Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"DV! Yous IgNoRant!! Massa Down't Kill Az Much Az Niggas!! Niggas Iz Natuwally Merdahwous!! Massa Mapped Da Human Genome!"

Undercover Black Man said...
What’s the difference?

It’s simply a matter of scale. Black people are 13 percent of the U.S. population. Black people commit 52 percent of all homicides.

The black murder rate is seven times higher than the white murder rate. True mathematics.

If whites killed as frequently as blacks... the blood would be streaming down the gutters of every American town.


Casper said...

Are you suggesting that those young brothers in Chicago were at WAR with each other? Otherwise, I am still debating oranges not apples or pears.

Anonymous said...

Are innocent civilians killed in war murder or simply "collateral damage" (terminology invented by the US military)?

I just don't understand how one can believe there is some "natural" tendency for black people to be violent when there are clear disparities between the black experience/reality and the general experience/reality along the lines of education, resources, economics, justice, health care, employment, the makeup of the nuclear family, access to mind altering substances, punishment for possession of mind altering substances...

Is war, conquest, domination, control, land theft, miseducation, brain washing, ethnic cleansing, moral promotion yet moral absence, selective prosecution, selective democracy, nutricide, media control, self destruction via disguising self induced poisoning, hoping the next generation reverses the harm the current generation of "thought leaders" places at your feet, natural to white people?

Help me understand exactly what some of you cats are talking bout.

If there is no connection between the collective black experience and conditions found within the black community we can end this debate here. If frustration, anger, despair, perceived powerlessness, fear, desperation and impaired judgment are immaterial, we can end this debate here.

There has to be a wholistic historical discussion in order to make any true sense of the violence epidemic in this country.

"Black folk need to behave" simply won't cut it.


lickmyblackberries said...

Uh, most of those wars were committed by JEWS, not WHITE GOYS.

Undercover Black Man said...

Denmark, you are a fucking idiot.

KonWomyn said...

Truth, KP...And why is there such a tidal wave of resistance to a questioning of language and social critiques of racial categorisation of violence. Why is a murder in Chicago symptomatic of 'The Black Problem'; when a knifing by White youths on a housing estate in London is called knife crime and the term 'White Problem' is simply a figment of one's imagination?

Google White crime UK see what comes up and Black crime UK; check the difference. And this difference is all too telling of an outright acceptance one type of crime as a National Problem and another a blatant refusal to conceive of it as such.

If this was simply about the 'murder rate' then where are those areas in the US explicitly marked out in public discourse as high 'White murder rate' territory? Why the dissonance?

A refusal to acknowledge Amerikka's violence where the State is chief architect; both in implicitly and explcitly shows jut how the Plantation operates; either you see it or you're intellectually blind.

CNu said...

Denmark Vesey is school.

A refusal to acknowledge Amerikka's violence where the State is chief architect; both in implicitly and explcitly shows jut how the Plantation operates; either you see it or you're intellectually blind.

KW wrote truth. (now if only she's leave alone that preposterous levitation hokum...,)

Denmark Vesey said...

Beautiful KP.

Beautiful KW.

If any redeeming value comes of this tragedy in Chicago it's the revelation of the level of TOMary prevalent in Plantation Negros.

You can tell a lot about a man by examining what he WANTS to believe.

Examine what Undercover ... Black ... Man ... wants to believe.

KW said it best: "why is there such a tidal wave of resistance to a questioning of language and social critiques of racial categorisation of violence?"

The Uncle Toms and Plantation Negros resist the examination of language and abstract statistical nonsense more desperately than does Byrdeye.


He posits "blacks kill more than whites".

I respond with the millions of deaths committed by whites that are causally Categorized / Justified / SPUN away in the bullshit context of "war".

I submit [;-} KW) an alien from from outer space sent to document the behavior of human beings would conclude that whites murder FAR MORE people than any other group. (Providing he would even participate in the nonsense of race)

In the game of Group Identity Politics, statistics can be used to justify any preexisting prejudice.

Even the concept of "... black ... people..." is an abstraction in the grand scheme of things no more relevant than the term "... blonde people ..."

