it seems that you are attempting to represent yourself as a modern day slave in which your struggle for autonomy is both natural and moral. In this regard, if your characterization of yourself were TRUE then your point would stand. But, the very fact that you have freedom of conscience and a global platform in which to spread your consciousness suggests that your characterization is highly fabricated. And so your notion of lacking freedom and the moral right to obtain it falls flat. Physically, YOU are largely FREE. Yet mentally, you are in the grasp of radical autonomy which puts one in a state of alienating isolated rootlessness. You have a global platform to spread your consciousness and you use it to spread mental slavery. This is the effect of radical autonomy. These ideas permeate your writing.
The reason everyone is struggling with Thor's pointed critique of radical autonomy is that he is correct. When taken to it's logical conclusion, radical autonomy becomes wholly self serving and destroys the organization of anything above self. In short, the perfection of RA is anarchy.
Of course, the antithesis of radical autonomy is even worse--Borg-like fascism with complete allegiance to the organization, unfailing loyalty and selflessness.
What Thor really seems to be bemoaning is the weakening hold of Nationalism. As we break into smaller groups, be they gay, black, southern, or 'buy local', the collective power we wield is weakened.
It's been good for all of us Americans from an energy consumption standpoint to be part of a unified organized force taking what we want from the rest of the world. Thor is bemoaning that we're breaking up the band, so to speak, to all of our detriment (from an energy consumption standpoint).
Of course, that's because the collective interest was in all of our individual interests for a very long time, as the rising tide of unlocked energy made everyone, at least every American, materially better off. This enabled the collective to grow in size and strength, as all had a shared interest in our success.
But, in an environment of economic and energy decline, you are-short term and individually- better off forming a smaller, stronger group to harvest the remaining resources.
So, while radical autonomy is inherently selfish, it implies that it's a change of course from "the good old days."
Nothing could be further from the truth. When individuals prospered by encouraging unified collective action, they took that option, "a rising tide raises all boats".
Now that the ship is sinking, it's inherently logical to maximize your individual returns by rejecting the collective.
Radical Autonomy is no more flawed than human beings, it's who we are. Rejecting it is rejecting your humanity.
Pretending it's a mental sickness ruining the nation is false.
Radical Autonomy BUILT the nation, it's just that with increasing wealth, the individual does better by helping the group. With DECREASING wealth, the individual does better helping herself.
Dorcas Daddy,
You are seeing radical autonomy as some kind of economic issue. It's much larger than that. It's a spiritual issue. Radical autonomy is not about survival. It's about annihilation. What is more radically autonomous than DEATH by suicide?
On this point, the radically autonomous do what they necessary must do, ask and with genuine unknowing, who or what is it they we are to save from self-annihilation?
Dorcas daddy's assessment doesn't seem to understand that a return to the "law of jungle" is being led by radical autonomists who take the cover of many euphemistically-enhancing labels.
Dorcas daddy,
On another point, radical autonomists cannot build anything. To build something requires both relationship and commitment. Both relationship and commitment are impediments to true autonomy. The only way a self-described radical autonomist can build something is when he makes an exception to his principles. That exception serves as a refutation of one's principles.
Therefore, it was neither radical autonomists nor immigrants (is that redundant) that "built" America.
I agree that Radical Autonomy is something larger-RA is humanity.
RA just means that at our core, we think of individuals as the smallest unit of self, like a Greek atom.
When it is in an individual's best interest to support the collective, they do so. When it is not, they do not.
Whether we as a species can conceive of a bigger conception of self is an interesting side issue.
But I've read many of your raps, and you clearly do not conceptually believe that the smallest unit of self is the nation-state, or even the 'american culture.'
You are a RA, Thordaddy. In fact, your main lament seems to be your own conception of 'the whole'is shrinking, from the USA down to those select few still sharing your values.
