Monday, July 27, 2009


Submariner said...

If it is "a business model to distribute drugs," why does the AMA oppose it?

Denmark Vesey said...

Hegelian head fake.

All "opposition" is symbolic.

If supposed "conservatives" or "republicans" appear opposed to National Health Care, the Plantation Negros feel they have "won" something when it is unleashed upon them.

Just as Plantation Crackas thought they had "won" something with the election of George W. Bush, only to witness the country bankrupted and their sons killed in a never ending war with Islam.

Submariner said...

I still don't get it. If national healthcare is "a business model to distribute drugs" and doctors are essential agents, drug dealers as you've averred in the past, of said distribution then exactly why does the AMA oppose it? By the way, what does Hegelian mean?

Denmark Vesey said...

Q. Why does the "AMA" oppose it.

A. The opposition of the "AMA" is symbolic. Not real. Token. Strategic. It doesn't even represent the interests of medical doctors.

Q. What does Hegelian mean.

A. Many things. I've coined the term Hegelian Head Fake to refer to the dialectic process of 'managed conflict'. An existing meme (thesis) generates a countermeme (antithesis). Conflict between the two memes results in a PRE-DETERMINED synthesis.

In this case, Plantation Negros vs Plantation Crackas =synthesis= Corporate / Government Controlled Drug Distribution Apparatus.

Sub, do you think there exists the most remote possibility something called "National Health Care" will not be implemented during Obama's term?

Submariner said...


Denmark Vesey said...

Neither does the AMA.

Submariner said...

I shouldn't be so absolute because a separate wing of the government could precipitate another 9/11 and everything would go out the window. But I'm still rather confused by your analysis. For example, you assert the opposition of the AMA is "symbolic. Not real. Token. Strategic." yet provide not a shred of supporting evidence. Then "It doesn't even represent the interests of medical doctors." If not, then who does it represent? Let's see if this stands up to scrutiny better than your "Plantation Negro" narrative which was so thoroughly eviscerated.

Submariner said...

Plantation Negros vs Plantation Crackas =synthesis= Corporate / Government Controlled Drug Distribution Apparatus.

By the way, does anyone other than DV know what this means? You devoted a post to the "Plantation Negro" but remained utterly silent when confronted with contrary evidence. When Malcolm X described the Field Negro and House Negro he was being rhetorical rather than literal, but you seem to be for real.

CNu said...



um, er, ah...,

exactly when did the "plantation negro" narrative get eviscerated?

cause, from where I sit, the existence of conquistadors and pilgrims alike, the existence of an East India Trading Co.

ABSOLUTELY - confirm the existence of the so-called plantation negro.

inquiring minds want to know, I want to know, where were the negro equivalents of these remote, risk management, and venture backing initiatives among people of African ancestory?

CNu said...

I'm wondering exactly how, in 2009 - how it comes to pass that there exist no major Black owned and operated venture capital firms backing Black plays into an afrofuture?

If you have no answer to this VERY rudimentary question, then as far as I'm concerned, Denmark Vesey remains GOAT school for plantation negroes...,

Denmark Vesey said...

Plantation Negros vs Plantation Crackas =synthesis= Corporate / Government Controlled Drug Distribution Apparatus.

"By the way, does anyone other than DV know what this means?" Sub

Well ...

"I think this was a well timed trap designed to confound the public and disrupt the growing public support for a government healthcare option." Sub

It means that statement is alarmingly puerile and sadly naive.

Anonymous said...

More jewry

Submariner said...

In the thread below Makheru Bradley, Michael Fisher, and myself revealed the fallacy of the Plantation Negro myth as presented by Denmark Vesey. If you have any countervailing data to present then please do so. If you have an alternate version of the Plantation Negro model in mind it may be valid but what was presented presented earlier, "After the Emancipation Proclamation, only a handful of freed slaves immediately separated themselves from their former masters. Lacking either the resources or will to be free, the vast majority elected not to leave the security and safety of the plantation." is untrue.

"I think this was a well timed trap designed to confound the public and disrupt the growing public support for a government healthcare option." Sub

It means that statement is alarmingly puerile and sadly naive.-Vesey

Maybe although I do feel that way about the question: "Thank you, Mr. President. Recently Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested at his home in Cambridge. What does that incident say to you and what does it say about race relations in America?" The president's press conference was a well promoted follow-up to an earlier informal townhall devoted to discussing healthcare reform and this was the final question. The Gates matter was a regional story. Prof. Gates is hardly as well known to the white general audience as he is to the black public. He was completely irrelevant to the topic being discussed.

