Thursday, March 19, 2009
You won’t find them calling it by that name, but the “New Green Deal” being proposed by the Obama administration, as well as U.N. environment agency head Achim Steiner, is nothing more than a global warming tax designed to further castrate U.S. sovereignty and geld Americans to accept increasingly centralized global regulations.
“Investments of $750 billion could create a “Green New Deal” to revive the world economy and protect the environment, perhaps aided by a tax on oil, the head of the U.N. environment agency said on Thursday,” reports Reuters.
Steiner said the U.N. would need funds to “fight global warming” and that one means of acquiring them would be by “taxing oil in rich nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.”
Accepting the premise that such a tax would inevitably be passed on to consumers, Steiner claimed, “It would be almost, if not totally, unnoticed by the consumer,” he said, especially since oil prices have fallen from more than $140 a barrel at mid-2008 peaks to about $40.”
But I don't think you're supposed to be talking out against the plantation...don't you know your place?
Tell me about it Smile!
Isn't it amazing that 2 centuries after the Emancipation Proclamation, these Negro are still reluctant to leave the Plantation.
Afraid to think for themselves.
Thanks for the link. Reading now.
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