Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Presidents On The Beach - A Global System of Black Supremacy


makheru bradley said...

All I see is two imperialists having fun in the water.

On a more serious note which affects people's lives: "Do you know the #1 determinant of whether the defendant in a murder trial gets executed?"

Here's your Global System of Black Supremacy in action:


Denmark Vesey said...

Ok Mak.



Give you that one.

My turn ...

hm ...

"Do you know the #1 determinant of whether a person gets skin cancer?"

makheru bradley said...

I posted the video simply to show that your Global System of Black Supremacy does not have the capacity to make Black lives equal to the value of white lives in capital murder cases.

Another area which proves that your concept is an absolute fallacy is that of district attorneys in death-penalty states. It is the district attorney who decides if the facts of a case legally support a request for capital punishment.

Per a study released in 2000, in Alabama there were 39 white DA’s and one Black DA. In Kansas there were 104 whites and one Black. In Missouri there were 115 whites and zero Blacks. In North Carolina there were 37 whites and two Blacks.

Overall there were 1794 (97.5%) white DA’s compared to 22 Black DA’s (1.25%) and 22 Hispanic DA’s (1.25%). Is this based on “from each according to his abilities to each according to his abilities?”

"Do you know the #1 determinant of whether a person gets skin cancer?"—DV

No I don’t but let me guess. It must be because of the Global System of Black Supremacy.

I think the Black God Amon-Ra drove albino’s out of Afrika into Europe where as a result of natural selection they grew long straight hair to keep warm and their noses were narrowed to minimize the intake of cold air. Other body parts were reduced and flattened as a result of the cold environment.

At a later point these people would break free from the colder regions of the temperate zone and invade warmer climates where after committing genocide they would eventually develop basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas and deadly melanomas from exposure to the sun and artificial devices.

Sometimes the descendants of the former slaves of these invaders, as a result of rape (involuntary miscegenation) or voluntary miscegenation which robbed them of significant portions of their melanin, also develop these skin cancers.


[Bob Marley, for example, died of malignant melanoma, the most lethal type of skin cancer that spread to his lungs and brain.]

Under the Global System of Black Supremacy, I assume that these Blacks who get skin cancer are just considered to be collateral damage.

That’s my wild guess Mr. Vesey, but I’m sure that since you’re the High Priest of the Global System of Black Supremacy, you will correct my assumptions.

CNu said...

Is this based on “from each according to his abilities to each according to his abilities?”


It's based on 2nd and 3rd line inheritors of the civil rights movement who were quick to seize control of the political spoils system when it came to urban school districts, but were some faded, punkazzed beehotches when it came to perfectly analogous appropriation of criminal justice spoils in the areas where demographic political dominance is unquestioned.

That Black attorneys, and Black popo didn't more aggressively seize upon dominance of that spoil in their districts is ENTIRELY on them.

KonWomyn said...

MB said:
"I think the Black God Amon-Ra drove albino’s out of Afrika into Europe where as a result of natural selection they grew long straight hair to keep warm and their noses were narrowed to minimize the intake of cold air. Other body parts were reduced and flattened as a result of the cold environment."

I don't agree with the idea that Ablinism is responsible for the creation of a race. It might be what you believe, but sounds to me like Dr Yakub, Dr Malachi York & Dr Cress Welsing's theories knowingly/unknowingly:
i. feed into long-held prejudices against Black Ablinos.
ii. ignore the continued occurrence of Albinism among all peoples across the world.
iii. are social invention rather than scientific - and the reaons for this are understandable given the historic period Dr Yakub was writing in, but not so for Dr Welsing. (Not to say that I always give more cred to scientific data, but bec these thinkers invoke science)The DNA trail of Mitochondrial Eve's descendants shows those who left the Motherland, moved from the horn of Africa into Asia and then across to Western Europe.

Melanomas also occur in non-mixed Africans albeit at a much lower rate than those of mixed race. There are some self-styled experts in my country who argue that statistics are unreliable because for people in the rural areas sometimes these deaths are not recorded as cancers but as tumours or growths bec the cancer which may have caused this had gone undetected.

