When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me."
For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone;
14but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed.
15Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin;
and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.
Denmark Vesey said ...
What in the above passage is not to be believed?
no doubt i accept that...but i dont need a bible to know that....Isaiah 7:14 says "therefore the lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a vigin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name immanuel" then some 1100 years later...matthew 1:22 states "so all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet saying: 23 behold the virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they shall call his name immanuel, which is tranlated god with us"
what in the above passage is to be believed....
"As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving,
And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May,
Just as hate knows love's the cure
You can rest your mind assure
That I'll be loving you always
As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow
But in passing will grow older every day
Just as all is born is new
Do know what I say is true
That I'll be loving you always" Stevie 2:12
what in the above passage is not to be believed?
"who has the truest intent is then the truest" anonymous
"For God cannot be tempted by evil...."
There is no source of evil. There is only a Stream of Well-Being, which you are allowing, or not.
But under the name of righteousness and goodness and religion, you drop bombs on innocent children. And then you say, "it's for the good of all of us."
And we say, we don't see that. And you don't see it from your Non-physical perspective, either.
It's only in your disconnection that those things make sense.
--- Abraham
I like that.
Rings true.
Which is my point. I take truth where I can find it.
Whether it's in the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, The Fundamentals of Physics Volume I, Songs In The Key of Life or YouTube.
I no more "believe" the Bible than I "believe" The Encyclopedia Britannica.
But there is truth to be found in both.
A man would be as big fool to turn his back on The Bible in toto because Crackas messed with it as he would be a fool to turn his back on Mathematics because Crackas messed with it.
"But under the name of righteousness and goodness and religion, you drop bombs on innocent children. And then you say, "it's for the good of all of us."" SMF
Who is "you"?
I think "you" in this case is that missing 'source of evil'.
If the devil comes ... he aint going to come wearing a red suit, with horns and carrying a pitch fork.
He's going to come as your friend. He is going to come disguised as that which he wishes to destroy. He's going to come calling himself a "Christian" or a "Jew" or a "Muslim".
You'll never see the devil disguised as an atheist.
i do not have a non-physical perspective neither am i disconnected. i am well aware of the justifications in using such arguments to cause harm....
got your point...i now understand your perspective on the bible...
hotep bra
@ DV,
"I think "you" in this case is that missing 'source of evil'"
When "you," me or anyone is disconnected from Source or not allowing Love/Well-Being to flow, "you" are capable of having thoughts, performing actions that may be deemed evil (like dropping bombs on innocent children).
But it's not like there exists 2 sides- a love side & an evil side, or God & the devil, or good & bad. There's just love & a choice to let it flow or not.
You are a spiritual being having a physical experience. This is what I mean by having a "non-physical perspective."
There is a broader, non-physical you living simultaneously in the spirit realm. As is the case for all of us living beings.
There are times when we are connected to Source and times when we become disconnected. We can tell whether we're connected or not by the way we feel.
When we feel love, appreciation, happiness, pride or any of those positive adjectives, we are connected with Source. When we feel fear, anger, jealousy, frustration or anything that feels bad, we've lost our connectedness or constricted our stream of well-being.
That's all I'm saying. No intent to cause harm.
i get it...makes sense...thanks for the clarification.
its appreciated!!
"But it's not like there exists 2 sides- a love side & an evil side, or God & the devil, or good & bad. There's just love & a choice to let it flow or not."
I totally agree, before good and evil is consciousness, and that is what we all are.
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