It's not that I disagree with what you think, just why you think it.
the illusion,
believin’ separation,
says no revelation,
of da unseen vibration,
causes delusion,
n’ seclusion,
God/Goddess heals nations,
with no education,
in creation,
cure confusion,
comfort disillusion,
of population,
to perfect satisfaction,
the illusion,
o’ no connection,
in da infusion,
n’ composition,
n’ inclusion,
of all things one,
no evolution,
the illusion,
believe manifestation,
can’t see causation,
mass collusion,
n’ man to god institution,
the illusion,
no moral relation,
don’t sense da manipulation,
wantin’ stimulation,
not transformation,
don’t trust da sensation,
it’s an illusion,
no penetration,
wake up generation,
increase determination,
exodus da plantation,
I’ve in no way represented myself as a “modern day slave” – by who am I enslaved? And how did this condition of enslavement come upon me, a conscious, free being? I find it strange that I’m “spreading mental slavery” by identifying oppositional reactionary forces to hegemony as the legitimate (re)action of an oppressed group. Each and every one of us is in a struggle for autonomy – whether it is moral or not is dependent upon context.
To suggest anti-capitalist thinking or advocating for open-borders is an “alienating isolated rootlessness” is a misunderstanding of what either term means. Both are moves towards the inclusion of all peoples in a more just and equitable society. Collectivity is the central idea. This is why your labelling of me as a radical autonomist, by your definition 'a self-serving selfish inherently evil existence', is wholly false and I reject it.
Not quite Dorcas.
RA is by no means 'humanity'. RA is anthropocentric hubris. RA is an example of the Protagorean dictum ... "Man is the measure of all things."
RA is a byproduct of Secular Humanism. Secular Humanism is a gateway religion to Luciferianism.
From the Neo-Luciferian perspective, man is a self-actuating god who achieves apotheosis via a hierarchical system of cognitive development.
Peep the meme: "Man ... keeps getting smarter and smarter until he realizes 1) there is no God (Mike Fisher) after he concludes there is no higher being, he assumes 2)Man must be God (Plantation medicine / eugenics).
Man anointing himself God, interestingly enough, fulfills the Adversary's promise in the Garden "Ye Shall Be As Gods ..."
Dorcas Daddy,
First Law of Radical Autonomy: Must include Every Body.
Second Law: Must deny Supremacy.
Neither of these ideas were ideas of the Founders. In fact, their ideas run contrary to the notion of radical autonomy. They believed in both God and the freedom of one to opt out of that belief. But to a radical autonomist, ANY vestige of higher authority needs be eradicated in order to self-fulfill one's radical autonomy. But as we see in America and much of the West, the very authority that life projects on us has become too much of a violation of our autonomy. The evidence shows death and the radical autonomist is left to wonder, "Who's dying?"
I applaud your desire not to be a radical autonomist. Fortunately, such a stance requires you to articulate to what degree you will apply your notions of nondiscrimination and tolerance? Clearly, with such an admission limiting your autonomy, YOU ARE ALSO suggesting that there are limits on your primary principles. What are those limits and how were they derived. This will help decide if you're a radical autonomist?
we're gettin' close....to admit ones limitation as it pertains to autonomy is a challenge but not in possible...it will free us from the bondage of self delusion that we're makin' "progress" through arogant human effort to become human vs humility in acknowledging we're still learning how to become fully human....
that understanding in itself is true progress
TD is school
The reason everyone is struggling with Thor's pointed critique of radical autonomy is that he is correct.
uh no.
nobody in their right mind troubles themselves to engage virtually with a skinhead, dominionist tile layer from San Diego who is a bottom of the barrel failure amongst his own, and for whom the compensatory reflex consists of a preposterous and judgement with others who would never consider granting him interpersonal access in meatworld.
Now that the ship is sinking, it's inherently logical to maximize your individual returns by rejecting the collective.
Wrong again.
Employment has never been fuller than when available net energy was exponentially lower. There is VASTLY more work to go around when you don't have petroslaves doing all that labor intensive work.
Radical Autonomy is no more flawed than human beings, it's who we are. Rejecting it is rejecting your humanity.
Wrong again.
normotic illness may typify anglospheric culture, and, it may be epidemic in the world today, however, it's hardly the quintessence of humanity, rather, it's a single, unsustainable, and fundamentally pathological cultural formation, period.
Pretending it's a mental sickness ruining the nation is false.
it actually threatens to bring about an antropocene extinction event, so to limit its destructive pathological scope to the "nation" would indeed be false.
