it it wasnt for white people the blacks of america would still be living in trees and throwing spears.
the woman accepts her award graciously
and a non moraled african male shows the world the difference between what decent people do and what animals do. he is a low life and if your kids are buying his music inform them how he hates non black people and they are making him wealthy
All of you Internet shit talkers would never say any off this shit in the face of a black person. I understand that you may be afraid of black people and that's why you use YouTube, and other media outlets as a means to vent your anger. So get all of your "Nigger Die" and "I hate niggers" out now because karma is a bitch....
Some of white dudes really get your rocks off dropping the "N" word uh??Does it make you feel tuff?
shut up nigger lover
Fucking same thing if Kanye is white Id have the same reaction. Kanye is a fucking ass hole
wow talk about a racist fucker kanye! poor girl :(
Wow..Kanye is such a prick, poor taylor just stood there infront of an audience of millions and didnt know what to do after that. As a man kanye should know better like wow im just so taken back by this. but anywho im happy taylor won the award!
Kanye West is a jerk.
Everyone IS freaking out! What's your problem? This is a big deal! Quit acting like he is getting off because he is black... this story is all over the place and nobody back Kanye!
so rap is real. you really smack your bitches huh.
Actually compare the videos and you will see, Kanye is not being crucified because he disrupted the award show or humiliated Taylor Swift. He is being crucified because he dared speak the truth.
For someone who criticizes plantation media, you sure know a lot about it! lol!
I was mad at 'Ye first but this was a pure publicity stunt, Taylor gets exposure and I think to kissup 'Ye myt do some crossover country thang with her or sample her music...silly stunt but smart
The Hip Hop Genius of Meme Management = Acting Like An Asshole
I haven't kept up with the new pop music for 15 years or so. But whenever I see this cat on TV, he's acting like a four-quart douche bag.
And where are all the white men who used to protect the honor of white womanhood??
hmmm? Funny how you can't tell the truth nowadays. I feel Kanye's passion, but.... it was classless. That's a 17 year old girl. He's an adult. Ye' has got to see the bigger picture. He may have very well caused irreparable damage to his career on this one.
Payback for the President of the United States being heckled by a congressman?
I'm a let you finish!
I suppose that Cape Verdean switch-hitting poon took part of brah man’s mind.
Cape Verdean switch-hitting poon
oh lawd!!!! rotflmbao...,
"I suppose that Cape Verdean switch-hitting poon took part of brah man’s mind."
Only if he didn't have a history of being entertaining. Anyway with this logic then Rep. Jim Wilson is also being crucifed because he dared to speak the truth!?
You should have posted this last week then:
Global System of White Supremacy - The Truth. Rep. Jim Wilson Displays The KKK Genius of Meme Management
I ain't crazy about Beyonce's video, but Taylor Swift's was kinda corny.
Why can't stupid shit just be called what it is? As a publicity stunt(which I simply do not believe) it was a dumbass business move on Ye's part. That ain't gonna sell no records for him. If you believe it was staged, then Ye was used like a tampon, and is likely to be bloodied and discarded behind this latest foolishness.
So what if he's right? You only say that because you happen to agree with him. I like the Single ladies video, and would have never even seen the Taylor Swift video, if it wasn't embedded in this post. (Having seen it, and being in the position of raising a young female artist/entertainer, I was pleasantly surprised at the message in the song and video.)
Single Ladies was vintage Bey-booty-bobbling, but it wasn't even close to one of the greatest ever, and not even the first of it's type. Taylor's song and video was right out of a Disney script, but a good message none the less for her demographic.
"Right" and "Truth" in this instance is purely a matter of opinions. Opinions really are like assholes. Everybody has one, and you probably think all the ones other than yours are pretty shitty. Now we can change that old saying to "Opinions are like Kanye; we all have one but evidently his is the only one that matters.
And please explain, because I know you can, how Black supremacy finds it's expression in petulant, childish, intoxicated, whining about not getting the seal of approval from the lily-white MTV VMA's?
I hear you Casper, but DV probably agrees with Wilson too.
