The US embassy in Afghanistan has brought in an alcohol ban and appointed American staff to monitor private security guards after allegations that they held "deviant and lewd" parties that have been compared to Lord of the Flies.
The move comes after the US secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, ordered an investigation into allegations that employees of the private contractor ArmorGroup North America, hired to protect the embassy, were engaged in lewd behaviour and sexual misconduct at their living quarters.
No wonder the Muslims are calling the occupiers 'The Great Satan'.
You GOTTA be kidding. This is a joke, yes?
Nah Mike. 'bout to break big news.
There are more American "contractors" in Iraq and Afghanistan than there are uniformed soldiers.
Look at their behavior. Sort of validates Islam doesn't it?
No it doesn't validate Islam, but it is disturbingly symbolic behavior.
Actually Mike, it does validate Islam. It certainly validates Islams position on alcohol.
(Anything that provokes men to get naked and play with each others balls must be from the devil.)
It begs the question - why are these men over there in the first place.
Interesting thoughts on the matter:
" I don't know about the miniseries but I invite you to read "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" online and decide about its authenticity and anti Semitism.
In my opinion, the Protocols are a master plan for what already has largely taken place?
Nesta Webster (World Revolution, pp.288-298) has shown that the Protocols are typical of many other Illuminati writings. It's true that the "Protocols" identify the source as largely Jewish. This may be a false scent, an attempt to scapegoat the whole Jewish people in order to protect a few bankers, their lackeys and allies. Historically the Illuminati is an occult secret society with strong aristocratic British, Aryan German, as well as Jewish financial and revolutionary elements.
If Jews became familiar with the history of the New World Order, we would recognize that Muslims are correct that "globalization" is a mask for a bizarre plot to enshrine the rule of the superrich under the aegis of Lucifer.
Islam is one of the last bastions of genuine God worship, the last major obstacle to pagan World Religion. The attack on Iraq is another step in the plan to destroy Islam, monopolize world resources and enslave humanity.
The cry of "anti Semitism" is being used to divert the world from this diabolical plot. By accepting the role of some apostate Jews, and their dupes, God-fearing Jews could unite with Muslims (and Christians) to bring the "blood sacrifice" to an end." Henry Makow (Jewish)
(You have to say that these days, because only Jews are allowed to criticize Jews. And even sometimes they can't get away with it.)
Well, DV, me thinks you never read the Quran.
These hedonistic freaks are just acting out their Greco-Latin heritage. Those pictures could just as well have been one of Aristotle poking Alexander in the ass.
More importantly is the escalation of the war in Af-Pak:
[The U.S. is planning to boost combat troops in Afghanistan by sending another 14,000 ‘trigger-pullers’ to the war zone.
The move is a bid to beef up American forces by swapping clerical and support staff for frontline fighters.
President Obama ordered the switch in a bid to counter growing losses from a growing Taliban threat and attempt to make headway after nearly eight years of war.
‘It makes sense to get rid of the clerks and replace them with trigger-pullers,’ said one senior Pentagon official.
A US defence official said yesterday that the soldier switch plan wasn’t designed to reduce the size of any potential troop increases, but to ensure that everyone being deployed was in a ‘mission critical’ job.
‘If he is asking for more, he certainly wants to ensure we are maximizing the use of everyone that is here now,’ the aide said, referring to General Stanley McChrystal, the top US and allied commander.] -- Daily Mail UK
"Long live war -- even if it lasts from two to eight years.” --Adolf Hitler
The Hitlerian Doctrine obviously lives in the District of Columbia, in the White House and on Capitol Hill. When October arrives the United States will have been fighting a war in Afghanistan for eight years, with NO END in sight.
If the current escalation of this war continues, is there any reason why antiwar activists should not turn the next Democratic Convention into a reprise of Chicago 1968?
I hear you Mak.
But let's examine a couple of things. Get your thoughts.
1) There are more private "contractors" in Iraq and Afghanistan than there are uniformed troops.
2) This event is not a "war". It is an occupation.
3) There is not a dime's bit of difference between the republican party and the democratic party. They are just mutually dependent counterpoints in the same Hegelian dialectic. Protests at the Dem convention would be purely symbolic and swept under the rug like the Health Care Town Hall "loonies".
4) Whatever anti-war movement or activists that existed over the past 8 years have been pacified with the election of Barack Obama.
5) Broke people don't protest. Protesting and demands for justice and peace is an activity of the wealthy and free. The collapse of the American economy pacified Plantation occupants who are now more worried about keeping their homes than regaining control of a rogue government.
6) The objective of this operation is not "democracy" or "peace" in the middle east. This operation is designed to perpetuate conflict. Conflict - Response - Hegemony. Thesis - Anti-thesis - Synthesis.
The effort to create a 1 world government, a secular scientific dictatorship has just rounded second and is about to slide into third.
1) There are more private "contractors" in Iraq and Afghanistan than there are uniformed troops. – DV
That may be true, but it does not matter. They’re all there for the same purpose.
2) This event is not a "war". It is an occupation.—DV
However you want to define it, people are dying, and Barack Obama is a war criminal.
[At least 90 people were killed this morning, a large number of them civilians, in a US air strike in Kunduz Province, Afghanistan. Though the US denied that any of the people killed were civilians, NATO acknowledged that there was “a possibility” that some civilians were killed.
Afghan President Hamid Karzai said it was unacceptable for NATO to deliberately target civilians, and promised an immediate investigation into the strike. The United Nations has also dispatched investigators for a probe into the killings.
If confirmed, the strike would be the deadliest since early May, when US air strikes killed around 140 civilians in the Farah Province. The US conceded that “mistakes” were made in that strike, after over a month of denying that any civilians were killed, but took no action against those responsible.] -- antiwar.com
We must remember that although Saddam Hussein was accused of killing hundreds of thousands of his own people, he was executed for ordering the deaths of 148 Shi’ites in what some pundits call the Dujail Massacre.
3) There is not a dime's bit of difference between the republican party and the democratic party. They are just mutually dependent counterpoints in the same Hegelian dialectic. Protests at the Dem convention would be purely symbolic and swept under the rug like the Health Care Town Hall "loonies".—DV
4) Whatever anti-war movement or activists that existed over the past 8 years have been pacified with the election of Barack Obama. -- DV
That’s why he was selected to sit on the throne of Anglo American imperialism—to dull consciousness and to blur contradictions.
Influence and manipulation are the most effective forms of power.
5) Broke people don't protest. Protesting and demands for justice and peace is an activity of the wealthy and free. The collapse of the American economy pacified Plantation occupants who are now more worried about keeping their homes than regaining control of a rogue government –DV
Mrs. Fannie Lou Hamer would vehemently disagree.
The effort to create a 1 world government, a secular scientific dictatorship has just rounded second and is about to slide into third.-- DV
Yes, but Willie Mays is playing centerfield. They’ll be thrown out before they cross home plate.
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