Stephen Greenspan, a psychologist and expert on gullibility, explains this recurrent experience of smart people falling for the b.s. of others they relate to as due to "the tendency of humans to model their actions—especially when dealing with matters they don't fully understand—on the behavior of other humans." (Plantation Negros / Plantation Crackas)
I’m not intellectually intimidated by any of these jokers. Their degrees mean zippo to me, because I knew plenty of knuckleheads in college who went on to be doctors, and they’re still knuckleheads (I also knew plenty of great, smart guys who went on to be doctors and they’re still great, smart guys)."
I chose a different path and went into the business world. In the business world, having a degree from a great college or business school gets you your first job, and not much else. There are plenty of Harvard Business School grads who have bankrupted companies and gone to jail, and plenty of high school drop-outs who are multi-millionaires. Brains and street-smarts win, not degrees, arrogance, or entitlement.
On of the most fascinating aspects of the autism epidemic is how the mainstream health community seems to get away with a stunning paradox: they are so damn smart that they are certain as to what doesn’t cause autism, but they haven’t a clue as to what does. How can that be? Why aren’t the smarts being applied to finding the cause?
Maybe you can reach out to Mr. Handley and have him join us here for a conversation. That would be fun. I'm sure a big baller like you can swing that.
I take on call comers. You know that.
Doc ... It's hard for a man to win any argument while he still has monkey virus juice still dripping out of his nose.
It's like a very knowledgeable crack head - you know, hard to take serious.
Run out of ammo I see, so now you are just throwing sticks? Weak, but not unexpected.
I was hoping for a rhyme. Why can't you stand on the evidence you've presented?
Law of supply and demand is dang near unfalsifiable. Which means that the greater supply of college degrees there are the less valuable they become. This is evidenced by the lower starting salaries of recent college undergraduates. The trickle down effect is in play, also. A surplus of really delicious apples make the OK apples less delicious. So we see the entry level pay of a highschool graduate decrease. IOW, medical degrees in an increasingly liberal society are less and less valuable, credible or authorative. DMG's own liberalism is an affront to his medical knowledge. Once again, we see the self-refuting nature of the radical autonomist.
So the only thing that matters about a DMG is whether we end up subsidizing his livelihood because HE IS DOWN with mandatory vaccines via the socialized state? Meaning, he becomes an agent of the state against its free people.
@ DMG - I have no problem with your opinions and you always answer my questions.
But all I think DV is doing is trying to make a case for a potential "Lorenzo's Oil" situation regarding many of today's medical practices.
Is it possible that the doctors are wrong on ANYTHING DV discusses?
DV has presented every anti-vaccine propaganda piece that the LaRouche alternative medicine/whole foods enterprise has to offer.
Here to date, I've yet to see a compelling piece of objective evidence dispositive of any of the LaRouchian claims concerning the specific deleterious composition or effect of the vaccines.
and no, the singular outlier incident with the wannabe cheerleader repeated 39 times, doesn't exactly qualify as specific hard evidence - as much as it qualifies as an exceptional and off-putting anomaly.
Yup CNu. LaRushian.
But you aint got no monkey virus juice drippin' out your nose do ya bra?
"Is it possible that the doctors are wrong on ANYTHING DV discusses?"
Google the history of pandemics and decide for yourself. Then answer why is Egypt developing their own H1N1 vaccine for their people?? I guess there is not enough vitamin D, fresh greens & therapeutic mattresses in the region.
But you aint got no monkey virus juice drippin' out your nose do ya bra?
y'daggone skippy...,
I can't even remember the last time I had the flu - so it's not anything I've ever really worried about, at all.
Colorado professor Stephen Greenspan, who wrote the book on being duped, fell for the Ponzi scheme run by Bernie Madoff.
If anybody was going to see through Bernie Madoff's alleged schemes, it should have been Stephen Greenspan.
