Thursday, March 18, 2010

Men Lie Women Lie The CDC Lies Plantation MDs Lie ... Numbers Don't - 6 Months After The H1N1 Hoax - Why Won't DMG Man Up & Admit He Gave Bad Advice?

Last week DMG regaled us with tales of "consoling the spouses and young children of people who died horribly painful deaths of acute respiratory failure". Ostensibly, after failing to get the H1N1 vaccine shot and subsequently succumbing to the ravages of this particularly dangerous strain of influenza, these people were just flooding emergency rooms around America ... just as the "da GuvAMint" had warned. DMG implied those of us too smart to expose ourselves to a "vaccine" that is probably more dangerous to our health than the actual disease, were fools gambling with our own lives. LOL. He even implied some people may have died after listening to the likes of DV instead of Plantation MD's like him.

Guess what? BULLSHIT. There is no H1N1 epidemic.

Come to find out the vast majority of what doctors and hospitals report to be "flu cases" turn out not be flu at all, let alone H1N1. So Why all the Plantation Negro hype? Plantation Negros need massa to be right and powerful to validate their dwindling sense of rank and esteem.

Numbers don't lie: CBS Report on CA cases of reported H1N1 Flu cases compared to what cases proved to be H1N1 after laboratory testing:
DMG said...

"DMG has no more evidence for his position as well. We can draw our own conclusions."

Please don't so easily say that our statements are on even ground. My statements are backed up with evidence...VOLUMES of evidence, by the way. [ROFLMAO! Deluded Negro Syndrome] Mahndisa was attempting to use words she expected nobody here to recognize. She did not calculate the correlation coefficient, because she COULD NOT. So she attempted to pull out another obscure equation to justify her first ignorant statement. She's not speaking from a position of knowledge and experience. Your comment above is spoken out of ignorance of BOTH subjects. But again...believe who you want. I really could not care any less.

If your physician, is encouraging extra Vitamin D instead of or with vaccination, he should probably read the literature a bit closer. Nobody is saying not to get enough sunshine, or not to try to live a healthy life by eating a good diet, and doing the right things for your body. But if people in places like Tucson, Arizona or Charlotte, North Carolina are dropping dead 10 hours after feeling a bit sick from the flu, you may want to rethink your Vitamin D and Sunshine strategy.

And perhaps you may want to refamiliarize yourself with the latitude and hours per year of sunshine of places like say Mexico City...where there was quite the outbreak of H1N1--and not just among the malnourished. Please, smile, if you can find a correlation between H1N1 novel influenza and latitudes/average hours of sunshine post it. By the sunshine/Vitamin D theory places like Scandinavia and the southern tip of Argentina should have had excessive incidence of H1N1 outbreak and death.

And if your physician leaves his practice because of "government 'taking over' health care...good fucking riddance", he's probably more interested in dollar signs than vital signs in the first place.


Anonymous said...

When fools like you choose to wade into areas where you have no business, because you only want to hear your own voice, real information gets drowned out causing confusion among the populous. It's no wonder people wander into the ER or urgent care thinking they have "swine" flu. The CBS piece is no smoking gun, it just shows how competing messages work against a serious threat public health.

Well, let's see who are you going to believe? A physician who spent part of a Friday evening doing chest compressions on a relatively young man with confirmed novel H1N1 virus...or some jackass with a blog trying to literally blow sunshine up your ass?

Again, I really don't care if you get a vaccination or not, just don't come crying to the hospital breathing heavy come December, January.

Anonymous said...

By the way, glad you said numbers don't lie...

Anonymous said...

Here's some numbers in picture form.

Denmark Vesey said...

Stop doc. Catch your breath and consider your words carefully.

You are so invested in making your argument, instead of uncovering the truth, that you can't even read straight anymore.

The CBS report reveals that not only has the CDC failed to document the numbers of cases of H1N1 ... the vast MAJORITY of cases reported by you Plantation MD's turn out not to be H1N1 at all.

The truth doc, is you have probably never even seen a case of H1N1 let alone "console the spouses and young children" of the dead who failed to get a vaccine.

You made that shit up.

Just like the Plantation is making shit up to frighten people into allowing themselves to be injected with God-Knows-What.

Admit it bra. You are just a Parrot with a stethoscope. You are regurgitating Plantation medicine memes without even thinking about them. You just say what you believe you are supposed to say.

