Friday, June 18, 2010

DMG vs. DV - The Most Intelligent Defense Against H1N1 Influenza? Who Makes The Most Sense?


makheru bradley said...

Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. decision to use a swine flu vaccine without an ingredient that boosts response may mean shots will require two doses instead of one to grant immunity, health officials said.

A two-dose vaccine is more likely to be required by a vaccine that doesn’t include adjuvant, an ingredient added to some shots to boost the immune response, said Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a conference call in Atlanta. Novartis AG today reported that a single dose of its adjuvanted vaccine safely provoked a strong immune response in a trial of 100 healthy volunteers.

The U.S. paid Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline Plc more than $415 million for adjuvants, which aren’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be used with flu vaccines. The second dose would need to be taken three weeks after the first, delaying immunity in patients. The vaccines are slated to arrive in mid-October during what health officials say could be the peak of outbreaks.

sankay said...

"The U.S. paid Novartis and GlaxoSmithKline Plc more than $415 million for adjuvants, which aren’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be used with flu vaccines"

Thank you, Obama. What a great way to spend tax dollars to jeopardize our health.

makheru bradley said...

Scare tactics today = huge profits tomorrow for Big Pharma, but at what cost to the health of the general public?

[The World Health Organization says at least 625 people have been reported dead from swine flu in the last week. That's more than 20 percent of the 2,837 known deaths since the novel virus first emerged in Mexico and the United States earlier this year.

Most of the deaths are in the Western Hemisphere, though the disease is in full-blown global epidemic mode.

WHO said Friday that laboratory-confirmed cases of the disease have now reached 254,206.

The virus could eventually infect 2 billion people, or a third of the world's population, according to WHO estimates.

"In the best case scenario we have today, we will still have a moderate virus that is projected to cause several million deaths," Dr. Tammam Aloudat, senior health officer at the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, told a separate news briefing.] MSNBC

CNu said...

What you gonna do Bro. Makheru? You and your peeps gonna get the shot(s), or, take a tablespoon of codliver oil a day and ride this one out?

Anonymous said...

Maaaan...what's scary is if a significant number of people start to see through the smoke screen, our government will do something drastic to shock the public back into dependency.

Probably initiate some sort of outbreak an say "We told you so."

They don't believe in giving medicine away for free unless there is something to it. They don't even give away free medical advice. I had to pay $800.00 for a doctors visit for him to TELL ME to just give my son gatorade. $300.00 because it was the emergency room, then in the mail $500.00 surprise bill. "SURPRISE NIGGA"

You gonna convince me our government is so benevolent to just give away vaccination shots. NO. Give me free medical care and charge me for the vaccination shots.

They'll even PAY poor parents to put their children on these drugs. I know a social worker in an elementary school that educates the Somali immigrant parents on these drugs and there effects.

hot "mugga funggin" wax said...

Come on people - lets get beyond the hoax. DV is so right on this one.

Learn something about the Germ Theory.Do bacteria cause disease? Do viruses?

What if I told you that they didn't? Does HIV cause AIDS? Do immunizations prevent disease? Does anthrax, Ebola, E. Coli, the Hanta virus, smallpox, influenza, the West Nile virus, or any other so-called deadly pathogen cause sickness or pose any deadly threat whatsoever? What if I said the answers to all of these questions was no? What if I were to tell you that no matter how many sick people you come in contact with, you can't catch disease? Am I insane? Crazy? Nuts? The truth is, we've all been duped into believing a theory-the germ theory of disease-that just isn't true. We've all been tricked since birth into embracing the idea that when we are around someone who is sick, we can also become sick, regardless of how healthy we are at the time. Call it what you will-brainwashing, hypnosis, or whatever-this trickery runs so deep until we never notice all the times when we are around sick people and we don't catch their illnesses. We only remember the times when contagion appears to occur, and this only strengthens our belief in disease transmission. This belief, of course, is not true. We have been convinced of the existence of vampires and ghosts, and now, more than any other time in history, we must open our eyes and stop embracing the lies we are being told.

Scientists since the late 1800s, including Louis Pasteur, have all been part of a rather disorganized conspiracy to convince the public that the true cause of disease is pesky germs. Of course, there was no real conspiracy. Medical practitioners have also duped themselves into believing these deceptions just as much as they've duped us into believing their irrational propaganda. The germ theory of disease came on the heels of the Middle Ages when people believed that demons and evil spirits caused all diseases, so it wasn't that big of a transition to go from demons to microscopic bacteria. The belief in viruses came later, but they don't cause disease, either. Wait a minute! Am I saying that Ebola, HIV, and other viruses don't cause disease? Am I saying that anthrax, pneumonia, and other diseases are not caused by bacteria? The answer to both questions is a resounding yes! Viruses and bacteria cause disease about as much as trees cause the wind to blow. It might look like this is the case, and that's why scientists have duped themselves into believing such a fallacy, but in truth, health is caused by healthy living. I can't transmit my bad health any more than I can transmit my good health. It's easy to blame germs, but what we should be doing is blaming ourselves when we get sick. We're responsible, and that's something a lot of people just don't want to hear.

read the rest ...Pasteur was a lying bastard.

Anonymous said...

"What if I told you that they didn't?"

I'd laugh at you. Call you an idiot. Then laugh some more. Thanks for the humor.

IWonderAsIWander said...

Sunlight. You got my whole household on the floor.

Hot "mugga funggin and salty" wax said...


An ad hominem attack? Is that all you got? Nothing on Pasteurs's Germ Theory vs. Bechamp's Cellular Theory? Wow! A white lab coat, 8 years under IG Farben training and some loot and you get to look down and feel really smug about KILLING your fellow human beings. Pharmakia is your game baby. You are living the life DMG, your debits will equal your credits. Do your thang!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I didn't think your treatise deserved anything more than that quip. It's not an ad hominem attack, I'm really just calling you a dumbass. You don't have the first clue as to what you are talking about. You come with the same Pharma this, pharma that bullshit, what I've been "programmed to believe" etc, motherfucking, etc. I'm really just bored with dumbasses. Back up ONE THING that you said with proof. Just ONE, and I'll get back at you. Otherwise you are in the same category as Thordaddy to me. Beneath my contempt. Noise. A new clown in the MOTI stable who thinks he's deep because he saw something on You Tube that he couldn't explain that sounded conspiratorial, and therefore "true". Good luck with your paranoia.

Denmark Vesey said...


It cracks me up when cats who STILL have Monkey Virus Juice dripping out of their noses ... call someone else a "Dumb Ass".


Tell me Doc ... How's it going over there in the "emergency room"?

Swamped with that H1N1 "Pandemic" huh?


I told this Parrot with a stethoscope months ago the "Pharma" this "Pharma" that H1N1 scam was a hoax.

But you know how it is with Plantation Negros.

They won't believe it until they read in the NYTimes.

(Give that a couple of weeks)

Undercover Black Man said...

I can't transmit my bad health any more than I can transmit my good health.

You tell 'em, syphilis-dick!

Anonymous said...


You've been almost literally begging me to come comment on your wall of stupidity. I've seen my handle on at least 3 posts. You missing me or something. Switch up your game, and I might come back more often. Like I said before, it's the same 3 stories with different clowns. I'm bored already.

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Negro MD,

You are being clowned.

You been "leaving" for 8 months.

Admit You've Learned More Here Than You Did In Medical School.

4 months ago you actually thought "H1N1" was a legitimate threat.

You were "advising" folks to inject themselves with a dangerous and untested "vaccine".

Now you know better.

Between your little forced snidy remarks we can here ... "thanks DV"