Radical Autonomy BUILT the nation, it's just that with increasing wealth, the individual does better by helping the group.
Crime perpetratred on a hitherto unseen scale built this nation.
With DECREASING wealth, the individual does better helping herself.
Where do you get these wholly contrived and factually unsupported propositions from DD?
I would've expected greater historical and empirical rigor from you.
TD is school
Josh Farst is a squashed turd in the yard that DV likes to put in the middle of his living room to offend Black sensibilities.
From the Neo-Luciferian perspective, man is a self-actuating god who achieves apotheosis via a hierarchical system of cognitive development.
uh yeah....,
That's clearly what the Archimandrite is on about.
Thankfully, there's Lyndon LaRouche illuminatist quack David Livingstone to set all these wacky Christians straight about the ancient and Luciferian error of their silly ways....,
It's one thing for backward trash to be so ignorant, but what's your excuse brah?
You on some kind of heroic save-a-ho crusade to save the dregs of knuckle-dragging skinhead garbage from itself?
Is Josh Farst your Elize Doolittle?
Or are you off on some self-deluded Mark Thackery type shyte?
After agreeing with everything I've said in your retort to DD, and knowing you are of atheist belief, we can reasonably suspect that your agreement with me represents the truth of the matter. Whites are self-annihilating and you're sitting back preparing for the fallout. All rationalized by your radical autonomy. Imagine how preposterous it would be for you to claim yourself an American?
Denmark Vesey is an endlessly entertaining procession of yeast people in fatuous new-age denial. A memetic threshing floor promoting endless gladiatorial flourish and display - but ultimately signifying nothing.
I'm fascinated by the dominion of moron culture in the USA, in everything from the way we inhabit the landscape - the fiasco of suburbia - to the way we feed ourselves - an endless megatonnage of microwaved Velveeta and corn byproducts - along with the popular entertainment offerings of Reality TV, the Nascar ovals, and the gigantic evangelical church shows beloved in the Heartland. To evangelize a bit myself, if such a concept as "an offense in the sight of God" has any meaning, then the way we conduct ourselves in this land is surely the epitome of it - though this is hardly an advertisement for competing religions, who are well-supplied with morons, too.
Moron culture in the USA really got full traction after the Second World War. Our victory over the other industrial powers in that struggle was so total and stupendous that the laboring orders here were raised up to economic levels unknown by any peasantry in human history. People who had been virtual serfs trailing cotton sacks in the sunstroke belt a generation back were suddenly living better than Renaissance dukes, laved in air-conditioning, banqueting on "TV dinners," motoring on a whim to places that would have taken a three-day mule trek in their grandaddy's day. Soon, they were buying Buick dealerships and fried chicken franchises and opening banks and building leisure kingdoms of thrill rides and football. It's hard to overstate the fantastic wealth that a not-very-bright cohort of human beings was able to accumulate in post-war America.
And they were able to express themselves - as the great chronicler of these things, Tom Wolfe, has described so often and well - in exuberant "taste cultures" of material life, of which Las Vegas is probably the final summing-up, and every highway strip, of twenty-thousand strips from Maine to Oregon, is the democratic example. These days, I travel the road up the west shore of Lake George, in Warren County, New York, and see the sad, decomposing relics of that culture and that time in all the "playful" motels and leisure-time attractions, with their cracked plastic signs advertising the very things that they exterminated in the quest for adequate parking - the woodland vistas, the paddling Mohicans, the wolf, the moose, the catamount - and I take a certain serene comfort in the knowledge that it is all over now for this stuff and the class of morons that produced it.
Josh Farst is the poster child for moron culture.
DV should be ashamed of himself for pimping out this sideshow gimp....,
Kunstler's Yeast People...,
A very close friend of mine calls them "the yeast people." They were the democratic masses who thrived in the great fermentation vat of the post World War Two economy. They are now meeting the fate that any yeast population faces when the fermentation process is complete. For the moment, they are only ceasing to thrive. They are suffering and worrying horribly from the threat that there might be no further fermentation. The brewers running the vat try to assure them that there's more sugar left in the mix, and more beer can be made from it, and more yeasts can be brought into this world to enjoy the life of the sweet, moist mash. In fact, one of the brewers did happen to dump about a trillion-and-a-half teaspoons of sugar into the vat during 2009, and that has produced an illusion of further fermentation. But we know all too well that this artificial stimulus has limits.