The president's follow-up statements indicate his concerned that this issue was shifting focus away from healthcare. And Mr. Gates's public response also include a similar reference to healthcare as an overriding concern. "I told the president that my principal regret was that all of the attention paid to his deeply supportive remarks during his press conference had distracted attention from his health care initiative."

But I'm still rather confused by your analysis. For example, you assert the opposition of the AMA is "symbolic. Not real. Token. Strategic." yet provide not a shred of supporting evidence. Then "It doesn't even represent the interests of medical doctors." If not, then who does it represent?

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]cause, from where I sit, the existence of conquistadors and pilgrims alike, the existence of an East India Trading Co. [/quote]

From WHERE YOU SIT in Metro KC - was originally NATIVE AMERICAN LAND!!! Though you decry the THEFT of this land - you have not yet seen fit to GIVE IT BACK to its rightful owner. Just because you claims VICTIMS STATUS per your slave ancestry does not mean that the land has been laundered of its bloodstains.

[quote]I'm wondering exactly how, in 2009 - how it comes to pass that there exist no major Black owned and operated venture capital firms backing Black plays into an afrofuture?[/quote]

Because they see how YOU think about confiscating HEALTH CARE PROFITS and they FEAR that you will come after them next with your Thievery in the name of "Anarcho-Capitalism".

That was easy.

Denmark Vesey said...

"After the Emancipation Proclamation, only a handful of freed slaves immediately separated themselves from their former masters." is untrue. Sub

What's untrue about it?

247 years AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation, very few Negros have yet to separate themselves from their former masters.

In fact, many Negros are busying themselves lobbying their former masters to "care for their Health".

The Plantation / Corporate / Government has tricked the Plantation Population into "demanding" things they plan to impose anyway.

Thesis. Anti-thesis. Synthesis.

"Thank you, Mr. President. Recently Professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested at his home in Cambridge ... this issue was shifting focus away from healthcare." Sub

... and?

This tells us what?

It damn sure doesn't demonstrate the presence of any genuine political opposition to a Corporate / Government medical dictatorship.

The media is distracting the public from BO's townhall meeting?

Sub... Do you really thing a multi-trillion dollar drug distribution system and concentration of power ... gets determined ... by what happens at town hall meetings?

Come on Bra.

It just shows the media toying with Plantation Negros and Plantation Crackas who can always be distracted with simple race narratives, like police brutality, white entitlement or "O Woe Is Me" Negro hyperbole.

Gates is a memetic ping pong ball paddled between Plantation Negros (thesis) and Plantation Crackas (anti-thesis) promoting the image of a synthesized, chastised and thoroughly emasculated non-threatening Negro victim, sulking about the misfortune of "being Black in America".

Mission Accomplished.

Thesis. Anti-thesis. Synthesis.

"For example, you assert the opposition of the AMA is "symbolic. Not real. Token. Strategic." yet provide not a shred of supporting evidence." Sub

I didn't? My apologies.

Perhaps you can serve as an example by sharing with us a shred of evidence that the AMA is significant. Candid. Real. Actual. Bona fide and genuine.

submariner said...

What's untrue about it?
Please see comments from Fisher and Bradley.

I didn't? My apologies.

Makheru Bradley said...

Since Mr. Vesey’s thesis statement “After the Emancipation Proclamation, only a handful of freed slaves…” was exposed to be an incredible demonstration of historical ignorance, he’s attempting to salvage his argument by playing semantics with the word separate.

“247 years AFTER the Emancipation Proclamation, very few Negros have yet to separate themselves from their former masters.”

In the broadest sense of the word very few people on the planet are totally separated from the tentacles of Anglo American capitalism and imperialism.

An Afrikan continent practicing Garveyism would be politically independent but not economically separate or isolated from Anglo American capitalism.

If The Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam had achieved point number four in What The Muslims Want they may have achieved some degree of independence, but they would not be totally separated from American capitalism:

“We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own--either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years--until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.

Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own.”

The same goes for the Black Panther Party:


We believe that Black and oppressed people will not be free until we are able to determine our destinies in our own communities ourselves, by fully controlling all the institutions which exist in our communities.


