This is something you won't hear from the Negro MD. But listen to your boy DV. Anything rubbed into the skin, enters the bloodstream.

Everyday millions of Americans shower in hot chlorinated and fluoridated tap water, dry off and proceed to rub or spray a toxic concoction of aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, and aluminum zirconium, fragrance, and butane into the sensitive soft tissue of the armpit. Then they wonder why they get breast cancer.
If you saw someone routinely pop the top off of a can of Arrid XX antiperspirant and drink it, would you be surprised they eventually developed cancer? Why would you be surprised they got cancer if you saw someone spray it into their hot armpit?
Solution? You don't have to be funky. Understand the chemistry of funk. The amazing machine called the body gets rid of waste through a number of avenues. Surprisingly breathing is the number one method the body uses to remove waste. Number 2 ... is Number 2. Poo poo is a great source of waste removal. However an often overlooked channel to remove waste are the glands under the arms. Your arms are not just sweating. Your body is eliminating toxic waste. Using chemical antiperspirants actually seals those glands shut. Effectively clogging the pores and sealing the waste inside the body. See it yet? Starting to see why breast cancer rates, particularly in industrialized nations are soaring? We do stupid shit to our bodies.

What's the answer from Plantation Medicine? Stupid shit like: Pink Ribbons, Walk A Thons and Breast Cancer
Awareness. Why not just educate people not to harm their bodies with dangerous chemicals?

