Saturday, October 31, 2009

DMG - Let's Take A Pause From The Ad Hominem - On The Real - What's Your Reactions To The Questions These Videos Raise?


Anonymous said...

Ad hominem? Really? Pointing out that someone is misrepresenting themselves and their expertise does not qualify as an ad hominem stance. It's merely pointing out that the person is lying.

So is this changing the subject from the other arguments we've got going?

Ron Paul, apparently has not read the data. And he'll (and you will because it's convenient) use the fact that he has an MD in an attempt to emphasize his point. But I thought us "plantation" MD's didn't know anything. I do believe Ron Paul received his MD at Duke--it doesn't get more "plantation" than that now does it.

I'm not advocating panic, I'm advocating using your brain. Australia and New Zealand had little time to prepare and though most had a mild disease, their intensive care units took a significant strain, coupled with many trained nursing and physician staff out with the flu. ICU's don't have unlimited capacity, there are a finite number of ICU trained nursing and physician staff, and you can't keep someone intubated OUTSIDE of an ICU. But I suppose you would just advocate sprinkling some vitamins and herbs on them and opening the curtain to let some sunshine in...right?

I've got a medical student on my service right now who had novel H1N1 influenza, and like me he usually doesn't get a flu shot. He figured mild disease would be a bit of an was 4 days of hallucinating while on the toilet. But hey, maybe your toilet has an internet connection and you can give us a play by play if you get it...maybe even video of how someone "off the plantation" fights a "plantation" virus. Please be sure to provide PG-13 quality video of the ordeal.

Denmark Vesey said...


Regarding these two videos.

In 1976 the government / pharmaceutical corporations / medical industrial complex (the Plantation) engaged in a coordinated propaganda campaign which served to frighten the American people.

Would you agree?

Americans were told they were in imminent threat and that their lives were at stake.

Millions received what was called a "Swine flu vaccine".

When it was all said and done, there was only 1 confirmed death from swine flu BUT 25 people died from the vaccine.


Does that not establish a precedent of government and medical establishment incompetence and possibly even fraud regarding the issue of swine flu pandemics and mass vaccinations?

Does that not establish the fact that mass flu vaccinations have been dangerous and deadly?

The government has already lied to us about swine flu epidemics in the past.

More people died after receiving the vaccine ... than died from the actual flu.

Is that not true?

Do you really consider the tens of millions of Americans and the hundreds of millions of people around the world extremely skeptical of this latest Gov / Med Industry mass vaccination propaganda to be failing to "use their brains"?

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll take your questions one at a time.

"In 1976 the government / pharmaceutical corporations ...Would you agree?"

I won't agree with your asserting a conspiracy, nor will I agree with your use of the term propaganda as it implies that something nefarious was going on...which requires evidence that you cannot possibly provide.

Can you take a conspiracy holiday? It's getting tiresome.

The American people were likely frightened then, as now because of competing messages going on. Today on one side there is a very vocal minority screaming (sometimes literally) that the vaccine is going to harm the American people....but without any evidence other than their own fears. Add to this paranoid people convinced that government wants to hurt them especially now that there's some brown man at the helm, with a funny name.

"When it was all said and done, there was only 1 confirmed death from swine flu BUT 25 people died from the vaccine. Agreed?"

No, not agreed. The 25 cases you are talking about are the supposed GBS cases after taking the vaccine. There are about 300 million people in the United States today, and therefore we should expcet about maybe 3,000 or so cases/year (1 case/100,000 people) of GBS. These cases will happen before, during, and after vaccinations. They'd happen if there WERE NO vaccination. The population in 1976 was 218,035,000. So an reasonable expectation for GBS would have been about 2,180 people for that year...however about half that occurred, and maybe 1% of these died. It was never proven definitively that the vaccine CAUSED the GBS that CAUSED their death. Correlation does not equal causeation.

You are more likely to have GBS after infection with Campylobacteriosis, or Ebstein-Bar virus (virus that causes mononucleosus) or Hodgkin's disease or HIV or infection with INFLUENZA virus. Even surgery...although I've yet to see a patient develop Guillain-Barre after post-op.

Will all of these GBS cases be severe? No. Less than 10% of people who get GBS will have long term complications, fewer than 5% die. 80% of people who have GBS of any severity recover.

"Does that not establish a precedent of government and medical establishment incompetence..."

No, it doesn't establish anything.

"Does that not establish the fact that mass flu vaccinations have been dangerous and deadly?"

No, it does not establish that either. The data from the southern hemisphere showed that the rate of people with severe respiratory failure requiring ICU admission was 28.7 cases per million inhabitants. 16.9% of these didn't survive their ICU stay Most were between the ages of 20-50. I'd hate to extrapolate those numbers to the United States.

"The government has already lied to us about swine flu epidemics in the past."