When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.]

Makheru Bradley said...


The spirit of Mr. Vesey’s statement, as I interpreted it, was that Afrikan people in the period after January 1, 1863 possessed neither the resources nor the will to be free. That is a pathological lie.

In January 1865 a group of Black ministers met with General Sherman and Secretary of War Edwin Stanton. Sherman and Stanton asked the group: “State in what manner you think you can best take care of yourselves?” Rev. Garrison Frazier answered the group, “the way we can best take care of ourselves is to have land, and turn it, and till it by our own labor… We want to be placed on land until we are able to buy it and make it our own.”

Lincoln’s representatives then asked: “State in what manner you would rather live; whether scattered among the white or in colonies by yourselves.” “Colonies” was probably a deliberately nebulous term.

Nevertheless, Rev. Garrison replied: “I would prefer to live by ourselves, as there is prejudice against us in the South that will take years to get over; but I do not know that I can answer for my brethren.” The group was polled and they all supported Rev. Garrison’s position, except the youngest member of the group.

Shortly after that meeting, on January 16, 1865, Gen. Sherman issued his infamous Field Order 15, allocating more than 400,000 acres of Georgia and South Carolina Sea Island and coastal land to the newly “freed” Afrikans. These Afrikans, with both “the will and the resources” to be free, proceeded to build their own “separate” communities.

In addition to this example of “physical separation” both the Black Liberation Movement of the 1960s-1970s, and the original form of Hip Hop represented cultural separation from mainstream American.

It’s not unusual for people to play games with words when their thesis has been “eviscerated.”

Denmark Vesey said...

Good stuff Brother Mak.

I'll get you straightened out on "Mr. Vesey's thesis statement after I return from the firing range.

(CNu! Had to grab that H&K)

Big Mark 243 said...

Seems like y'all take the 'talk amonst yourselves' line quite literally.

In reading all this conversation, the one big thing that stood out was this comment by CNu:

I'm wondering exactly how, in 2009 - how it comes to pass that there exist no major Black owned and operated venture capital firms backing Black plays into an afrofuture?

Instead of being able to find a big enough piece of common ground to anchor and support projects whether social or thru materiel, we as black people continue to get lost in petty squabbles about who is black enough to play the race card, and meanwhile, the power elite goes on, being the power elite.

I am upset with myself, more than I am with any failing of some who give a crap national figure or supposed leader. If any of this stuff had really mattered, then I would do something, CONSTRUCTIVE.

But being part of a collective who by nature tears and rends its own flesh, I haven't managed to do that. And as long as one rages in the hinterlands, they may as well be doing nothing as we;;/well.

Attention on Michael Jackson and for Michael Vick. Meanwhile, in Detroit, where unemployment is by visual inspection 30% (not to mention rampant UNDEREMPLOYMENT ... if you don't earn enough to imagine that you are making a living, is that even working?) we still will support you if you are 'black enough'.

Which is what makes the comments about Dr. Gates laughable. 'Real brothers' lead Detroit, the city into utter chaos, and we have all sorts of miscreants and incompetence in positions of power.

Ranting against conspiritorial ideals are fine, but what about the boots on the ground, everyday stuff? You have to treat both ends of the condtion.

The high concept ideals are cool ... meanwhile, how about getting some more education for the major cities and linking up the rural American students to the information superhighway?

Why don't we figure out how to make more jobs, cut thru some of the levels that artificially separate people and give everyone an opportunity to live and learn?

Sometimes, it isn't about the Bilderberg Meetings and the Knights of the Templar. Sometimes it is as simple as 'eating less and exercising more.'

Sure, whitey is going to be 'whitey', but THAT is a concept, not a race. That is one of the challenges that we as black people have created as a race. Why can't Dr. Gates feel persecution as a black man ... oh, because he identifies himself with someone that somewhere it is abirtarily decreed that if you don't like 'Lady Sings The Blues', you aren't black.

Man, please.

As to the national health care ... that is ANOTHER big, big tent issue. One where if we were to acknowledge each other from wherever we are at, black, white, hispanic, whatever, we may find that we have more in common that not.

Type O pos. blood from an Appalachian hillbilly works in the body of a homey from South Central who needs type O pos.

But before we can get to that, blacks, African American, unpatriated Africans, what ever you identify as, need to close ranks and come together.

