Thursday, October 29, 2009

Listen To This Doctor Talk About Vitamin D ... Review The Statements of DMG ... And Ask Yourself If You Will Ever Take The Word Of A Plantation MD

Millions of Children In U.S. Found to Be Lacking Vitamin D
Links to Diabetes, Heart Disease Examined

Washington Post Staff Writer

Millions of U.S. children have disturbingly low Vitamin D levels, possibly increasing their risk for bone problems, heart disease, diabetes and other ailments, according to two new studies that provide the first national assessment of the crucial nutrient in young Americans.

About 9 percent of those ages 1 through 21 -- about 7.6 million children, adolescents and young adults -- have Vitamin D levels so low they could be considered deficient, while an additional 61 percent -- 50.8 million -- have higher levels, but still low enough to be insufficient, according to the analysis of federal data being released Monday.

"It's astounding," said Michal L. Melamed of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, who helped conduct one of the studies published online by the journal Pediatrics. "At first, we couldn't believe the numbers. I think it's very worrisome."

Low Vitamin D levels are especially common among girls, adolescents and people with darker skin, according to the analysis of a nationally representative sample of more than 6,000 children. For example, 59 percent of African American teenage girls were Vitamin D deficient, Melamed's study found. Washington Post

People Don't Get Sick From The "Flu Virus". Vitamin D Deficient People Get Sick From Many Different Things, Including Influenza. Fix The Vitamin D Deficiency. Everything Else Will Take Care Of Itself. (DMG. Take Notes. I'm Quizzing Your Ass Next Week)


fuckleberry said...

Well haven't darker-skinned people been more at risk for swine flu (Mexico, etc)?

That could cancel out the effects of living in sunny areas.

Maybe they should graph out D levels vs swine flu contraction.

Anonymous said...

The student doesn't "quiz" the teacher MOTI, so you got that backward. Maybe you should actually KNOW something before attempt to you quiz someone.

Anonymous said...

DMG, you refer to him as MOTI. What is that?

Anonymous said...

why does dv call him a Plantation Negro MD?

Anonymous said...

Is MOTI an acronym? What does it stand for? or what does it mean? That's what I'm asking. I know what DV means when he calls him a "Plantation Negro MD".

Anonymous said...

MOTI stands for "Man On The Internet", because he neither represents the character or spirit of Telemaque (Denmark Vesey), nor is he the "Blackest" anything on the internet.

MOTI is therefore a more descriptive acronym.

He's just some dude with a broadband connection.

I am a physician. He doesn't like educated people...especially those more educated than he, who can actually explain the things he attempts to speak about.

He doesn't like having the curtain thrown back exposing him for the fraud that he is...hence a moniker he thinks will annoy me.

It doesn't.

Denmark Vesey said...

DMG, The Plantation Negro MD ... represents a nonthinking functionary. A cog in a machine. A company man. A House Negro who has worked hard to please the operators of the Plantation and now values his perceived place within the organization because it grants him the illusion of rank and esteem.

A glorified retailer of narcotics for a medical industrial complex who ... at best ... no longer has the best interest of the people in mind, but is obsessed with profit and at worse ... is a tool of maniacal eugenicists working to reduce select populations of people with sterility agents, auto-immune disorders and other "soft-kill" bio-weapons. (The AIDS / Vaccine connection in Africa is an example)

Anonymous said...

Again, the subject reverts back to a oft recited and worn out repetoire...fear the unknown, calling his opponent "house negro" in desperation (knowing full well, he is more likely a decendant of the house negro than the field negro). Notice how the subject becomes agitated and verbalizes paranoid dillusions of people following him wanting to do him harm. Very classic class, let's move to the next room.

Denmark Vesey said...

The House (Government / Pharmaceutical Corporations / Corporate Media / Medical Industrial Complex) ...

is pushing an UNTESTED vaccine ... of which they have granted IMMUNITY to the manufactures.

The HOUSE NEGRO is the man pushing it, selling it and endorsing it without merit.

... duhhhhhhh

The man encouraging black people to protect their health and the health of their families by strengthening their immune systems naturally - without drugs and "vaccines" ... is THE BLACKEST MAN IN AMERICA.

Thank you ... Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Watch class how the subject becomes increasingly agitated. Dilusions of grandeur about being the "most". Interesting how the subject cannot process even the most rudimentary rational thought. Yet describes such vividly imagined scenarios. Paranoid, narcissistic, scared. Classic.