Pink said...

I agree that an inability to form a lasting relationship with a woman is gay. If you can go 40+ years and never encounter a woman that you want to share your life with, chances are you would rather be with another man.
There's something about women and the things that make us women that just doesn't appeal to you.
Dang, DV. What is it with your obsession with homosexuality? You got a big, bald, hairy white guy hidden in your closet?
Well Mike, I see the failure of cats like you to keep a sister, and raise a family as a form of genocide.
I see you punk niggas who haven't raised sons, expressing disdain and disgust at Hip Hop and young black men in general while demanding government intervention as ... faggots.
I see the last 30 years of social engineering that has resulted in a split between the genders as a type of warfare.
Margaret Sanger, her Planned Parenthood organization and the eugenecist Rockefeller Foundation published papers suggesting that one of the best ways to reduce the population was to encourage homosexuality.
Just as 80% of the abortion apparatus in this country is in black neighborhoods, and the very first Planned Parenthood abortion clinic was in Harlem - I believe they target their efforts of engineered homosexuality at black men.
My rallying cry to fight off this attempted genocide of our people, and to build strong black families is ... "Get A Chick".
Now, you can reduce that to "obsession with homosexuality" if you want.
Or you can spend that energy Mike ... Gettin' You A Chick.
Your actions will speak louder than your words.
DV~Thank you! I'm going to have to repost your comments.
If I vocalize this sentiment then I'm "castrating" the black man. These dumb-azz just don't realize the collateral damage of "ballin'" and "bastardizing".
Again Thank you for saying it for me.
Hehehhe... You the man DV you the man! I still say take those naked ladies off your site, the ones below Ted Turner. You have a strong message that needs to be heard. Those are distractions, they're out of place I don't know why they are there. What do your woman think of them there?
Hey CW. What up Anonymous?
"naked ladies"? Below Ted Turner?
Ahhhh .... you talking about Asia Aria Anna Maria Vittoria Rossa Argento.
She aint "naked". That's my girl. One hell of an actress. An artist. That chick is deep.
Have you seen any of her films?
If you did, you'd get beyond the "naked" nonsense.
She's no more "naked" than is Beverly Johnson.
Beverly is so beautiful she transcends mere nudity and becomes pure art.
So if you disagree with me, cool. I can understand that. But understand my intention is the celebration of the female form, not the exploitation of it.
"Well Mike, I see the failure of cats like you to keep a sister..."
Be that as it may or may not, DV, it didn't answer my question. What does homosexuality have to do with it? Apparently there are increasing number of homosexuals, both male and female, who are raising children. Does that make them non-homosexual homosexuals? And, yes, what is your obsession with homosexuality? Why do you care what someone does in their bedroom? What are you afraid of? Is anybody forcing you to suck some dick or get it up the ass? You afraid your offspring may turn out to be gay? Maybe you had a crush on some boy that you don't want to acknowledge to yourself? maybe you have taste for boyish looking females? What is it DV? Why the paranoia?
LOL. I don't know Mike. I can't even understand what you are talking about really.
All that faggot dick speak starts to sound like a grown ups in a Charlie Brown cartoon after the first few words: Waaa Wa Waaaa Waaaa Wa. Waaa Wa. Waaaaaaaa.
Either you get the spirit of where I'm coming from ... or you don't.
I think it's genius profound and poetic if you think about it:
Get A Chick.
Anything less is batty bwoy business.
"I can't even understand what you are talking about really."
That would explain it.
Mike you my dude but what the muthafuck are you talking about bro???
I agree that an inability to form a lasting relationship with a woman is gay. If you can go 40+ years and never encounter a woman that you want to share your life with, chances are you would rather be with another man. There's something about women and the things that make us women that just doesn't appeal to you.
Get A Chick?
Build stronger families?
However, I submit [; )] that the 80% homosexual / anti-gay, pro-reproduction argument runs into several brick walls:
There are Black married couples who choose not to have children. On the flipside are Cuzin Pookie n Tameeka married wit 4 kids but are the lousiest 'rents on the block.
Decolonizing the mind is the first step. Quality over quantity is another fundamental; as you yourself are 1 000 years of selective breeding, more people oughta start their own eugenicist lineages.
Sexuality. Dunno how punkish Audre Lorde, Langston Hughes, Jean-Michel Basquiat or Tracy Chapman were/are cos they sho' did alot of culturally and politically meaningful work. Whether it had nothing or something to with their sexuality is as relevant as it is irrelevant bec that's just who they were/are.
