What it do son?
Riddle me this all y'all supporters of science: what in science is an observable truth? If science puts something down to naturalism, how is that different to explaining something through spiritualism? I've seen things science cannot explain, but I'm yet to see with my own eyes something The Most High cannot explain.
It's typical of Darwinian thinkers to regurgatite arguments indoctrinated in science and history class, repeating all the arguments of the questionable truth of the Bible so as to show Evolution to be true, but without this comparator how does it stand up? <=[Genius] That abiogenesis is a result of random selection contradicts science's own understanding of how atoms and molecules are structured and how they create according to the chemical components rather than random selection.
Keith, what does 'science cure' that it does not create? <=[Talk To 'Em KW] And even that which it does create it fails to cure or hides the cure until its economically lucrative for its release. Please, you've gotta come harder than pitting science against institutionalized Christianity. Show your 'scientific evidence' that trumps all as y'believe. ...one
...."The struggle for life"...by any means neccssary. This is what it's all about.
The fittest in mind and body!
As the situation in Subsaharan Africa shows. You can have all of the relevant resources in the world, but if you are chaotic,........., what does it matter?
You and yours will not survive so well, as an example.
GDawg ...
What is going on in Sub-Saharan Africa is very much the product of Darwinian Eugenics.
In addition to the lingering devastation of genocidal neo-colonialism, the people on the African continent are the victims of eugenical warfare packaged in the Trojan Horse of "mass vaccinations".
(That's why 10% of the world's population has 60% of the world's AIDS cases)
The Darwinian / Masonic / Luciferian cult is determined to prove there is no God but man (rather some men). Killing off that part of the world's population that they do not consider worthy of God status is part of their religion.
The "Theory of Evolution" is pseudo-science with no empirical evidence that man has "progressed" via natural selection from amoebas to monkeys to man ... to God.
Aphotheosis is the goal GDawg.
"Ye shall be as Gods" Genesis 3:5
Is the promise of the serpent. Darwinism is simply the repackaging of that meme in scientistic garb.
Come on god, evolution is a fact. All the shit that racist white folks like darwin try to add on has nothing to do with the science.
You should know that the enemy will use anything, in and including other black folk to destroy us, but that has zero to do with the scientific fact of evolution.
The fittest in mind and body!
This is the key my friend. We all need to live by this, but especially the sub-saharan Africans, because they are truly on the precipice of irrelevancy.
You can call it what you like.
What up Bra Keith!
Of course things evolve.
That doesn't mean monkeys gave birth to men.
... well ... maybe in some cases.
Anyway The "Theory of Evolution" attached to Darwin is a head fake.
"As the situation in Subsaharan Africa shows. You can have all of the relevant resources in the world, but if you are chaotic..."
Run that by me again??? What you know about Black Africa? Who funds the wars in the Congo, who created and fuelled tribal divisions in Rwanda? Who sends French troops to crush anti-government revolts in Gabon? Who poisons Ivorians and Nigerians with toxic waste? Who carved up Somalia so she has never known peace to this day? Remove the Darwinian blinkers from your gaze and take an emergency crash course on Neo-Imperialism.
Well what darwin presented was very, very off, however science has confirmed the good parts of darwins theory and trashed the bad. Darwin knew nothing of dna and rna ect...
Monkeys didn't give birth to man, man is a type of monkey. We are primates.
i like keith's pos...on this....evolution is a proven fact...how we use this science is the prob...motive and intent is to be considered...seems to me the "missing link" is our ancient african life concept of "know thyself"...then we wont fall for all the BS...and stay on the relevant queries....peace!!
@ Keith and DV - seems like y'all are having two different conversations, unless the "enemy" Keith speaks of is Lucifer. If not, Keith hasn't made a Biblical reference yet, and DV's is shooting straight from the Word ... oil and water, homey.
Science is, what science is ... but, quoting it as absolute fact is truly an outsourcing of our common sense. (cite omitted). According to science, the world is flat and is the center of the universe. Just like animals evolve, so does science--maybe we'll live to see it.