What will happen to the yeast people of the USA? You can be sure that the outcome will not yield to "policies" and "protocols." The economy that produced all that amazing wealth is contracting, and pretty rapidly, too, and the numbers among the yeast will naturally follow the downward arc of the story. Entropy is a harsh mistress. In the immediate offing: a contest for the table scraps of the 20th century. We've barely seen the beginning of this, just a little peevishness embodied by yeast shaman figures such as Sarah Palin and Glen Beck. As hardships mount and hardened emotions rise, we'll see "the usual suspects" come into play: starvation, disease, violence. We may still be driving around in Ford F-150s, but the Pale Rider is just over the horizon beating a path to our parking-lot-of-the-soul.
Imagine how preposterous it would be for you to claim yourself an American?
As go Black folks, so goes America.
It's the all-too-gradual elimination of throwbacks such as yourself that retard fruition/completion of the American project Farst.
Like smelly shit stuck in the tread of the national shoe...,
"Josh Farst is a squashed turd in the yard that DV likes to put in the middle of his living room to offend Black sensibilities."
"Josh Farst is the poster child for moron culture.
DV should be ashamed of himself for pimping out this sideshow gimp....,"
damn that's cold brah...sounds like you got issues with both TD and DV.......
i dont...........
you want a cookie?
Farst's usurpation of American-ness borders on criminal. His ilk has done - and continues to do - more to undermine American ideals than any non-American hater of America's international criminality could ever dream of doing.
Look at Craig... When all else fails carry the proverbial black guy in his pocket. Black folks are just fodder for real radical autonomists, right Craig?
Come on, Craig. Are you American or not?
"you want a cookie?"
damn CNu who pissed in your wheat germ......
"you want a cookie?"
damn CNu who pissed in your wheat germ......
CNu, you lost me in that cut and paste Star Trek Convention flashback you had up there.
His "ilk" aside, your hatred of a cat you never met is not a good look.
Yeah yeah I know. Josh Farst and his "ilk" tormented you nerds on the usenets back in the early 90's and you never got over it.
So you took your ball and went home. OK. Aight. But all of this over-the-top vitriol and poo poo talk is played out homey.
Yeah he makes fun of your little Malthusian Peak Oil Sky Is Falling We Must Kill People And Abort More Babies To Maintain Carrying Capacity theology.
But dude aint the anti-Christ.
He's the anti-Radical Autonomist.
... which apparently explains a lot.
"to offend Black sensibilities."
Name 2 "Black" sensibilities?
Come on, Craig. Are you American or not?
lol - at the shit on my shoe.
Whatever I am, it's the antithesis of you...,
Name 2 "Black" sensibilities?
Your memory's too short to joust with me brah. Just half a hot minute ago, you had to ho-check your favorite scat boy.
Now TD, if you lost in my lyrical Kung Fu, or if you can't keep up with my intellectual voodoo, or if my swagger is too much for you and you just don't know what to do, or if my game gets you open like fish scales from Peru, or if you just now realizing Denmark Vesey is your muhfuggin' guru, or if you want to build a DV statue, or if you read DV and daydream about stagin a coup, or if you starting to think your worldview is see-through, or if you just want to learn how I make it do what it do ... realize my spiritual architecture is vishnu. DV is a black Jew an original Hebrew with the heart of Chaka Zulu.
after which you summarily put his ignorant ass back on the moron stroll....,
Craig says,
--"Whatever I am, it's the antithesis of you..."
The less you say, the more we know about you.
Yeah he makes fun of your little Malthusian Peak Oil Sky Is Falling We Must Kill People And Abort More Babies To Maintain Carrying Capacity theology.
and uncritically gobbles up your LaRouchian chindribble..,
I ain't mad at you dolemite, pimpin ain't easy.
However, when all the conversational amusements are finished, I believe we each know where this little farce ends...,
Yeah. OK.
But let's get back to this radical autonomy. It was a pretty good discussion before we got sidetracked with the 'turds' & 'tile' talk.
Dude said: "Radical autonomy is about man versus God and all of his Creation."