Wow, what a freakin' concept ... unity so that we can determine what we are about. THAT would allievate the black health care crisis.

Denmark Vesey said...

“the way we can best take care of ourselves is to have land, and turn it, and till it by our own labor… We want to be placed on land until we are able to buy it and make it our own.” Brother Mak


Read that statement again.

on land."

Do you see any problems with that statement?


Placed by whom?

Whomever does the placing is the master. Whomever is "placed" is the slave.

Emancipation Proclamation or no
Emancipation Proclamation.

Whether one is "placed" on a mythical 40 acres and given a mule, or whether one receives Section 8 Housing in an urban project or whether one is "placed" with a Health Care provider ... the person "placed" is a slave to the people or institution doing the placing.

The Plantation Negro meme is not a critique of sacrosanct field negros nor is it meant to minimize the extraordinary sacrifice and accomplishments of God's people after the civil war.

But it does challenge the notion that the government has the power to grant "Freedom" any more than the government has the power to provide "Health care".

People seeking either Freedom or Health Care from the government are de facto slaves.

Denmark Vesey said...

Big Mark,

Welcome to the blog. Good to see you. You are a thoughtful cat.

The conversations on this blog tend to be layered and multidimensional. I think much of what you ask for is addressed from a variety of angles.

Yeah, "unity" is cool. As long as it is not uniformity. Which tends to become conformity. And we can't have that.

I'm proud of the diversity of opinion on this blog. Agreement is overrated. At this time in our history we need vigorous thinkers and non-conformists not afraid to call a square a square and a circle a circle.

Denmark Vesey said...

"Why don't we figure out how to make more jobs," Brother Makheru


Why don't we figure out how to sustain ourselves in a post-job environment?

The "job" is a relic of the past. Read the writing on the wall. The brother in the above post says unemployment in Detroit is approaching 30%.

Nearly everyone with a "job" now won't have it in 5 to 10 years tops. The Corporate / Government will be virtually the only employer after it completes its consolidation and concentration of power like it is doing with this "National Health Care" charade.

Technology is making old fashioned labor obsolete.

I bought gas, paid for my parking ticket, ordered boxing shoes for my sons, bought an airline ticket and picked up avocados at the market for my wife this morning without EVER interacting with a human being.

20 years ago each of those events would have required a person and would have necessitated a job.

It aint never going to be like that again.

Aren't we spinning our wheels asking the government to "make work" (slavery) for 19 year old high school kids who really need to learn how to employ themselves instead of being turned into anachronistic cogs that fit in outdated machines.

I've already informed my sons that I don't ever expect them to have a "job" when they come of age.

"Jobs" are obsolete. The concept 'Plantation Negro' is a statement about obsolescence.

Black America's "Best & Brightest" are not the most creative thinkers. It's as if they've been programmed to achieve some notion of success crafted in the 1950's.

If Black America produced 100,000 additional black attorneys next year, would we or they be better off?

If we produced another 100,000 black doctors to prescribe drugs to black people, would we be better off?

We don't need employees, or sentimental titles like Dr. & Esq. from a bygone era. We need producers equipped to operate in this ... New World.

"It’s not unusual for people to play games with words when their thesis has been “eviscerated.” Mak

LOL. Come on Bra ...

Makheru Bradley said...

"Why don't we figure out how to make more jobs," Brother Makheru

Mr. Vesey, since I did not make that statement, I don’t know if you are asking me to respond to it or if you intended to direct it to Big Mark.

Either way, I’m not going off on that tangent.

I think it is rather easy for any of us to criticize the choice of words used by Rev. Frazier as he looked directly into the eyes of the fiercest general of the Civil War—William T. Sherman, a man whose army had recently reduced Atlanta to a pile of ashes.

I’m not suggesting for one minute that I believe that Rev. Frazier and the other Black ministers who met with Sherman in Savannah were afraid of him. I think that they were skilled diplomats who knew that Sherman had a major problem he needed to solve before pushing northward into the Carolinas.

That problem was the thousands of Afrikans who had left their plantations and were trailing Sherman’s Army as he blazed his way from Atlanta to Savannah.

Those skilled diplomats got every concession they requested from Sherman, even though they would be betrayed several years later by the US government. No real surprise there. “Lying speech is their native tongue.”