...so you've been listening to Kirk Cameron too.
Wow, Doc you're back! I thought you'd hightailed back to the E.R, but seriously, Hello.
the bible is not science...nor is it it a reliable source...i understand that some of the science that has been passed is not "true" science...we must "test" ALL things for "truth"
What's up T.A.N. Man? I like your style. However, I'm no expert on the word. But I feel it.
What's up Doc? Kirk Cameron? I'm not hip.
KW! - Blackest Sista On The Planet
DX! - True. Things evolve. Humans evolving from a single celled organisms without any design or purpose is a Fairy Tale.
If "science" is about observing cause and predicting effect then the Bible is the Father of "science."
What "science" fails to do is to acknowledge that there exists in this universe unique one-time events (cause/effect).
"Science" inexplicably brags of giving us a view to repeatable events while simultaneously denies unique one-time events that it does not observe or measure. Unless, we are talking of evolution...
But evolution merely asserts that perpetual change is "fact." Yet, facts by definition CANNOT perpetually change and so evolution must cede to a higher ordering.
In addition, the "fact" of evolution DOES NOT jibe with the fundamental assertion of quantum theory. For evolution to exist, according to quantum theory, it must be observed IN REAL TIME. It does not pass muster.
"true science" in my humble opinion postulates...observing cause with its effect...not trying to predict it...in that case the bible is not a reliable source for "TRUTH" we have been sold a bill of "rotten goods"..who's truth are we willing to accept...the one you were taught or the one your free mind tells you!!!
A "free mind" does not exist if evolution dictates its mechanics. A free mind can only exist if it has free will ordained by God.
When you say that the Bible is not a reliable source of Truth, you say so because evolution dictates such. But evolution cannot provide you with a reliable source of truth because you cannot even observe it in real time. It tells you nothing other than you are perpetually changing AND you don't really even know it, feel it or acknowledge it. Yet, it is truth to you?
Science said the eath was flat and the center of the universe when all scientists were controlled by the church or put to death for being heretics.
Once the grip of the church weakened science excelled.
Science no matter it's faults, WORKS.
Praying to a mystery god has never worked.
How does "science" work over and above what normal people do everyday, namely, observe cause and predict effect so as to determine what memes to mimic?
What kinda question is that?
Science works.
Science cures.
Science has evidence.
Religion fails.
Hey DV,
What it do son?
Riddle me this all y'all supporters of science: what in science is an observable truth? If science puts something down to naturalism, how is that different to explaining something through spiritualism? I've seen things science cannot explain, but I'm yet to see with my own eyes something The Most High cannot explain.
It's typical of Darwinian thinkers to regurgatite arguments indoctrinated in science and history class, repeating all the arguments of the questionable truth of the Bible so as to show Evolution to be true, but without this comparator how does it stand up? That abiogenesis is a result of random selection contradicts science's own understanding of how atoms and molecules are structured and how they create according to the chemical components rather than random selection.
Keith, what does 'science cure' that it does not create? And even that which it does create it fails to cure or hides the cure until its economically lucrative for its release. Please, you've gotta come harder than pitting science against institutionalized Christianity. Show your 'scientific evidence' that trumps all as y'believe.
you are failing to understand...i do not define evolution the way "modern scientist" define it....in my other comments i've made this clear...."evolution" is simply a gradual change in something...that change could be anything...i'm making clear how "I" define it...i dont have to accept yours or anyonelse's for that matter definition....to argue that you cannot see this change is because your eyes(mind)are not open...i've also made it clear i dont define creation as "man coming from dust" everthing in this material world is the manifestation of the mind!!! not man's mind but the "MIND" of infinite intelligence...what a man does with his free will is his business...even if it means conjuring up BS!! you cannot prove that man evolved from apes nor can you prove man came from the dust...but you can prove that all that manifests and appears in this physical realm...the source is mental
You can define evolution however you wish just as the scientists do, but unless it is the true definition then it is false. The question of the origin of man's emergence has profound implications which should be self-evident. Therefore, the impetus on the truth of those origins is markedly heightened.
