Sunday, October 18, 2009

Listen To This MD, This Medical Expert On Infectious Diseases - Then Read The Comments By DMG Again - DV Called This Months Ago

fist tap Stylistic MF


DMG said...

Do your homework, moron blogger. He's NOT an Infectious Disease "expert". Check his website, he pushes "bioidentical hormones". And is a member of the dubious American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine...which isn't really a legitimate "Board" of anything other than to push products. Founded by two DO's who went to Belize to get their MD...and were told by New York to cease and desist. Do you merely look under rocks for these guys?

Why am I always doing YOUR homework?

DMG said...

By the way, you don't get to call yourself an infectioius disease expert after 3 years of post graduate training in family practice...and there is NO ROUTE to a subspecialty in endocrinology after family practice residency training. Details, my man.


DMG said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

DMG, your points about the doctor's qualifications are well founded. He certainly would not have credibility as an infectious disease expert in a court of law. However, he still brings up valid points.

You have gone on and one about how DVs blog is for the ignorant and so forth. However, you should refute the claims of some of these so called experts if you want to be taken seriously. It isn't enough to say that you are a doctor and to give sob stories about chest compressions...You need to dissect what these people are saying point by point.

I think the reason you have yet to do that is because some of the stuff being discussed makes sense.

Here is the biggest question I have: How efficacious is the flu vaccine, given that the flu virus mutates so rapidly? Do you know of any double blind studies that show efficacy of flu vaccines or any other vaccines in HUMANS?

I found one double blind study that says that flu vaccine exascerbates asthma in adults but not much more. Please advise.

Intellectual Insurgent said...

By the way, you don't get to call yourself an infectioius disease expert after 3 years of post graduate training in family practice...and there is NO ROUTE to a subspecialty in endocrinology after family practice residency training. Details, my man.


I would bet by your standards, you yourself are UNQUALIFIED to discuss infectious disease. That sword cuts both ways.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yes, II you are right. I thought he mentioned working in the ER once,which might mean he is a trauma specialist, that is if he is really a doctor at all. I wonder why he's never referenced the studies he's supposedly coauthored or linked to anything other than wikipedia. That conduct is unbecoming of a legitimate medical professional;)

Intellectual Insurgent said...

The Atlantic did an interesting and informative piece on the hoax that is the flu shot.

The history of flu vaccination suggests other reasons to doubt claims that it dramatically reduces mortality. In 2004, for example, vaccine production fell behind, causing a 40 percent drop in immunization rates. Yet mortality did not rise. In addition, vaccine “mismatches” occurred in 1968 and 1997: in both years, the vaccine that had been produced in the summer protected against one set of viruses, but come winter, a different set was circulating.

In effect, nobody was vaccinated. Yet death rates from all causes, including flu and the various illnesses it can exacerbate, did not budge. Sumit Majumdar, a physician and researcher at the University of Alberta, in Canada, offers another historical observation: rising rates of vaccination of the elderly over the past two decades have not coincided with a lower overall mortality rate. In 1989, only 15 percent of people over age 65 in the U.S. and Canada were vaccinated against flu. Today, more than 65 percent are immunized. Yet death rates among the elderly during flu season have increased rather than decreased.

DMG said...


And THAT is precisely why you don't see me on the news trying to pass myself off as one.

As I'm currently practicing in my specialty...rather than pretending I have credentials in a specialty I've no specific training in (endocrinology and infectious disease), or trying to hawk fake wares online, I think I've more credibility to discuss the topic.

I'm NOT qualified to go on Fox News purporting to be an expert in Infectious Disease. But I have the good sense and ethics to know that. That is the difference.


I don't need to refute something from a bullshit artist. He doesn't bring up any valid points worthy of discussion, but rather more fearmongering and misrepresentation of the issues. And since when are chest compressions "sob" stories? Oh, wait when they are performed on anyone OTHER than a close relative. You should rethink your words.

You think this is rushed into production? And untested? Perhaps you'd like to hear the opinion of an ACTUAL Infectious Disease expert?,0,893666,full.story

And by the way, why don't you be honest and go back over my posts and stop LYING about how I've never linked to any studies. That's just weak. You continue to try to goad me into a "yes I am a doctor" argument. I suppose you think I somehow need to prove this to you? :) You aren't that important.