DV if you say 'Ye was,
"attacking an epistemological cartel that maintains monopoly on truth"
...Then does the same rationale apply to Jarvis Cocker of Pulp when he mooned the crowd during MJ's performance at the Brit Awards?
...And how does 'Ye represent a twisted martyrdom but Skip Gates doesn't???
...Funny, funny, MB.
What up KW?! How you sista? I owe you a couple of replies on the National Health Care hoax - My fault. Been running.
What up Sub! Excellent point. Didn't even think about that. And that video is hilarious.
What up M! LOL. Yeah you right. I know a lot about 'Plantation Media'. Shit I know a lot about GMO food - which is why I don't eat it. I know a lot about vaccines - which is why I don't inject it in my kids.
I also know a lot about this nation of hypocritical Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas disproportionately ... "outraged" ... about Kanye's ... act of disobedience at the VMA Awards.
Brotha West earned their ire not because he was merely rude ... but because he GOT OUT OF PLACE.
"Negras Aynt 'Pose Ta Be Tryin' To DeeFine Weality!! Only Massssa is allowed ta Deeeturmun What Iz Good and What Iz Bettuh!!
Hell! If Massa Wanna Award Kenny G da BEST JAZZ ALBUM of allll time instead of Miles Davis - Dat's Juss Da Way It Iz!"
Taylor Swift's video on YouTube has 1.9 million views.
Beyonce's video, nominated in the same category, has 65 million views.
Beyonce's video is impossible not to watch when it is on.
You can watch it over and over again. Which, based on it's performance, people have been doing all over the world.
Taylor Swift's video is ... cute.
A gimmick.
Beyonce's video is sex. It is art. It is music. It is black. It is powerful.
Kanye wasn't dissing Taylor.
Kanye was celebrating black women.
Kanye was defending Serena.
Read the comments.
Plantation Crackas are as intimidated by Beyonce as they are by Michael Vick.
Jim Wilson wasn't dissing Obamma.
Jim Wilson was celebrating white anglo christian supremacy.
Jim Wilson was defending Rush Limbaugh & Bubba.
Read the comments.
Plantation Crackas are as intimidated by Obamma as they are by W. Bush.
Jim Wilson is the Blackest man in the US Congress.
Obama was lying. He was simply parroting Plantation Rhetoric designed and executed by others.
I was glad to hear him speak up as I was glad to see Kanye speak up.
Fuck all this fake reverence for the Fake establishment.
First, they got ya'll Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas to take your shoes off before you board airplanes, now they got your lips poked out at anyone who dares challenge establishment decorum.
The inmates are now guarding each other.
Hey DV, how u do? Bra, Joe Wilson is as Babylon as it gets. He oppossed Obama bec he felt BO was lying about illegal immigrants not getting access to Health Kare NOT bec he felt illegals deserved the right to access. There's nothing remotely praiseworthy about that. Purely right-wing hysterics abt socialism. He's in with the Health Kare insurers, they contribute to his campaign:
"In fact, over his entire congressional career, health professionals represent Wilson’s top industry contributors, donating a total of $244,196 to his campaign, according to the Center for Responsive Politics database. He received another $86,150 from pharmaceutical companies, $73,050 from insurance companies and $68,000 from hospitals and nursing homes.
Among Wilson’s top contributors are the American Hospital Association, a lobby group that represents the interests of hospitals and health networks, and the American Medical Association, which represents physicians."
Its the liar calling another liar out, trying to make the American pple believe they have their best interests at heart but Wilson/GOP are punking the American pple jst like they did in the townhalls to make more evident opposition to BO's Plan, rather that something concrete. Plant a riotous Joe in a crowd and see how pple gravitate towards him. Its the same ol', same ol'.
...'Ye's li'l stunt is comparable to Wilson. Both are opportunists, it wasn't abt Bey or Black women. Nah it was abt 'Ye doing 'Ye and making the pockets of the media corps even FATTER. How many newspapers carrying 'Ye's face on the cover, how many times have MTV & Twitter crashed today? And my oh my how much will Taylor Swift's record company take to the bank this week?...As for 'Ye's company $$$ are what they have for eyes right now!
quote above is from
If this is about the fake establishment I can understand it a little better. Except if it is about the fake establishment, you got to throw in Kanye because he is just as much a part of all that fakeness no matter what his fake pose is. We've all heard his music as's fake. Like 99% of what's out there right now you might as well throw it in the grave right now. Nobody will remember down the line and nobody will care.
