Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How Plantation Negros Are Duped Into Supporting Evil Memes Marketed As "Science"

Here is the story of how the criminal elite hijacked science and transformed it into a weapon against the masses. This examination includes: (1.) The occult Origins of Darwinism. (2.) Nominalism and radical empiricism as instruments of epistemological manipulation. (3.) Eugenics and population control. (4.) Scientistic cults and religious engineering. (5.) Echelon, PROMIS software, and other technologies of the Panopticon Singularity. (6.) Neoconservativism as a continuation of Technocracy and Jacobinism. (7.) Transhumanism, Singularitarianism, and other futurist variants of the elite's occult religion. (8.) The unfolding endgame between scientific dictatorships.
"we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger
that public policy could itself become
the captive of a scientific-technological elite." P. Collins


CNu said...

and in two short words, "green revolution", that book and the 114 words of gobbledygook comprising this post are rendered utterly superfluous and idiotic.

Constructive Feedback said...

I guessed right on who the first kneegrow would be responding as he is defensive of the title.

CNu said...


self-fulfilling prophecy is your speciality Ronald.