That's an interesting premise.
And it begins to explain preposterous Plantation crusades like mass vaccinations and the Global Warming Hoax.
Don't take these doomsday preachers too seriously.
Your boy Kunstler is the same cat wrote a book in '99 predicting Y2K was the end of the world? Riots and mass starvation? Summin' like that.
After 'Peak Oil' it will be something else. Misanthropic technocrats can always be counted on to come up with an excuse to hate large swaths of humanity.
Your boy Kunstler is the same cat wrote a book in '99 predicting Y2K was the end of the world? Riots and mass starvation? Summin' like that.
Nah, Kunstler never wrote any such thing.
But don't let a little thing like a fact slow your role.
Dude said: "Radical autonomy is about man versus God and all of his Creation."
That's an interesting premise.
Tile laying ass clown has also defined "radical autonomy" at least 5 dozen different ways to suit the ends of whatever it is he wants to cast his little pointy headed aspersions on at any given moment in time.
That kind of nonsense is only "interesting" in short attention span theater on the short school bus.
And it begins to explain preposterous Plantation crusades like mass vaccinations and the Global Warming Hoax.
That ignorant gobbledeygook doesn't explain jack shit.
If you really must impose plaid flannel sensibilities on your studio audience - couldn't you at least source these from a sensible, articulate, intelligent, and competent source?
Dorcas daddy,
The antithesis of radical autonomy is God-ordained free will. Where radical autonomy is primarily concerned with absolute physical freedom, one who recognizes God-ordained free will realizes that such free will is largely accessed by embracing Truth. It's a spiritual pursuit, nonmaterial. The fact that atheists and believers in autonomous gods can not have this discussion is a CONSEQUENCE of their radical autonomy.
DV, CNu... now wait a second...
Y'all got chicks, and this is how you spend a nice fall evening??
Your stick and stone
won't hurt my bone,
'Cause I love me
^^^ If that isn't the perversion of radical autonomy, what is it? A total sense of detachment from anything normal, truthful or decent.
Mikey, you're just my empirical evidence.
Define God-ordained free will.
Free will obtained by embracing Truth. A will free of all the consequences of rejecting Truth. Those consequences being despair, depression, anxiety, jealousy, etc. Radical autonomy has no way of engaging this type of free will.
That's how Mikey is able to justify something so self-impugning. He has adopted radical autonomy and so those beliefs that make God-ordained free will possible are TOTALLY ABSENT.
conscious state of mind
are you truly conscious?,
if only aware of us?,
n’not da unseen elements,
da varyin’ degrees of da universe?,
is matter all you see?,
spirit not factor in your plea?,
fear da drivin’ force,
of your altered course,
of what?,
behavior that leads to self destruction,
you forgettin’ you’re conscious?,
or rejectin’ yo conscience?,
rememberin’ da beginnin’,
may mitigate da fuss,
we weren’t this way,
to da degree today,
rhythm, correspondence, law,
is not man’s to control,
but set principles of universe,
to guide da eternal soul,
we have forgotten, i suspect,
the path to take with respect,
the universal law, don’t eject,
cause ya have free will,
you’ll regret,
U my empirical slave...
I'm tha Bunsen burner
Watch you rage!!!
Bathe in tha flames
Reacted like ya never imagined...
Tryin duh savage TD
But itz Mikey bein' savaged!!!
Ravaged by his radical autonomy
Postin' twisted perversions
So the only way to truly obtain free will is by embracing Truth?
And, what is "Truth" in your opinion?
I'd like you to lay about your belief system if you are so inclined.
Autonomy is always and already limited by the mere fact that it is contingent upon the state of things and humans react to the condition faced. It would be a fallacy to suggest that humans have complete autonomy; so even your conception of radical autonomy must concede to the limits of one's present reality and the moral capacity/choice guiding one's course of action - regardless of your opinion on their moral reasoning.
In consideration of this, non-discrimination and tolerance can only be applied as values in a
relativist sense. I'm not proposing a radical cultural relativism that might be borne out of radical autonomy nor am I suggesting moral indifference, but a relativism in recognition of universal human rights. And even though it can be argued that human rights are relative, there are some universal truths on the value of a life.
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