Saturday, September 12, 2009

Charlie Sheen Calls Out God's Son


makheru bradley said...

Charlie Sheen’s appeal will most definitely fall on deaf ears.

If the Obama Administration is not going to oppose the abuse of power in the case of Valerie Plame Wilson, then what are the odds they will investigate the questions which are still being raised around 9/11.

[Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) responded to this decision: "It is surprising that the first time the Obama administration has been required to take a public position on this matter, the administration is so closely aligning itself with the Bush administration's views."

CREW also complained that "the government had moved to have the case dismissed before the Wilsons had the opportunity to uncover the details of how Ms. Wilson's covert identity was revealed."

Regardless of the legal merits of the case, the Obama administration's decision to openly oppose this appeal is disappointing. It is unconscionable that there has been no accountability in a case where power was so clearly abused in a blatant effort to punish someone who brought the truth to light.

This highlights the need for a closer investigation of the abuses of executive power that transpired over the last eight years.]-- Chris George

If anyone needs further proof of the Bush-clemency mentality of the Obama Administration then check this out:

“I think the problem with the announcement, though, and it’s a significant problem, is that he has indicated that anybody who complied with the OLC torture memos, the memos that essentially gave permission to the CIA to engage in what was obviously torture, and who did so in good faith will receive immunity from investigations and prosecutions. And what that, I think, is intended to do, and what it almost certainly will accomplish, is to mean that the high-level political officials who actually implemented the torture regime—the Bush officials in the White House, the high-level CIA officials—will never be held to account. And at most what will happen is some low-level sadist in the CIA who went beyond the torture permission slips given by the Justice Department might be held accountable, in the same way that in Abu Ghraib low-level grunts were held accountable for what was clearly the policy of high-level policymakers. And I think that’s quite problematic.” -- Glenn Greenwald

In my opinion Bush-clemency was part of the deal Barack Obama struck on the weekend of 9/14/08 when the shot-callers applied Friedmanist shock treatment to the American body politic and tipped the voting scales to Obama.
If Obama becomes politically desperate, all bets are probably off, and the Bush-clemency policy may change.

Meanwhile, its probably a good time to review “Loose Change.”

makheru bradley said...

Another reason why Sheen's appeal will fall on deaf ears--the Ptech-CIA connection

"I think there is a CIA within the CIA. There is a Shadow CIA that does the Iran-Contra type of things--they get funding from illicit methods--and that the Saudi's are in on it. They might have trained some operatives, and later it backfired - it was blowback within blowback, perhaps." --Indira Singh

Prominent clients of Ptech at the time of 9/11 included:

“The White House, Treasury Department (Secret Service), CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Air Force, Navy, Department of Energy, IRS, Booze Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and even NATO all used, and as of this writing, some still use Ptech software. IBM, a global strategic partner with JP Morgan, had selected Ptech for their Preferred Vendor program.” – Michael Kane (March 2005)

Constructive Feedback said...

makheru bradley:

In the future you will have an opportunity to comment on Obama-originated abuses of power.

I, for one, will be inspecting your consistency.