Good stuff KW.
Don't get me wrong.
Some of the greatest human beings the world has ever produced, have happened to also be homosexuals.
However,"Gay" is a political abstraction and a completely different story.
Even using the word "homosexual" is automatically perceived as "anti-gay".
That said ... In tug of war between nature and nurture ... nurture has pulled nature completely into the mud.
The disproportionate numbers of homosexuals within the black community is evidence of engineering and a culture that has failed to build men.
Building men takes intent.
The politically enforced attitude that anything short of Pro-Homosexual is anti-Gay is genocide.
I used to think ole girl stabbed you because you told her you weren't black, but now I think it's because you told her you weren't black AND you're a bum-seeker.
Look, from a materalist worldview, homosexuals are the very essence of radical autonomy and so it's no surprise that they receive kudos from the likes of flaming-Fisher and cootie-Craig.
^^ roflmao!
Ok I hear ya and co-sign on this:
"In tug of war between nature and nurture ... nurture has pulled nature completely into the mud."
That statement is truth. In Western society sexual freedom and artistic expression have historically symbolized homosexuality (hence Lord Byron, Oscar Wilde etc)and one in which certain social environs make gay the new vogue, hence the rise in numbers of Black homosexuals.
"Even using the word "homosexual" is automatically perceived as "anti-gay"."
But when a non-practicing heterosexual is equated with being gay, its a loaded term. Given your openy-expressed sentiments towards homosexuals / gays when you use the word homosexual; 80% homo computes as anti-gay alongside being unmanly and abnormal.
"The disproportionate numbers of homosexuals within the black community is evidence of engineering and a culture that has failed to build."
Yes. And the disproprtionate numbers of absentee daddies and Cuzin Pookies is also evidence of strategic engineering and a culture that has failed to build.
Just trying to broaden your horizons, DV.
I want ya to KW ... but I don't see the contradiction.
"Not Having A Woman Is 80% Of Being A Homosexual" ... is a meme.
A DV meme. More poetry than thesis. More art than science.
It's a call to action. It's counter-marketing. It's something fellas feel me on ... and get where I'm coming from right away. Or they don't want to.
A man without a woman is incomplete. A horse shoe. Not quite a circle. Almost. 80%.
Reintroducing that meme into the popular culture would balance much of that "radical autonomy" that my manz TD and DD rappin' about. (Big Ups BTW fellas)
Pink is right. Cats looking at 40 without having bonded with a woman are just as gay as cats who are 30 and living with their moms.
DV said:
"Pink is right. Cats looking at 40 without having bonded with a woman are just as gay as cats who are 30 and living with their moms."
Lol. When you put it like that I know dudes like that and my friends n I used to say the same thing. So is this 80% gay not really s'posed to require as deep an intellectual analysis and as practical a comparison as I've made?
"I used to think ole girl stabbed you because you told her you weren't black, but now I think it's because you told her you weren't black AND you're a bum-seeker."
Actually no, and this is absolutely true: My ex, who ain't exactly ugly in her own right, did so because my first ex of many years who is the even finer older sister of one of the planet's top black super models and, despite our separation decades ago, still one of my best friends, called me to inform me about something. My ex mistakenly thought we still had something going and did what she did in an uncalled-for jealous rage.
If I were a "bum-seeker" everyone would know. There ain't no shame to one's sexual identity.
"Mike you my dude but what the muthafuck are you talking about bro???"
DV clearly does protesteth too much about homosexuality for a man comfortable with his own sexuality if you get my drift. Do you think about homosexuality at a frequency of what seems to be every three minutes, Ill? I bet you don't even think about that stuff every three months. Tell me I'm wrong.
The question is why you run apologetics for homosexuality and the extent to which you are comfortable with your own sexuality? Adding one and one together, it sounds like you are a little too comfortable.
There ain't nothing to apologize for about being a homosexual, Farts. That's the point.
"I bet you don't even think about that stuff every three months. Tell me I'm wrong."
Well Mike my brotha you're wrong. Im hip to what's going on man. They got these young black men out here acting like bitches thinking they were "born in the wrong bodies" etc. Come on man to insinuate DV is gay, is baseless and appears as if you're reaching. You are an intelligent man, what do you have to say about his Get a Chick meme? How can you argue with that? If you can I'd love to hear it.