Greenspan is a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Colorado and for the last 10 years studied gullibility. Greenspan recently told Arkansas Business that he ignored the red flags in February 2007 when he handed over $400,000 , about a third of his retirement savings , to invest in a hedge fund that turned its assets over to Madoff.
"At the time, I thought it was the best thing since sliced bread," said Greenspan, who wrote "Annals of Gullibility: Why We Get Duped and How to Avoid It."
The secret of success for any Ponzi scheme is when a number of people, including those who appear to be very knowledgeable about finance, talk about how much money they're making off their investment, said Greenspan, the expert on gullibility.
Lest we forget that "DV" thinks that the germ theory of disease is crock: No need to wash your hands after handling feces. No need to avoid inhaling other people's sneeze. No need to have cooks wash their hands before handling your food.
"I can't even remember the last time I had the flu - so it's not anything I've ever really worried about, at all." CNu
Um. Un huh. I.C. Yuuuuuuup. Right, Right, Right. Sho Nuff.
That's awfully LaRushian of ya bra.
Not at all DV.
Matter fact, I hadn't given the LaRouche cult a second thought since hearing quite a few years ago about how my former roommate wound up institutionalized.
How'd you manage to fall prey to all-a-dat?
Why on earth would you continue to adhere to any of its labyrinthine doctrines?
In this day and age, it's trivially easy to do so much better, information-wise...,
Not hip CNu. Met some of his people at Dulles airport on my way to Switzerland while in college.
And my sons and I rapped to a couple of the cats on the 3rd Street Promenade in Santa Monica during the CA Governors race. I remember one clean cut brother who was passing out fliers in particular. From what little I gathered they made far more sense than the standard Plantation Negro / Cracka peasants one encounters on the day to day.
I mean they seem smart enough to stay away from vaccines.
But other than that ... the rest of what you are talking about sounds like a Fisharian projection.
but it's a projection based on the fact that 90+ % of what you post is drawn from LaRouche cultists and LaRouche fronts.
Why you so coy? You know that microbiology is the evidence for the "Truth" of Evolutionary Theory. The problem of course is that cats like you and DMG are at the forefront in manipulating fundamental Darwinian principles. So when novel virus appear ALLAH evolutionary mechanics, the first question is whether the worshippers of autonomous gods are at the root of this miscroscopic attack?
"but it's a projection based on the fact that 90+ % of what you post is drawn from LaRouche cultists and LaRouche fronts." CNu
Oh yeah?
Well LaRouche must be a baaaaad muhfuggah then.
So what about the school age CNulians?
Are they getting injected with the "vaccine"?
Or do they just happen to be blessed like dey daddy with "never getting the flu" ... so they not worried about it either?
They're following the WHO and CDC who I'm dead certain lied that autism is not caused by mercury in childhood vaccinations. There are numerous other studies, neurologists, and hoards of parent groups of autistic children that show otherwise.
They're either blindsided by their hero-worshiping of the highest status people in their group, or lying themselves to avoid nuisance lawsuits from Big Pharma.
You just wait n' watch for three or four years. I think we'll see an even higher disproportion of autistic kids from mothers now getting Swine Flu shots.
Wouldn't surprise me either if a lot of this ADHD comes from thimerosol/mercury containing childhood vaccines.
Yep Trill, it's a great big coverup. As a matter of fact we are sworn to secrecy while in medical school. The chip in the back of my head that shocks my spinal column is buzzing right now as I'm writing this...Folie à deux
Another curious aspect of this bogus swine flu discussion is that while doctors like DMG think that people should be forced to get a swine flu vaccine if it's for the greater good, the Liberal Messiah Obama just lifted a ban on HIV+ travelers to the U.S.
So we're all supposed to be in a panic and quarantine people who get the freakin' flu while allowing anyone with HIV to come party it up in the U.S. Go figure.
You can't get HIV by breathing on someone while sitting on the EL train in Chicago. This is not true for novel H1N1 flu.
You should compare apples to apples.
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