So you decide to mingle in the middle? You give volition to an "intelligent" source that operates in a higher plane with the human brain acting as a medium to give "intelligence"' life and purpose?
what is self evident to you?? your first sentence makes no sense...who is defining this "true definition"?
The more you question whether we can even agree on the most basic understandings, the more you imply that objective truth doesn't exist. And if this is your claim then what exactly are you debating for? That all that exists is your subjective truth and its not to be mistaken for objective Truth which doesn't really exist even though we can say for sure that your subjective truth is not objective truth?
first of all you havent answered my question?? how do you define the objectivity of "truth" secondly i never said all that exists is my subjective truth...i am simply seeking to understand your "objective truth" capice
If some things aren't a given then we can really know nothing.
It has to be assumed that dx and thordaddy as functioning human beings can seek truth and identify it as such. If this is not assumed then stop now!
It also has to be assumed that there was an origin of man even though science says it does not know of that origin.
These are objective truths that are not contingent upon our subjective perception. Meaning, if none of these things are true... Damn, is this the Matrix?
Evidence is the key.
What you SAW is not evidence, but what you can PRESENT is.
People claim to see ufo's, bigfoot, ect...
Brains are easy to misinterpret what they qoute, unqoute saw.
Did science invent smallpox or cure it?
Did prayer cure smallpox?
As fucked up as chemotherapy is, it works better than praying to a mystery god.
Science wins.
Religion fails.
you see TD...i think i've made my point...when folks like yourself are confronted with questions you cant answer....you assume...they never teach you not to do that???
just say you dont know!!! you've manage to avoid my queries all night...but thats kool...i hope you realize that your conclusion seems to indicate that you have no way to prove...even to yourself the objectivity of truth...and you're right in that some things are not a given as you put it...we are still learning...we no nothing...it is the arrogance of man that has thrown us into this mess of a world we now call home....yes we (humans) are here...but you will have to seek more and have a heart of humility to understand the "objectivity of truth"
good night
Of course they teach you not to assume. That way you have no basis to state the truth. And here you are arguing whether truth actually exists and thinking I'm silly because I assume it does.
"A free mind can only exist if it has free will ordained by God."
This is likely the dumbest statement I've ever run across.
Besides the fact that logically "free will" and "God" are mutually exclusive notions, even if they were not, "ordaining" that is, "ordering", "commanding" someone to have free will, is an oxymoron.
I really hoped you'd present a fuller argument than this 'science is truth' mantra you've been repeating through this thread and others. What is science and what is truth? How does science constitute truth?
Smallpox virus. Smallpox Vaccine. Novartis. WHO. 1975. Congo. Uganda. Brazil. Haiti...Is modern med as science 'truth' or funk? A Cure or Bio-Warfare
KonWomyn. Science is not truth itself, it is a methodology based on logical and empirical inquiry that is designed to obtain truth.
well said...terms, labels and the like must be broken down to their true definitions...laziness of mind...will always cause mental bondage...we must search and continue to search for EVIDENCE!!!
I hear you, but if someone asserts that "Science is Truth" then surely they bear the burden of prooving that it is truth. Understanding that science, like any other knowledge-base, is a means of acquiring knowledge in order to establish truth is the starting ground - whether it succeeds or not is open to debate. Assigning a truth-value to science without having made a case for it is a baseless claim and nothing more.
My nigga I will give you 100 dollars out of my brother's vest pocket if you can show where I ever said science is the truth!!
Hop to it brother or retract that foolish statement.
It's Sista, if you please - hence the name KonWomyn. Ok, my bad Keith. Cool? However your statements 'science wins' and 'science works' - suppose there's some truth-value assigned for it to be proclaimed winner - truth-value assigned once proven it 'works/wins' of course. So how then does it 'win or work'? With or without religion as its comparator. Or when pitted against other knowledge-bases like philosophy?