"Quality over quantity is another fundamental; as you yourself are 1 000 years of selective breeding, more people oughta start their own eugenicist lineages."
That's right KW. Same argument I made a year ago! I need a beauty, brains and a nurturing MOTHER who will hold it down! That's more than a notion homie.
Well Mike my brotha you're wrong...."
There's a difference between your approach and DV's. And that is as follows: DV thinks about the ACT of men penetrating the anus of other men and the ACT of men giving other men head. Constantly. Puts picture of men kissing other men up. Repeatedly. Especially of MASCULINE homosexual males. The thing is though, these guys ain't confused about being male. That's why they run around muscle-bound.
You're talking about something else entirely. Namely gender-confusion. The proportion of people who desire to be of the opposite sex appears to be so minuscule, that it is without any real social significance.
However, the fact that racism has removed millions of men from black households (in the third generation now) I would argue, tends to inculcate young black boys with behavior essentially classically socialized as female. Which includes the lack of restraint when it comes to verbal confrontation (because running one's mouth among females seldom results in physical confrontation, unlike with males) which, by the way, results in "gang violence". I would further argue that this lack of male presence also tends to result in boys emulating their mothers and sisters up to and including sexual orientation.
Thus if you want to understand such emulative behavior as you are trying to ("acting like [females] thinking they were 'born in the wrong bodies'"), you gotta look at racism as the underlying cause and NOT at the act of a male penetrating the anus of another male, or a male kissing another male, etc.
DV, however, is extremely focused on the latter. He doth protetesth too much. Whether he is gay or not, I don't know or care. That he does have issues with minding his own business about what people do sexually in the privacy of their own bedrooms, is obvious though. Or do you care if your neighbor Jameel screws your other neigbor Tyrone in the behind? It ain't your behind. So what's the issue?
The dearth of stable female/male relationships in the black community has to do with racism and it's effects and nothing whatsoever to do with homosexuality.
If you say man and woman are equal...
If you say father and mother are equal...
If you say heterosexuality and homosexuality are equal...
If you say that AIDS is an "equal opportunity" virus...
If you say homosexuality is normal...
If you say homosexuality isn't deadly...
If you say teaching homosexuality isn't criminal...
Then you spread falsehoods like the most insidious civilizational-destroying radical autonomist and you have a lot to apologize for.
But one does wonder why you don't apply your same materialist/innate posturing to white supremacists? Afterall, a white supremacist need no more apologize for his white supremacy than a homosexual need apologize for his homosexuality, correct? Unprincipled morality is just another characteristic of the radical autonomist. And you fight white supremacists and advocate for the liberation of black Africans, but you aren't even black.
Explain this mass confusion???
I like to suck my own dick. Does that mean I'm gay?
No. It means you are Byrdeye.
Get A Chick.
Nipsey Muhammad is UBM's comedic alter ego.
Now, Farts. besides the drivel you're espousing up-tread there's a simple difference between homosexuals and white supremacists. Homosexuals do not not, by definition, mistreat other people on the basis of anything. White Supremacists, by definition, mistreat anyone else they designate as not-white on the basis of those persons being not-white.
I object to people being mistreated. Thus I fight white supremacy.
By the way, Farts. "Fister" is almost witty, but to make it really witty you need to transpose letters that the word "Fisher" already contains. Give it another try.
Byrdeye and UBM are the same person?
Pink said...
If you can go 40+ years and never encounter a woman that you want to share your life with, chances are you would rather be with another man.
I have a couple of girlfriends in "long term" relationships that need to hear that.
For more proof about Black Genocide watch Maafa21 -
"They got these young black men"
Who is "They"?
If you say homosexuality isn't deadly...
You mean the worldleader leaders of all those WARS DV posted where/are gay??
Is every woman or man over the age of 40 without a partner considered a homosexual? No! Men and women, especially (black men) do not have to have a partner of the opposite sex to define who they are, singleness is fine if you are single for the right reasons; the right reason if you know what I mean. Men are not persuing women in order to married them, what are they afraid of ? Ask single women they will tell you, it not happening.
“The disproportionate numbers of homosexuals within the black community is evidence of engineering and a culture that has failed to build men. Building men takes intent” fist bump!
To this comment DV I say, you are so right on, and if more women get this they would not be looking for boys to grow up to be men, but demand that they act like men. Mothers raising boys let your man do his role, no man in the home, please find a healthy role model. No woman can teach a boy how to be a man, No man who does not understand his own manhood can teach a boy to be a man.