And stop fooling yourself as if you are on the "side of science" or "medicine". You are not. You are a glorified union employee lobbying to keep an industry alive that provides you a j.o.b. Enough with the romanticized Hippocratic yada yada. There is no scientific basis for mass vaccinations of the American people with this so called H1N1 "vaccine".


You jumped on the bandwagon because just to go-along with the system, which is the Plantation Negro impulse.

Anonymous said...

Look here, MOTI I don't break a sweat here. Ever.

My words are always considered carefully. You are the one who is so cavalier. But, we've been over this before. Just once, I would like you to put up some solid information, based in reality.

You are so full of shit, I really don't know where to begin.

First you throw a "cure-all" salesman with a medical degree at me because Fox falsely claimed he was an expert in Infectious Disease.


Now you are trying to tell me that CBS knows more about novel H1N1 influenza than the CDC, WHO, ECDC, and a group of Australian/New Zealand physicians who JUST WENT THROUGH FLU SEASON AND HAD 15 TIMES THE NUMBER OF ICU ADMISSIONS THAN THE YEAR BEFORE. (Are you listening?)

Again, you are naked here. All you have is your loud mouth bluster, a couple of low information websites with testimonials and your usual cadre of flying monkeys who should be by spouting off all sorts of frothy vitriol very soon.

I don't have to prove S-H-I-T to you. I don't have to defend my degree, my knowledge, or who I had to deliver to the morgue because they waited too long to be seen.

My presence here on your wall of bullshit and lies helps you out.

Admit it, you toss out this outrageous pseudo-science bullshit as an inducement to get me and others with more than 2 brain cells to comment. You've proven that you are a consumer of only the lowest information on the internet. You pander to the fears of the mob. If you were white you might be out there with the tin-foil wearing Tea-baggers.

Unlike you, I can back up EVERY MOTHERFUCKING WORD of what I write.

Can you say that....


You can't...bullshit artists with websites selling snake-oil don't count. You have yet to be correct about any subject you've brought up.

You are weak. Of mind and character. A true narcissist. Wanting to love yourself, but afraid of what you see in the mirror.

You are always talking about homosexuals--probably because of your inner struggle against a strong desire to join their ranks. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Come on who you are. Go on girl be fabulous.

I don't care what a blogger who talks so animatedly about conspicious consumption and conspiracy theories says, because you are simply an utter moron. You can't help the chin dribble that escapes your lips. I feel sorry for you.

I think that's your que to start rhyming.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

He doesn't break a sweat but is cursing like a sailor. DMG your comments are so off base and ridiculous. I attempted to do absolutely nothing but educate you on your obviously lacking knowledge of stats. I quite clearly said that I did not have data do do any calculations on this woman and that the statement was figurative. But you pushed and prodded and I simply said that if we could apply a statistical measurement to look at her condition, autocorrelation measurements or a paired t test set of measurements would work.

When Fish asked under which circumstances auto correlation coefficients are relevant, I answered his question with the proper answer and links and quotes. You have done nothing but blow hot smoke into the air.

You come to this blog, try to incite discord by tossing around insults, when called on your lack of information in an area, the only thing you can do is attack and whine and curse. Where are the randomized double blind studies showing efficacy of flu vaccines? You have none. Where are randomized double blind studies showing safeness and efficacy of swine flu vaccines? You've not produced anything.

As DV said, you are just parroting talking points in the media and have done absolutely nothing to substantiate your claims.

Even more damning is the fact that you claim to be a doctor, which I highly doubt. You've done nothing that shows a critical thinking facility for doing such work. I think you are just a loser behind a keyboard talking out of his ass because he has a grudge. Sicko.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Unlike you, I can back up EVERY MOTHERFUCKING WORD of what I write.

Where are the studies please? Up to this point, you've backed up nothing with anything other than a Wikipedia stub here and there, a link to a dot gov site and a link to a textbook. Where are your peer reviewed double blind randomized studies?

Anonymous said...

Queen Flying Monkey...right on que. Do you REALLY think anyone was summoning you Beetleguise?

Not every discussion is about you and your Basic Statistics class...or is your life really that void? Click on the links, or better yet, just find the information for yourself. New England Journal of Medicine, and the CDC are the sites where people with serious questions look. But feel free to consume your low information from whatever website you morons frequent.

You two are about the most ignorant people I've ever met. Neither of you seem to have any redeeming qualities.