I'm new here, so if you're a female my bad, but the argument remains the same.
Also, I have NEVER singled out any one religion, so your view of me attacking christanity has no merit either.
It wins because it works plain and simple.
Science made this blackberry I'm typing on.
Praying to god has created what?
When you have a headache you can pray to god (religion) or take an asprin (science).
The asprin has it's downsides of course, but praying your headache away is a fools venture.
@ Keith
It's irie, we all trip up. Welcome to DV's world. Nah I said nothing about you Christianity - I'm talking about religion which is what you have issues with. I'm not attacking you, though - consider it an open statement.
@ Everyone
My comments are open to response not restricted to whomever I might be addressing.
Umm Bra, who says Creation comes from prayer? Prayer is a human action; a dialogue with The Most High. When I have a headache I can brew a cup of a God-made herb or have meditational prayer and commune with My God. I point my sights to the skies, the trees or imagine a calming space - works everytime. The only side effect is peace. Its free too and even the AMA recommends meditation as a cure.
KonWomyn. Obviously science works. You're typing on a computer keyboard because of scientific inquiry.
Yes, but does that nullify God's existence?
"Yes, but does that nullify God's existence?"
First off, you gotta show that God exists before you can "nullify" such existence.
You're quoted as saying:
"I've seen things science cannot explain, but I'm yet to see with my own eyes something The Most High cannot explain."
Well, what is it that you've seen that science can not explain? How do you know that science can not explain it? Can you explain how your computer processor chip works? If not, does that mean that God created this computer processor chip you are using to communicate here?
Just because one can not explain something NOW does not mean it can not be explained in the future via scientific inquiry. Not being able to explain something is no "proof" of God.
And even if this was so, how do you know what you saw is God and not the Devil? Or some powerful alien being outta space? I mean you do raise you gaze to the sky as you said?
Darwinism at work in Africa? BBC--
In July a court in neighbouring Burundi sentenced one person to life in prison and eight others to jail for the murder of albino people whose remains were sold in Tanzania.
Lucrative business
The three men attacked and killed the young boy last December - one of a string of more than 50 albino murders that have taken place in Tanzania over the past two years.
Can we attribute this backwardness to Genocidal colonism? Jus asking.
Darwinism at work in Africa? BBC--
In July a court in neighbouring Burundi sentenced one person to life in prison and eight others to jail for the murder of albino people whose remains were sold in Tanzania.
Lucrative business
The three men attacked and killed the young boy last December - one of a string of more than 50 albino murders that have taken place in Tanzania over the past two years.
Can we attribute this backwardness to Genocidal colonism? Jus asking.
KW, forgive brother Mike. For he knows now what he says. He hints at this concept of man consciously engineering his own evolution towards apotheosis, which is a major feature of Gnosticism.
In fact, Darwinism emerged from Gnosticism much the way they've tricked Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas into believing Man emerged from Apes.
Mike, is by default a devotee to the religion of "scientism" which affirms, in effect, that living beings CREATED THEMSELVES.
It's something them white boys put in his head while he was a 'black militant' at Yale and is probably the impetus for his championing "The Global System of White Supremacy" today.
The funny thing is that he doesn't realize that the belief that living beings created themselves is in essence ... a Metaphysical claim.
Because, in the final analysis, Darwinian Evolutionism is in truth a metaphysical doctrine marketed as science.
In other words, Mike espouses a Scientistic myth. And that myth is Gnostic, because it implicitly denies the Transcendent origin of being.
You see, only after living beings have been speculatively reduced to an aggregate of particles ... does Darwinist Transformism become conceivable.
Darwinism, therefore, continues the ancient Gnostic need to reduce “Almighty God, The Most High, The King of Kings, Soul Brother #1” to nothing more than a man-made invention ... so some men can replace him by playing God their damn selves.
