"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." - Margaret Sanger
Undercover Black Man said ...
2) According to the published documents of the people who designed and developed the abortion apparatus, one of their key aims was "to exterminate the Negro population."
I don't believe you.
Been meaning to ask: Why do you interpret that Sanger quote in your sidebar as a genocidal confession?
Isn't it more reasonable to interpret it like... "We don't want anybody thinking we're out to get them" or "We don't want anybody to misinterpret our motives"?
Denmark Vesey said ...

Fair enough question UB.
I'll try to relay the story in terms to which you could relate.
Imagine, if you would, a Malthusian fanatic named Mary Mcleod Bethune uttering in 1939, this version of the same phrase:

Imagine if you would, that Mary Mcleoud Bethune had happened to be a devout Malthusian, with nearly unlimited financing from the Rockefeller family, and determined to reduce the population of undesirables (Jews).
Imagine if you will - 70 years later, through largely African-Americans efforts, 80% of the abortion apparatus was targeting Jews. Imagine if you would that 70 years later Jewish women had abortions at 5 times the rate of the general population.
Would Undercover Black Man be so generous in his interpretation of Madame Bethune's statements under identical circumstances? I don't think so. I think you would declare Mary Mcleoud Bethune Hitler and all graduates of Bethune Cookman anti-Semites.
Come on UB. Employ some of that investigative journalist energy you put on display last week when you proved Alistair Crowley was not Barbara Bush's baby daddy. Take a look at the evil cage from which Margaret Sanger sprang.
No need to tell mom and dad. "Uncle Sam" is paying the bill for the procedure.
Those who pay the cost is the boss.
Less kids means more money and more resources devoted to each child. It's the winning play.
Conversely, teenage moms with no prenatal care, no education and no job prospects is NOT the business.
In an America, where minority infant mortality rates are worse than in some third world countries. and 2.5 times or worse than whites – is it any wonder may of the same people who oppose restructuring American Health Care to meet the standards enjoyed by folks in other first world nations are racially motivated?
^ Most. Americans. Don't. Want. Socialized. Medicine.
And you, Craig, are doing fuckall to persuade anyone to change his mind.
I believe in markets. Like you did when you tried to do your entrepreneur thang. Like the Missus did when she sold real estate during the boom to keep you well-fed.
But that's the world according to CNu...
Racial disparity in homicide? Not worth mentioning. Racial disparity in infant mortality? Reason enough to alter health care as we know it.
^ Most. Americans. Don't. Want. Socialized. Medicine.
and your point is?
Preznit Obama is promoting a public insurance alternative Mssr. Propagandist.
oh, and you have proof of your ideological contention, that most citizens in the U.S. don't want what citizens of every other OECD country take for granted?
Obama ran with this as a plank of his platform and was elected, but "most Americans" don't want this?
You now speaking for Sarah Palin's constituents Mssr. Propagandist?
I believe in markets.
stop lyin...,
you believe in status quo structural inequality - and you spend much of your online discursive time attempting to promote the same.
And you, Craig, are doing fuckall to persuade anyone to change his mind.
Other than as a target for political scorn, you seriously think I give a phuk what you, coonstructive, and farcedaddy think?
[quote]In an America, where minority infant mortality rates are worse than in some third world countries. and 2.5 times or worse than whites – is it any wonder may of the same people who oppose restructuring American Health Care to meet the standards enjoyed by folks in other first world nations are racially motivated?[/quote]
This is interesting that our friend with the SUPERIOR INTELLECT notes BOTH a problem specific to MINORITIES and that the SYSTEM IS RACIST.......yet........our same boy wonder doesn't seek to tap the resources of this SAME BLACK COMMUNITY to build up support networks so that MORE BLACK KIDS CAN LIVE.
1) What is preventing an ORGANIC, community based program for Prenatal Guidance for pregnant woman?
2) If the various medical and academic schools for Black folks could be created during Reconstruction and years following - what is stopping Black folks from targeting their financial and human resources toward this problem?
You ain't no damned ANARCHO-CAPITALIST!!