Quite frankly the phraseology of Rev. Frazier is not that much different from that of The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: “We want our people in America… to be allowed to establish…” Nor is there that much difference between Rev. Frazier’s statement and the wording in the Ten Point Program of the BPP.

I suppose in the mind of Mr. Vesey, Rev. Frazier, Elijah Muhammad, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale are all plantation negroes.

Denmark Vesey said...

Nah Brother Mak,

Elijah Muhammad built farms, stores and schools.

He taught black people how to eat.

Which is the ultimate measure of a Plantation Negro.

You have still failed to comprehend the Plantation Negro meme.

Hint: It has nothing to do with being a "field negro".

90% of the Plantation Negros today have college degrees and vote.

illestmind said...

We want to be placed on land until we are able to buy it and make it our own

- already been tried, numerous times. See liberia or detroit. Or black-led Zimbabwe. All colossal fails. Fact is, blacks need white or other non-black leadership if they want economically-viable, industrialized civilization.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]"I think this was a well timed trap designed to confound the public and disrupt the growing public support for a government healthcare option." Sub[/quote]


California - 35M people; World's 5th largest economy. The most "progressive" state in the nation prides itself on the statement "Where CA leads, the rest of the states follows."
If hemorrhaging over a $26 billion budget short fall.
The advocates for the "Dependent Class" are PISSED". Their medical, social and educational programs were drastically cut in order to put the massive stand demand for resources into a box the size of its REVENUES"

The worlds largest economy. Roughly 305 million people. Its government has a budget hole of about $1,600 BILLION.

More than 61 TIMES the amount of Cali, with projections of more budget deficits - year over year - as long as the eyes can see.

Question Submariner:

Granted Cali can only print the "magic money" of the "IOUs" that it is presently handing out to its debtors while the Feds can print US Treasuries which are traded around the world. The Feds are $11,000 BILLION in debt. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU BECOME MORE DEPENDENT ON THIS MACHINE?

Isn't this like you seeking to link up with a significant other who told you that she has tore up credit, 4 times her income in legal liabilities and yet you are about to co-sign on a million dollar house together where YOU are dependent on HER income to pay the bulk of the bills?

You are so smitten by your vision of sitting in the hot tub of this supersized house and the soft grass of the tennis court that you fail to see that in turning over the keys to your CURRENT house that, despite being rather modest and not able to fit all of your items - was a far, far more stable situation.

Submariner - I have been saying for several months now "They are talking about 'Health Care 2.0' all need to look out for 'Health Care 3.0' - which will be Single Payer Health Care / Multiple Taxpayer Paid Health Care".

I now need to update that and tell you that 'Health Care 4.0' will be a period of time when the DAY OF RECKONING for the USA comes about. This is the day where the "Magic Money" of the US dollar receives push back from the world markets. Whereas California has a state law demanding a balanced budget which thus triggered misery upon the DEPENDENT CLASS........the far, far, far, far, far larger AMERICAN DEBT LOAD is going to one day experience a major PUSH BACK from the world financial markets.

My only question to YOU then will be - WILL YOUR SO CALLED 'PUBLIC OPTION' be available at this time when THE DOCTOR HIMSELF IS SICK? The doctor who's service charges were ABSTRACTED FROM YOU can no longer PAY HIS OWN DAMNED ELECTRIC AND WATER BILL!!!!

I have always governed myself with the notion of 'The best form of government IS SELF-GOVERNMENT AND SELF CONTROL'.

This present attempt to ABSTRACT one's STANDARD OF LIVING from one's own (or community's own) actions is nothing short of PERVERSION, Submariner.

More than "Plantation Negro" this is the ASSUMED INFERIORITY of the masses of Americans. The benevolent federal government, who himself HAS A MASSIVE DEBT LOAD and much DEFERRED LIABILITIES sees the INDIVIDUALS SUFFERING from THEIR DEBT LOAD and struggles.

Not wanting to see pain - HE TAKES ON EVEN MORE BURDEN.

Constructive Feedback said...

Sadly but thankfully - the SYSTEM IS A SELF-CORRECTING DEVICE, with a bias toward enforcing the FIDELITY AND INTEGRITY of the financial instruments that are in the market in the long run.

Submariner - what might to-damned-day be seen as BENEVOLENT to you in that the INDIVIDUALS are spared pain is going to seem like "Devil's Work" in the future as THE MASSES OF PEOPLE see THEIR SYSTEM GO BANKRUPT AS IT AS A WHOLE WAS IN PURSUIT OF HEALTHCARE AND ENTITLEMENT FOR ITS MASSES BEYOND WHAT IT COULD AFFORD BASED ON ITS INCOME.