Hey KW. Hey phx.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not under the illusion Joe Wilson called Obama a liar because he cares about the health care needs of immigrants.
I dig Joe Wilson because he HAD THE NERVE TO CHALLENGE THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES to his face on International Television.
I dig Kanye because he had the gall to call MTV (Establishment symbol) on their bullshit ... to their faces .. on international TV.
Fuck the particulars. Taylor Swift. The actual award. All of that shit is meaningless.
The value of what Kanye did, and his genius was in his willingness to express himself EXACTLY THE WAY HE FUCKING FELT ... during a time of massive pressure for everyone to conform.
Brother Denmark Vesey:
Who do you think would be more pissed:
1) Beyonce being passed over for an MTv Award won by Taylor Swift
2) Taylor Swift even giving damn that she lost a BET Music Award to Beyonce
3) ME that you FAIL TO MAKE NOTE that they are both owned by the same damned company - VIACOM and thus Sumner Redstone doesn't give a damn that Kanye is acting a fool - generating cash flow for Redstone who makes money both coming and going on both of these coonish outlets.
The value of what Kanye did, and his genius was in his willingness to express himself EXACTLY THE WAY HE FUCKING FELT ... during a time of massive pressure for everyone to conform.
That's nothing to celebrate. If everyone expressed oneself EXACTLY THE WAY HE FELT... there would be no civilization.
Civilization is predicated on the notion of values that supersede self-interest.
Kanye places himself at the center of the universe... therefore he is not a force for civilization, he is a force for chaos... for destruction.
I guess that makes you a force for chaos and destruction too, DV.
You teaching your sons to behave like Kanye?
'Sup DV, if 'Ye was calling out MTV to their faces; why'd he post an apology on his blog today? If he's 'celebrating women' why'd he make three idiotic videos for Flashing Lights and sellout on Jesus?
And what abt the irony of his so called 'anti-establishment act' - its the vogue for plastic rebels do. Just like Jarvis Cocker, Eminem or sme punk rocker like doing sumthin' silly at the awards or trashing a hotel room. When 'Ye really sticks it to his record company and calls 'em out as crooks like MJ or Lauryn Hill did, then I'll agree wit u, but till then nah...
And UBM, 'Ye is "no force for chaos and destruction" he's just another pawn on the chessboard, a ruffle in the meme.
A month from now this won't matter.
...If everyone truly expressed they selves and sought out truth for they selves; there'd be no plantation, HalleluJAH!
Jim Wilson is the Blackest man in the US Congress. –DV
In South Carolina they call him Joe, but I thought that “Blackest man in the US Congress” title belonged to Dennis Kucinich.
Speaking of black, check out Joan Walsh’s “The Blackening of the president.”
[The racially tinged debates over Obama's appointing the first Latina to the Supreme Court and his politically unwise foray into the Henry Louis Gates flap, combined with organized GOP opposition, seem to have done what Obama's political foes could never manage in 2008: They've blackened Obama, in both senses of the word -- simultaneously diminishing his support and emphasizing his ethnicity. Simply by raising consciousness about the president's race and associating him with radical identity politics, they've diminishing his standing among a large swath of the public.
Birthers and Deathers (who tended to be the same people) were focused on marginalizing Obama as scary, "the other." Race was central to their fears, from the Birthers' obsession with Obama's literal origins as the product of miscegenation; to the Deathers and the Town Hellers' insistence that healthcare reform was, in Glenn Beck's idiotic formulation, Obama's idea of "reparations" for slavery. The cries of "socialism" were just another way to mark him as "other," scary and foreign. Watching scenes of shrieking, sobbing people pleading to "take our country back," it was hard not to ask, From who?]
^ There'd be no nothing, KonWomyn.
Eventually we're gonna have to take the discussion to the level of civilizational values.
