Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The "S"cientific Method

It takes Nature 3 months to grow a chicken. Science can do it in 49 days.

Which one you want to eat?

KonWomyn said...

Both are full-blooded, living beings. When killed both become dead food as opposed to living food which is green.

Carnal flesh is fed to carnal flesh.

Both take more than 24 hours to digest through your system. Neither contains any enzyme to help digestion; instead the body produces acid to aid it's digestion. Both are laced with salmonella and the rearing of chickens is a breeding ground for disease.

My mother's a farmer and chickens are the hardest thing to raise - they require so much care when they are little chicks because the fatality rate is quite high in the early stages. Chickens are also dirty animals, they eat anything and everything that could be contaminated with pesticide residue or manufactured waste thrown away by humans.

Chicken feeds are also quite expensive and are needed in large supplies. The birds require alot of water and landspace that could otherwise be used for growing crops.


KonWomyn said...
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KonWomyn said...


Both are full-blooded, living beings. When killed both become dead food as opposed to living food which is green.

Carnal flesh is fed to carnal flesh.

Both take more than 24 hours to digest through your system. Neither contains any enzyme to help digestion; instead the body produces acid to aid it's digestion. Both are laced with salmonella and the rearing of chickens is a breeding ground for disease.

My mother's a farmer and chickens are the hardest thing to raise - they require so much care when they are little chicks because the fatality rate is quite high in the early stages. Chickens are also dirty animals, they eat anything and everything that could be contaminated with pesticide residue or manufactured waste thrown away by humans.

Chicken feeds are also quite expensive and are needed in large supplies. The birds require alot of water and landspace that could otherwise be used for growing crops.

Anonymous said...

Not all of our ancestors were vegetarians. Since you are talking about nature..

And unless you are actually grazing on the plains...when you eat vegetables, they are "dead" too.

KonWomyn said...

DMG said:
"And unless you are actually grazing on the plains...when you eat vegetables, they are "dead" too"

Nope there is such a thing as living food. Google it.

Anonymous said...

^^ school!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

...wait, misread your last post. Fruits and vegetables devoid of a source of continued nutrition are in an active state of decay. Not apoptosis, but cell death. A vegetable that reaches your plate from a farm even 50 yards away is dying. You have to kill something to acquire food.

Denmark Vesey said...

You can harvest a tomato, keep it around for months. Plant what's left of it in the ground and later harvest dozens of fresh tomatoes.

Plant a hamburger and see what happens.

Anonymous said...

...that's a seed. And what is left decays to feed the seed. Life from death. But we weren't talking about farming MOTI.

KonWomyn said...

Fruit and veg re-generative plants not 'dead' food. It's not only plants with seeds but same thing with some plants that grow underground - onions, potatoes, carrots, peanuts are all self-generative.

You can put legumes in water and they sprout after a few days - now that's tasty living food. Or the sprouts n greens in their soil pots that y'get in the supermarket are examples of living food.
Pret a manger...

Anonymous said...


You are now talking semantics. But you understand, that if the plant had a brain, it probably would prefer NOT to be yanked from the soil and chomped upon by your teeth...

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG, if your colon had a brain ... it would probably prefer you not eat a chicken nugget ... manufactured with the body parts of dozens, perhaps hundreds of different birds, killed at different times, raised in different locations pumped full of steroids and pesticides.

If Plantation MD's had CHARACTER ... they would stand up to the medical industrial complex which emphasizes the very profitable treatment of disease instead of the intelligent prevention of disease.

Anonymous said...

Tell me what you know about the colon, since you mentioned guts and brains....

Believe it or not, I don't often eat chicken nuggets. And nobody is advocating eating fast food, or cheap food. You are telling people who may not have the financial means that the only way to stay healthy is to eat a particular bread that cost $5.50 a loaf, and pink salt that's had a 1400% mark up. Everyone here, probably including YOU knows that's bullshit. You talk about hormones and pesticides being "pumped" into food like there's some sort of conspiracy (hey wait...forgot, that's your theme). If you like the taste of pink salt, and whatever it is you get from overpiced Whole Foods, fine, eat it and enjoy it. There are reasonable alternatives to eating only Whole Foods (or whatever) products that people without alot of money can afford.

If you had an ounce of character you would educate yourself before diving head first into topics you are poorly prepared to debate.

KonWomyn said...
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KonWomyn said...

DMG said
"You are now talking semantics. But you understand, that if the plant had a brain, it probably would prefer NOT to be yanked from the soil and chomped upon by your teeth..."

Nah Bra, this is the actual name given to food that comes straight from the soil to the plate. Like I told you before, Google it. And there actually have been studies done by scientists (yep scientists) to measure whether plants have the capacity to feel and it has been found that plants do have a minimum capacity to feel and when their produce is picked they register a certain amount of pain. That's why y'get a certain kind of fruitarian who only eats that which has fallen naturally to the ground or breatharians who 'live on light' and eat little or no food. (No semantics, look it up.)

And seeing as animals HAVE brains and its been proven over and over again that animals are sentient beings (when they are slaughtered they squeal and scream in protest) - are you, a meat-eater really in a position to question what I eat?

Let's see what the world's meat-eaters feed and fester on: the Scots eat sheep brains and call them a national dish, most Southern Africans eat animal intestines and call them a delicacy. Western Europeans love to slaughter baby cows and call it veal - the younger, the higher the grade of meat and the more high-priced it is. The French n Brits purposely over feed geese n ducks for foie-gras and call it a French delicacy.