The present talking point "What type of nation do we live in would allow an INDIVIDUAL to go bankrupt while in pursuit of health care?" will one day be remembered as a point in time when THE SYSTEM was more intouch with ECONOMIC TRUTH.

For some hard hearts like you, Submariner (and others) - like the Unions of today - you will not choose to lower your expectations. The collapse of the benefactor is the only way to have your expectations LOWERED FOR YOU!!!

The Socialist Confiscator and the Greedy Wall Street Trader = TWO SIDES OF THE SAME COIN who won't be appeased until they BRING THIS MOTHER DOWN!!!!!!

CNu said...

Coonie got kicked out the wrong side of the bed this morning...,

The market system is actually the most efficient system for
organizing a social hierarchy. Its priorities are easy to ascertain. The number one priority is inclusive fitness. People form social hierarchies instinctively, following a tribal grouping, and individuals strive to improve their inclusive fitness within that grouping context.

The "efficient" use of resources from the grouping context is to maximize the opportunities to play "strutting peacock" within the group.

This is, of course, completely ridiculous and foolhardy from the perspective of objective efficiency, i.e., yielding the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.

Submariner said...

Constructive Feedback is England socialist?

Big Man said...

This might interest you.

Cats got popped in the US for stuff they were planning in OTHER countries. crazy.

Constructive Feedback said...

Submariner - I have NO INTEREST in debating "socialism" with you.

I asked you strictly about the LOGIC behind increasing your dependence upon a system that is ultimately UNSUSTAINABLE.

If I heard some of you talking about demands for the funding of SIGNIFICANTLY MORE BLACK DOCTORS!!! (and registered nurses) I would at least belief that you don't see a significant population of people as "sheep" being lead to the fields for grazing..

Constructive Feedback said...

The market system is actually the most efficient system for
organizing a social hierarchy.[/quote]

Mr KCNulan - with each passing day I get to see that your noted "intelligence" is actually a "domain specific language".

What IF the "market system" IS an effective means of organizing "social hierarchy"?

I think that YOU should be far more disturbed by the racial images that flash in your mind when YOU think of who will be at the top and at the bottom after a 100 years time.

In your "Acquired Inferiority and Deficiency Syndrome" for your people you focus more on DISRUPTING THE SYSTEM that might cause your people to have their STACK RANKING defined by the relative INEFFECTIVENESS of the system that they use to insure that they reside that way. There is no confidence in you that you could ever impress upon YOUR PEOPLE, the importance of having their daily actions and their ORGANIC FINANCIAL PRODUCTION be the main determining factor for the standard that they ultimately live up to.

Admittedly KCNulan this is the first time that I have appreciated the "Anarchist" portion of your self descried "Anarch-Capitalist" orientation. You seek to DERAIL AND DESTROY the free market system. You depart from the spirit of the "Anarcho-Capitalist" because you seek to REPLACE IT with a government dominated system which always pushes the height of the ant mound DOWNWARD so that, within this force of OPPRESSION, it can be spread more widely.

KCNulan - you are no less of an oppressive force to achieve your own end as was the original slaverers. You differ in that you seek to have the government as your agent of commerce.

CNu said...

Submariner - I have NO INTEREST in debating "socialism" with you.

translation Doc...,

Coonie's busy playing with himself and is on the make for yet another good, public, rhetorical ass-pounding to help him get off...,

What IF the "market system" IS an effective means of organizing "social hierarchy"?

Then it's inherently illogical, anti-meritocratic, and demonstrably unsustainable.

I think that YOU should be far more disturbed by the racial images that flash in your mind when YOU think of who will be at the top and at the bottom after a 100 years time.

I'm far more concerned by the disturbing image of YOU flashing in my mind as you obsessively present yourself to serve as my intellectual bottom.

In your "Acquired Inferiority and Deficiency Syndrome" for your people blah, blah, blah...., - SNIP - SILENCE GIMP!!!

this is the first time that I have appreciated the "Anarchist" portion of your blah, blah, blah..., - SNIP - cut back on the chronic mental masturbation and study your master more closely GIMP!!!

you are no less of an oppressive force blah, blah, blah..., - SNIP - in order to fulfill God's plan, the evolutionary threshing floor must be set level before it's put into operation. The government is an appropriately empowered agent of enforcement.