Now my question to you is: as you're opposed to DV's rationale of a Global system of Black Supremacy - what's yours then? And where does Whiteness fit in/not?


KonWomyn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
makheru bradley said...

Hey KonWomyn the Amon-Ra/albino thing was pure satire--just poking holes in DV's GSBS for the fun of it.

Yes, I have heard Dr. Welsing articulate the albino theory.

My ideas concerning human differentiation, commonly called race, stem primarily from my readings of Cheikh Anta Diop and Charles Finch. There is no evidence that the Grimaldi’s were purely or even partly albinos, although given the rates of albinism amongst Afrikans its probable that there may have been some albinos in their communities.

I’ve been analyzing the Nina Jablonski/George Chaplin vitamin-rationale for skin color, versus the Diop/Finch melanin-rationale for the past couple of days. Do you have any thoughts on the Jablonski/Chaplin theory DV has posted under Skin.

Now my question to you is: as you're opposed to DV's rationale of a Global system of Black Supremacy - what's yours then? And where does Whiteness fit in/not?—KW

There’s no such thing as a Global System of Black Supremacy beyond the mind of Mr. Vesey.

makheru bradley said...

"Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope. I suggest to any of you who are concerned about that, who are Republican, there are some great young Republican minds in Washington." Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins (R-Kansas)

Rep. Jenkins says that her comments in no implied that there was a need to find a white person who could defeat or challenge President Obama.

[Jenkins said she wasn't aware that the phrase had a negative connotation. She noted that she used it when answering a question from an audience member who began by noting the GOP's success in taking control of Congress in 1994 after drafting a "Contract with America."

"I got a question one day from someone regarding the future House leadership. I made a reference to him not giving up hope, that we had some great bright leaders in our future," she said. "I apologize if anyone misunderstood my intent."] – AP

It’s amazing how quickly these political Neanderthals are inflicted with selective amnesia when they are challenged on race-related comments. This congresswoman uses a phrase, but she supposedly has no awareness of its history. Nevertheless, she identifies it with the Gingrich Rebellion of 1994 which was considered by pundits to be a white backlash.

I’ll guarantee you that the Congresswoman’s constituents got the message as intended. Why go into Trent Lott-mode and deny the purpose of your statement?


Anonymous said...

Actually, there's been an increasing trend and demand for men and Presidents to get younger and leaner.

Clinton was a bit chubby, but less so than Reagan.
Bush Sr & Jr both in better shape.
Obama moreso and younger.
In 12 years, the POTUS will basically have to look like a Chippendale poledancer.

(There were some exceptions before their time like JFK, but he was shot.)

KonWomyn said...

Hey Makheru

LOL, I thought you were a Stan of the Isis Papers, but its cool, I hear ya.

I consider Cheikh Anta Diop and YV Mudimbe as my intellectual greats, but when it comes to race differentiation I'm more inclined follow the DNA trail of Alan Tempelton & co. Race is an arbitrary category of differentiation and Diop is a categorical & somewhat essentialist thinker which isn't always a bad thing in cultural discourse, but scientifically we are more aligned along a continuum of varying differences and samenesses.

Chaplin & Jablonski suggest there's a strong relation between melanin pigmentation and UV radiation, but from what I've read of their work (not in extensive detail) I have questions; how do they account for groups that inhabit the desert like the Khoi San hunter gatherers who inhabit the Namib, Kalahari and the Karoo deserts who are relatively light skinned if compared to someone from the Masai tribes?

They also discuss 'hairlessness' in their 2000 paper and its seen as an evolutionary strategy, but I feel that's in comparison to Caucausian or Asian groups etc that later evoloved. What if one was looking at modern humans in Africa alone? Given that the term 'hairlessness' is appropriately adjusted to the African context looking at the different climate zones inhabited; there is a significant difference between East and West Africans as compared to Southern Africans' 'hairlessness'. Or is this pushing time frame too far and their focus is more an evolutionary trace of the modern human?