They didn't lie about anything. They were being cautious. If they had done NOTHING in 1976, and the virus turned out to be the same as the one that was around in 1918 the mob would be screaming "why didn't the government DO something".

"More people died after receiving the vaccine...than died from the actual flu."

Unproven link. However there were more than 40 million people immunized...perhaps the vaccination program was a success.

Do you really consider the tens of millions of Americans and the hundreds of millions of people around the world extremely skeptical of this latest Gov / Med Industry mass vaccination propaganda to be failing to "use their brains"?

Without a DOUBT I consider anyone relying on conspiracy theory propogandists like you and Mercola and the rest as failing to use your brains...especially with the data we are seeing now. We are seeing more young patients in the ICU on mechanical ventilation. It's not just the old and infirm as in the past. I've laid the data down for you, on several occasions. I don't argue with you only to say that you are stupid (that's just a perq.), but you don't offer anything to back up your statements.

Kit (Keep It Trill) said...

Ron Paul falls short by failing to mention the role and massive lobbying by Big Pharma.

Thordaddy said...


You're missing the bigger picture. This isn't a battle about liberal medicine versus alternative methods. This isn't a battle about whether vaccines save you or kill you. This is a battle about freedom and whether an American president can mandate vaccine injections and bring the entire healthcare industry under the accounting of the federal government?

Your decision to stay on a field in which you are trained and experienced as compared to the average American in no way helps to explain your HIGHER principles. In fact, your declaration of atheism suggests you have no higher principles. This could help explain why you dare not venture too far from your comfort zone. These are areas in which you show great weakness.

Thordaddy said...

The other thing about this swine flu is its ability to push the individual towards centralized "help."  But the real missing headline is the one about those doctors who know that a socialized system is a job guarantee.  While all the talk is about big for-profit healthcare corporations, the real story is of the great many "doctors" who are not business men.  They merely have a job and they want to keep it and not need worry about bottomlines.

Now DMG, perhaps you can tell us where you stand?  And if a doctor believes in centralizing power, should he be allowed to be a doctor? 

Kimberly said...

But the real missing headline is the one about those doctors who know that a socialized system is a job guarantee.

so true! the pink elephant in the room is the fact that mass vaccinations and symptom chasing medicine keeps doctors employed.

Anonymous said...

"This is a battle about freedom and whether an American president can mandate vaccine injections and bring the entire healthcare industry under the accounting of the federal government?"

You have the freedom of choice. But "freedom" sometimes needs to be curtailed for the greater good. Do you remember the guy in the news a couple of years ago with active tuberculosis that was resistant to medication? (google it...he was actually in my hospital and I walked by his dumb ass on a daily basis in the jail ward). He was told not to go out into public because he could infect the people he came in contact with...well, Mr. TB decided he was going go out partying, without his mask. He was jailed...and rightfully so.

"In fact, your declaration of atheism suggests you have no higher principles."

There is absolutely no requirement that I believe in YOUR god or any other to have what you call "higher principles". I'm ready to debate you on pretty much any subject...but wait, you don't know HOW to debate. You'll merely start spouting off some lame ass rhyme, or some mixed up verses from the Bible.

Anonymous said...

"so true! the pink elephant in the room is the fact that mass vaccinations and symptom chasing medicine keeps doctors employed"

No, what keeps us employed is the fact that people are generally stupid. They like to drive cars into trees (or crowds of people) at high rates of speed, they like to ingest vaste quantities of Krispy Kreme donutes, cigarettes, and alcohol. They'd rather sit their fat asses on the couch instead of take a nice brisk walk. They prefer to follow the latest fad diet, Pink salt, or $5.50 loaves of bread or some other health food craze instead of eating a reasonable balanced diet. They go to chiropractors or quack health "specialists" to take care of their high blood pressure because even though they'll gladly stuff their bodies with the above, taking a medication that might help them is somehow doing themselves harm.

Nobody in my field is making money of the vaccine. Hell if it were about making money, we'd advocate NOT for anyone to get vaccinated so we could charge for of all the the ER visits for the sniffles, and increased stays in the ICU for complications.

CNu said...

Personally, I still just want to know if DenmarkVesey is a stylishly updated digital trading post for Lyndon LaRouche's idiosyncratic old propaganda, i.e., some musty old wine in a shiny new wineskin?

Michael Fisher said...


"Personally, I still just want to know if DenmarkVesey is a stylishly updated digital trading post for Lyndon LaRouche's idiosyncratic old propaganda, i.e., some musty old wine in a shiny new wineskin?"


stylisticMF said...


"like me he usually doesn't get a flu shot"

How come you don't usually get a flu shot?

Anonymous said...

Why? Because I'm not at high risk for complications from seasonal flu, and don't usually work with patients who are. This year, however, I do work with patients who are at high risk...patients 20-50, who might be overweight, pregnant, have asthma, or diabetes...or the 30% who have severe actue respiratory failure after contracting novel H1N1 viral pneumonitis who don't have any of the above risk factors.