The childish thrill of "non-conformity" can only be indulged within a societal framework where enough folks "conform" that we have an orderly functioning civilization.
Hey DV. Nice place.
"He is being crucified because he dared speak the truth."
The truth ain't nothing like that. The truth is we are all beings who aren't going anywhere - we are all on a death trip. Personally, this being alive thing fills me with nothing but heartbreaking joy and gratitude - even when I'm gripping my gut or down on all fours.
The truth is that billions of our compadres spend most of their lives being offended by other beings, just lovin it to no end. What a complete waste of energy.
MTV video awards, Kanye, Taylor, Serena god-bless-her, Wilson someone-give-him-a-hug, McCain, Palin, Obama, Skip Gates, Glen Beck, none of that has anything to do with the truth.
That's just a distraction to stop us from thinking, what would my life and death be like if I took the full responsibility for them?
UB, you speak as if what we have now is civilized, orderly and functioning.
2 million Americans are in For-Profit prisons. Over half unnecessarily so.
This nation is engaged in a ... "war" that has caused the deaths of over 1 Million people who had nothing to do with 911.
No thinking person really believes a religious fanatic, hiding in a cave in Afghanistan, armed with a satellite phone and a few credit cards orchestrated the most devastating terrorist attack in the history of the world - alone.
Obama is being tagged "the socialist" president - while the Fake War On Terror is the largest transfer of wealth from the public sector to the private sector in the history of the world.
90% of Americans eat a diet guaranteed to give them cancer.
Americans are being herded like sheep into pens to be injected with a dangerous untested "vaccine" that will undoubtedly kill and maim thousands of them ... under the guise of protecting them from a virus manufactured in a laboratory, - by the same people who invented the vaccine. (They applied for a patent for the vaccine ... a year before any cases appeared).
Charlie Sheen wrote an open letter to the President day before yesterday, asking him to reopen the investigation into 911, pointing out that the majority of the men on the original panel have indicated they were intentionally misled.
Crickets ....
Yet ... muhfuggas are mad at Kanye for stepping out of line.
No Brother UB. Sheep do not maintain civilizations. They are led to slaughter.
We need more Kanye's & Joe Wilson's.
People in this country are scared.
We've been reduced to a nation of punks and bitches.
I don't give a fuck what Kanye or Wilson said. The fact that they spoke is Revolutionary.
Hell ... Half the people I know expect me to disappear any day now just because of this blog.
Fuck it.
I'm Glocked up.
Uzza ruthless fomentin' mofo
Prolly got one, two, three
Plantation Negroes
Trainin' that lil' militia
Stay glocked up
Haters all around
Tryin' keep ya locked up
So whazzup???
Is Jews the main enemy
We tryin' to subvert their supremacy
Is this a matter of chemistry
Or symmetry...
Our preliminary notions
Give rise to the motion
That u tryin' to reverberate
Across the oceans...
Are you God's son...?
Is it why you don't run...
Is it why you pack gun...
Is it why you train son...
Doin' God's work, izz ya
Then gotta tighten up the rhetoric
Stuff gotta be truth
Not just fuh effect...
All words aren't equal
Truthful words don't need a sequel
By truth, they unequal...
Discriminate for Truth
That seperate your black supremacy
From c nulance black lunacy...
West had better be Glocked and AK’ed. Given the climate in this country, I’ll guarantee you he’s already receiving death threats. And it’s just a matter of time before Glenn Beck ties West to Obama.
But Taylor Swift is a class act, though. She was like, "It's cool. I hope that's the worst thing a black guy ever does to me."
Wow. I mean really WOW...
I posted anon earlier, but I want you to know who's saying this. The philosophical gymnastics you go through to defend that idiot have passed beyond simply astounding. They now approach the borderline of unfuckingbelievable bullshit.
Dude I wish Kanye would have gotten up on stage and dissed my teenage daughter like that. I would have put my foot so far up his ass you would see a Starbury label on his tongue. He'd have to go to jail with me cause my foot would be stuck. He went and dissed that little white girl because he is a bully and he thought he could get away with it.