For the LAST TIME Mahndisa...the novel H1N1 vaccine is made by the same process they make the yearly seasonal vaccine, given out to about 100 million people per year. I've given you links already. You can either get a vaccination with a weakened virus or you can get the real virus. Maybe you enjoy shitting your brains out with high fever. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

:) That's right Mahndisa, I'm pretending. Does that make you feel better? Maybe you'll catch a glimpse of me on a future 60 Minutes episode. Watch closely.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Where are the links? You still haven't answered any question posed and have simply tried to avoid any meaningful discourse by the usual insults, appeal to authority and scare tactics. You have a keen inability to justify your positions.

Again, where are the randomized double blind studies that show the safety and efficacy of seasonal flu and swine flu vaccines, and of vaccines in general?

Until you can provide any of this information, it is apparent that you have absolutely no groat of wit whatsoever.

Anonymous said...


You are not only needy but apparently just helpless. I answered your question on Oct. 20 at 6:31pm on the Kent Holtorf thread started on Oct. 18, posted at 12:13am. But since you are lazy, I'll help you out again:

"How effective is the inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV)?

Overall, in years when the vaccine and circulating viruses are well-matched, influenza vaccines can be expected to reduce laboratory-confirmed influenza by approximately 70% to 90% in healthy adults <65 years of age. Several studies have also found reductions in febrile illness, influenza-related work absenteeism, antibiotic use, and doctor visits.

A 4-year randomized, placebo-controlled trial of children aged 1-15 years found vaccine effectiveness ranging from 77% to 91%, following only one dose of vaccine given to previously unvaccinated children (Neuzil, Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal, 2001).

"How effective is the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV)?"

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial among 1,602 healthy children initially aged 15--71 months assessed the efficacy of trivalent LAIV against culture-confirmed influenza during two seasons (Belshe et al., N Engl J Med 1998;338:1405—12. Belshe et al, J Pediatr 2000;136:168--75). In season one, when vaccine and circulating virus strains were well-matched, efficacy in preventing confirmed illness from influenza was 93% for participants who received 2 doses of LAIV.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial among 4,561 healthy working adults aged 18--64 years assessed multiple endpoints, including reductions in self-reported respiratory tract illness without laboratory confirmation, absenteeism, healthcare visits, and medication use during peak and total influenza outbreak periods (Nichol et al., JAMA 1999;282:137--44). The study was conducted during the 1997--98 influenza season, when the vaccine and circulating A (H3N2) strains were not well-matched. Vaccination was associated with reductions in severe febrile illnesses of 19%, and febrile upper respiratory tract illnesses of 24%.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled challenge study among 92 healthy adults (LAIV, n = 29; placebo, n = 31; inactivated influenza vaccine, n = 32) aged 18--41 years assessed the efficacy of both LAIV and inactivated vaccine (Treanor et al., Vaccine 1999;18:899--906.). The overall efficacy of LAIV and inactivated influenza vaccine in preventing laboratory-documented influenza from all three influenza strains combined was 85% and 71%, respectively. This was on the basis of experimental challenge by viruses to which study participants were susceptible before vaccination. The difference in efficacy between the two vaccines was not statistically significant.

All of these links are easily found on the CDC website. Vaccine safety information is also available.

Now are you REALLY telling me that you could not find this data when it took me less than 15 seconds? Do I have to also find a website for you that states that the novel H1N1 vaccine is made the exact same way as the seasonal vaccine and if they'd had time it would have been INCLUDED in the seasonal vaccination?

Smile said...

DMG, what's with the slap fest? Why are you a doctor? These questions don't necessarily need an answer. They absolutely are not meant to challenge you, your expertise, or your degree.

I do find your lack of 'bedside manners' in contrast to any of the doctors I've had access to. Even the one I fired simply because he accused me of over reacting due my having never been sick. IMO, one doesn't always go to their doctor because they're 'sick' but for help in with efforts in taking care of themselves.

I've never heard a doctor respond even once with, I don't care or give a shit. I've never once heard a doc get so angry at his information being rejected/ misunderstood/whatever by responding with stories of chest thumping, morgue sending, you gonna die if you don't f'ing choke this down hyperbole.

Now you add your attack on my doctor and we have a case of your truly not knowing whatcher talkin' 'bout.

The WHO has explained that further effectiveness and safety testing will have to be done after administration because there isn't time prior due to the need to rush to make the vaccines available. I can understand that. What I don't understand is the hoopla that arises if vitamin pushers even suggest something.

At best, all the drama leaves one bewildered.

Anonymous said...


You still counting?