Friday, October 30, 2009

The Results of The International DenmarkVesey.Net / Gallup Poll Are In

Washington Post Poll Confirms - Vast Majority of People Telling Plantation MD's To "Kiss Their Asses" Regarding Swine Flu "Vaccine"


KonWomyn said...

LOL! No guesses as to who the minorty-three are.

Anonymous said...

Too bad that poll doesn't reflect reality.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Oh contraire doc, it indeed reflects reality - that you have failed "to set the record straight" as to the readers of this blog.

Isn't that what your stated purpose is here? To save "your people" from DV the charlatan?

CNu said...

What is it about dilettante angelenos with more money than sense, that draws them to the empty, circular, and ultimately silly doctrines of Lyndon LaRouche or Scientology?

Is it kind of like the ridiculous mythology of the NOI, set out as a litmus test for group/doctrinal loyalty? Do you have to leave your good judgement and critical faculties at the door as part of the price of admission?

Anonymous said...

Actually, II, if we are speaking about unscientific polls (and MOTI's poll is more of a joke poll), it seems that more than 60% of parents will sign permission forms to have their child vaccinated for novel H1N1 influenza.

Why don't you stop taunting, and use that lawyers brain of yours to give me a real debate...or are you still sore for last summers ass whoopings? I'm here for you, you know I love a confident woman.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

LOL Doc. Relying on your usual quip about things not being scientific enough for you. And alluding to ass whoopins that never happened. :-)

It's ok. That's the Marine spirit.

However, it has become quite apparent that anything you agree with is scientific and anything with which you disagree is unscientific quackery conspiracy theory. Regardless of the topic. Regardless of the evidence.

But returning to the point of this post, it's time to change your approach Doc. It seems that "your people" aren't getting your scientific and rational message about vaccines.

What was Einstein's definition of insanity - trying the same thing over and over and getting the same result?

Anonymous said...

Shall we review the record counselor?

Anonymous said...

You are free not to get the vaccination then. But please don't complain if you or a loved one winds up intubated in the ICU somewhere.

Entertainment law? How is that, my young cousin is thinking about going into the field.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

As a matter of fact, I do have a loved one who just got released from the ICU after being intubated for three weeks. Not from H1N1, of course, but because of the host of symptoms with which he was contending that arose from the multitude of prescription drugs his drug-dealing colleagues pimped on him. He is a doctor too, so he is quite forgiving of the perforation in his stomach that resulted from the Prednizone.

However, he and his wife, both M.D., PhD's, weren't as forgiving of the utter arrogance of their medical compatriots who initially were annoyed that they even had to put any effort into his care and wanted to convince my aunt to just let her husband die.

Entertainment law is mind-numbingly unchallenging, boring and simple. It's "entertaining" at first but, after the novelty wears off, you have to concern yourself with the loss of IQ that will necessarily result from arguing with someone's agent about whether you will agree to fly their nanny to the premiere of the movie and whether she gets to go coach or business.

Anonymous said...


Well can't speak to the specific case of your loved one in the hospital...but something tells me there are details left out, and replaced by your biased editorial.

Thanks for the info on Entertainment Law. I'll relay it to my cousin. Surely, there was something that drew you to the field in the first place.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

Nothing drew me to it other than the desire to go in-house and leave the long hours of law firm life.

As luck would have it, a friend called to urge me to submit my resume for a job as in-house counsel at a production company. Surprisingly, with no experience in the field, they hired me and it was fun for a while.

But I never wanted to be an entertainment lawyer and got bored quickly. Honestly, if it weren't for the blogosphere, I wouldn't have lasted the three years I did. Fortunately, my dislike for it made it very easy to quit working to be at home with my daughter. I now do part-time business work from home, which is far more interesting.

There is a certain character type who wants to be an entertainment lawyer and who likes it. I am not that type and I don't like those types.

Anonymous said...

I think my cousin is just young...he's still a sophomore in college, and it does at least sound exciting. Good stuff. Thanks.