That help?

Thordaddy said...

DMG says,

"You have the freedom of choice. But "freedom" sometimes needs to be curtailed for the greater good."

How does one parce this statement?  Clearly, your freedom of choice is contigent.  The question is what is it contigent upon? Since you're an atheist, how does DMG rationalize mandatory vaccination and socialized healthcare?  Quite simply, he asserts the authority of science.  Of course, it's ridiculous to assert science's authority over man when the reality is the exact opposite.  Man has authority over science.  And the authority science is given by the likes of DMG to declare mandatory microbe injections is really just the desired authority of DMG. When it is further added that DMG believes in the right of abortion and almost certainly didn't call for a mandatory HIV vaccination then one is left with the unmistakable implication that DMG's desire for mandatory vaccination via a socialized healthcare scheme is simply the desire of a radical autonomist.  Because science can not be higher than man, it is clear that DMG has no Higher Principal in which to derive his authority and the authority he attributes his science.

So again, should individuals that advocate for "liberal" freedoms be allowed to be doctors?

Anonymous said...


I know you have all sorts of keys on your keyboard. Now stay with me. When you put the letters together to make words, and combine the words into's all supposed to make some sort of sense. Try to remember that next time you address me. Thanks.

As an example of your incoherent "logic" I submit the following absurdity a la Thordaddy thinking: The bible says god is the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end. Hotdogs are made from the lips and assholes of pigs. Lips are the beginning of the pigs GI tract and the asshole is the end.

Therefore god is a hotdog.

Thordaddy said...

See Doc, your knowledge and beliefs are dangerous to the freedom of your fellow Americans. The fact that you are
a US Marine makes this realization even more troubling.

Thordaddy said...


You are by practice and belief an atheist scientist.  Of course, such a rendering of your psychological state points in the direction of a radical autonomist.  Since one can not be an atheist and scientist simultaneously, you require a belief in radical autonomy to justify this self-refutation.

A scientist is fundamentally uncertain about All things.  The best he can assert is that "no empirical evidence for God exists." He cannot say, "God does not exist." He leaves that to his atheist self.

Now that we know what you are, we are able to assess the legitimacy of your desire for mandated vaccine via the socialist state.  Clearly, you mock Higher Authority, while giving higher authority to science.  But how does science justify mandated vaccines via a socialist state?

Anonymous said...


Are you sure the people here want to be included in your "WE"? You are tolerated as kind of retarded mascot at best. Your thinking...if it may be considered as such lacks coherence...and that's putting it nicely.

Now go away. It's beneath me to even acknowledge your existence.

Thordaddy said...


Most people would correct wrong assumptions about themselves.  For instance, you might say, "I'm not an atheist." Or, you might say, "I don't believe in mandated vaccines." You...?  You play dead.  You act as if your atheism means nothing when it means everything.  It's why you're not a real scientist and have no authority to speak as one.  It's why you have no principle restraint against the exercise of DMG's will.  You use science as a justification for your atheism.  

Now, you can do what others have done and simply leave it up to others to define you or you can make your own assertions.  Continuing to tout your medical knowledge is beyond irrelevant and as an atheist, highly questionable.

CNu said...

At 11:31pm, DMG committed blog murder using a numbskull fracturing strike;

As an example of your incoherent "logic" I submit the following absurdity a la Thordaddy thinking: The bible says god is the alpha and omega. The beginning and the end. Hotdogs are made from the lips and assholes of pigs. Lips are the beginning of the pigs GI tract and the asshole is the end.

Therefore god is a hotdog.

Before succumbing to massive concussion, murdered clown thordaddy uttered the following comical gibberish;

See Doc, your knowledge and beliefs are dangerous to the freedom of your fellow Americans.


Like kryptonite to stupid.

Accept no substitutes.

Michael Fisher said...


Thordaddy said...


You believe humans are machines controlled by a mechanical conscious.  Shouldn't you be laughed off the stage?  You're another one of those self-refuting atheist scientist.  

Clearly, if your knowledge of alpha and omega is limited to science then it is hardly unexpected that you would confuse such with the mouth and anus of a pig.  And the distraction certainly doesn't explain how science justifies mandated vaccines via the socialist state.

Anonymous said...


If I hadn't read the rantings of crazy people on this blog and others I would not have believed it. The internet creating a "folie à deaux" pandemic.

Thordaddy said...


The only one who's crazy is the guy trying to control the environment in order to steer the mutations. Why should we let fools like you endanger us so we have to get the vaccination? This your idea of harmonious relations? Any fool knows that your surroundings important to the risk of infection. But you promote an increasingly diversified microbiotic arena which make it more necessary to get a microbiotic injection. Why DMG? Trying to save humanity by increasing their risk... That's insanity!!!