The Darwinian Fairy Tale perpetuates the Gnostic tradition of “God bashing.” And while this in itself may gladden Gnostic hearts, like MF, one should not fail to observe that the doctrine plays a vital role in the economy of Neo-
Gnostic and NeoPlatonic thought, for only under the auspices of Darwinist “self-creation” does
the Good News of “self-salvation” acquire a semblance of sense.
GDawg ...
(AP) SAN ANTONIO, TX -- A woman charged with murdering her 3 1/2-week-old son used a knife and two swords to dismember the child and ate parts of his body, including his brain, before stabbing herself in the torso and slicing her own throat, police said Monday.
Can we attribute this backwardness to her monkey ancestors?
"KW, forgive brother Mike. For he..."
What the fuck is this gobbledygook supposed to mean?
Beyond that, obviously living being create other living beings. Or were your kids created from two rocks?
Mike it's a deconstruction of that cryptic anti-God pro-nothing Socratic Gnostic Goblygook of a religion that you didn't even realize you practiced.
LOL, DV y'killing me. Nah don't blame the White Boys, Fish is playing Critic and its good to test out the things we know and seek out what we don't know.
That science can immediately or eventually explain something is valuable. It can tell me how something works and how something was made, but science is only one form among innumerable others that helps to explain how things work in the same way that I could say how notes to a piece of music are eventually composed. Science, like music is the complex design of God and not some defacto God-like entity as Richard Dawkins posits it to be - deny the concept of God as he may.
While science can construct and explain how a computer chip is made and how it functions, science cannot explain everything I have seen or what I know: spirit possession or a man taking shape into an owl or knowing of Ethiopian mystics who walk on water. These are the things science decides to call the paranormal. But in its categorisation why does science fail to acknowledge the common pattern to all these incidences is that the name of a God is called upon is when these things occur.
Or in other instance when imps appear the name of a Demon is called upon? How do I know that I am calling upon God and not the Devil - the name , the belief and the result. And the understanding that the Devil, Lucifer is a construction of God. I'm still conversating with God about aliens tho', I'll let you know what He says.
Science inhabits no privileged vantage point by which to assess others forms of knowledge, nor to claim itself to be the origin of all. Bring on all your scientific theory for milleniums to come and show me how a man changes to an owl; how a goat can give birth to something that looks semi-human or how an old woman called Nehanda can prophesy the coming of the White Man or how she can possess a different body later to lead guerillas through Zambia in a victorious war against those European settlers 80 years later.
Until then I'll be looking up to skies to chase my blues away and preserving this temple as best I can.
You saw a man changing into an owl...
Well, let's say you did. How is that proof for the existence of God?
One love queen. We can get our diagree on as long as true knowledge flows, then it's all to the good!!
You said..."When I have a headache I can brew a cup of a God-made herb or have meditational prayer and commune with My God."
Where is your proof that the herb is god made? Where is the evidence?
Because you say so can't cut it.
You said..."Science cannot explain everything I have seen or what I know: spirit possession or a man taking shape into an owl or knowing of Ethiopian mystics who walk on water."
Can you prove this? Can you say with certainty that you were not deceived?
Bring the owl man and the water walkers to a scientific lab and then we can evaluate the evidence.
C'mon I was not decieved. That this was enacted as part of a ritual process of calling upon a higher force which is recognised as God makes me know that The Most High exists. I may not hail that force by the same name as those possessed by spirit or the traditional healer turned owl, but it means to me there is God.
If I brought any of these people to your lab how would you test them out? Do you have some lead or special instruments that other scientists don't? For the things science cannot name it categorises them as paranormal or supernatural. This means that another discipline, with no laws or theorems begins to emerge contradicting the very idea that science through its empirical evidence has a rational theory for everything. Even when its insufficient - insuffiency will do over God.
And while it may make sense for y'all to twiddle your thumbs, grow grey hair, wrinkles 'n all waiting for science's 'rational explaination' of the supernatural or paranormal or how this world came into being - to me, it's a big glitch in The Matrix where Science stars as God.