Sasha said...


You always sound so damn angry. Why?

KonWomyn said...

Can we backtrack a bit. In the last thread Kimberly asked a good question about Vitamin D as a possible remedy for Swine Flu and this was your dismissive response:
"Your assertion about Vitamin D, unfortunately is absurd. Period. Not trying to be mean, but it doesn't make any sense, so therefore I'll not comment further. If you can give me a plausible explanation why this would work, I'd love to hear it."

If her assertion is "abusrd" then why is it that McMaster University, Canada is carrying out research to determine if there is a correlation between low Vitamin D levels and the flu virus?

Maybe she didn't ask the question in the right manner, but the answer you gave to her was totally dismissive of Vitamin D having anything to do with flu virus. But that ain't entirely so.

Dr Soram Khalsa supports the kind of research being done at McMaster. In addition, he also states the following:

"we can say that there does appear to be an association with optimized vitamin D levels and flu protection. Before we can say this with certainty however, double blind crossover placebo controlled prospective trials need to be run. These types of studies take many years.
It is my position that until we get further data, given the likelihood that vitamin D will help protect us against the swine flu, there is absolutely no harm in optimizing our own vitamin D levels until further studies are done."

Dr John Cannell shares this view, arguing Vitamin D is very important in the functioning of the immune system.

And Sasha's so rite, Doc you often sound so angry even to those who ask politely e.g much for the oath 'First do no Harm.'

DMG said...


Tone, sound, etc. is the downfall of this media. It's hard to transmit feelings. But, I do believe if there is a hell, there's a special corner for the stupid pushing flawed pseudoscience to sell their junk to the unsuspecting.


Sure, why not. Although, vitamin D is thought to play a role in our immune system, it's not a cure for this strain of H1N1 Influenza A. Actually, some studies believe it will prevent those taking the vaccine to develop an immunity for Pandemic H1N1. The general public, not knowing any better, and scam artists hawking their wares, will pursue this in true snake-oil fashion as a talisman to ward off H1N1. More is not always better. The key point to your assertion about the McMaster researchers is that it's ONGOING. There's no proof yet...and won't be before January, when flu season is in full swing. Sure there will probably anecdotal evidence and testimonials about how some person or other took supertherapeutic doses of Vit D and never got a severe form of H1N1. But that tells us nothing, since most will have mild disease anyway.

So for a healthy immune system, sure make sure your intake of Vitamin D is adequate, with a proper diet....not supplements unless you are found to ACTUALLY have a deficiency.

But taking Vitamin D to ward off H1N1 is in fact absurd. There's nothing that says supertherapeutic doses of Vitamin D will do any such thing. The research says one is 30-40% more likely to get a flu if one has a DEFICIENCY...not low normal levels. Only 1 in 10 children are thought to be actually deficient.

...I don't think primum non nocere has anything to do with sounding "angry" on a blog. But latin isn't my primary language, perhaps it's yours?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

To what studies have you linked other than Wikipedia and a book on infectious disease? If I'm not that important, why do you feel the need to respond to me?

You haven't said anything of worth other than give yes sob stories. Until you can refute these guys point for point without resorting to insults and obfuscations then holla. Otherwise you've nothing of worth to say.

Again where are the double blind studies? Where are your studies?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Again you are citing so called facts with nothing substantive to qualify them.

DMG said...


I must admit that it is understandable (and quite obvious) that you are on a mission to oppose whatever I say, especially after the embarrassment I caused you some months ago, but really you do seem to have some rudimentary intelligence. Surely even you understand that YEARS of research for a rapidly mutating virus that is upon us NOW, would be an assinine use of time, especially when there have been YEARS of proven efficacy with the seasonal flu vaccine production process. The "so-called" facts, as you put them are in reference to a Vitamin D study which KonWomyn has alluded. Again, I'm no longer doing YOUR homework. Stop being lazy, and do your own research. Before you bring out an "expert", at the very least check his/her background. These are simple things. I'm sure you can handle that.