Constructive Feedback said...

[quote]Then it's inherently illogical, anti-meritocratic, and demonstrably unsustainable.[/quote]

The absence of a market system has never stopped you from seeing Cuba favorably. Why start NOW with the USA? Cuba has no class. EVERYONE IS POOR (except the government officials).

[quote]I'm far more concerned by the disturbing image of YOU flashing in my mind as you obsessively present yourself to serve as my intellectual bottom[/quote]

The only reason why I focus on your "Intellectual Bottom" is because I am constantly adjusting the aim of my foot when I kick my target.

(No Homo 8) )

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

CF: You know I think you are plumb crazy, but I agree with the overall sense of your comments. The analogies are great. Let's face it; healthcare for all seems laudible but under our current economic system, it is an untenable abstraction that if implemented would further contribute to our country's economic ruin.

Even deeper than that is the fact that we are dead broke as a nation, within the current economic paradigm. If we continue along with this so called economy, single payer health care will further bankrupt our nation.

As an aside, I recall some ER rooms in Quebec closing down for like two summers in a row NOT because of lack of demand for ER, but because of chronic doctor shortages as a RESULT of their health care structure.

Unless we radically change our economy and radically change how we view the necessities of life, I am against Obamacare.

Constructive Feedback said...

You know that I am growing on you girl. Admit it. Some times "crazy" is the only way to battle an "Anarcho-Capitalist" with no respect for the groin area during a fight among gentlemen.

I would actually not like to make this an argument of "Can We Afford It Nationally". This will simply provoke the Federal God-verment to turn on its printing press until the rest of the financial markets get to the point where they say "Hell No - We Ain't Vouching For Your Credit Worthiness Any Longer".

Instead I am forced to apply the lessons learned to the Black community who demanded that the government clean up their community in New Orleans after Katrina. The government let an RFP for these services to "the Blacks". Unfortunately someone else won the contract. Thus INDEED they got their streets cleaned. Unfortunately they sat on the front porch and WATCHED as someone else obtained a "profit margin" by providing services to them.

This is the consequence of demanding that you be be made "In Receive Of A Certain Benfit" rather than being conscious about the importance of your people playing the essential role in obtaining a certain STANDARD OF LIVING.

Sadly and Shamefully I assure you that certain operatives on this board and some who purport to be "Black Leaders" would have no problem at all if Black folks were "in RECEIPT OF medical services" yet we had not one more BLACK DOCTOR or REGISTERED NURSE who became qualified to provide these needed services to our community.

This is the height of PERVERSION for a supposedly conscious people to outsource their own care in this manner.

I simply don't understand it. The financial burden upon America is at a record high. Instead of implementing a TRANSACTION system in which they demand that our community be afforded medical services YET PROVIDE SOMETHING OF VALUE to complete the loop in the TRANSACTION.......they instead star talking SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHTS!!!!!!

If SOCIAL JUSTICE was the key justification in and of itself - these wise confiscators would be able to take their same system to Guatemala, Chad or Laos and merely set up a STRONG CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SYSTEM and thus magically the masses would have free government health care.

Since this is NOT THE CASE then CLEARLY their goal of "Multiple Taxpaper Payed Health Care" is NOT ONLY about the issue of "What a decent society should do". Instead it is a matter of what a society with the ADEQUATE FINANCIAL RESOURCES that have been created from their aggregate actions might be able to put to work to make sure that more individuals have coverage.

Individuals such as KCNulan are in constant DECONSTRUCTION and DISASSEMBLY MODE. They seek to disintermediate the PRIVATE MARKET system while compile more POWER into the central government.

My friend is NOT an "Anarco-Capitalist". He is instead a Central Government Confiscator having been indoctrinated at the same school that hosts Noam Chomsky - the most active of "Blame America First" Anti-America Americans.

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Yes CF you are growing on me because you don't seem to debate yourself and you do bring up valid points. I applaud you and thank you for sharing your eccentric yet poignant thoughts.

Illestmind said...

Cats got popped in the US for stuff they were planning in OTHER countries. crazy.

Isn't the neocon government guilty of doing that for years now? Shouldn't they be thrown in jail for terrorizing & offing a million Iraqis?