The undoing of The Matrix is when you take the red pill and God stars as The Creator; that which is the cause of Creation was, that which arranged matter into the complex and diverse forms it exists today. Design: intuitive, causal and intelligent. While Fisher playing Critic likes to suggest the existence of other beings - this possibility of other lifeforms in other universes is only further evidence to me that the universe was deliberately created with life in mind by a Higher Force.
...I think its time for a role change now. I can play Critic while y'all 'xplain how 'Science Works.'
and btw don't quote me as knowing Ethiopian water walkers personally but I know of them through a very reliable source.
preach KonWomyn!
Your fault lies in defining "free will" as the ability to do whatever you want with no impediments.
First, it is clear that if we accept your definition in totality then we really have no absolute free will as we have NEVER been able to do whatever we want without impediment. And in your case, YOU posit the impediment of Evolution. Evolution is, by definition, a restraint on your God-given free will.
OTOH, I define free will with a larger and more comprehensive understanding. At the end of the day, if I live truthful and righteous, i.e., according to God's commands, then I have the ability to enjoy AN ABSOLUTE FREE WILL...
Get it???
@ Keith - It's worked and continues to work for me, can't speak for anyone else.
And as far as the flat-world believing scientists being controlled by the church:
1) At one point all scientists thought the same was true, not just the religious ones.
2) "The Church" (as if there is only one) is not God--far from it, in fact.
3) Science has yet to agree on why this Earth revolves around this Sun, in this solar system, with this life form inhabiting it; but the three major religions have.
Though short sentences are good for emphasis, they don't replace cogent arguments.
Stay up.
You said..."C'mon I was not decieved. That this was enacted as part of a ritual process of calling upon a higher force which is recognised as God makes me know that The Most High exists. I may not hail that force by the same name as those possessed by spirit or the traditional healer turned owl, but it means to me there is God."
The followers of charles manson swear that he brought a dead bird back to life.
You cannot in all honesty say that you weren't deceived, only that you believe that you weren't deceived.
If we bring a man into a controlled environment and he turns into an owl science will be stunned to say the least.
And that's why these magical things NEVER happen under inquiry.
btw I saw chris angel (the magician) walk on water last night. Good trick.
Keyword: TRICK
1) At one point all scientists thought the same was true, not just the religious ones.
***Gonna have to cite some credible sources on that one.***
2) "The Church" (as if there is only one) is not God--far from it, in fact.
***I agree (but there is no God as described in any ancient holy book)***
3) Science has yet to agree on why this Earth revolves around this Sun, in this solar system, with this life form inhabiting it; but the three major religions have.
***See my response to #1***
"Your fault lies in defining 'free will' as the ability to do whatever you want with no impediments."
Once again, the whole thing has nothing to do with an individual's free will, but solely with the notion of God's omniscience. If God knows what choice you are going to make before you make that choice you can't make any other choice, otherwise God would have been incorrect about the choice you made and therefore not omniscient and therefore not God. Therefore you actually have no such thing as choice and thus free will, whether defined as you define free will or whether it is defined by anyone else.
Thus "God" and "Free Will" are mutually exclusive concepts. Anytime anyone says that they possess free will they are denying the existence of God.
"And that's why these magical things NEVER happen under inquiry"
And that's why when things defy man's laws of science and understandings of the world its called SUPERnatural.
Difference between you n me is I saw you're guessing you know based on some Charles Manson story - as always comparators, comparators yadda, yadda.
I know based on 'empirical evidence' of past practices in my community. We can argue till sunrise but I've not the desire to debate with someone who can't be str8up on what they believe/know only that it functions on discrediting on what I believe and know. Or what others on this thread believe and know.
It doesn't validate that 'Science Works' at all. In fact, Bra that plantation hateration in action and its not a good look. So for the umpteenth and final time either state your case proper or fall back.