You violate their principles EVERY TIME you open your damned mouth.
Go sit down some where.
Did you have a point to make aside from wanting attention from yours truly?
Why does it matter if she's black?
And are we talking about her skin color or her "blackness?"
1) Because 80% of the abortion apparatus in this country is aimed at black girls.
2) According to the published documents of the people who designed and developed the abortion apparatus, one of their key aims was "to exterminate the Negro population."
3)"National Health Care" makes the government officially in the abortion business. National "Health" Care is actually about death.
4) An abortion business that can also pass laws is a dangerous thing.
^ All right, Denmark... about that quote from Sanger...
2) According to the published documents of the people who designed and developed the abortion apparatus, one of their key aims was "to exterminate the Negro population."
I don't believe you.
Been meaning to ask: Why do you interpret that Sanger quote in your sidebar as a genocidal confession?
Isn't it more reasonable to interpret it like... "We don't want anybody thinking we're out to get them" or "We don't want anybody to misinterpret our motives"?
[quote]Isn't it more reasonable to interpret it like... "We don't want anybody thinking we're out to get them" or "We don't want anybody to misinterpret our motives"?[/quote]
Which is more superior of a notion in your view?
Sanger's concern about the PERCEPTIONS of her actions as interpreted by BLACK PEOPLE?
Her micro-steps that are headed in the direction that she fears Blacks will get wise to?
Recall a few weeks ago that the brother from the National Black Chamber of Commerce noted how certain operatives would get a 'BOUGHT AND SOLD NEGRO PREACHER' to confound the words and actions of another preacher.
Why be so comforted that Sanger, in reaching out to find a Negro Preacher had non-malicious intent?
DV, hate to break it to you, but you don't need to tell your parents now about getting an abortion when your 15. My friend got one 20 years ago and I still can remember how easy it was. Parents never found out. It scared the sh*t out of me.
DV, hate to break it to you, but you don't need to tell your parents now about getting an abortion when your 15. My friend got one 20 years ago and I still can remember how easy it was. Parents never found out. It scared the sh*t out of me.
Denmark: You ask, in your own club-footed fashion, why I give such a generous reading to Sanger's words.
Well... beside the fact that I believe I'm discerning her true meaning, whilst you are willfully distorting it... there is this: I see a parallel to latter-day situations in Africa.
There have been polio outbreaks in the Nigerian state of Kano. Because a few years ago, rumors spread that "the polio vaccine contained birth-control drugs as part of a secret western plot to reduce population growth in the Muslim world."
Faced with that, I can imagine some Nigerian public-health official saying: "Let's get some imams or something to tell these villagers that the rumor is bullshit, and that we're not trying to exterminate them."
Consider South Africa, back when ANC firebrand Peter Mokaba was declaring that HIV doesn't exist, that AIDS doesn't kill people, and that the white man's anti-HIV drugs "could lead to genocide."
I can very well imagine a South African public-health official saying: "Let's get Desmond Tutu to speak out about this, and tell the people that AIDS drugs are not an attempt to exterminate them."
But see, DV... just 'cause they use the word "exterminate" in a sentence doesn't mean their goal is to exterminate black people.
The reason you don't dig where I'm coming from, DV, is that you not only think Sanger was an exterminationist... you think the makers of the polio vaccine and AIDS drugs are exterminationists too. And that's just koo-koo nuts.
(Peter Mokaba died at age 43 of "acute pneumonia," by the way.)
Mills. Have you ever heard of Lothrop Stoddard?
^ Yeah, Fish. I've got "Rising Tide of Color" laying around here someplace.
Well Ubm I ve understood Margaret Sanger to be Nazi Sympathizer since I was about 17... I have a feeling UBM is being contrary just to be contrary. I do the same thing sometimes just for the sake of debate and because Im such a critical thinker it's easy for me to debate both sides of a particular issue. DV don't you have any other evidence of MS supposed Nazi ties? UBM knows damn well who abortion primarily targets. He also knows he doesnt KNOW it so he still needs someone to prove it. So he can refute it. But he knows your right DV
Well, David, in that case you should know about the mutually supportive relationship between Sanger and Stoddard. If you don't, look it up, if you would please.
