Monday, September 21, 2009

Sista Got Summin' To Say

StylisticMF said ...

Of course the issue of feminism and all its aspects are gonna manifest when the beautiful, most significant-of-all roles of women are downplayed, disrespected and not revered in the least.

Of course, modern day women, who were once worshipped and seen as Goddesses in ancient societies like KMT or Egypt (i.e, Auset, Ma'at, Sekhemet, Het-Hru, Queen Tiye, Nut, etc.) want to identify themselves with roles of power. Since our roles- childbirth, midwifery, breastfeeding & other child nurturing acts, providing comfort & harmony for our financially-providing husbands, cooking, healing, caring for the home, etc. have been deemed as insignificant, women have begun to identify with what is seen as powerful- getting an education, having a career, earning money.

What's more, some of our roles have even been taken away from us for the profit of the medical institution, like breastfeeding, which has been taken away by the pharmaceutical co.'s & doctors who push baby formula on new mothers, like midwifery, which was taken away by male doctors who introduced such violence to the birthing process through the use of forceps, performing episiotomies & c-sections.

You can argue back & forth about feminism, settling for a husband, sexual harassment legislation, women not getting paid as much as men, the government legislating morality, failure of men to fulfill their roles, etc. for infinity and arrive at no effective solution. These are all merely symptoms of the largest SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM of all-the misteachings, lies and sexism of religions like Christianity & Islam.

Christianity teaches of:
-the father, the son & the holy ghost, where the woman is replaced with a damn ghost,
-where the woman is made from a man's rib (how the hell is the woman who gives birth, produces life gone be made from a damn man?),
-where God is referred to as "He" and "The Father,"
-where all 12 so-called disciples are men,
-where God's so-called only child is a son,
-and the most popular version of its bible, The King James version, was produced by a boy molesting faggot, who, I believe it's safe to assume, did not have much reverence for women.

Islam teaches that all men have a disease called lust, therefore women must bare the burden of men's sickness and cover 3/4 of their bodies, just as 3/4 of the earth is covered by water.

Any society whose beliefs are based on these sexist principles are gonna develop issues such as the ones aforementioned and many, many more.

Of course the issue of feminism and all its aspects are gonna manifest when the beautiful, most significant-of-all roles of women are downplayed, disrespected and not revered in the least.


Intellectual Insurgent said...


the good nurse said...

Very well said! I sooooo agree...

Obama Chic said...

Why did you remove the first part of StylisticMF qoute about the largest SOCIAL ENGINEERING PROGRAM of all-the misteachings, lies and sexism of religions like Christianity & Islam?

stylisticMF said...

I was thinking the same thing. Thanx for featuring these points, but the entire piece is extremely valid & important.

Denmark Vesey said...

No reason OC. Didn't mean to distort the sister's point. It still exists on the other thread.

Saw them as two separate memes. Chose to hi-lite this one.

My fault. You think I should I insert it?

Obama Chic said...


kayla said...

doctors who push baby formula on new mothers, like midwifery, which was taken away by male doctors who introduced such violence to the birthing process through the use of forceps, performing episiotomies & c-sections.

this sister is deep!

thank you for posting this DV

Anonymous said...

DV, pardon me brother. This is a bit off subject. But do you know if StylisticMF has a man? If not, I'm available, and would like to introduce myself. Peace

Anonymous said...

Actually, Anonymous, I am a single mother raising 2 girls.

The men can't seem to handle my depth.

You'd have to be pretty extraordinary to get anywhere near here.

Whatchu about?

stylisticMF said...

The previous comment was from me. I accidentally posted it as Anonymous

the good nurse said...

Memoirs Of A Fool (How Women's Lib Ruined My Life)
Yesterday at 1:02pm
Okay perhaps my title was too strong, but I had to get you to read this didn't I? I have been torn about writing this post for a while and I finally decided to put on my big girl panties and do the dang thang.


I grew up in the 70's and 80's when Women's Liberation was in full affect. We had won the battle for voting and equal pay but for some reason we kept on fighting for other stuff. Eventually the campaign turned to "I don't need a man" or some variation thereof.

And like many other women, I bought the idea...lock, stock and barrel. I went through my 20's opening my own doors, paying all my bills and refusing to allow any man in my life to help me. I was fiercely independent and proud of it.

Then there was the " I don't need a man to complete me, I need a man to COMPLIMENT me". Boy was that a hot topic in the 90's and I wore that badge of honor like a designer dress. For nearly 30 years I played the fool thinking I would eventually find a man that believed the bullshit too.


So somewhere around the age 32 I realized that I had bought into a lie. I had confused the words "need" and "dependent". More importantly my vocabulary lacked a bigger word "INTER-dependence".

Get this, the philosophy trained me to believe that I am weak for needing a man to complete me. Well there is something about the concept that doesn't jive. Uhmm let's see, its okay to need a fulfilling career but needing a mate is weak. POPPYCOCK!!

That was about 6 years ago and I can honestly say that I am better for my revelation and something in my spirit said that I should share it. Maybe someone else will gain some insight from it.


Where I grew up marriages lasted for 30 or 40 years, literally until death did them part. So tell me what is missing with today's divorce rates nearing 60%. Well there are many many answers to that, but I suspect Women's Lib had a part in it.

I think on a very primal level, men need to be needed and here we are telling them we don't need them at all. When the lion ceases to hunt, he looses the instinct and the desire. His interests become mating and sunbathing (if you don't believe me look at BET for 10 minutes).

I'm not saying we should go back to being barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen (cause yall know I hate to cook). What I am saying is that it wasn't ALL wrong before the liberation, so lets find a happy median. The median is called inter-dependence (we need each other).

I think its okay to need a man to complete me. Just as I need friends, a career and a strong connection to my maker.


Now that I have given the ladies an ear full, I just want to pass a tidbit to the fellas. Rest assured that we need you. Physically, emotionally, financially and socially to take care of us.

Some of the "I don't need a man" is programming that derived from being disappointed. Some of us learned that if we don't depend on you, then you can't disappoint us.

I feel we are losing the battle to keep you at the head of the household. I'm fighting for that, but I need your help....WE need your help.

And there you have it from Jai Stone, A reformed fool.

dx said...

it blesses my heart to hear the open honesty of my sister....and the recognition that something is very wrong here...the destruction of the black african civilization with all of its beautiful concepts have denied us the privilege of being who we are...AFRICAN...and have conditioned us to think otherwise...i feel ya sister...i've been going through the same and fighting everyday to regain my true identity as a strong AFRICAN BLACK MAN!!!

We must see the corrupt, devisive, preverted BS they slinging...we must rediscover our story, our heritage...emancipating our minds...activating the memory bank of our ancestors....HOTEP!!!

Denmark Vesey said...

What up Sista Nurse?!

As usual you pop in and drop a little beauty and soul. 'ppreciate that. Lord knows we need it.

This piece touched my heart. The sista's candor, level-headed self analysis and open-hearted honesty is disarming.

"I feel we are losing the battle to keep you at the head of the household. I'm fighting for that, but I need your help....WE need your help."

Damn near got a lump in my throat.

Denmark Vesey said...

Anonymous ^^ SistaMF got to you before I got a chance to answer. Seems like she cleared up any questions.

It's on you now bra. Hope you got some game.