What is the murder rate of brunettes compared to the murder rate of brown haired people?

What is the murder rate of Aquarians compared to Aries?

What is the murder rate of chocolate lovers compared to people who hate chocolate?

Nobody knows. Because we are not conditioned to group ourselves along those lines.

Fact is the incidence of blackness really doesn't tell you much about a person any more.

Fact is a white person living in a trailer in southern GA has more in common with a black person living in South Side Chicago than that black person has with a black person living in Brooklyn Heights.

Which is why a young white man in GA just murdered his whole family over a drug debt, which is a common occurrence in urban areas rife with drugs.

Fact is white people from broken homes, with incarcerated parents, and drug addicted siblings have pretty much the same chance of being murdered or murdering someone as does a black person from a broken home, with incarcerated parents, and drug addicted siblings.

Only when RACE IS REMOVED from the equation can apples be compared to apples.

The NEED to view this problem as a race issue and not as an American issue is the by-product of a Eugenicist Mind Fuck and Hegelian dialectic designed to polarize people along any lines that perpetuates conflict.

This disgusting malady effects blacks and white alike.

Deconstruct their comments and Undercover Back Man and Byrdeye are the same person, attempting to validate themselves by establishing "blacks" as "other" and persona non grata.

Undercover Black Man said...

If any redeeming value comes of this tragedy in Chicago...

Not a "tragedy," Denmark. An "unfortunate event."

... and abstract statistical nonsense...

Seven thousand to 8,000 dead black Americans a year isn't abstract. It's as concrete as it gets.

It's 20 murders a day, every day.

The real "tragedy" is the 19 other black folks robbed of their lives on the same day as Derrion Albert... and the 20 more the next day... and the 20 more the day after that...

While your dumb ass is talking about the Korean War. And persuading nobody.


Casper said...

Fact is a white person living in a trailer in southern GA has more in common with a black person living in South Side Chicago than that black person has with a black person living in Brooklyn Heights.

Economics only!
Trailer trash voted for whom.. Palin or Obama?

BK voted for whom?

Casper said...

"Fact is white people from broken homes, with incarcerated parents, and drug addicted siblings have pretty much the same chance of being murdered or murdering someone as does a black person from a broken home, with incarcerated parents, and drug addicted siblings."

Prove it... Show the statistics.

Casper said...

"Only when RACE IS REMOVED from the equation can apples be compared to apples."
"The NEED to view this problem as a race issue and not as an American issue is."

So why the Global System of Black Supremacy mantra??
So why do you claim to be the Blackest man in the internet?

If race is not the issue.

Anonymous said...

casper, let grown folks talk. intentional or accidental, you are missing the point.

Undercover Black Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Undercover Black Man said...

Fact is the incidence of blackness really doesn't tell you much about a person any more.

Except that that person was likely fucked up and damaged by a state-sponsored "War on Black Men" (War on Drugs). Right, DV? I mean, that was your argument yesterday. That this violence is a direct result of black men being removed from the black community.

Now you're coming with this "It's irrelevant those kids in Chicago were black! Why even mention they're black?" buuullshit.

Get your spin straight if you wanna be taken seriously, player.

If you want an example of consistent argumentation... check UBM out. Free lessons, babe.

mizzy said...

nah undercova black you worng white people just do it smart us "niggas" get caught

Undercover Black Man said...

Since you’re getting all global and shit, DV, don’t leave out the 900,000 killed in Rwanda... 800,000 killed in Congo... 500,000 killed in Somalia... 300,000 dead in Sudan... 250,000 killed in Liberia... 200,000 killed in Burundi... 50,000 killed in Sierra Leone... 30,000 killed in Uganda...

All within the last 20 years.

lickmyblackberries said...

Actually, there's been over 5 million killed in the Congo due to Black-on-Black violence.

US got NOTHING on Africa when it comes to street OR large scale state-sponsored violence!

Casper said...

casper, let grown folks talk. intentional or accidental, you are missing the point.

There is NO point! Which is my point!

Anonymous said...

lick my blackberries - can you say imperialism? can you say divide and conquer?

again, wholistic historical analysis pls.