Homosexuality is confusion!
So, George Sodini was gay?
I thought he was just extremely sexually-frustrated by anti-White male feminism?
Keep away from man made Jew Christian health foods stay natural.
Male infants experience a testosterone surge during the first few months of life and produce androgens in amounts equal to those of adult men. So much testosterone at such a tender age is needed to program the body for puberty, the time when a male's sex organs should develop and he should begin to express male characteristics such as facial and pubic hair and a deep voice. If receptor sites intended for the hormone testosterone are occupied by soy estrogens, however, appropriate development may never take place.71-74 To date, most of the evidence damning soy formula can be found only in animal studies, because investigations in which humans' sex hormone levels are lowered experimentally cannot ethically be done. However, in the years since soy formula has been in the marketplace, parents and pediatricians have reported growing numbers of boys whose physical maturation is either delayed or does not occur at all. Breasts, underdeveloped gonads, undescended testicles (cryptorchidism), and steroid insufficiencies are increasingly common. Sperm counts are also falling.
Not good for the girls toooo.
Soy formula is bad news for girls as well. Natural estrogen levels approximately double during the first month of life, then decline and remain at low levels until puberty. With increased estrogens in the environment in the diet, an alarming number of girls are entering puberty much earlier than normal.80-82 One percent of girls now show signs of puberty, such as breast development or pubic hair, before the age of three. By the age of eight, 14.7 percent of Caucasian girls and 48.3 percent of African American girls had one or both of these characteristics.83 The fact that blacks experience earlier puberties than whites is not a racial difference but a recent phenomenon.
High levels of phytic acid in soy reduce assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have caused growth problems in children.
Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic orders. In test animals soy containing trypsin inhibitors caused stunted growth.
Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.
Soy phytoestrogens are potent antithyroid agents that cause hypothyroidism and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.
Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body’s requirement for B12.
Soy foods increase the body’s requirement for vitamin D.
Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and textured vegetable protein.
Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.
Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotoxin, is formed during soy food processing and added to many soy foods.
Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys.
Babies fed soy-based formula have 13,000 to 22,000 times more estrogen compounds in their blood than babies fed milk-based formula.
Infants exclusively fed soy formula receive the estrogenic equivalent of at least five birth control pills per day.
Male infants undergo a “testosterone surge” during the first few months of life, when testosterone levels may be as high as those of an adult male. During this period, baby boys are programmed to express male characteristics after puberty, not only in the development of their sexual organs and other masculine physical traits, but also in setting patterns in the brain characteristic of male behavior.
Pediatricians are noticing greater numbers of boys whose physical maturation is delayed, or does not occur at all, including lack of development of the sexual organs. Learning disabilities, especially in male children, have reached epidemic proportions.
Soy infant feeding—which floods the bloodstream with female hormones that inhibit testosterone—cannot be ignored as a possible cause for these tragic developments. In animals, soy feeding indicates that phytoestrogens in soy are powerful endocrine disrupters.
Almost 15 percent of white girls and 50 percent of African-American girls show signs of puberty such as breast development and pubic hair, before the age of eight. Some girls are showing sexual development before the age of three. Premature development of girls has been linked to the use of soy formula and exposure to environmental estrogens such as PCBs and DDE.
If you would like to read more,this is a good site.
dang! I need to get a chick...
DV is right, gay references notwithstanding. I'm out here on the west coast and almost every brotha I encounter is in his mid 30s to mid 40s, with a good career, in shape, active social life but not taking any steps to settling down with one woman...and the sistas are just standing around waiting to be picked. It's like watching a junior high school dance! Ha! Ha! Many of them are being overlooked for Asian and white chicks too! It's just going to be a bunch of older bachelors with Black Cards in the talented tenth and all the black families will be flashing nothing but EBTs. Sad really.
@ bait, thanks for sharing the soy link.
Interesting discussion. I recently dated this 49 year old engineer who was the finest mold of chocolate on the block. But after reading this discussion I can definitely say he falls under the category of 40+ men who got their own issues they aren't willing to admit.
It's crazy. He was so good at making me believe that its the Black Woman's fault that he's never been married nor has any kids. Never once did I ask him if maybe he was the reason he's been single for the past 49 years. Fool me once..
Glad I broke it off. He was quite strange. No guy friends. Just female friends who would all call him seeking relationship advice. But wasn't screwing any of them.
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