And about your use of the word obfuscation.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yes, just resorting to the same old insults with nothing of substance. You've never embarrassed me and must be a legend in your own mind. Your ego is getting the best of you. I am not interested in opposing you. More or less, I am asking you to justify your positions.You can't have it both ways. If you say you're a doctor and so forth, cite studies, not wikipedia stubs. And when people ask you things, stop trivializing what they say and answer their questions. I suspect that you are incapable though.

Insulting my intelligence is assinine, counterproductive and childish. Get over it and put up or shut up as you've said before.

DMG said...

Insulting your intelligence, I must admit is a bit too easy. But I still find it fun. Actually, I do it only to provoke the inevitable frothy mouthed loss of bearing you usually have. The only thing I'm incapable of doing is spending all of my time online with a bunch of dullards who are more interested in conspiracy theories than facts.

Never embarrassed you, you say?

CNu, can you que the quote?

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

You've been the mouth frother here young boy. You have never said anything to embarrass me or cut me down to size at all. Your ego is getting the best of you. Randomized double blind studies please? Where are they?

DMG said...


I do recall this particular thread being about someone calling themselves an infectious disease expert, when in fact he's merely another of a long list of charlatans our host puts up as "evidence". In your quest to look smart you zero in on what I say and reflexively disagree.

Since you are too lazy to do your homework and rely on simpletons like our host and Fox News for your information, let me help you out:

"A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial among 4,561 healthy working adults aged 18--64 years assessed multiple endpoints, including reductions in self-reported respiratory tract illness without laboratory confirmation, absenteeism, healthcare visits, and medication use during peak and total influenza outbreak periods (Nichol et al., JAMA 1999;282:137--44). The study was conducted during the 1997--98 influenza season, when the vaccine and circulating A (H3N2) strains were not well-matched. Vaccination was associated with reductions in severe febrile illnesses of 19%, and febrile upper respiratory tract illnesses of 24%."

Maybe you don't know how vaccines are made? Or that the H1N1 vaccine is made pretty much like the other vaccines we've seen over the last years. Here's a news article that might help:

A bit more info to chew on.

Actually, if you were more adept at research, you'd be able to find out all of the information you need. But that means you have to stay off the conspiracy theory websites like this one. You'd rather people spend their time arguing with morons pushing some fake product to take advantage of desperate people merely to make a buck. It's not that I avoid arguing with you, but you are predictable, boring and always attempt to steer conversations to something you think you understand. Stats 101 doesn't make you a research scholar, nor does being a medical secretary make you a physician. Not knocking your education, but you don't see me debating astrophysics, or economics beyond an basic level. Stop huffing and puffing, and decide what you are going to do this flu season. I'm monitoring 3-4 patients right now with confirmed H1N1 to see if they need my services.

It may be a joke to you, but it's not to folks with tubes stuck in their airways fighting for their life...nor their family. One family member changed his mind in a hurry about vaccination. The virus doesn't give a damn who it infects. Now that flu season approaches in earnest alot more people will be at risk. The vaccine is available. Believe or disbelieve. Take it or don't take it. It doesn't matter to me. You have to live with your decisions you make for you and your family, not me.

One of the worst things in the world to deal with is hindsight...especially when you are proven wrong, knowing the information was at your fingertips...even if you hate the messenger (me).

Smile said...

"The research says one is 30-40% more likely to get a flu if one has a DEFICIENCY...not low normal levels."

This isn't what my doctor tells me. A strong system is better able then a weakened one. He also says science doesn't know everything but should attempt to find truth regardless of popularity. Low normal and imbalance should be addressed as it will cause one to be more susceptible and less fight off or recover, or be more ill then otherwise.

He doesn't discourage supplements either. Milk and many products are supplemented. He says that if I can purchase a better grade, or complete, or not synthetic, that is best.

He gives me his opinion and knowledge but isn't offended at questions or assuming he should know it all.

Sometimes we just have to do our best, even when that's not enough.

DMG said...


More is not always can actually prevent vaccines from doing it's job to increase antibodies against this particular strain of influenza.