And on top of all of that, Beyonce won the biggest award of the night. For the same video for which Kanye (and apparently you) felt she had been dissed. How does that jibe with his impassioned (read intoxicated) defense of the Bey-booty video of the day. She won best video. Is it so wrong for the VMA voters to decide to give a young entertainer, who is experiencing phenomenal success in her genre, a nod in a lesser category for having the courage to present a positive message in her music?
You don't give a fuck what Kanye said, but you extol his virtue for saying it. I guess you are a big fan of KKK rally's then, because those crackers will stand up and say point blank to your face that they hate your black ass. Consider that it doesn't take courage of conviction to stand up for dumb shit. It just takes a dumbass who doesn't know any better.
And who gives a fuck that all the perverts on the internet beat off to Beyonce's videos? Do you or Kanye even have any idea as to what the criteria for voting was? It's a very subjective standard, not objective like Billboards counting of sales (which is still artificial and imprecise). I can assure you that it was not based on youtube views. Crooked knucklehead logic like that is going to be the death of you son.
And now I gotta be a punk bitch because I don't agree with you and Ye? Cause I got the nerve to say that nigga act like he aint got no home training? I ain't mad at Ye; I'm tired of his dumb ass and a bunch more like him who have the opportunity to do so many positive productive things, but yet seem content to be so very immaterial.
I didn't think of you as a simple mofo DV, but you keep this kind of shit up and it's going to be real hard to take you serious.
Son of God Obama called Kanye a 'jackass'
makheru bradley said...
[quote]And it’s just a matter of time before Glenn Beck ties West to Obama.[/quote]
Only after YOU link Taylor Swift to the "Swift Boaters For Truth" and then show us that her father is a "Birther"
Denmark Vesey, some months ago Professor Gates was arrested at his own home for disturbing the peace when he dared question the responding officer. Without any objective or verifiable supporting evidence you concluded that Gates was oppositionally defiant and deserved arrest. You even used your own past encounter with airport security as an example of proper social relation with authority.
Then starting two weeks ago through today you show audio and videotapes of a college football player, Serena Williams, Joe Wilson, and Kanye West acting out in fits of distemper (Serena later said she couldn't even recall what she uttered)and laud them for it and explicitly said the running back's response is an ideal model for your son to emulate.
What fairly applied neutral standard did you apply to determine that Professor Gates is obtusely belligerent and the latter individuals are self-assertive and morally courageous. Moreover, as avowed by a retired general, the example of Joe Wilson is particularly glaring because as a retired colonel in the South Carolina Army National Guard he has a fealty to the Constitution and a permanent obligation to be deferential to the Commander-in-Chief even to the point of having to comply if recalled for service.
What would be your response if Mr. Obama exercised his authority as the nation's supreme military commander and law enforcement officer to peremptorily arrest Mr. Wilson for insubordination and conduct unbecoming an officer? Would you apply the same standard as you did to Professor Gates? After all, Gates could be fairly presumed to be unfamiliar with the nuances of military-civilian relations but Mr. Wilson is an elite officer with JAG experience and well aware of consequences for breech of protocol.
Why all the apologies DV?
Kanye West used Jay Leno's prime-time debut Monday to offer another apology for ruining Taylor Swift's night at the MTV Video Music Awards and to say he's going to take some time off for reflection.
West said he knew he was wrong the moment he handed the microphone back to Swift, when he was bathed in boos. He had interrupted Swift on Sunday night as she accepted a best female video award for "You Belong With Me," arguing that Beyonce's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" was more deserving.
"It was rude, period," West said. He posted a second apology to Swift on his blog on Monday, and told Leno he wanted to apologize to the country music star in person.
West took a long pause when Leno asked what his mother would have said about the incident. West was very close to his mother, Donda, who died in November 2007. He said yes when Leno asked whether his mother would have given him a lecture.
Submariner is da TROOF!!!
..."Half the people I know expect me to disappear any day now just because of this blog."
DV that is serious & worth talking abt in another post. But without taking anything away from you do honestly you think pple expect the same for 'Ye? over this??? over everything he's become post-Katrina, (not like he never ego-tripped before then)?
Exodus Mentality / Anonymous.