The waste that the body eliminates under the arms is not what causes the odor. Bacteria feed on that waste. What causes odor is the defecation of the bacteria. So ... what's the natural solution to preventing funk? Mineral Stones. Deodorant stones are made of salt crystals that kill bacteria. Rub the stone under your arm after a shower, and go on about your business funk and cancer free. Remember Where You Heard It First.
DV: This is a subject close to my heart because post heart surgery as an eighteen month old, I developed hyperhydrosis and have been plagued with it ever since. It is activated generally when I'm stressed but rears its head from time to time in normal life. Anyhow, I am totally against using anti perspirant not only for the reasons you mentioned but because of the aluminum content and you know that aluminum is found in the brains of alzheimers patients. Also aluminum adjuvants play a horrible role in toxicity of the body via vaccination.
One other cause for breast cancer, that is imperative to mention is wearing bras that are too tight. The lymph nodes need to drain and if they are all tied up in a Victorian under wire bra, you can bet there are drainage issues.
Lastly, mineral stones don't work for everyone. I actually had an adverse reaction to them and got red welts all up and down my under arms. My mother had the same reaction and we used different batches of stones as well. My sister used them for a while until she had a reaction too.
An old hippee told me that celery juice cools the body down and helps to reduce perspiration. That is true from experience:) Nice post:)
Using probiotic soap works well to keep the funk at bay.
Most definitely supporting the cause...
DV, is cologne/perfume poison? I wonder what can I used instead if it is. Sometimes it gets on my nerves reading your stuff, it reminds me of my procrastination.
I switched to all natural Tom's of Maine several months ago after my aunt's diagnosis.
DV and II, I hate to tell you this...but y'all are FUNKY!!!!!
LOL. That's funny Cuz.
What up M?!
Didn't know wearing bras too tight could lead to breast cancer. I'll be sure to mention that to Undercover Black Man.
You are right about aluminum adjuvants playing a horrible role in toxicity via vaccines. Imagine the toxic load one must experience after rubbing it under one's armpits every day for YEARS.
If the stone didn't work for you, please try the liquid spray. It's the same thing. It just delivers the salt via a soft spray mist. The salt is all natural and shouldn't cause a problem.
Celery juice? LOL. It's nasty enough to keep bacteria away, so who knows. ;-}
What up Winston?
LOL. I can imagine man. The truth can be uncomfortable.
But I assure you it is less uncomfortable than breast cancer.
cologne / perfume?
I'm not hip. But I wouldn't be surprised.
Would you drink it?
If not, don't rub it into your skin.
You a smart lady.
Don't be like most fools who wait until they get cancer and then start looking for remedies and radiation.
Where you get that probiotic soap?
Huh, mom had breast cancer! And, running out of deodorant too. Guess this is right on time. Thanks.
Dr. Ohira's Probiotic Kampuku soap
Except on the hottest days of summer, using this soap will leave you with no need for deodorant afterwards. Like Sasha, on the hot days, a little Tom's of Maine does the trick.
And IWonderAsIWonder, I promise we ain't funky! :-)
I will check out the Kampuku and the Tom's of Maine. Where do you get them?
Hey Cuz,
I sauna every other day. That's how I clear up my check and head.
Hey DV and II:
Thanks for the suggestions about the soap. I will check it out. As to Tom's of Maine, I have had adverse reactions to that as well. I have not tried the spray form of the crystals though, it is worth a try...I am an allergy laden mess and I truly have no doubt that it was caused by assaulting my immune system as a child. I discontinued vaccinations for my son at six months. He is now fifteen months and is healthier than me or my husband at that age. By the time I was his age, I had pneumonia!
God is good when you use the sense he gave you. BTW, II provided a link to a guy who points to the same underlying mechanism for disease, isechemic CAPILLARY disease. It was crazy, but I think you ought to post on it:)
IWAIW is truth.
excessively mineralized salty new age nuccaz, and, congenital weaklings allergic to life - need to make some russian friends and introduce their stank, toxic carcasses to the healthful pleasures of the banya.
let a plump babushka whoop the stank out'cha azz....., (^;
Ahhhh .... LOL
Aight Aight CNu.
Aight Aight IWAIW.
Ya'll Gigaboos keep rollin' 3 Mile Island under your armpits.
See what happens?
Aint that a bitch?
"Salt" ... is 'new age' now.
And "Aluminum Chloride" is old school.
What Rick James say?
"Dey shoulda neva gave ya'll niggas no money!!"
Hey Mahndisa
Do they have Neil's Yard products in your part of the world? They got some goodstuff.
...And DV, I think CNu's sayin' there's nuthin' wrong with a sauna to clear out your pores and get rid of toxins in "salty new age nuccaz" - the verb not the noun.
Yeah I know Kay Dubbb.
But you know brothas can't pass up a shot at messin' with each other.
I swear by saunas and sweating.
I'm that fool at the gym playing basketball in the plastic 'sauna suit' looking like a hot black astronaut.
DV, you actually wear plastic knowing that they contain endocrine disruptors? For shame!
And No KW, I haven't heard of those products. Can you submit a new link?
damn. you right M. I got a whole bunch of cotton between me and the suit, but now that you mention it, I'm going to have to find an organic alternative.
LOL @ Cnu.
"Everyday millions of Americans shower in hot chlorinated and fluoridated tap water, dry off and proceed to rub or spray a toxic concoction of aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, and aluminum zirconium, fragrance, and butane into the sensitive soft tissue of the armpit..."
In addition, use commercial soap brands such as Dove, Iris Spring, Caress, Ivory, Dial, Olay, Lever 2000, Zest, Soft Soap, and Kroger contain many deleterious and insalubrious chemicals such as Propylene Glycol and Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS) - industrial products.
Commercial brand soaps contain Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS), also known as Sodium Dodecyl and Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLFS), for its lathering effect. Oh how we love for soap to lather and foam up. But this chemical called SLS is highly toxic and should be avoided at all costs. It causes eye damage, especially in babies and little children, when it gets into the eyes.
Numerous researchers have known for years that Sodium Laurel Sulfate is a skin irritant. Sodium Laurel Sulfate is used as a laboratory standard for irritating skin and inducing contact dermatitis. Sodium Laurel Sulfate irritates the skin by inflaming it. Many uninformed individuals are exacerbating chronic skin conditions by using soap, harmful soaps.
Again, Sodium Laurel Sulfate (along with Propylene Glycol) is an industrial agent. What are industrial products doing in personal hygiene products? During a bath or shower, we're just washing off dirt, bacteria, and natural oils that the body secretes, not automotive engine oil. So do we really need industrial products like the two named above in our bath and hand soaps?
Most soap brands on the market also contain animal fat. This is important if you are a vegan or one who abstains from consumption and use of animals and animal byproducts. The animal fat used in soap is called tallow.
tallow |ˈtalō|noun. A hard fatty substance made from rendered animal fat, used in making candles and soap.
Commercial brand soaps along with the chemical-laced water we use to shower and bath with, rob our skin of natural body moisture. They remove our natural body oil that our bodies naturally secrete and this is why when we come out of the bath or shower our skin is usually white, dry and ashy, even after we dry ourselves off. This is not a healthy sign at all.
What up StylMF!
Where you been?
You right on time.
Hot showers open the pores. Lathering in chemical soaps is as bad as opening your mouth and pouring the chemicals straight down your throat.
Big Ups.
What up Winston?
LOL. I can imagine man. The truth can be uncomfortable.
But I assure you it is less uncomfortable than breast cancer.
cologne / perfume?
I'm not hip. But I wouldn't be surprised.
Would you drink it?
If not, don't rub it into your skin.
would you drink soap or lotion or even natural deodorant? i dont think so
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