Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Plaxico Burress Jailed For Obeying The US Constitution - Avg. Plantation Negro Thinks It's A Good Thing

“every able-bodied freeman, between the ages of sixteen and fifty, is enrolled in the militia. The law requires every militia-man to provide himself with the arms usual in the regular service." Thomas Jefferson

Football superstar Plaxico Burress was locked up today for carrying a gun. In the land of the Second Amendment, a man was put in put into a For-Profit concentration camp (i.e., one of our nation’s prisons) for obeying the Constitution and the Second Amendment.

Today we witnessed a man, Plaxico, stripped away from his family, to go and live in a concentration camp, for doing what Jefferson said, for protecting himself, and for not causing any trouble, while the televisions all celebrated this event across the nation,. Now, he cannot be a father, a mate, or a free man; he only can be a concentration camp victim, while the American public says, “he’s getting what he deserves! That scumbag, who now is abandoning his son!” I bet mind-controlled Americans blame him for not begin with his son, rather than blaming the NWO politicians who in fact broke the law today, threw an innocent and good man into a concentration camp, and who thus violated all our rights in an act of sheer tyranny on the order of the British in the Revolutionary days. - Jeffrey Grupp


Anonymous said...

strange had trouble signing in today.

Come on now. He let his weapon SLIDE DOWN HIS LEG and shot himself! He shouldn't be allowed to own a capgun.

Are guns and rage all you can woof?

Anonymous said...

Peep the caption for Vick's return to the NFL on

"michael vick has spent the past 2 1/2 yrs as a symbol. On Sunday, he will become a person again when he takes the field for the eagles. What can we expect?"


the country is done with this story, philly has embraced him (not the team but the city) and espn is still tryna stay on this villain bs.


mizzy said...

yeah if i shot my self and got 2 years i woulda been pretty upset

Denmark Vesey said...

Yeah DMG.

Dude shot himself. That fact wasn't exactly a secret.

However people crash their own cars everyday and injure themselves. We don't send them to prison for it.

Medical Doctors overdose on drugs all the time. We don't send them to jail for it.

The operative point of the piece is that ownership of firearms is the right of free men.

The restriction of gun ownership is anti-constitutional. The exaggerated and disproportionate persecution of Plaxico was an exercise is social engineering designed to make Plantation Negros ... docile.

It seems to be working.

Casper said...

"However people crash their own cars everyday and injure themselves. We don't send them to prison for it."

If they are impared they do. If they scream I am going to kill you bitch while chasing their woman... They do. Even if they where speeding in a school zone in some states they will. Secondly, the purpose of an auto is for transportation. They purpose for a handgun is to kill.

The funny thing is this. If the dude didn't shoot himself he would have been on the field Sunday.

Casper said...

"The restriction of gun ownership is anti-constitutional. The exaggerated and disproportionate persecution of Plaxico was an exercise is social engineering designed to make Plantation Negros ... docile."

How was Plaxico prevented from owning an handgun????

Denmark Vesey said...

"The right to keep and bear arms (RKBA)[1] or right to bear arms is the concept that people have a personal right to weapons for individual use, or a collective right to bear arms in a militia, or both."

Plaxico wasn't imprisoned for injuring himself with a gun. He was imprisoned for bearing a firearm.

He didn't "scream I'm going to kill you".

Think about it Casper ... I know the opportunity to imprison a brother is difficult for you to pass ... but think about it.

Casper said...

"He was imprisoned for bearing a firearm."

DV Burress was ultimately convicted of 2 counts of weapons possession and 1 count of reckless endangerment.

Now the gun laws in the state of New York are no doubt taking precedent over the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights.

However, the Second Amendment was adopted on December 15, 1791, along with the rest of the Bill of Rights, 218 years ago.

Now if you read the Second Amendment it states that it protects a right to keep and bear arms from infringement by the federal government, including federal enclaves and Washington, D.C. I am not sure that is what Plaxico was doing in the LATIN QUARTER NIGHTCLUB or SCORES prior... You?