^ And what would that have to do with whether or not birth control is a social good? Or whether abortion is a woman's right?
It has to do with your view of Sanger, David. Sanger was indeed a racist eugenicist. Thus her active collaboration with Stoddard. Stoddard, by the way, was no fringe guy. He was well respected in both Democratic and Republican political circles, Congressional committees relied upon his testimony. He was a prolific writer and analyst and was white supremacy's answer to W.E.B. DuBois.
I'm not anti-abortion at all a woman does have a right over her body, but Sanger had an agenda that went above and beyond "reproductive rights". Besides, the white feminist movement was always highly racist, so Sanger shouldn't come as a surprise to you.
DV said:
1) Because 80% of the abortion apparatus in this country is aimed at black girls.
2) According to the published documents of the people who designed and developed the abortion apparatus, one of their key aims was "to exterminate the Negro population."
I agree with you.
My point is couldn't you make some of these same statements about the police and their operations. Don't they appear to be targeting black people and haven't influential people spoken in favor of using law enforcement to subdue black folks?
So, if these things are true, and you can see the connection when it comes to abortion, why all the fuss when it came to acknowledging that the police target black folks through racial profiling and that the officer who arrested Gates did so in part because he was black?
You seem to be selectively acknowledging the way race plays a factor in decisions by white folks in power.
Also, I'm sure you heard about the way the police report was changed after the fact by police and how the woman who called in to police is now saying the officer lied about several statements he claimed she made.
"My point is couldn't you make some of these same statements about the police and their operations. Don't they appear to be targeting black people and haven't influential people spoken in favor of using law enforcement to subdue black folks?" Big Man
Big Man,
I think the race comparison you are making between the abortion apparatus and the prison industrial complex in the way it relates to Gates is comparing apples to sushi.
A 6 month old fetus does not get aborted because of it's behavior. It gets aborted simply because of its existence and to a certain extent, its blackness.
Gates was locked up because of his actions, his lack of tact, his bitchiness, his behavior, his lack of cool.
Out of 1,000 men in his exact situation, 990 would not have gone to jail.
He was not arrested because he happened to "be a black man in America."
A white man will be arrested at his home somewhere in America for pretty much the same thing before you finish reading this post.
Is the prison industrial complex targeting black men? Absolutely. It was designed by the same satanic cult.
Is it targeting "half-white", "methodically promoted by white and Jewish America" (Prof. Tony Martin) Plantation Negros like Gates?
Naaaaaah. Them negros are useful.
We gonna have to disagree on your argument that a white man with a similar job and education level to Gates would have been arrested.
Matter of fact, I'm betting you would have difficulty, despite your skills at digging up info on the Internet, finding any recent example of that happening.
DV you seem to be assuming that all of the operatives in the prison industrial complex got the company wide memo on who to arrest and who to leave alone. Given the fact that numerous cats who you would deem Planation Negroes have been victims of police abuse and harassment, don't you think it's time to let that go?
Just because cats like Gates aren't typically victims of the system doens't mean that they can't ever be victims of the system. You're making a logical leap that is not justified.
The cop arrested this cat for talking loud according to his own report. A report that was riddled with lies and police jargon designed to disguise illegal actions. He even threw in a random "yo momma" quote. Clearly he saw this incident through the lens of a black man defying the authority of a white police officer. Even his report recounts a fictional conversation where he was warned of the race of the potential sustpects, a conversation that never actually happened!
Admit it homie. Yes, cats like Gates believe they are immune to racial injustice to a large degree and often derail the attempts of black folks to advance with their attitudes of appeasement. However, that does not protect from being reminded by the folks in charge that they are still niggers.
I know you have memes to push, but come on now.
Sanger said plenty of vile things (the quotes abound) & there's no doubt that she was a eugenicist bent on managing human "stock" through selective "breeding" programs:
"[Charity] encourages the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste. Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant." -- Margaret Sanger
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