@ Anon - I'm guessing that's Ill - word!
I'm out.
We've already done this dance. According to your logic God exists because you don't actually have absolute free will despite your radical autonomist mindset.
Again, only with God's existence can we possibly possess God-ordained free will. If not...? Then tell us how evolution allows you to possess what you only really have in limited supply, if at all? Can you manipulate the mechanics of evolution to gain more free will?
"According to your logic God exists because you don't actually have absolute free will"
Who the heck said that? I said th concepts of "free will" and "God" are incompatible. I didn't say that the lack of free will proves the existence of God. One can't logically make such an inductive argument.
Yes "supernatural" is a word, however nothing supernatual has ever been proven to exist.
Supernatual is kinda like the word "God" or "Vampire."
As for your experience of the owl man. I don't doubt that you saw what you saw. I just believe that you were tricked, fooled, bamboozled, ect...
You remind me of a woman who believes her cheating man aint cheating.
Or a child who believes santa claus put the gifts under the tree and not the parents.
If I told you that keith is my real name and not a screen name I'm sure you would have no problem believing me because it's been PROVEN that people have been named keith before.
But if I tell you that 16inchjimmy69 is my real name and not a screen name, I wouldn't expect you to believe me.
Grasp this concept please!!
You claim something supernatual happend and I say prove it.
The fact that you're reading this proves my point that science works.
Now prove yours...
Through all 67 comments and counting you're still woofing, putting forward no intellectually sound argument. Do you, hommie, do you, but please don't act like you saw what you didn't and don't tell me you know what I saw when you didn't. How doubt presents itself as a logical argument is only something you imagine yet in reality it's not; it just shows a pitifully infantile inability to reason. I don't have time for such childish, hater dramatics so I'mma step off this thread. Save y'self the trouble and don't respond bec I won't reply. I'm done.
Gods and Earths peep the disconnect with reality on display...
KonWomyn says..."Through all 67 comments and counting you're still woofing, putting forward no intellectually sound argument. Do you, hommie, do you, ***but please don't act like you saw what you didn't and don't tell me you know what I saw when you didn't."*** Sep 24, 2009 2:17:00 PM
Now peep what I said in the post right above hers..."As for your experience of the owl man. ***I don't doubt that you saw what you saw.*** I just believe that you were tricked, fooled, bamboozled, ect..."Sep 24, 2009 9:57:00 AM
How the fuck does me saying that "I don't doubt that you saw what you saw." Become me telling someone that they didn't see what they saw????
I'm really beginning to understand how this person saw a man turn into an owl a lot clearer...
Peace Family!!
bra i'm whicha...i was once a "believer"...but began to realize, become conscious that something was amiss...when i began asking questions it became very apparent that somebody hiding something...but the belief system was so strong, (fear playd a factor)it was challenging to break it...but i did...one way was to begin acknowledging the possibility of being deceived was possible. started to realize that because "i" had an "xplaination" dont make it real or true...my mind needed to be set free...we should challenge belief systems and patterns of thought that control our minds or we will end up defending and protecting them...until death...just because millions of folks claim to have evidence of this and that...or believe this and that dont make it true...i've seen examples of that on this spot...i also realized that typically when we cant make sense of sometin we chalk it up to the one thing we still dont truly understand...an intelligence higher than ourselves...call it God, Allah, Buddha etc...
i acknowledge a higher intelligence than my own but i pause on the labeling...
i aint an academic nor am i interested in the intellitual gymnastics...i am a brotha seeking knowledge...
people want to make sense of their existence and their experiences, granted
however, we should accept the fact we dont know everything and there's some things we aint gonna know on this side of our short existance....we are finite creatures...
i now see the social engineering going on...i give props to my man "DV" for establishing the spot...but i see it on both sides....
the engineering has targeted who??
the who should begin investigating why??
they are hiding something!!!
i like "SMF" vibe...she on to something...would like to know what!!
dx is on the path...,
Great posts Keith and Mike!!!!
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