I'm not particularly concerned about WHAT Kanye said. During this era of Free-Speech oppression and Manufactured Subjective Reality individual expressions of speech and thought are heroic actions.
Even if I disagreed with Kanye, I'd be equally proud of him.
I happen not to disagree with him. Beyonce's video was amazing. Taylor Swift's video was cute.
In a true meritocracy ... Black artists would win EVERY category EVERY time.
Giving Taylor Swift a video award ... is a glorified form of AFFIRMATIVE ACTION for white folks.
Yet Negros are held up as the poster children for racial entitlement.
Kanye brought attention to a very important point by challenging the hegemony of the Plantation Perspective.
Skip Gates aint no Kanye West.
He wasn't speaking. He was crying.
He wasn't challenging. He was bitching.
What he said wasn't remotely truthful. It was an obvious lie.
If Kanye said he was being criticized "because he was a black man in America" ... I wouldn't fuck with him. He didn't take that bitch route.
If Obama arrested Mr. Wilson I'd consider Obama a punk bitch tool of the Establishment.
If Obama addressed Mr. Wilson directly ... On the spot ... If he walked away from the podium ... made his way up the isle ... and made it clear to Wilson, America and the World - THAT HE WAS NOT LYING ... that "National Health Care" is indeed for the true BENEFIT of the American people ... that it will improve the health of Americans - I would consider Obama the best President in the history of the United States.
All this punk ass punishment of Wilson and Kanye without ever REALLY addressing their points - is some punk shit. (Sistas forgive me for all this bad language, but few words substitute for the poignant meanings of the words "punk" and "bitch". There is no gender specific meaning. The brothers know what I mean.)
Why the Kanye apologies?
Brother was impulsive. Spoke the truth. Now the whole world is against him. Even Brothers and Sisters are calling for him to be put in jail ... kicked in the ass ... humiliated ... taking away his money.
The cat was brave and impulsive. But he can't withstand all that alone.
I'd take 1 Kanye West over 1000 Harold Ford Jr.'s.
You a rhymin muhfuggah
And yes my Glock go buck buck bucka
Aimed at the dome of any punk bitch fucker
Try to play DV like some Plantation Sucker
Bustas got a problem with words other cats utter
They think only Massa got the right to conjure
They think Free Speech is the domain of Crackas
But you see DV is a lil bit deeper
Crucify Kanye? Nah I beg to differ
The enemy is not simply Kosher
That's just one of the many disguises of Lucifer
See it's my nature to nurture
Even if sometimes my words seem to hurt ya
But at the end of the day DV's shit is nobler
I'm from a thousand years of brothas aint never had an owner
Intellectually these cats is toddlers
Still can't see the KKK killed less niggas than Sanger.
Consider that it doesn't take courage of conviction to stand up for dumb shit. It just takes a dumbass who doesn't know any better.
I think, DV, your house is about to tumble down. The pimp has no clothes. Plus you're repeating yourself repeating yourself...
I'd take 1 Kanye West over 1000 Harold Ford Jr.'s.
Yeah... by the same brain-dead logic that a little kid would look up to the neighborhood pimp instead of the "nerd" who's going to college.
Fuck Kanye. I'm mad at the motherfucker for being famous in the first place. I grew up with Stevie and Sly, dammit. When you say "producer," I'ma think Gamble & Huff and G. Clinton.
Mediocrity is more of a threat to human civilization than processed salt and vaccines combined.
Yeah UB.
But you old, man.
Sly was Kanye to your pops.
I'd take a lot of pimps over a lot "nerds" who go to college.
They go to college ... then what?
Become Plantation Negros ... with degrees... and debt.
Laid off. Divorced. Fat. Filled with vaccines. On the fast track to cancer.
Glorified slaves.
What you don't seem to understand UB, is that Plantation Sanction - doesn't protect you from mediocrity.
It ensures it.
Would your Global System of Black Supremacy superstar, Kanye West, have the nerve to take the mic from a white man, Tim McGraw for example.
I seriously doubt it.
It was a punk move anyway you cut it.
Now the negro is backtracking faster than Obama on Gates.