The modern meat industry is a blood industry - heartless and profit-driven disguised by clever marketing of meat as a nutritional neccessity and as a gastric pleasure. Babylon's effectively de-linked the life-process and suffering of animals from the end-product; meat. People find rabbits, calves or baby chick so cute n adorable but fail to make the connection between the prime cut of dead animal on their plate and that cute animal which gave it's life.

As someone who eats meat - how you wanna come ask me about eating plants in a judgemental manner? Re-direct the question to yourself and ask if those animals *with brains and feelings* appreciate being battery or organically raised for the sole purpose of for-profit slaughter and for your for-profit gastro-pleasure.

Anonymous said...

...did anyone ask the plant if it wanted to be food?

Anonymous said...


We've gotten FAR off the original subject. I could care less what you put in your mouth. If you want to be a vegetarian, more power to you...just make sure you get enough protein.

I eat meat. My ancestors ate meat. Eating meat probably helped our ancestors brains grow. Anyway, this is a tiring conversation.

The idea that some animals are dirty because of where they get their food etc, is also just a bunch of biblical bs. But after rereading your post I found this:

"Both take more than 24 hours to digest through your system. Neither contains any enzyme to help digestion; instead the body produces acid to aid it's digestion. Both are laced with salmonella and the rearing of chickens is a breeding ground for disease."

You sure you want to make those statements?

KonWomyn said...

Regardless of whether you care or not, I get plenty of vegetable protein. Funny you don't care but still cast judgement. Asking whether anyone asked the plants or not is silly. C'mon Doc y'sound five years old now. Maybe if y'speak cow go ask the mommy cows if they want their milk taken from them and their baby cows killed because you'd like to eat them.

The dirtiness of animals isn't just a biblical thing, I'm sure you've come across relevant studies on the eating habits of certain animals. And yes I do know that it takes 2 hours for chicken to digest in your stomach, but meat takes +24 for it to go through your whole system...

And yes, Google raw chicken meat and salmonella if y'so wish. And factory chickens and diseases - c'mon Bra...Tired much? Yes.

Anonymous said...


If you are truly deep into being a vegetarian than you know as well as I do that you do NOT get all of your amino acid content met with a strictly vegetarian diet. If you want to be a vegetarian, I have no quarrel with you. Just as long as you know it's not a complete diet, and have made arrangements for alternative ways to make it complete.

You made a silly statement about meat I replied in kind.

"but meat takes +24 for it to go through your whole system."

And the significance of this is what? Actually, it's probably a bit longer...

Do you want to discuss transit times through the gastrointestinal tract...I have to say that you'd be at quite the disadvantage on this topic.

You are kidding. You don't think I know about salmonella...that's why you are supposed to thoroughly cook meat. Speaking of which...I'll be enjoying a tasty lemon rosemary chicken with some steamed brocolli and pasta in about 20 mins. I have to thank you, because all of this chicken talk got me thinking.

KonWomyn said...
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KonWomyn said...

Lol, Doc you crack me up. I said its I wasn't being specific but if we must put exact time frames 27 - 36 hours. Err where was I wrong on salmonella? Please spare me the edu-ma-cation - been there done that and read enuff. That's why there's no blood on my plate. You wanna flex your medical muscles and talk down vegans and vegetarians and say what, its an unsustainable lifestyle? Please, go sup on your dead animal in silence. I'm a happy and healthy vegan.

You might profess to be an atheist but plantation medicine is your religion. Against reason you want to tell me being vegan is questionable - despite all the evidence there is to support my way of life. C'mon now don't let your blind faith in massa's science cloud your sensibilities. I expected so much more of you...tsk, tsk!

Anonymous said...


Please point to where I'm denigrating vegetarians (I had no idea you were a vegan)? Actually it was you denigrating my eating a balanced omnivorous diet. If you want to eat twigs and berries...knock yourself out. Your own literature says the diet isn't complete. I don't make this stuff up. And why would I talk down to the line says:

"...what you eat--don't make me shit".

Facts are facts.

The only ones touting "religion" here are you, the host, and the rest of the mob. Religion doesn't require facts...only faith. I'll take the former thank you.

Oh, KonWomyn...why do you have to feign like you are tough? Like I've always said here. I could not care ANY less than I do right now what you folks put in YOUR body. Just don't speak like you know what you are talking about...cause 9.99999 times out of 10 you really don't. Get your facts straight, understand the foundation of biology and nutrition, and come discuss. There's no need to fall back into the host's flawed stance when you run out of things to say. You seem smarter than the rest, but you disappointed me in that last comment.

KonWomyn said...


Ok Doc I have been pretty harsh to you, I actually did think abt it when I got home, but didn't retract it. But I'm way past my radical veggie days and I do respect what people eat. So my apologies - we cool?

But "9.999 times out 10 wrong" mmm I think not. Most veg people I know are clued up about what their bodies needs. And as for the comments I've made on this blog - apart from the misreading I once made of Nulan's comment or my controversial views of the supernatural, that 9.9999 aint applicable to me.


Anonymous said...


Honestly, I don't take anything on here to heart, and I'm sure all of us (with maybe the exception of two who shall not be named...) could probably go enjoy a nice dinner and drinks together. So of course we're cool.

You'll notice a running theme with me here. I like to have statements backed up. And I'll challenge anyone to back up their statements. If they can't I lay into them. I don't think folks should get away with trying to pass off unlearned opinion as evidence.