And this is your Global System of Black Supremacy-- a punk move and backtracking.
"They go to college ... then what?"
"Become Plantation Negros ... with degrees... and debt."
"Laid off. Divorced. Fat. Filled with vaccines. On the fast track to cancer."
So are you suggesting that a higher % of folks with college degree's support KFC, are in Debt, Divorced and filled with Vaccines??
Well the census suggest that is statistically improbable!
According to the US Census Bureau in 2005 28% of the U.S. population had a college degree.
While 68% of state prison inmates did not receive a high school diploma.
Now who is more on the plantation than a man/woman with zero freedom in a 10x10 cell.
Bro. Makheru is truth;
Would your Global System of Black Supremacy superstar, Kanye West, have the nerve to take the mic from a white man, Tim McGraw for example.
They ain't enough Hennesey in the world to put Kunta Kanye up on the stage assing up like that with a grown male C&W entertainer....,
Will Obama back peddle on this one?
In what were supposed to be off-the-record comments, President Barack Obama called musician Kanye West a "jackass" because of the performer's outburst at a music awards ceremony.
The comments were mistakenly sent out via the online service Twitter by ABC News' Terry Moran, who had access to off-the-record comments Obama made while being interviewed Monday by CNBC.
"Pres. Obama just called Kanye West a 'jackass' for his outburst at VMAs when Taylor Swift won. Now THAT'S presidential," Moran, a "Nightline" co-anchor, wrote Monday evening.
The White House has not responded to the incident. MSNBC
Backpedal on an off the record comment that was "mistakenly" put out by the media?
Reminds me of Jesse Jackson's off the record comment about Hymietown.
Personally I don't have a problem with Obama thinking Kanye is a jackass. I would have a problem with him making a public comment calling Kanye a jackass after he's let all these random wackos pop off at the mouth though.
This incident seems like a reporter breaking the rules of decorum and then trying to get the president to go further. It's a trap.
I'd like to see Kanye take the mic from an adult male politician concerning a REAL issue.
Let's say Obama at a townhall meeting and ask him about the 9II inside job and FRB..
Now THAT would be a real anti-Plantation move. This was just a drunken bully punk move.
Yo DV...
This ye-ye
Poster boy fo' affirmative action
Put nigels by the hundreds
In mental plantation traction
Some dudes sell slavery
By spoutin' off at the mouth
Callin' it freedom
Lead otha nigels ta the hot, dirty south...
This fool pretended like he authentic
Been lynched, castrated and killed whitey...
Ye-Ye done did it
This nigel fake about growin' up comfy
Tell all the otha nigels
They lives be real bumpy...
So act a fool
And smear sum stool
On long blond hair and sweet eyes blue
But don't u forget Ye-Ye
You still a sorry tool
Had so much house trainin'
Radical black autonomist
Is all that remainin'
Nigels be silly to mimic the meme
'less nigels be fixin'
Be part uh Ye-Ye grand scheme
So what's his theme...?
Level the playing field
The cry of every sorry sucka
Tryin' 2B supreme....
^ If only Kanye could snatch the mic from this muhfucka.
If Ye-Ye snatched anything from me
Cream that dude like the pie
Hit'm so hard
Have three black eyes
But u ubm
Uzza a sickly boy's phlegm
Stuck on genetic determinism
C.N.Life thru Uncle tom's prism
Dissin' ye-ye
But playin' the same game
Lockin' nigels inda one line of thinkin'
Eatin' so much lard
All ya pores be stinkin'
So take the mic fatty
'less you let tho'daddy
Squash ya lika patty...
Uzza a sickly boy's phlegm
Stuck on genetic determinism
C.N.Life thru Uncle tom's prism
RoFLMAO!!!! ooooh
Let me understand the lesson
Tellin' kinda'gartin nigels raise they hand
Even if they askin' uh stupid question
Cuz nigels so timid
Won't say uh peep
Cuz nigels so livid
But still actin' asleep
These nigels be sleepin' with da grim reaper
Followin' the footstep of da stage creeper
48 laws of power
Neva put ya self inda tower
And every one know where ya at
Bring that tower down
Watch ye- ye go flat...
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